Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

246 Crack Kongza: I Like Pretending To Be A Pig And Eating A Tiger The Most!

After the battle, the two daughters, Mei and Touzi, also revised their training plan for Pokémon according to Zhang Qing's guidance. This battle without too many hands exposed many shortcomings of the two daughters. a good thing.

At least it was discovered in advance, and there is a possibility of remediation, otherwise it will be more difficult to change later, and it may even make the original Pokémon become useless due to wrong training, and suffer the fate of snow storage.

In reality, there is no such function as washing point redistribution.

Of course, there is also a way to retrain the scrap account, which means reincarnation, maybe there is still a chance!

Mei and Touziman have only been out for a year, and they only have one year to train their own Pokémon. It is still the stage of Mengxin laying the foundation, so it is not too late. On the contrary, most of the trainers have also experienced this. At one stage, in the subsequent battles with others, it is normal to wake up a little bit and then make changes.

This is true even for newcomers who have been taught by their elders, because at this stage, they are not enough to train Pokémon in a non-novice way, regardless of their intelligence or strength. If they mess up, they may even cause irreversible damage to Pokémon. That would be really useless.

This is also the reason why Zhang Qing didn't mention the two daughters of Mei before. Maybe their parents and seniors have already made arrangements, and if they meddle in their own business, they may disrupt other people's plans, and at that time Mei and Touzi really They are newcomers. They have never experienced the league competition, so they can only be called newbies. Why not let them cultivate their own Pokémon in the most common and conventional way! This is the best for them and their Pokémon of.

Now, following Zhang Qing and leaving the Hezhong area, it means that no matter how big backgrounds the two women have, it is also equivalent to leaving their territory, without shelter, not to mention the teachings from the elders, which is very embarrassing , so Zhang Qing also taught the two girls little by little.

Anyway, I have played the game, and in terms of experience, I am no worse than most Pokémon doctors in this world. In addition to the knowledge and abilities of other worlds, it can be said that Zhang Qing is not up to the standard except that his Pokémon strength is not up to standard. It can already be regarded as a very good top trainer, at least in terms of eyesight, it is very strong.

Mentoring the two of them is qualified in terms of qualifications!

After training for a period of time, the three of them went to the restaurant for lunch, and let their Pokémon eat by the way. After all, training consumes a lot of energy.

Yes, Pokémon can also eat the same food as ordinary humans. After all, both Pokémon and humans are part of this world, and all animals and plants are actually soaked in the same special energy. Take For the most common rice, it must also contain special energy that is not found in the ordinary world.

So it is not correct to say that Pokémon must eat special food, just like some people say that cats must eat cat food, and they also list many human foods that are harmful to cats. Most of this is nonsense, just to make people Just buy cat food.

If you really compare, you will find that the cats in the countryside eat the same food as humans, and they are still leftovers. On the contrary, most of them live longer. In the beginning, there was no cat food.

In fact, cat food is more like healthy food, just like some people insist on a healthy diet. They also set strict portions for themselves, eat bland food, and never eat heavy oil and salt food. Is it healthy!? I don’t know, But life must not be very pleasant.

But the Pokémon world is different. There are really special foods that are very suitable for Pokémon, such as energy cubes. The only disadvantage is that they are expensive. Even Mei and Toko don’t have so much money to support their meals for themselves. Pokémon.

That is, each time as a reward or once or twice a week (month).

Because it contains very rich energy, it is very attractive to Pokémon, but it is not easy for ordinary Pokémon to quickly digest the energy in it, so it is not necessary to eat it all at once, but it may make Pokémon Kemeng has adverse reactions due to the accumulation of too much energy in the body.

In this way, the three of them lived a boring daily life of Pokémon training, eating and sleeping on the long-distance cruise ship.

On this day, Mei and Toko are still training without too much intervention from the trainer, in order to cultivate the self-abilities of their Pokémon.

It's a pity that it's not easy, it takes years and years to get results, and a sudden change requires a lot of time to adapt to both Pokémon and the trainer.

"Hahaha... what kind of trash trainer and Pokémon is this!?"

Just as the three of them and their Pokémon were working hard, a harsh and arrogant laughter reached the ears of the three of them. Mei and the others turned their heads and saw a blond young man wearing flowery underpants , wearing gold chain characters and sunglasses, looked at Zhang Qing and the three in the corner with disdain, especially the two daughters Mei and Toko who were fighting and the Pokémon they commanded.

They are still two common scumbag starfish, the kind that can be caught in a large number by the sea.

Mei and Touko couldn't help but frowned when they saw each other's contemptuous expression, but they didn't say anything, and they didn't know each other. Do they have to explain their current situation to each other clearly!?

Not to mention that the two women are not the kind of people who would rush to prove it just because someone said a word or two.

Rather than fighting with this little guy, it's better to step up the time (caej) training!

Now that he has left the Hezhong region and is about to arrive in other regions, if the record is really dismal, it will definitely become a stain on his life, and he will be reviled by countless people in the Hezhong region, and it is also embarrassing.

Seeing Mei and Touzi ignoring him, the blond man looked at Zhang Qing who was sitting beside him eating with pickpocket cats and the others, and he was even more contemptuous, "Poor ghost, why don't you give this garbage to Pokémon?" These Pokémon are so hot!"

Zhang Qing didn’t listen to the rumors at all. This kind of guy’s Pokémon must have grown up eating gold trash. There is no need to argue with idiots, but any normal person understands that ordinary food is enough. Of course, occasionally use it specially tailored for Pokémon Customized high-end food is better, but it is used by rich people, and it also requires high-intensity training. If you have money, of course you can, but there is no need to require other people to be the same as you.

So Zhang Qing doesn't even want to deal with this kind of mental retardation, why not eat minced meat!? Eat your hemp!

As if angered by Zhang Qing's ignorance, the blond man chose one of the shrunken elf balls hanging from his waist, held it in his hand, and said angrily to Mei and Touzi over there, "Just You weaklings can all become the champions and runners-up of the alliance competition, and the alliance has fallen, so let me take away the false glory from you!"

"Do you dare to fight me!?"

Mei and Touzi frowned even tighter. It would be unpleasant for anyone to be surrounded by noisy flies not far away when they were busy. Waste of time, the two want to seize the little time to break through themselves, you know, although it takes at least a month to go to the Kanto area to sail in the sea, but this time is not long at all for Mei and Touzi now. Going one step further, you have to race against time, the two of them even quarreled much less with each other, how could they have so much time to fight against this kind of people they don't know at all!?

Zhang Qing raised his eyebrows, thinking that this person was too annoying, and ticked his fingers at the black caterpillar basking in the sun, "If you want to challenge for the championship and runner-up, you have to beat me, the top sixteen, and I don't Bullying you, as long as you can defeat my shiny green caterpillar."

"Pfft—!" Mei and Touzi couldn't help laughing out loud when they heard this, their brows and eyes were crooked.

This guy is really bad, what kind of shiny green caterpillar is this!? Do you know that you are bullying others!? Even if the golden retriever is a heavenly king, it is impossible to defeat a divine beast like Likongzao. It is a chicken knife! .

Likongzuo raised his head to look at the golden-haired boy, with a cracked smile on the corner of his mouth. He likes to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger. Every time he sees someone else being defeated by a green caterpillar, his world view collapsed like a madman. Make it enjoyable.

It's a pity that her identity was discovered too early, otherwise she would still be able to hang out in the alliance competition, which must be very interesting.

Because some mythical beasts like to pretend to be pigs and eat tigers, there are some unreliable rumors over time. For example, as long as the green caterpillar does not evolve before level 99, it will evolve into a split empty seat.

This is like the Pokémon version of "The Ugly Duckling". In fact, the ugly duckling itself is a swan, and there is no need to work hard at all. The same is true here.

As for why some people believe it, it’s all due to the abnormal evolution of Gyarados. After all, there are many useless Pokémon such as Carp King. Who would have imagined that they could evolve into a dragon-shaped Pokémon like Gyarados (without dragon attribute)!? So it is definitely possible for the green caterpillar to evolve into a split seat!

For this reason, every year, a group of tireless young insect catchers cultivate their own green caterpillars wholeheartedly, just for the purpose of owning a split empty seat one day.

Hearing the laughter of the two girls, Mei and Touko, the blond boy's face turned red, which was both angry and angry.

You might think that Mei and the others are looking down on him!

"Okay, look down on me! Then let's take you, the shiny green caterpillar first!"

"Come out! Ice Dragon!"

"Surrender under my ice dragon, weaklings!".

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