Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

247 Golden Retriever: Tell Me, This Is Not A Green Caterpillar, The World Must Be Crazy!

Ice Dragon!?

Looking at the water-blue dragon-shaped Pokémon standing face to face with the black caterpillar on the field, the image of the Venetian monster is obviously very large, but it also gives people a slim and beautiful feeling, probably because of the lower part of the neck to the abdomen They are all light blue ice crystal patterns. From its head to its neck, there are two aurora-shaped fins with a yellow-white gradient, and some white markings on its head, like a bride in a wedding dress.

But despite its gorgeous appearance, it still looks huge when compared with a large insect like a green caterpillar. You must know that a Pokémon like a green caterpillar is about the size of an adult domestic cat, and the Ice and Snow Dragon It is dozens of times larger than the green caterpillar, like a big truck, one can imagine how funny this picture is.

No wonder, the golden retriever will show an angry and disdainful expression.

You must know that in the world of Pokémon, generally the larger the Pokémon, the stronger the overall six-dimensional attribute, and the smaller the Pokémon, it is generally impossible to surpass it in the collision of power. Of large-sized Pokémon.

In most cases, the scene where a mouse slaps Tmall away with a slap does not exist.

Mei and Toko, who had never seen this kind of Pokémon, couldn't help but took out the Pokémon Illustration and looked it up.

Soon the Pokémon Illustrated Book networked across the region gave the answer.

"This is a Pokémon that can only be found in the Kalos, Alola, and Galar regions!?" The two girls finally understood why they hadn't seen this kind of Pokémon in the Hezhong area. It turned out that it was not a native Pokémon in the Hezhong area.

After understanding, the two women couldn't help but frown, because this kind of outsiders need to register with the local alliance, and they are not allowed to enter a certain area in large numbers, just to maintain the ecological balance of each area.

Unless it is a trainer who wants to travel away from his own region like the two girls are now, otherwise the local trainer wants to obtain a Pokémon from other regions. (privately buying and selling Pokémon), and the invasion of alien species.

Of course, rich people can easily solve it, but they are usually treated as ordinary pets.

Non-dragon-type Pokémon such as the Ice and Snow Dragon, but whose appearance is similar to a dragon, are obviously not within the scope of ordinary pets, because once they get out of control, those noble ladies and rich second generations may not be able to survive at all.

Not to mention that the Ice and Snow Dragon still has the power to control the cold air of minus 150 degrees. Under such a low temperature, it is absolutely difficult for ordinary humans to survive. Not everyone is a super-real Xinzheng.

The golden retriever heard the exclamation of the two girls in Mei, and raised his chin very gratefully, "Now I know I'm afraid, hehe, it's too late!"

"Let me tell you how big the world is! I'm too lazy to embarrass you outside!"

Although the Ice and Snow Dragon has not been included in the quasi-gods of the past dynasties, its racial value alone is 521, which is already very good, while the green caterpillar is only 195, which is a gap of three times faster. It is possible to bridge such a large gap between races.

So the golden retriever boy naturally has the capital to be proud. In his opinion, his ice and snow dragon is enough to solve the problem of a mere green caterpillar and soft rice boy. Maybe he doesn't need to change other Pokémon. The champion and runner-up of the league competition were also crushed.

What is the first person of the younger generation, hehe, it means that I did not participate in the competition, otherwise how could I get two little girls in my turn!?

However, Mei and Toko were only surprised by the scarcity of the opponent's Pokémon in the Hezhong area. After being surprised, they continued to do what they should do. Anyway, in their opinion, no matter how strong the opponent is, it is impossible to defeat If the black caterpillar, the divine beast is defeated so easily, it would be too depraved to be called a "god".

As for the other party being a master, it is worth waiting for others to learn humbly!? Sorry, I never thought about it, because if they are really masters, then why do they care so much about them, such as champions and runners-up of the major countries of the United Regional Alliance!?

In the end, this is just a competition for the younger generation. If there is an old senior playing, there will be no such thing as them, and there is no way to win. With the growth of that year, how can it be possible to make up for the competition with the old senior? The gap between!?

Similarly, if you really have the ability to far surpass other people in the younger generation, then you will not be angry with them. You must know that you are so proud that you look down on this kind of competition, and you are too lazy to participate, so why bother The name of the champion and runner-up of the competition!?

From Mei and Toko's point of view, this is just a braggart.

If you have time to watch him being beaten by the society, why not seize every minute and every second to become stronger!

Zhang Qing looked at the other party laughing wildly for no reason, and wondered if his face would be swollen from the beating and he would not be able to laugh. Forget it, let this child be happy ten times at the end.

"The green caterpillar flashes!"

After Zhang Qing yawned, he commanded lazily.

The golden retriever sneered, and looked at Zhang Qing like an idiot, "Green caterpillars can't learn how to flash lightning, idiot, hahaha..."

"The ice and snow dragon stands up for you to fight, and you can't even bring her any harm. Come on, let me see your flashes of lightning. Sure enough, those who will participate in that kind of idiot competition are all weak scum!| "

However, as soon as the words fell, a black lightning on the field hit the Ice and Snow Dragon who also didn't care, and the huge Ice and Snow Dragon was knocked to the ground in the blink of an eye, "It can't get back up again.

Looking at the black green caterpillar standing on the delicate body of the ice and snow dragon, the golden retriever was dumbfounded, and the loud laughter stuck in his throat, which made him very uncomfortable.

" is this possible!?"

It's almost called unscientific.

No way, 195 collided with 521, which is not much different from an egg hitting a rock, but the rock was broken, one can imagine how unbelievable it is.

"How could the green caterpillar flash!?" The golden retriever couldn't figure out why such a dreamy scene appeared. Could it be that he was still in a dream!? How is this scene different from seeing Gudora flying with his own eyes? !?

"Don't pretend to be dizzy, Ice and Snow Dragon!" The unbelievable Golden Retriever shouted loudly to the fainted Ice and Snow Dragon. Seeing that the Ice and Snow Dragon didn't respond, he kicked it a few times angrily. Woke up and stopped.

This scene made the three of Zhang Qing frowned, and their perception of each other dropped a lot again.

But seeing the golden-haired boy angrily take out the elf ball and put away the unconscious ice and snow dragon, then turned to Zhang Qing who was expressionless and said angrily, "I didn't count just now. The sneak attack was successful."

Zhang Qing didn't bother to talk to the other party, and signaled him to be casual. His battle Pokémon was this shiny black green caterpillar, and he just had to defeat it.

Seeing Zhang Qing's contemptuous attitude, the golden-haired boy became even more angry, and his face was black and red, which was not exciting.

He suddenly grabbed another elf ball at his waist, pressed it and threw it out.

"Three evil dragons, let these ignorant people see your power!"

"Roar --!!!" Three dragon roars resounded through the sky.

I saw a three-headed dragon-shaped Pokémon with a ferocious aura coming straight towards it with Longwei.

The range of coercion even included the golden-haired boy, making his face turn pale and his body tremble slightly.

"It turned out to be three evil dragons!?" Mei and Touko were surprised again. This time, there was no need to look up the Pokémon Book, because there was such a vicious and notorious Pokémon in the Hezhong area.

0 looking for flowers...

This is a real dragon with dragon attributes, which is different from fake dragons like ice dragon or tyrannosaurus.

At the same time, because of its ferocious personality, it is also a very famous and difficult to tame Pokémon. It is different from the disobedience of fire dinosaurs because they are sorry for their weak trainers. This is a really hard to tame and very powerful Pokémon. Pokémon.

In fact, the word "evil dragon" in the name alone is enough to explain everything.

Basically, only trainers with very strong strength will try to subdue them, and the difficulty is very high. If they try to subdue them with insufficient strength, they must be prepared to die.

Moreover, the race value of the three evil dragons alone is 600, which is a real quasi-god. One can imagine how strong they are.

Mei and Touzi never thought that the golden-haired boy would own this kind of Pokémon. Of course, the two women did not show adoration like a gold-worshiping girl seeing a luxury car. Is the ferocious Pokémon that devours the Lord really not afraid of death!?

Don't you feel flustered and worried when you sleep at night!?

But after looking at the elf ball thrown by the other party just now, the two women also understood that the shape is not an ordinary elf ball, no wonder they dare to do this, if it is an ordinary elf ball

Absolutely can't stop this kind of powerful Pokémon after growing up to be a quasi-god.


Reality is different from games. Master balls, super balls, etc. are generally impossible to buy, because they are of no great use in themselves. It is impossible to subdue ordinary Pokémon with this kind of thing, right? Quasi-gods, even mythical beasts!? God, don’t dream, and don’t go to death, I’ll give you a hundred, you’re useless.

So what if you subdue it, did you just let it out!? Maybe the first thing after it comes out is to kill you, believe it or not!?

Of course, the race value is not really fixed. After all, this is reality rather than a game. Like a mentally retarded Pikachu, do you dare to say that it is an ordinary Pikachu!? This is like Saitama who broke the boundary.

And powerful trainers generally pursue this goal of breaking boundaries.

"!? Scared, scared!?"

The golden retriever forced himself to be calm and put on a haughty posture, looking at humanity with his nostrils.

"It's really scary, it's as strong as a monster..." Zhang Qing yawned again, nodded cooperatively and said, then pointed to the three evil dragons on his head and said to the black caterpillar, "Dragon fluctuation!"

As soon as the words fell, the black green caterpillar raised its head and opened its bloody mouth. Immediately, it looked like something was accumulating energy there. Anyone could feel the huge energy fluctuations.

He didn't take it seriously at first, and even stared ferociously at the three-headed dragon on the golden-haired boy, he couldn't help but move the three pairs of dragon eyes to the tiny black green caterpillar below, showing a rare trace of caution.

There is even a hint of inconceivable color in the dragon's eyes.

Hell, how come out after being imprisoned for a period of time, garbage like green caterpillars can use dragon moves!?

"How is it possible!?" The golden-haired boy looked at the ordinary black and green caterpillar in a daze.

It's fine if you know how to flash lightning, just treat it as a talent, but what is the dragon's wave!? You are a green caterpillar, how can you learn it!? If the green caterpillar has this terrible move skill, There is no room for human beings in this world.

You must know that green caterpillars are very common Pokémon. Basically, they can be found wherever there are plants, and the number is more than tens of millions!? Think about it, if thousands of green caterpillars use Dragon Wave together If so, how spectacular the scene was, the beasts would have to die with hatred. Four!.

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