Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

248 Once Bitten By Insects And Afraid Of Well Ropes For Ten Years!

Seeing the golden-haired boy who was blown to pieces by the Three Views, Mei and Touzi couldn't help sighing in their hearts, why didn't they be like this at the time, this was simply throwing their common sense on the ground and rubbing against each other.

And being defeated by a green caterpillar is really embarrassing. Telling this kind of thing will only lead to ridicule from others. It is really hard to understand this feeling of aggrievedness if you have not tried it.

It is estimated that from now on, whether it is a golden retriever boy or a three-headed dragon, the green caterpillar will become their lifelong nightmare. It is really hard to say whether they will be bitten by insects for ten years and afraid of well ropes, but It is estimated that when you go out and see a weak Pokémon like a green caterpillar in the future, you have to be careful, afraid that the other party will be in a bad mood, so open your mouth and give yourself a dragon wave!

Suddenly want to laugh, what's going on!?

It's really that the character of this black cracked seat is too bad, and it's also very wicked. I guess it has harmed many people before. Otherwise, the rumors that the green caterpillar can evolve into cracked seat would not be flying around the world.

Not to mention Mei and Toko, those Pokémon who are still working hard on self-training also shook their heads and sighed, and cast sympathetic Quguang to the chief evil dragon and the golden-haired boy.

I didn't understand until I died, it wasn't a green caterpillar at all, but a cracked empty seat!

I hope the spirit is strong enough and won't really collapse!

""Eight Nine Zero" is fake, it must be fake, is it an illusion created by other Pokémon!? Yes, it must have been made by the three-headed Mengmeng Eclipse...!"

The golden-haired boy looked like a madman, yelled, and then kept looking for something in the field of vision, and finally looked at the head with a fairy-like light pink head and lavender back, and a tapir-like head The sharp beak and limbs are wrapped together, and the three heads dream and eat on the body.

In the Hezhong area, this kind of docile and obedient super-type Pokémon is still very famous. Of course, they are not famous for their strength. To a certain extent, they are still very weak Pokémon. Although they have a race of 487 Value, but Pokémon that are very bad at fighting, even if they are super-type Pokémon, but generally those who want to become a powerful trainer will not choose them, because their temperament is too gentle, it is difficult for them to hurt others Or Pokémon.

However, this kind of Pokémon that can directly concretize the illusory existence of dreams and treat it as food is definitely not ordinary. Simple one thing.

So it's no wonder that the golden-haired boy suspects that he has been hypnotized or something. This is a three-headed dream, and it is not impossible for him to be brought into the illusion without anyone noticing.

It seemed as if they had found the answer. The inexplicably happy golden-haired boy, Zhang Qing, and the three of them were a little confused. They couldn't be really crazy!?

If this is the case, then the sin is great.

But no matter how the golden-haired boy convinces himself, the scene is the black green caterpillar. After a short period of energy accumulation, it recorded a real wave of the real dragon, and directly attacked the three evil dragons in the sky. The speed was so fast that even the three evil dragons could Some accidents are basically impossible to dodge, and can only be hard-wired.

After being hit, the three evil dragons couldn't help but groaned in pain three times. They didn't understand why the dragon wave used by a green caterpillar had such great power.

It's not a Pokémon at all!

What happened to this world!? Why did you come out and regret becoming so strange this time!?

Such a question flashed in the mind of the three evil dragons, but unfortunately no one present explained to it what the question was!?

However, the three evil dragons are indeed quasi-gods with a race value of 600. After being hit by the wave of the dragon, they still did not completely lose their fighting ability, but were just a little embarrassed.

Unfortunately, before it could breathe a sigh of relief, a blazing light hit it. This time it could no longer fly in the air, and fell directly to the ground with a dull bang.

"Destroy the light!?" Jin Mao's eyes were tearing apart, is this really a green caterpillar!?

Don't green caterpillars only impact (bump), spin silk and bite!? There is also snoring and power grids.

What's more, its little brain can't remember and learn!

The golden retriever puts his head in his hands, he has no energy left to care about what happened to his three evil dragons!? Now his mind is full of why the green caterpillar is the wave of the dragon and destroys the light!

It doesn't matter if the lightning flashes, but any Pokémon that can move is theoretically possible to learn.

Although it's enough for a green caterpillar to learn to be a bit silly, at least it can be explained scientifically, but the wave of the dragon and the destruction of the light are different, and it is absolutely impossible to appear.

However, the three evil dragons didn't bother to care about the golden-haired boy. Anyway, he never admitted that the other party was his trainer. The three evil dragons struggled to get up, and roared angrily, as if there was a trace of embarrassment.

After all, it is a dragon-type Pokémon, and there is absolutely no lack of self-esteem, because the dragon-type exists at the top of the food chain and has always dominated the list. Most of the powerful beasts are actually dragon-type, which can explain the problem even more.

Losing to a scum like a green caterpillar, I am afraid that I will not be able to hold my head up in this life, and I am even ashamed to say that I am a dragon. Is this possible for the always proud dragon Pokémon!?

Before the dragon slaying kings like Fairy Pokémon appeared, the dragon system was really a powerful ceiling that could not be touched. Any trainer who tamed a powerful dragon-attribute Pokémon was eligible to win the title of Heavenly King. That's it. It is unreasonable, because it is not easy to subdue a powerful and proud dragon-type Pokémon, but once subdued, it has already proved its strength, and there is no need to verify it again.

"Dragon Breath!"

The three dragon heads looked angrily at the cute black green caterpillar. Because of the anger, the already oppressive aura from the powerful dragon became more ferocious and frightening, and rushed towards the black caterpillar like a tide.

Because of the three heads, the range is extremely wide, and there is no room for the black and green caterpillar to dodge.

The reason why the dragon's wave is not used is because it needs time to accumulate power, and even if the three heads come together, they may be dodged by the opponent. Although the three evil dragons are reckless, it does not mean that they have no brains at all. .

The biggest difference between Pokémon and ordinary animals is that they have intelligence comparable to that of humans, and some Pokémon are even smarter than humans.

Because the golden retriever was not recognized as his trainer at all, the dragon's breath attack of the three evil dragons was an indiscriminate and large-scale attack.

Mei, Touzi and their Pokémon didn't show timidity or fear. After all, following their trainer, they have all seen the three dragons of the aisle. The breath of the three evil dragons is naturally not as good as the beast's tough.

But in order to avoid being affected and paralyzed, the two of them and these Pokémon left the training ground and retreated farther away.

Yes, the move skill of Dragon's Breath has the effect of paralyzing the opponent. If you try it hard, it will not feel good.

Seeing these humans and those weak Pokémon fleeing one after another, the three heads of the three evil dragons couldn't help showing a hint of pride, as if they had regained their dignity and power as a quasi-sacred dragon-type Pokémon..0

But when it looked at the black green caterpillar again, intending to appreciate the panicked expression of the other party, it found that the other party was no longer there.

But above his head, there was an explosion that pierced the air.

"Steel Tail!"

"Boom!" There was a loud noise like an explosion, and the fat black wormtail hit the head among the three evil dragons heavily.


The three evil dragons screamed again. Although the three evil dragons have three heads, only the middle head is the real head. The other two heads have no brains, so they do not have the function of independent thinking.

Generally, trainers or Pokémon with little experience do not know the inside story at all, and are often intimidated by the three heads, which is difficult to parry, but in fact, it is enough to deal with the middle head, and the other two heads can be used as extra arms. up.

"Three evil dragons!" As if awakened by the screams of the three evil dragons, the golden-haired boy couldn't help but exclaimed, his face still full of disbelief.

His body was also a little chilly, and he could already imagine what would happen if it was known that he was defeated by a green caterpillar by a scum who could only enter the top 16 of that hypocritical league competition.

Even if it is a flashing green caterpillar, it is still a green caterpillar.

Yes, he is still not worried about the three evil dragons, but worried about his own future.

However, the dragon-type Pokémon is worthy of being a dragon-type Pokémon. It is thick enough in skin and flesh, and its vitality is also very tenacious. The three evil dragons did not faint because of this accidental and powerful steel tail. With a more ferocious growl, he wanted to stand up and kill the black green caterpillar that dared to step on him.


However, the black caterpillar opened its bloody mouth to reveal a rather weird and evil smile, and those cute big black eyes emitted a strange blood-colored light for some reason, making people afraid to look directly at it.

Perhaps because of being repeatedly ravaged by this weird black and green caterpillar, the three evil dragons who have always been ferocious and do not know what to be afraid of, for some reason, unexpectedly absurdly raised a trace of fear in their hearts at this moment.

The moves took effect instantly, and the movements of the three dragons became sluggish, and even stiffened.

"Wide area destruction!"

Seizing this slight opportunity, the black green caterpillar's tough tail faced the three heads of the three evil dragons with a round of sweeping and slapping attacks.

The effect of the move skill takes effect again. In the game, the attack power is weakened, but in reality, it is just stunned by the beating, and there is a short-term phenomenon of powerlessness.


Finally, I added a note, the impact moves that normal green caterpillars would have completely stunned the three evil dragons.

From the beginning to the end, he was unilaterally pressed and rubbed against the ground by the black and green caterpillar. The golden-haired boy couldn't help but kneel on the ground, watching the result with blank eyes.

Muttering in his mouth, "Impossible, impossible, this is not true..."

The three people who were disturbed didn't care about each other. Mei and Touzi packed up their things with a trace of dissatisfaction, and went to the cabin. Although they had tried their best to control it, the scene was still a mess. Let people recuperate, temporarily unable to train here, as for the issue of compensation.

Didn't you see Zhang Qing and the three of them ran away without a word!? It must be who stays now and who is responsible, and indeed the responsibility belongs to that kid. .

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