Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

249 Touzi: Momoo Milk's Advertisement Is Deceiving! I'm Going To Complain!

After teaching a certain guy a lesson, in the following days, the three of them resumed their boring life on sea journeys.

Basically, they are all three points and one line. The only downside is that this cruise ship needs to have a special cabin for human or Pokémon fitness activities, but for Mei and Toko, it requires higher intensity command training, and requires large For the field trainers, it is really inconvenient.

That's why they chose the outdoor deck from the very beginning.

However, as a public place, the time to go out for a walk without disturbing other passengers is very limited, basically only 2-3 hours, which is obviously not enough for Mei and Touzi who want to do more training of.

It's a pity that there is no way, this place does not belong to them, they are just passengers who have bought tickets, it is impossible to be superior to other passengers and occupy public places.

This has resulted in the situation where sometimes you have to stop and leave when you are just getting better.

Let Mei and Touzi not only want to go to land quickly, to be able to freely train freely, but also a little nervous and irritable. It's all gone.

No wonder Mei and Touzi are so unconfident, after all, there is such a monster as Zhang Qing among their peers, who knows if it will be the same in other regions!?

Not to mention that the two of them can become the champion and runner-up of the Hezhong Regional League Competition. It is probably just pure luck. After all, if it is true what Zhang Qing said before, there are many strong players on the promotion line where he is. His opponents could even block him in the gate of the top sixteen, and he was not allowed to advance 20 words.

That is to say, in fact, the two of them also needed to compete against this kind of monster-level players, but these people may lose both, or because of accidents, such as diarrhea and other reasons, they had to withdraw from the game, so they were chosen. got peaches.

This made Mei and Touko feel very complicated.

I couldn't do it even if I wanted to swell, but the two of them did wear the crown of the champion and runner-up, and now the pressure on me is doubled.

In fact, how to say this kind of thing, since the alliance can do this, they naturally have their confidence, and they are not afraid of being questioned, because they are just suppressing civilian geniuses who occasionally have genetic mutations, and they don't do it every time, and they are like Mei and Touzi or other famous players have indeed passed the test, so naturally they are not afraid of being questioned.

If those oppressed civilians want to question it, most of them are unlikely to know the champions, because they are not in the same circle at all, and if they want to prove themselves in private competitions, it depends on whether they are willing to waste time!

Moreover, these oppressed civilians are likely to suffer a great blow to their self-confidence because of this encounter, it is difficult to maintain a calm mind, and their strength will definitely drop significantly. Even if they agree to a fair fight with them, so what, they will lose very much Most likely these are the same people.

On the one hand, he has won glory, shines brightly, has unprecedented self-confidence, and because he has reached the pinnacle, he has a further opportunity. He only needs to settle down for a while, and he will definitely improve by leaps and bounds.

On the one hand, after the defeat, they refused to accept the facts, and looked like mad dogs. The pitiful supporting characters, trainers and Pokémon were all frustrated in their self-confidence, and they couldn't even perform normally.

You said that the two fought fairly, what will be the final result!?

Undoubtedly, it will only lead to the result that the alliance is open and aboveboard. Instead, the ordinary geniuses will lose again, and they will be reviled by thousands of people. Their mentality will completely collapse.

The Hezhong area is just a microcosm, and the whole world is almost in the same situation now, so there is no need for Mei and Toko to worry, they are indeed the best group of the younger generation.

It is estimated that the Hezhong Regional Alliance did not expect that there would be such an anomaly as Zhang Qing, so that Mei and Touzi were not satisfied with the present, but they did not know if this was a blessing or a curse!?

After all, in a sense, the protagonist has always followed the path of invincibility. No matter what kind of powerful enemy he encounters, he will eventually defeat him with an invincible attitude. It is normal to come back from adversity, but in the end there is only one like Zhang Qing. The inhuman existence, constantly attacking the protagonists, has become the back of the protagonists who are always chasing on the way forward, and the road of invincibility will naturally be impossible.

It has become a deformed relationship of interdependence with Zhang Qing, that is, they can only rely on how far Zhang Qing can go, or how far they can go, or a psychological breakthrough will spontaneously defeat Zhang Qing one day, turning the relationship upside down.

It's a bit like three people and four legs.

"I saw the land, come quickly, I finally saw the land." After lunch that day, the three of them who planned to take a walk to digest their food were walking slowly on the deck.

Suddenly Mei stopped, pointed to the front of the boat and shouted excitedly, feeling very excited.

It has been more than a month, and once the freshness wears off, life on this big cruise ship is no different from being in jail, and Mei, who is already lively, can't take it anymore.

In fact, not only Mei, even Touzi was a little tired of life at sea, after hearing Mei's words, she couldn't help standing on tiptoe and looking up.

When he really saw the outline of the land, there was a trace of joy on his face.

Zhang Qing put his hands in his pockets, and looked at the land there. According to the route, it should be the port of Kuye City in the Kanto area.

I don't know what stage the plot is at now. After all, this is a world where multiple protagonists coexist, and there is no basis for accuracy in the animation. Who wants this to be an animation for young people, Xiaozhi has never grown up from the beginning to the end However, the eternal ten years old is about the same as a certain elementary school student of death.

On the contrary, the protagonist of "Digimon" will grow up, and several generations of protagonists have been changed.

Of course, Zhang Qing is not interested in the mentally retarded, he just wants to confirm the timeline through the other party, so that he can find those legendary Pokémon and experience it. Generally speaking

The protagonist of the first generation is a tool man.

Of course, if it's really a red master, then it's another story.

"As far as Dead Leaf City is concerned, I remember that there is an official gymnasium called Dead Leaf Gym, which specializes in electric-type Pokémon..."

"I don't know how it will compare with Xiao Juer, the owner of the Leiwen Gymnasium in Leiwen City, Hezhong District!?"

After the two girls were happy, they chatted about the gym in Dead Leaf City. Of course, as a trainer, they are more concerned about the gym battle. Although as girls, they also like shopping and so on, but those who fight with Pokémon In comparison, of course you have to go to the back row.

Hearing the two women talk about the owner of the beautiful model in the Hezhong area, Zhang Qing felt dizzy. People have suffered enough, you must know that they cannot restrain Pokémon with electric attributes.

In the new stage, it is simply a strong enemy.

There is also Fenglu in Fukiyo City. Facing flying Pokémon, if the Pokémon on your side can't fly, they are basically in a passive state. They are also one of the gatekeepers who stop many new trainers. It can be said that it is a test of the trainer's personal ability.

There are very few who can pass it at one time. Of course, most trainers will not go here because they know it is difficult. Anyway, there are many officially recognized gymnasiums, and it is not really necessary to clear every gymnasium. That's fine, so naturally some people will be opportunistic and find some gymnasiums that are less difficult than their own and do not have too much restraint.

People like Zhang Qing basically go to all the gymnasiums, they are really a minority.

But the owner of the Withered Leaf Gym should be that Ma Zhishi, one of the rumored three cadres of the Rockets.

Sure enough, compared to the Plasma team, the Rockets have done more successfully, and even have their people in the league, but the Plasma team is a completely dark force.

In fact, it is very easy to find out whether a person is from the Rockets, just like if a gym owner joins the Rockets 417, then the style of dealing with them is very in line with the Rockets' style, Dead Leaf City is absolutely He mercilessly injured the challenger's Pokémon, and didn't want the other gym owners to release water at all.

Not to mention that guy like Sakagi in Tokiwa City, who directly hit the challenger to lose confidence and crush him.

Release water!? What is that!? The Rockets advocate the law of the jungle, where will the water be released!?

Therefore, Ma Zhishi's gymnasium battle should be more difficult than Xiaoju'er's.

"What are you thinking about so preoccupied!?" Touzi puffed up her cheeks and secretly twisted Zhang Qing's waist, "Are you thinking about Xiaojuer!?"

Touzi looked at her Wangzai steamed buns, then stared at Yayi's big meaty buns. Thinking of the same hobby of Xiaoju'er as a model, she felt the world's deep malice.

She bought a lot of moo moo milk, why is it useless except for diarrhea after drinking too much!?

Damn it!

Why is it so difficult to gain weight these days!?

Zhang Qing was interrupted from thinking, a little speechless, what did he think about Xiaojuer!? He didn’t know her very well, and you didn’t even confiscate the photos of her in magazines, what did he think!?

And it was obviously the two of you who talked about each other first, but now you blame him!? Girls are so unreasonable.

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Mei, on the other hand, was full of pride and provocation, and looked at Touzi with a bit of contempt, which made Touzi gnash his teeth, impotently furious.

Sure enough, the time to get along well is short, and plastic girlfriends are always made of plastic.

"Okay, let's go back and pack our luggage, we're about to dock, don't you guys want to get off the boat quickly!?"

Zhang Qing stopped the staring eyes of the two, and pulled the two girls who were staring at each other back in the direction they had come, and pulled the brim of their hats by the way, it didn't feel good to be surrounded by people at all.

The two girls did not look at the occasion and sighed. .

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