Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

250 Miss Joey: Am I The Most Beautiful Joey! ?

"Hey hey!?"

"Be careful with you two."

Putting their bags on their backs, the three of them got off the cruise ship and landed on land. Before they could be happy, the two women Touzi and Mei found that they seemed to be not very good at walking.

Zhang Qing supported the two unlucky girls who almost fell to the ground, "Why are you leaving in such a hurry!? Slow down, you have to get used to it!"

After all, it's been a long time at sea, and it's probably the first time for Mei and Touzi to go to sea in this life. It's a rare thing not to get seasick, but if you stay at sea for too long, you will also have other problems.

Don't look at the land on the cruise ship, but in fact the sea is flat, there are always storms and waves, but the current ships are better I even threw up my stomach.

So in fact, the cruise ship is swaying all the time, but the range is very small, and the feelings of the passengers on it are not so obvious. If you have this kind of experience for the first time, you will feel uncomfortable after returning to land, and your body will continue. Spontaneous adjustment of balance, or in a state of imbalance.

This is not bad. In that backward era, some sailors could not even walk on land, and became one of the strange species. Most people thought they were engaged in performance art, that is, in modern times, technology With the improvement of the level, the technology of the ship has also risen with the tide, so it is not so serious.

If Mei and Touzi didn't want to walk fast or trot, there would be no problem. Unfortunately, neither of them seemed to have this common sense, and they almost made a joke all of a sudden.

The two women were supported by Zhang Qing from behind, and their faces turned red immediately. After hearing Zhang Qing's explanation, they said angrily, "Why didn't you tell us about this kind of thing earlier!? You almost lost your life!"

Zhang Qing smiled wryly, isn’t this kind of thing common? Does anyone need to be reminded!? Please, this is not the closed era like before!

But for the angry girl, Zhang Qing chose to apologize, "Okay, I was wrong, next time I will remember to let you know in advance, can I ask the two lovely ladies to forgive me a lot!?"

He said, looking at the little pink fists raised by the two women, and asked.

"Hmph! I'll forgive you this time, and next time I'll eat this girl's iron fist, you know!?" Mei warned after retracting Xiaofen's fist.

Touzi shook her little pink fist, meaning the same thing.

"Okay, let's go slowly, let's go to the Pokémon Center first, let's talk about other things after we rest!"

Whether it's gymnasium battles or shopping, it's obviously impossible today, Zhang Qing looked at the sky and suggested.

At least the Fairy Center is free for Mei and Touko. Those who have achieved good results in competitions like Zhang Qing are also exempted. money, but Zhang Qing is still used to saving, and doesn't intend to spend too much money.

In addition, the facilities in the Pokémon Center are also very good, and there is a dedicated Pokémon nurse, Ms. Joy, which is also one of the benefits. At least there is no need to worry about mistakes in Pokémon training and not being able to receive timely treatment.

Speaking of treatment, Zhang Qing also plans to try to find a Pokémon with healing ability. Without a nanny, it is always worrying to go out, but it is not always possible to go to the elf center for treatment.

But it is very difficult to find this kind of Pokémon, because the Alliance almost monopolizes this kind of Pokémon, and it is very difficult to find it in the wild. Even if you find it, because of the poor qualifications, it is very likely that you will not be able to learn those key skills.

(PS: There are traces of medical monopoly, because whether it is animation or games, I have never seen anyone else open a small clinic or a black clinic, and everyone will go to the elf center. It can be seen that some elves are very Difficult to be privately owned.)

"Oh, well, that's the only way...~"."

Hearing this, the two women sighed a little disappointed, one of them held Zhang Qing's arm, used it as a crutch, and walked slowly towards the center of the elves. The Pokémon Illustrated Book is also equipped with a navigation function, so there is no need to worry about unfamiliar places. Could not find the sprite center.

Because of the outstanding appearance of Mei and Touzi, many people stared at Zhang Qing jealously along the way.

Even Ms. Joy from Dead Leaf City couldn't help but scrutinized Zhang Qing a little bit more. Seeing that his appearance could only be considered above average, and he didn't reach the top-notch posture that could charm all living beings, she couldn't help but look weird.

"Is the iceberg man with a paralyzed face more popular now!?" Miss Joy from Dead Leaf City whispered.

After checking the Pokémon Pokédex of the three of them, and seeing the information from the Hezhong area displayed on it, especially when Mei's birthplace is Hinoki City, this Miss Joy couldn't help but smile and said, "What a coincidence Yes, the third aunt's daughter of my distant cousin is also there, you should have seen her, but I should be much prettier than her, what do you think!?"

Mei blinked, don’t they all look the same!? Why do these Joeys think they are the most beautiful!?

Zhang Qing looked up at the sky, leave this kind of matter to Touzi and Mei, don't ask him, don't stare at me anymore.

Zhang Qing is sure that if he dares to answer this kind of death question, or nod his head, all the Joeys will know about it. Don’t ask how these Joeys are connected. In short, it’s best to pretend to be deaf and dumb, because Once you respond, the next time you meet other Joeys, you are likely to be put in small shoes.

Therefore, even if Miss Joy kept secretly looking at Zhang Qing, implying that he, the only male, answered, Zhang Qing seemed to have a neck problem and could only stare at the ceiling.

Touzi also handed over her Poké Ball, "By the way, let's check and treat my Pokémon too!"

"That's right! Mine too." After reacting, Mei also handed over her Poké Ball.

After sailing at sea for more than a month, and insisting on having relatively high-intensity training every day, Pokémon really need to do a detailed inspection. The Spirit Center is not only able to treat injuries, but also It is used to treat Pokémon to relieve fatigue and other states such as massage.

Of course, the price is not so good for the real civilian trainers who do not enjoy the welfare policy.

Mei and the others also handed over Zhang Qing's Poké Ball, and enjoyed a wave of free benefits along the way.

Of course, the three of them didn't hand over the poke ball containing the beast, even Mei and the others wouldn't make such a mistake.

"Okay, I see." Miss Joy glared at the piece of wood Zhang Qing with some resentment, and the elf ball handed by the two girls started to work.

Why is it so difficult to get compliments from others!?

Probably because the sisters and relatives in the family all look exactly the same, Ms. Joy is very concerned about the comparison with other Joys, and they all want to be the special one, which is beyond the understanding and understanding of ordinary people.

Probably only those twins and triplets can experience one or two.

Not long after, Miss Joy returned the poke ball to the three of them, but fortunately, other people came over at this time, and Zhang Qing was relieved that he didn't need to continue to face the issue of Miss Joy's death. It's not a good thing, especially if it's still a family monopoly.

If he nodded, he would probably only be able to enjoy the treatment business in Dead Leaf City in this life, which is too bad.

Zhang Qing already has a deep understanding of women's narrow-mindedness, and he has no doubt that Joy in other places will harbor ill intentions towards him, so if he can pretend to be stupid, that's what a smart person does.

``Puff——!" Seeing Zhang Qing's palpitation and fear, Mei and Touzi couldn't help laughing, overjoyed.

"Is Miss Joy so scary!? You're so scared that you're sweating!" Mei looked at Zhang Qing with a funny face and said.

Zhang Qing rolled his eyes and thought to himself: These two stupid girls don't know at all that they just walked through the gate of hell just now, so can they answer the question!?

"By the way, I have to call my mother first to report her safety!" After laughing, Mei seemed to remember something.

Touzi nodded, "Me too, let's go over there first!"

Zhang Qing naturally had no objection, and followed the two women to the communication device, but there were not many people there, which was convenient for both of them.

However, Zhang Qing noticed that many trainers looked dejected, and from time to time, Pokémon from the elf center rushed away pushing the stretcher bed, followed by a young trainer with a worried face.

It seems that the Dead Leaf Gym has already fallen into the hands of Team Rocket.

The owner of the gymnasium should be that Ma Zhishi.

After Zhang Qing looked away, he realized that Mei and Touzi were talking to their mothers, blushing and lowering their voices, but Zhang Qing heard the laughter of the two aunts.

But worried that the eavesdropping would be discovered and make the two girls unhappy, Zhang Jing turned her head to look elsewhere.

(Wang Lizhao) Surprised to see three grey-faced little ghosts, two men and one woman, one of them has squinting eyes, and the woman has orange hair, wearing suspenders and shorts showing long legs.

But the most noteworthy one is the little boy holding a yellow electric mouse that is dirty and not in good condition.

Zhang Qing didn't expect to run into each other just by chance. After staring for a while, he was relieved to find that the other party was a hot-blooded young man, not Chi Ye at all.

Judging by his temperament, there shouldn't be anything wrong, this is a little mentally retarded and stupid thing.

But did the timeline just get here!? Some surprises.

If you say that, you should have missed the phoenix!? To be honest, Zhang Qing wants to see if the phoenix in the real world is really as ugly as it is in animations and games.

Of course, the main reason is that the feathers of the phoenix have magical functions. If they can be picked up, they will have an effect on the cultivation of Pokémon.

Zhang Qing wasn't too keen on divine beasts, and didn't think that he had to subdue them.

Divine beasts cannot participate in the battle, there is no difference between having or not, and the fun of traveling will be much less if there are more divine beasts.

"Okay, okay, let's go..." Not long after, Mei and Touzi came over after reporting, their faces were still bright red and they had no legs.

Noticing Zhang Qing's gaze, his face couldn't help turning redder.

"What are you looking at!? Let's go!?".

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