Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

251 There Is A Horror Story Circulating In The PokéMon World: Disobedient Children Will Meet Scumbag

Dinner is also settled in the elf center.

Unexpectedly, he bumped into Miss Joy who was holding a small box head-on. The other party seemed to be in a bad mood, which attracted the attention of the three of them.

Touzi asked in confusion, "What happened, Miss Joy!?"

Joey smiled wryly and opened the small box, revealing the azure gemstone inside, and said, "Pikachu from a trainer who came before beat Raichu from the Withered Leaf Gym very badly. Let alone the physical injuries, we can treat them. But the heart seems to be traumatized..."

"I picked up this before, so I wanted to show the other party if I could help, but I was rejected!

"Which trainer is it!?" Mei tilted her head and asked.

Joey shook his head, "No, that Pikachu refused."

"Actually, this kind of thing is quite normal. There will always be some Pokémon who refuse to become their own evolution." Touzi nodded, expressing his understanding. Life forms like Pokémon are different from ordinary creatures, because they Every evolutionary growth is like a metamorphosis, and in many cases it is more like turning into another creature.

Take Touzi's Nuannuan pig as an example, King Yanwu finally became a humanoid, and changed from a four-legged creature to a bipedal upright walk.

Moreover, the temperament will also change to a certain extent after evolution, but this is not surprising. Take human beings as an example, things that you like when you are young may not be the same when you grow up. When I was able to buy it myself, I found that the taste was actually not as delicious as I remembered, which made sense.

"But this should be the Stone of Thunder, right? Such a precious thing, is beauty really good!?"

Touzi still recognized this thing, although not all Pokémon evolution needs this kind of stone with attributes, but if you carry or use this kind of gemstone, the chance of evolution will be much higher, because the evolution type often means more powerful, So in fact, it is not so easy to achieve 573. Like the situation in the game that can evolve as soon as the level is reached, it basically does not happen in reality.

In reality, the difficulty of Pokémon evolution is actually very high, and even many trainers can't do it after spending countless efforts. Therefore, during the league competition, you will see some trainers' Pokémon are still in their initial juvenile form Not surprisingly.

Having an evolved body is actually a very conspicuous criterion for distinguishing incompetent trainers from capable trainers.

Of course, it’s not that a Pokémon without an evolved body is a garbage trainer. It’s just that they are incompetent even if they can’t evolve their own Pokémon. One has the ability but doesn’t do it, and the other wants to do it but can’t do it. different.

In the final analysis, it still depends on strength.

"Yes! Thunder Stone, but this thing is not very useful to me, and my family is not short of money." Miss Joy said very Versailles. As a member of the family that monopolizes the world's medical care, every Joy is actually The hidden rich woman really doesn't look down on such a small amount of money from selling Thunder Stones.

And there is no Joy who will subdue Pokémon with electric attributes. This Thunder Stone can only be collected and eaten ashes for her.

As if thinking of something to prevent Mei and the others from misunderstood, Ms. Joy explained, "The reason why I gave it to the trainer is because if Pikachu wants to evolve into Raichu again, he can only use the Thunder Stone. Other electric-type Pokémon Dreams are not so troublesome, they can only be regarded as icing on the cake."

More importantly, if other Pokémon use these gems to evolve, it is actually a kind of counterproductive growth, which is not a good thing, and Xiaozhi's Pikachu, with Joey's eyesight, can still see that it has reached the standard and is even stronger. It is the most powerful one among all Pikachu, so it is undoubtedly the best and easiest way to evolve into Raichu with the Thunder Stone if you want to become stronger.

The main reason is that after reaching that level, it is very difficult for Pikachu to go further.

(caab) Mei and Touko waved their hands, "We didn't want this kind of thing, it's not advisable for an excellent trainer to spoil the growth of the seedling!"

I'm really afraid that Ms. Joy will misunderstand. Although the Thunder Stone is expensive, they can still afford it. The reason why they haven't bought it is because these things are usually used by incompetent trainers or rich second generations who want to take shortcuts.

Trainers who really want to climb the ranks of top trainers are refusing to use these things.

In fact, compared to the Thunder Stone, those props are more precious, such as electric balls, these things are really rare and precious, and they rarely appear on the market, even if they are, they will be photographed in seconds.

These rare props are truly priceless.

If Ms. Joy even gave away such things, they would feel that Ms. Joy had taken a fancy to each other. Now, the mere Thunder Stone is actually no different from a fruit phone.

"By the way, you probably also want to challenge the Withered Leaf Gym!?" Seeing this, Ms. Joey smiled, closed the small treasure box, and asked.

Seeing the two nodding their heads, and pressing Zhang Qing to force him to nod too, Miss Joy was a little strange, but she didn't ask any more questions. She just persuaded out of kindness, "In this case, you should take in a ground-type treasure." Go Pokémon again, as you have seen, that gym will basically defeat the challenger mercilessly, and Pokémon with other attributes will suffer very much against them.”

As long as the speed of the move is too fast, and it also has the paralysis attribute, the cute new trainer will be hit before he can make a command, and then let the opponent's ravages, if it is Xiaoju'er in Hezhong area, It's a good thing to say, basically they will stop attacking, but Ma Zhishi of the Dead Leaf Gym will take the opportunity to ravage the opponent until the trainer facing him shouts to admit defeat.

However, most of the new trainers have never been beaten by the society. They are full of enthusiasm, and they are relatively easy to say no to defeat. They believe that as long as they shout loudly, miracles will happen.

That's why so many Pokémon are sent to the Spirit Center for treatment.

Although the three of Mei are older than those children, and they came from other regions, Miss Joy is still worried that she will have three more patients in the future. Now the beds are a little tight, and the most important thing is that she will soon I'm so busy, so she will try to persuade me every time.

It's just that few trainers take it seriously.

Mei and Touko looked at each other, the Pokémon with the ground attribute is not easy to find, and as a girl, there are still certain requirements for the appearance of the Pokémon, as long as it is not an irresponsible trainer, They will not rush to tame Pokémon. After all, the energy of a trainer is limited. If you are too fraternal, it is actually a very scumbag behavior, and it is often a mentally handicapped behavior that cuts off your way to become a top trainer. .

You haven’t cultivated a deep relationship with your Pokémon, and you’ve left them behind and let them grow wildly. So what’s the difference from letting them go? Isn’t it a joke to rely on these Pokémon to reach the top?

To be honest, every time a silly thing goes to a region, he abandons the previously captured Pokémon. Except for one Pikachu that never changes for thousands of years, the other Pokémon are basically equal to being released. Undoubtedly, if you touch it, you don't want it.

"We will consider this..." After all, Ms. Joy is not a trainer, and she doesn't understand the psychology of a trainer, so Mei and Touko can't say anything about it. I thanked the other party for their suggestion, but will they follow the advice? What the other party suggests to do is another matter.

Generally, after trainers set up their own Pokémon team, they will basically not change. Even if they take in other Pokémon in the future, they are usually used as substitute members to deal with sudden situations. At the same time, there are also some trainers who have families. , who will cultivate new Pokémon, usually for their children or grandchildren, few people like Xiao Zhi who sees one and loves one, then abandons it after getting it, and throws it to Dr. Oki.

The main reason is that the economy does not allow this kind of scumbag, but the food expenses of Pokémon are enough for a child who has no income of his own to bend over, how can he act recklessly!?

No matter how ignorant you are, you can realize the horror of money after traveling.

Speaking of which, it was Dr. Oki's inaction that gave birth to a super scumbag in this world.

If Dr. Oki didn't take over everything and was willing to be the receiver, Xiaozhi would have learned his lesson a long time ago, and would be much more cautious when taking over Pokémon.

Seeing that Mei and Touko's words were insincere, Ms. Joy just sighed in her heart and didn't try to persuade her any more, because she was already used to this kind of thing, and every trainer was equally stubborn. Very good.

"In short, you can know it yourself. Although I am not a trainer, I still know that I have to think about my Pokémon. They are our partners, friends, and even relatives. Don't just treat them as fighting tools."

Mei and Touzi were stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "Of course, we always think so!"

If it weren't for Monarch Snake and King Yanwu, they are too big to be taken away like Xiaozhi's Pikachu [Now both of them will hold their own Pokémon to prove the deep cold between them.

That's one of the things that's lost in evolution.

"Actually, Ms. Joey, don't worry about us. We have already challenged the electric Pokémon gym when we were in the Hezhong area. Our experience is much more than those children who are traveling for the first time."

In order to reassure Miss Joy, Mei patted her chest and boasted.

But it is very effective, Miss Joy obviously relaxed a lot, and a smile appeared on her face again, "Then, congratulations to you in advance.


"I won't talk to you any more, I still have to check on those children's condition, you guys should have a good rest!",

Looking at the back of Miss Joy leaving, the three of them sighed a little. The other party is a good person who really cares about people and Pokémon.

Zhang Qing felt it more deeply. Although the Joy family monopolized medical care, at least they did not regard hospitals as commercial businesses, so Zhang Qing always felt that those systems in the previous life might not be suitable for this world, because many things were too unimaginable, but in This world is reasonable, even people are used to it.

"From this point of view, the owner of the Withered Leaf Gym is a bit too much, so many challengers' Pokémon have been injured..." It is not the same as the Gym battle in the Hezhong area , making Mei a little uncomfortable.

"However, if this is the case, it proves that the level of the Kanto area may really be higher than that of the Hezhong area. After all, the trainers here have experienced this kind of screening..." Touzi thought of another point, and said faintly .

When I was on the boat before, I felt that I might have thought too much. Now that I know so much, I found that the trainers in the Kanto area have all gone through cruel tests. This comparison, on the contrary, the trainers in the Hezhong area are even more Like flowers in a greenhouse.

"Ah, that's right, but we won't lose!"

Mei clenched her fists and said.

Zhang Qing was speechless, no matter how demonized they thought, it was all because of the Rockets.

[The author has something to say: Fuck, the machine suddenly crashed and restarted, causing re-coding, Xxun is poisonous, once you log in, the computer is poisoned once, and dozens of things are running in the background. 】.

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