Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

277 Returning To Tibet, The Road Of No Return!

[Gui Zang] is just behind the mountain waterfall behind the mansion in the world.

Discipline explained with a smile, "In ancient times, this kind of place was called a cave. After you enter it, you will find that there is another cave. Don't be surprised!"

It was rare for Li Qingluo not to speak, instead she looked at this place thoughtfully. To be honest, this was her second visit. If she hadn't been Zhang Qing's guide now, this life would probably only be the first one.

Zhang Qing didn't say much. Under the guidance of discipline, the three of them easily passed through the curtain of the waterfall flowing down the rapids, and entered the interior of a cave in the back. Not long after, Li Qingluo took Zhang Qing's hand, trying to make it easier for him to move.

But in fact, Zhang Qing is no longer an ordinary person, but Zhang Qing didn't say much. Of course, it's best not to tell anyone about his cheating.

"It's here, just take one more step forward, if my stomach and I can't get in." A disciplined voice suddenly sounded in the darkness.

There was a little less enthusiasm in the tone, and it was quite different from the impression he had been talking about before.

Zhang Qing didn't look at the other party. After Li Qingluo let go, Zhang Qing strode out. Sure enough, the scenery in front of her suddenly turned to one side, and there was a lot of light. No, it was like being in a starry sky, surrounded by shining stars.

Some are near and some are far, some are bright and some are dim.

Zhang Qing looked at the scene in front of him with some surprise, the color of inquiry in his eyes was greater than the color of surprise, he wanted to see clearly what kind of existence these stars were, but unfortunately even with his eyesight he couldn't see them clearly, it seemed that not only caused by simple spatial distance.

Slowly, after seeing that his name was not very meaningful, Zhang Qing put away his thoughts of research and turned to think about discipline and what they said before. After he arrived in this cave, he should need to obtain the approval of something. It seems that it should be these stars.

"But what to do!?"

Do you want to go over there!?

Zhang Qing tried to raise his right foot, took a step forward, and found that it was as if he had landed on a flat ground, and even in this starry sky, he could still walk steadily in any direction.


Zhang Qing was not in a hurry to run to a certain star immediately. In fact, if he couldn't even reach his eyesight, he would run to death and never reach it.

Instead, Zhang Qing sat down cross-legged, thinking about how he could get the approval of these stars!?

Do you have to make a simple self-introduction to sell yourself like when you are applying for a job? But Zhang Qing doesn't think these stars, he thinks that a human being's self-promotion will be attracted.

Zhang Qing suddenly realized that the situation was a little familiar now, yes, it was as awkward as when they were on a blind date.

Just when Zhang Qing fell into trouble, he went outside.

Li Qingluo looked at Zhang Qing's motionless body, silently counted the heartbeats, and asked the discipline on the side with some anxiety, has it been a while!?"

Discipline was also a little surprised, "What kind of scene did he see, wouldn't it be done soon under normal circumstances!?"

It's like discipline. When he first entered, he saw a huge Sutra Pavilion or a library full of books. He only needs to choose the most suitable book in his mind. Like Li Qingluo said, It is the sword mound, and it is enough to find the spiritual sword calling for oneself among thousands of swords.

It stands to reason that it does not take too long in the consciousness space.

Yes, the so-called Guicang is not a real space. Everything before it was just to confuse Zhang Qing, or to secretly guide the other party with psychological hints, thinking that it was a special world.

In fact, it wasn't a lie, but it was done so that Zhang Qing could maximize his inner world without being influenced by their old predecessors.

Otherwise, if Li Qingluo had told Zhang Qing that there was a sword mound inside, then Zhang Qing would probably only see one sword mound, which is a big taboo for every mortal executor.

So even Li Qingluo kept silent before, just to not affect Zhang Qing's thoughts.

"No problem, right!?" Li Qingluo looked at Zhang Qing worriedly and asked.

Discipline shook his head, "It's okay, even those who don't get recognition are just driven out, and there hasn't been a single case of injury due to this in so many years, don't worry, Miss!"

"Maybe it's just like me back then, my eyes are blurred..."

To be honest, recalling the inexhaustible collection of books, Discipline also feels a little regretful and itchy, but unfortunately he can no longer go in again, everyone only has one chance, and if no one reminds him, he will only be impatient Want to get recognized early.

To be honest, this is tantamount to missing a big opportunity.

But this does not blame other people in the world, and it has nothing to do with the responsibility of the guide, because no one knows what kind of scene the person who enters Guizang will see, like Li Qingluo's sword mound, can you still hold every sword Can't lick the sword once!?

Scenes such as the Sutra Pavilion are really rare, and those that can let go of everything outside and read it slowly are even more pitiful. You must know that people who enter Guizang do not know, I entered it consciously, and I didn't eat or drink in it, but it would drive people crazy. I didn't need anyone to urge me, and I would leave naturally.

Li Qingluo couldn't help thinking wildly, "Is it also a library!? Speaking of discipline, is it possible to transform into countless beautiful girls!?"

Seeing that Li Qingluo suddenly exuded black air, disciplined with black lines, "Don't act recklessly, and are you out of your mind!? Whose inner world is so absurd!?"

"And this kind of person is not suitable for us! This is also part of the assessment, and we will register everything he sees later, just like what you have experienced before

"So why is it a lie to pass the assessment!?" Li Qingluo suppressed her anger and glared at the discipline.

Discipline nodded, then shook his head again, "It's not a lie, the assessment for entering the mortal world has passed, but the assessment for becoming an official has just begun!"

After finishing speaking, he looked at Li Qingluo, "Didn't you notice that none of us here is a high-spirited person? It's just that the political review has passed, and they don't even have the opportunity to know the world. Of course, it's not just this aspect. For the assessment, we include all other aspects, and those who can come in, "all have been verified and there is no problem.

"Of course it's not safe, so you can only be a peripheral member, and only after entering Guizang and becoming a member of the executor, you need a second assessment. This time, you have to face your heart directly, and you can't fake it, even if it's the remnants of heaven or the underworld. You can't hide yourself after you hide your head, and if you enter with the power of other priestly seeds, it is tantamount to returning.

0 for flowers 0

At the end, Discipline let out a sneer. For all those who have entered Guizang, that place is a real hell, and re-entering can only lead to death, so it is useless even if there are undercover agents from other forces in the world, as long as the core members No problem.

Moreover, it is not enough to really go through the assessment once. The assessment in this world is for life. Even the core members will be sealed if they are found to have problems.

But there is no need to tell this newcomer Li Qingluo.

After she has experienced a lot in the future, she will understand naturally.

In the same way, this is also the reason why some high-level officials in the country dare not reach out to this place even though they know about it. The prosperity and power of the secular world are the easiest to corrupt a person. If you really follow the standards here, no one will survive, and Becoming a mortal executor, although gaining extraordinary power, has a price, and obviously those people are not willing to pay this price.

And the price itself will not be determined by people's will whether they have to pay. The moment they gain power, it is already equivalent to accepting this price.

No need to tell, the moment you accept that power, you will naturally know what you need to pay.

So it is also possible to refuse, but once you refuse, it is equivalent to losing the opportunity to regret it again, and you can only be an ordinary person in the future.

"Forget it, I don't want to bother with this kind of thing, but I believe that Ah Qing will be fine. Do you think I need to prepare a couple sword if Ah Qing also holds a sword? At that time, we will combine two swords to form Y City Double Ultimate!"

Seeing that Li Qingluo fell into the self-illusion, even swearing, the corner of Discipline's mouth twitched, it was rare for him to talk serious with the other party, revealing a little key content, but the other party still hated it, and thought about some things, it was a waste With this beautiful skin.

The combination of two swords to form the two best in Y city!? Hehe, JFYF sword!?

Sure enough, those who want to be a sword fairy are not normal.

"Wipe your drool, you haven't written your horoscope yet, what are you fantasizing about!? Wait, maybe it's a stick?" Disciplinary said maliciously.

"Sticks are good too!" Li Qingluo said indifferently.

Discipline straightened his glasses, and said, "I mean the Shaolin stick method, which means being a monk.

Li Qingluo frowned immediately, "I'm going to kill you!"

"How dare you curse my old lady!!!????"

Zhang Qing opened his eyes and saw that Li Qingluo had pulled out a simple long sword from nowhere, and was about to slash towards discipline, so he couldn't help but have question marks on his forehead.

"What are you playing!?"

"Ah Qing, you didn't really take a stick, did you? I don't want you to be a monk!" Li Qingluo put away her long sword, rushed forward, and asked with tears in her eyes.

5: "?????????"

Seeing Zhang Qing looking over, discipline spread his hands and shook his head, expressing that he didn't understand either.

However, seeing Zhang Qing was able to see where he was, he immediately smiled and said, "Congratulations, but there are some questions that require you to answer us honestly. This requires registration, so you can't lie, or if you find something wrong in the future, You may be wanted by the entire Dragon Kingdom."

[The author has something to say: it suddenly turns cold, it's really bad........ Force].

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