Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

278 Discipline: When You Go Back, You Should Eat And Drink, Fulfill Your Wish!

Zhang Qing managed to push away Li Qingluo who suddenly became pestering, and by the way assured that he would never become a monk, so that the other party finally calmed down.

Then he followed the discipline and returned to the other party's office.

"I ask, you tell, but remember not to lie." After sitting on the chair, Discipline took out a book from the drawer and spread it out. He took out a brush and dipped it in ink, then looked at Zhang Qing who was standing opposite him. Second warning.

Zhang Qing nodded, "No problem, but if it's about privacy, please allow me to decline!"

Discipline laughed when he heard the words, "Don't worry, we won't interfere with your personal privacy. We just need to register your experience in Guizang, and of course the priesthood or ability you have acquired."


"That's right! It's the priesthood. It's called Godhead in foreign countries. In fact, it's the same reason. Of course, you don't know it. We are only guessing based on your ability. If there is a priesthood that corresponds to it, your future path It can be easier, otherwise you have to figure it out on your own."

Speaking of this, Discipline put down his pen instead, and was not in a hurry to record, "Since you have the qualifications to become a full member now, some content will naturally be open to you from now on, here I will give you A brief introduction, especially the aspect of the priesthood seed you get.

Zhang Qing nodded, "You can say "August 17", I'll listen."

Discipline pushed his glasses and said, "I mentioned [Heaven] and [Underworld] before, they are actually our predecessors, haven't you forgotten!?"

Zhang Qing nodded, "You also said that they are our enemies now, right!"

Discipline smiled and nodded, "That's right, the [Heaven] in charge of heaven and the [Underworld] in charge of authenticity are our predecessors, and even many myths and legends come from this, among which the number of heavenly thirty-six, authentic The number seventy-two, but the human way...well... I don't know about this, some people think it's a number of one hundred and eight, some people think it's a number of two hundred and fifty-two, and some people think it's a number of two hundred and fifty-two. It is considered to be the number of two hundred and seventy, and some people even think it is the number of three hundred and sixty. Up to now, there is no specific number.

"That's what you saw in Guizang. Among them, the way of heaven and the way of authenticity are the powers of gods and ghosts. You can get very powerful abilities at the beginning. In fact, they are similar to the devil fruit in "One Piece". It is a devil fruit, you can use this understanding."

"However, it does not mean that obtaining one of the numbers of one hundred and eight is the strongest, because it is too difficult to go further. Could that also be the culprit that caused the destruction of the ancient [Heaven] and [Underworld]? Because of our resistance and crusade, you can go to the reference room to look it up later, I won’t introduce it to you in detail here, or I won’t be able to finish it in three days and three nights.”

"Thirty-six of the Heavenly Dao and Seventy-two of the Tunnel are recorded, and for the human way, sorry, as long as it is not the number of one hundred and eight, they are all in the human way, so our registration is very necessary. "

Li Qingluo also said at this time, "The human society today is very different from the ancient times, so even if there are some records from the past, it is useless now, human nature is always changing."

Zhang Qing: "I understand roughly, you can register now."

Discipline picked up the pen again, "No problem, I can do it anytime, remember not to lie!"

Discipline warned for the third time, which made Zhang Qing realize that this should be very important, maybe the world has the means to identify whether a lie is true or not, even if it is half-true and half-false.

But Zhang Qing didn't intend to lie. To be honest, for a person who is cheating himself, the power from Guizang can only be said to be icing on the cake, even if it is completely exposed, it doesn't matter.

"Of course! You have to swallow a thousand needles to tell a lie." Zhang Qing also joked with a smile.

"First question, what did you see in Gui Zang!?" Discipline didn't care about Zhang Qing's guarantee, just as Zhang Qing thought, the world naturally has special means to identify whether it is a lie, which is why Discipline repeatedly The reason for the warning.

There are only three things, and this is already the greatest goodwill of the discipline. If at this time, you still plan to conceal or lie, you can only say that the assessment failed, and the world has the right to recover.

"The starry sky, I am in the starry sky, full of stars." Zhang Qing simply summarized what he saw and heard.

Discipline's writing hand stopped suddenly, and he looked up at Zhang Qing in surprise. Li Qingluo couldn't help opening her mouth, as if she couldn't believe it.

"What's the matter, is there a problem!?" Zhang Qing looked at the two people who reacted so loudly and asked in puzzlement.

"No! No problem, there is a world of mind images inside, which only shows that you have a big heart. Have you ever thought about being an astronaut!?" Discipline asked curiously while recording.

Zhang Qing rolled his eyes, "I wanted to be a scientist (previous life) when I was young, and then I wanted to be a teacher when I grew up, and then I wanted to be a rich second generation."

Is an astronaut something that ordinary people can think of!? And they don’t even know how to become one, and it’s not like other professions that have been advocated before, and it’s even one of the long-lasting settings in graphic novels.

"Oh! Just think about it. I also wanted to be a scientist when I was young, but it was impossible. If you are a rich second generation, it is even more impossible. It is possible to be a negative second generation. You can work hard." Discipline Pushing the glasses, he suggested seriously.

Li Qingluo clenched her fists. If the timing wasn't right, she would have wanted to punch this guy. See what kind of bastard words this guy is talking about!? Is it the resentment of a single dog to keep cursing them!?

Discipline didn't care about Li Qingluo's threats. If you are really married, no matter how much money you have, you will only become a negative second generation. Was he wrong!? Could it be that he is planning to hide his private money, can a superman wife hide it? !?

"The second question, what ability have you acquired, the more detailed the better, this is not only crucial to your future advancement, but also a factor in how we arrange you, just like if you acquired the ability Obviously not suitable for fighting, we will arrange you in the first station, you must not be willing!?"

Zhang Qing nodded, very good, very powerful reason, but the specific effect of the acquired ability is also very vague, "I can only do my best, it's too vague."

Discipline nodded, "No problem. If there are any changes and gains in the future, just remember to come back and register again. It will indeed be like this at the beginning, but the initial feeling is very important, so I hope you can take it seriously and don't rush to develop it."

Zhang Qing said that he understood, "Then I will show a little bit of the ability I have acquired, which is more intuitive than talking about it.

"Are you sure!?" Discipline asked, "If you break anything, you need to be compensated, and our funds need to be used."

Zhang Qing shrugged, "Don't worry, it's not destructive!"

Immediately, Discipline and Li Qingluo couldn't help thinking a lot, could it be the auxiliary type!?

"Then do you need to prepare anything!?" Discipline asked again.

Zhang Qing shook his head, "I don't need anything, I just need to snap my fingers."

"Are you Thanos!? Or the Herrscher of the Void!?" Discipline suddenly groaned, but he nodded, "You can start now."

Zhang Qing glanced at Discipline with a strange expression. You guessed it, his other self is the Herrscher of the Sky, but do civil servants usually understand this now!?


Suddenly, the sound of snapping fingers resounded in the room, and suddenly the whole room went dark, and all the lights went out..0

Then followed by another snap of fingers and the room was brightly lit again.

Discipline looked at Zhang Qing dumbfounded, "This is the end!?"

Zhang Qing nodded, "Yes! This is the end!"

"Are you sure this is your ability!?" Discipline asked in disbelief.

Zhang Qing nodded again, "Yes, this is my ability!"

Isn't this the humanoid light controller!? Discipline with a black line on his forehead, wrote in the notebook "Suspected human nature, the ability is to control the light on and off."

"Ah Qing, are you a light chaser!?" Li Qingluo seemed to be grabbing Zhang Qing by the collar and asking him what he was thinking in Guizang at that time, and why so many stars chose this one, although it was not unilateral The choice of the priest also needs the approval of the priesthood seed, but there is no reason to only have one!?

At present, the least number of people recorded is three, and it is impossible for someone to have only one.

This kind of broken record is not worth mentioning.

"Wait!" After hearing Li Qingluo's three words "light chaser", Discipline seemed to grasp something in an instant, and then hurriedly asked, "Didn't you simply control the lights just now!?"

"Is it the control current or something else!?"

Zhang Qing touched his chin, "I don't know, it feels very strange..."

Discipline threw out a book, "Look in it, see if there is anyone with your ability to know."

After seeing the title of the book clearly, Li Qingluo became uneasy, "Impossible, how could it come from here!?"

Zhang Qing also saw the title of the book "Thirty-six Heavenly Gang Laws and Seventy-two Earthly Shamantic Techniques", and immediately raised his eyebrows, but he didn't ask much. He opened it and looked it up carefully, but he found it on the first page.

"That's it!? That's how I feel."

Discipline looked over, "Invert Yin and Yang!? Are you sure!?"

"Probably, I have a feeling that this is it!" Zhang Qing nodded.

After discipline took back the book, he frowned and murmured, "This is not a good thing......"

Then he turned his head and looked at Zhang Qing again, with a very serious expression this time, "You boy, I don't know if you are lucky or unlucky, you are making a big deal out of it, and the remnants of Heaven will regard you 3.2 as a sworn enemy and will never stop dying. And this ability is not a good thing, it is too difficult to go further, the heaven and the earth will bind you, and even die with you forever, there is only one way for us mortal executors to advance each time, which is to cross the catastrophe, and the thirty-six ways of heaven All the counts are heavenly catastrophe, this is a catastrophe of a narrow escape, no one can even help you, do you know how serious it is!!?"

"There is no such way as in novels that can sneak across the sea, let me tell you!"

Discipline crossed out the content he had recorded before, while rewriting and filling it in, and he didn't have much happiness on his face.

Li Qingluo also had a worried expression on her face, as if she had become a little widow.

The corners of Zhang Qing's mouth twitched, did he define himself as a "dying person"!?

This is unnecessary!

Really, he felt, he had a long time to live.

Really, I chose a star that was neither the brightest nor the dimmest, and planned to keep a low profile, but why did I seem to have chosen the wrong one!?

"When you go back, eat as much as you can, and drink as much as you can. If you have any unfulfilled wishes, please complete them as soon as possible, and don't leave any regrets." Discipline patted Zhang Qing on the shoulder and sighed.

"It's better to be a real light switch!"

Zhang Qing:

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