Zhang Qing didn't know how his discussions with the world's high-level officials were. He was not interested in taking care of other people's affairs for the time being. After returning home with Li Qingluo, he returned to his daily life.

At night, Zhang Qing, who was about to fall asleep, was a little hesitant. He didn't really want to enter the misty space. As long as he entered, he would definitely meet Xilin, a super idle person. It would be very troublesome if he was caught by the other party.

Could it be that he really listened to the other party's words and took action against a game company for no reason? Although the dog plotting the knife is too abominable and improper, but who knows that the world is real, this raises a question. Or came first the egg!?

A world-renowned game company, once something happens, even if it does not cause casualties, it is enough to cause a global sensation. Zhang Qing would only take action against others if he is crazy, and he is not Xilin. Although he is all himself, but As early as the moment of reincarnation, they can no longer be regarded as the same person, so let alone empathy~!?

In the plot world, isn’t Otto responsible for all the tragedies!? To blame the dog outside the world for plotting, isn’t it anger? What is it-!?

But you can’t log into the account by yourself, just keep using the old version and don’t update it!?

Rubbing between his eyebrows, Zhang Qing sighed helplessly, "Enter!"

Consciousness blurred for a while, and the surrounding space changed into the familiar boundless space with unknown thick fog.

Zhang Qing landed on the ground steadily, and before he could stand still, he saw ripples on the top of his head, and then a figure with a cool aura appeared, those golden eyes were looking down from the sky, It fell straight to Zhang Qing.


Seeing that Zhang Qing couldn't hide, he raised his right hand in embarrassment and said hello.

Xilin looked at him coldly, without asking or contacting, she knew that the other party must have not completed the task she entrusted. This was not the first time, but Xilin was still very unhappy.

Although there is also Mi Huyou Company in the three worlds where she lives, and there is even Big Viagra, but that is not the same thing at all, the real boss of the company is Bronya

Sirin didn't even bother to vent her anger on the other party.

In the end, I finally came across one of the evil culprits in the world I was in. How could Sirin not care about it, how could she care about it!?

(As long as she is too free!)

"It's useless for you to urge me. I have to find an opportunity. It's impossible to just go up and make trouble. It will make my world mess up." Zhang Qing explained helplessly, it's not that he didn't want to help, it's Xilin's The request is just to teach the employees of Mi Huyou a little lesson up and down, and it is not to kill people, but at most it is to make the other party be more cautious when they want to use a knife in the future.

In addition, the world Zhang Qing lives in is rather special, where even figurines can come true, so it is not surprising that a herrsrscher of emptiness will make trouble for Mi Huyou.

It's just that after this trouble, the subsequent troubles can't be solved so easily. I'm afraid that the strength of the Herrscher of Space will be judged as a heaven-level disaster by the Dragon Kingdom, and it will be a super big trouble at that time. I don't know how many eyes and masters it will attract.

More importantly, Zhang Qing was also worried that he had overdone it, and it would be bad if he frightened Mi Huyou, and it would be a pity that the light of the Dragon Kingdom game would be gone.

As for women's clothes or not, he has already cossed over Walnut, and he won't lose more in the cosplay of the Herrscher of Space, Zhang Qing doesn't mind either.

Xilin snorted coldly when she heard the words, she didn't know if she had listened to it, or because the two of them were equal in strength now, and because they knew that they couldn't hurt each other in the misty space, they were temporarily subdued, and Xilin turned around and flew away.

Seeing this, Zhang Qing heaved a sigh of relief.

Zhang Qing from the bloody world saw Sirin leave, and also walked over. His overall image was still somewhat sloppy. Seeing her wearing a white coat and big underpants, Zhang Qing from the mundane world also guessed The other party must be halfway through work, who is lying on the work table.

If it hadn't been for hanging up, this guy would have died suddenly sooner or later.

"Finally gone, brother, you are too unlucky......

Dust Zhang Qing said with a wry smile, "Isn't that right, I'm really unlucky.

Not only because he is the only Zhang Qing in his world who has the same Mi Huyou as he remembers in his previous life, because this one is also targeted by Xilin.

More importantly, he wanted to keep a low profile, but fortunately he became an executor of the Dao of Heaven. Now, when he sees himself, he looks like a terminally ill patient, which sometimes makes Zhang Qing quite embarrassed.

Zhang Qing from the dog-blood world shook hands with Zhang Qing from the mortal world again, then shook his head and said, "Sure enough, I still can't get the power of heaven from you, maybe it doesn't belong to you, or it doesn't belong to you for the time being." , you are just a user..."

The worldly Zhang Qing sighed, "Perhaps the power of the humane executors will be different, because I see that Li Qingluo's situation is very different from mine."

Gouxue Zhang Qing said a little sourly, "Why do you all have girlfriends, and why am I still single, obviously I am also very good!?"

He didn't understand, he was a senior national scientific researcher anyway, if he wasn't too young, he could become a professor or dean, but he was still single, and he didn't even have a woman who expressed goodwill to him.

Dust Zhang Qing shook his head, "It's too familiar, I don't know how to face each other..."

When it comes to relationship issues, Zhang Qing in the world is also a little embarrassed. Of course, he can see Li Qingluo's little moves, and the other party is indeed very beautiful. It stands to reason that having such a girlfriend is not a loss, and it is a big profit, but I have said it before. At that time, when they were in 57 University, the relationship between the two was more like "buddies". Sometimes Zhang Qing would forget that the other party was a girl.

It's hard to change now.

Zhang Qing still has some worries in this world, whether the other party's liking for him is a temporary impulse, or some kind of misunderstanding. Half of it is really based on the premise of "marriage" that will be together in the future.

Now that the young people say they break up, they break up, and then they go their separate ways. He can't accept it for the time being.

So he wanted to get along with Li Qingluo for a period of time, so that both of them could calm down and see clearly the specific situation of their relationship.

Wearing a cuckold is something that no one wants to experience, so Zhang Qing prefers to have a stable and firm relationship than collecting beauties.

"We are single too, have you forgotten!?"

0 looking for flowers...

At this time, Poqiu and Slime also walked over together, glaring at Zhang Qing, who was in the bloody world, with some dissatisfaction, and then said.

Dogblood Zhang Qing was speechless, "You guys can't even determine your gender, how can you find it!? And slimes seem to be able to reproduce asexually..."

Forget about the small broken ball, if a planet is really looking for the other half, the humans on it will be miserable. Zhang Qing doesn't want to imagine that picture for the time being, just ignore the other half.

The words of this slime like Shamate are hard to describe. Zhang Qing, even if he is not a medical student, can feel that the other person's mental state is not right, maybe he has become a little abnormal after becoming a slime.

"She" likes to let the water spray slime play with the highland witch when she is free. I don't know if she has awakened some strange hobby. In short, every time I see "her" and the little broken ball hiding in the corner, muttering When looking at something, dog blood Zhang Qing felt that the two non-humans were talking about some terrible perverted things in whispers of demons.

"There's something wrong with your gaze, do you want to come to PK!?" Shamat's countless black tentacles with claws and claws in the depths looked at the bloody Zhang Qing menacingly, and sneered.


"Don't! I'm not a combatant." Although it is reasonable to say that everyone has the same strength, in fact, everyone has different talents and personality deviations. This has something to do with the body and environment of the second life. Qing is not a person who likes to use force.

If he was a reckless man, he wouldn't have knelt so quickly when he saw Sirin.

"Tsk! It's a waste of strength." Shamate didn't bother to care about this guy. After retracting her tentacles, she looked at the world Zhang Qing and asked, "How is it that the abilities of your world can be controlled?"

Can't post it!?"

Xiao Poqiu also looked expectantly at Zhang Qing, that is the authority of the Dao of Heaven. Xiao Poqiu felt that if he could possess it, he might be able to pretend to be the Dao of Heaven, so he was very interested.

The world Zhang Qing shrugged and spread his hands, "I'm sorry, maybe I haven't fully controlled it yet, so it seems impossible for the time being."

This thing is still troublesome, if you want to control it further, you have to go through the catastrophe, which means that Zhang Qing in the mortal world wants to keep a low profile. I never thought about making myself uncomfortable.

Moreover, it is impossible for some secret enemies to watch Zhang Qing completely control a certain authority of the Heavenly Dao and do nothing, and there will be endless troubles at that time.

Do you have to expose your strength, kill everyone, and become the emperor!? If Zhang Qing is this kind of person, then he will only become invincible in all worlds, suppress the current world, and become the emperor of the world or the god of the world.

It's really cool to think about it, but this kind of life will be very boring. Choose between being cool for a while or being cool all the time, and of course choose the latter.

Therefore, Zhang Qing in this world will improve his abilities step by step. It will definitely take a long time, but they can also afford to wait. There is no need to make their lives messy because of small losses. After all, it is the world they live in. It’s right to be selfish, how could you sacrifice yourself for the sake of others, isn’t that a fool!?

This is also the real reason why the mundane Zhang Qing keeps evading Xilin's request, that is his world, Ah Shan. .

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