"By the way, the two of us came here to ask you to watch a kid!"

Seeing the situation with Zhang Qing in the mortal world, Xiao Poqiu and Shamat were not too disappointed. "They" themselves were just curious, and they didn't really need such power. At their current level, General ability, there is not much bonus.

And everyone has their own path, no matter how many other ability systems there are, they are just for reference, and the latter is just a means to enrich oneself.

Not to mention that what Xiao Poqiu and Shamate want more is the ability to transform into humans, and the others are really not important to "them".

Zhang Qing of the world and Zhang Qing of dog blood looked at each other. Although they were a bit blind to a broken ball and a black slime, they couldn't see if there was any expression on the other's face, but they could feel it. At this moment, the taste of the two non-human gloating.

"Which unlucky me again!?" The two of them suddenly had such a thought in their hearts, but they didn't have the slightest sympathy, and they put on the same nasty smiles of gleeful misfortune on their faces.

That's great, as long as you are unluckier than yourself, it's fine.

Even if it was the same person in the previous life, it doesn't matter if it was the same person in this life, even if most of the "Five Nine Three" still use their original names, they are different. , anyway you like it.

In fact, Zhang Qing here is currently holding the idea that the other selves are his twin brothers and sisters to these other selves. If he really takes over the other's life completely, you will be crazy, because in some choices, the other party will be with you. You make different choices, your personality, gender, and even species are different, and your living environment is also different, how can it be exactly the same.

Take a rich second generation as an example. Suddenly one day his family went bankrupt, his big house was gone, his money was gone, and after living a poor life, for a while, would he still be the same as before!? I’m afraid It really made the two periods of him face to face, and they couldn't believe that it was themselves.

Zhang Qing's situation is even more special.

The two, one ball and one slime, soon came to the place where the other selves were, and saw that they were surrounded by a thin and frail little boy in a blue and white striped hospital gown.

The little boy's hair is a bit messy, and he is a bit dull. When he looks at people, his black pupils are lifeless like a bottomless pit. When he stares at him, he still feels chilly. It just feels that this little boy is a bit unusual. , or abnormal.

In fact, it is true.

In this regard, the name is Qing Zhang (green pepper), currently eleven years old, living in a mental hospital in country Y, and is a patient receiving treatment rather than a doctor.

This morning, an owl flew into his ward and dropped an admission letter, which was indeed the famous Hogwarts admission letter.

Obviously, if it wasn’t for someone’s prank, the world where this little green pepper lives is the world of the famous Harry Potter, aren’t you happy!?

Of course I’m not happy, if I want to ask why, I’ll know why after seeing the other Zhang Qing smiling so happily!? It’s also related to why this little green pepper entered the mental hospital. Everyone, no snowflake is innocent under the avalanche.

Perhaps it was because of the little wizard's magic riot. This little green pepper didn't cause any accidents like big explosions, and he didn't have the ability to communicate with snakes. He just had a cognitive obstacle unfortunately. For example, he remembered Some things about myself and a silver-haired witch named Irena, and things about teaching the little dragon girl martial arts and so on.

The doctor even suspected that the little green pepper had serious multiple personality symptoms.

As mentioned earlier, all the Zhang Qings who came to the misty space are actually different individuals, with more or less differences in personality, not to mention the differences brought about by gender and species. There are many fragments of memory that cannot be put together to form a complete jigsaw puzzle. There are still many inconsistencies and confusion in it. This guy is lucky that he didn't really go crazy.

But even so, the memory confusion also affected him, and he was sent to a mental hospital for three years.

Now when I see these "enemies" who caused my tragedy, I just stare at them coldly with dead eyes.

"This...." The worldly Zhang Qing is also a little speechless, he has an additional experience of experiencing the life of a mental patient, and has more useless knowledge, but he also wants to laugh.


Zhang Qing from Witch's Journey embraced the other person's shoulders and said, "Don't be so unhappy, look, haven't you received the admission letter from the legendary Hogwarts!? I believe you will soon You can leave the mental hospital, there are still many wonderful lives waiting for you, just smile, hey!"

"And you see, the abilities in my world are very similar to the wizarding system in your world. You know more than other people of your age when you first come up. When you arrive at school, you will be a top student and the most beautiful. Come on, don't do this!"

Little Qingjiao stared at Zhang Qing in the Witch's Journey World with lifeless eyes, without saying a word.

This made Zhang Qing of Witch's Journey very embarrassed. Because the systems of the two worlds are too similar, he has the most memory fragments flowing over there. There was no awakening plug-in at that time, so these memories are still useful to the other party. None, still occupying memory.

Therefore, Zhang Qing from Witch's Journey can be said to be the biggest culprit for the unfortunate life.

Back then, 7-year-old Xiao Qingjiao suddenly said that he had a silver-haired demon girlfriend named Irena, who was always chasing him fiercely, and suddenly said that he was going to do magic experiments. Of course, his family was not calm. At first I thought it was an evil spirit, but a silver-haired female ghost named "Irena" came to the house, and an exorcist was specially invited to the house for this reason.

I thought this was the end of the matter, but I didn't expect my son's pain to become more and more serious, and he talked more and more nonsense, and sometimes even asked them "Who are you"!?

No, over time, he was sent for treatment.

Fortunately, this is a fake child with a second life, otherwise this life will really be ruined. Fortunately, this is a world of wizards, otherwise, maybe he will have to be locked in it for the rest of his life.

Others Zhang Qing was guessing with each other which college the little green pepper would be assigned to!?

As for whether the Sorting Hat really has Legilimency, the ability to capture emotions and memories from a person's mind, as some people speculate [there is nothing to worry about.

Not to mention that Little Green Pepper itself is a mental patient, with that chaotic memory, it is estimated that the Sorting Hat would be crazy if it really had the ability to read memories, and it would not be taken seriously by it.

Not to mention, according to normal logic, this kind of ability is not needed at all, and it is impossible for the elders of those big families to allow their children to be read from their memories, and they may be able to discover some secrets of their own family from these memories, even These elders didn't know when they were young, but now they are grown up, they are also adult wizards, there is no reason why they haven't noticed.

So it is definitely impossible to have the ability to read memories. Hogwarts is no longer the chaotic era where the four founders lived. Now those pure-blood families are not so afraid of Hogwarts College, and neither There is only one magic school, so Legilimency is not realistic.

At the same time, if someone has learned Occlumency at this time, it can only prove that they have a problem. Don't feel at ease thinking that their memories cannot be read, because Occlumency is a kind of magic after all, and there are traces of using magic. The Sorting Hat is so close to your head, don’t you think it can’t detect anything wrong!? I will definitely tell the old bee, the headmaster, so the more you do, the more mistakes you will make.

Therefore, Zhang Qing prefers to believe that the Sorting Hat has the ability to perceive a person's inner emotions, and at the same time has the ability to communicate with the mind. If the little wizard has a problem with his brain, Dumbledore will not be able to bear the responsibility, so the possibility is small


And it also involves a question, that is, where is the memory stored!? What the body has not personally experienced in this life, that is, whether the brain is preserved, or whether it is seen as an absurd dream by others is also a question.

If you are really worried, you can actually choose to go to other magic schools. There is no need to hang yourself from a tree in Hogwarts. Besides, it doesn't matter if you are seen. At most, you think you have the talent for divination and prophecy.

So 5.4, these Zhang Qings are not worried about the problem of the Sorting Hat at all. Instead, they are talking about which college they will go to with great interest.

"First, Slytherin can pass!"

After all, Little Green Pepper is an Asian, and her parents are Muggles. It is impossible for her to be a pure-blood, not even a half-blood prince. If she really gets in, the possibility of entering Azkaban is not as high as it is!

"Then there is Gryffindor. I can't accept the atmosphere there..." Many Zhang Qing said that the little lion was too noisy and felt like a fool, so he couldn't accept it.

So in the end most of Zhang Qing just hesitated in "Hufflepuff" and "Ravenclaw".

One represents low-key and delicious food, and the other is the pursuit of knowledge, both of which are very attractive.

As for Voldemort's encounter with Squeeze to Death, that's all for cultivating a savior. It doesn't matter if you don't follow through, and the magic world is indeed a world where the strong respect the weak and the strong prey, so there's no need to really pretend to be a pig.

Little Green Pepper listened to those arguing over whether to go to the Eagle Yard or the Badger Yard, and was a little speechless, as if they were going to Hogwarts to go to school [These guys are so boring.

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