Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

289 The Jasmine Blooming In The Palm!

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

Headmaster: Albus Dumbledore

(President of the International Federation of Wizards, first-class great magician of Sir Merlin, chief magician of Wizengamot)

Dear Mr. Qing Zhang:

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted to study at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Enclosed is a list of required books and equipment.

Semester is scheduled to start on September 1. We will be waiting for your reply from your owl before July 31st.


Sincerely Minerva McGonagall

"Is this a prank!?"

As a capitalist country, country Y naturally focuses on money interests in everything, so if you want to stay in a mental hospital and get "effective" treatment these days, you will naturally need to pay fees. How could he be sent to a mental hospital when he was locked at home.

However, because of the financial interests involved, generally there will be no abuse of patients, and it can even be said that they are more attentive. Of course, the premise is that this is a formal mental hospital.

So when the nurses in the hospital discovered that an owl carrying a letter had entered Qing Zhang's ward, they were quickly informed of the matter to the attending physician. The hospital also quickly notified Qing Zhang's parents to come over.

It's not that they made a fuss, but that this matter has to be taken seriously. If it's just a Scottish round-faced fat chicken that accidentally broke in, then it's an accident, and there's no need to pay attention at all. Just close the doors and windows in the future.

But the strange thing is that this Scottish round-faced fat chicken also brought a letter 20. The recipient even named the patient in the hospital. The ward on the first floor.

Of course, even if this is the case, the psychiatric hospital does not need to make such a fuss. After all, most of the mental patients are not mentally ill from the beginning. It is normal for people to have one or two friends, but this time the friend is slightly It's just a little more romantic.

But here lies the problem. If the patient is only 11 years old and was sent in when he was 7 years old and has never left a mental hospital, then the problem is worthy

Who will deliver a letter to this kid!?

However, country Y still pays more attention to personal privacy. The hospital did not open the envelope to peek at the contents, but just notified Qing Zhang's parents to come over to deal with the matter.

Instead, let these people steal the painful experience of being washed out of a memory.

"My poor child..." Qing Zhang's mother in this life hugged the small green pepper like acorn and wood with tears in her eyes as soon as she came up.

On the contrary, Tie Zhu‧Zhang, who was the father, took the letter from the nurse and glanced at the owl that was making a "cuckoo" sound on the table. Tie Zhu had a strange expression on his face. Thinking that there really is such a time.

After opening the envelope and taking out the letter paper inside, Tie Zhu read it, but he didn't read it aloud.

In addition to the content at the beginning of this chapter, there is a folded list of required books and equipment at the back.

The content is also very absurd and weird.

So it's no wonder that Tie Zhu thought it was a prank from the beginning.

The envelope, though, was made of heavy parchment, and the address was written in emerald green ink. No postage stamp. On the envelope is a wax seal, a coat of arms with a large "H" surrounded by a lion, an eagle, a badger and a snake.

If it's a prank, it's too much. This single letter will cost a lot, and you have to train an owl to deliver the letter accurately, which will cost too much. As As a middle class, Tie Zhu still knows about these things.

"What prank!?" Mary Lee looked at Tie Zhu in confusion. She heard her husband muttering all by himself, not even caring about her son, so she blamed her and asked.

"That's the letter, saying that our son has been admitted to a magic school, and he's doing well. The envelope is made of parchment paper, tsk tsk..." Tie Zhu handed the letter over, and touched I touched Qing Zhang's little head, and told him about the family affairs, and what happened to his sister, so that he could feel at ease here for treatment, and seek help from nurses and doctors if he needed anything.

Ever since Qing Zhang entered the misty space, he has become more sober, and he is no longer as muddled and confused as before. However, it may be due to the sequelae, but he is still dull and not very talkative. Another impolite way to say it is Always in a daze like a fool.

Qing Zhang nodded, and then looked at her mother who was suddenly silent. Mary Lee is of mixed race, as can be seen from her name, but her appearance is still more oriental, probably because she is only a quarter of England. Average pedigree.

It is also because of this that after marrying Tie Zhu Zhang, the children born are more inclined to the oriental race, and even do not see any appearance characteristics of the western race.

The younger sister mentioned by Tie Zhu, named Jasmine Zhang, is only four years old today. Because the mental hospital is not a good place, so Qing Zhang's parents did not bring such a young child here. They stayed at home and let the old man take care of it temporarily. up.

"Mary, what's the matter with you!?" Tie Zhu also noticed his wife's abnormality, and she usually acts like an old hen. When it comes to children, she doesn't care about other things

It's so strange now that it's so quiet, leaving his son aside.

When he looked up, he found that Mary was staring at the letter paper, and she was stunned, which shocked Tie Zhu.

"Tie Zhu, wait, we'll talk about this later......" After being awakened, Mary took a look at the situation in the room. There were only three of them in the room, but Mary was not at ease, and walked to the door lightly. , Gently opened the door and looked outside, only to find that no one had closed it.

But there is still a monitor in the room, but the monitor can't hear the sound, so she doesn't care much.

After finishing everything, she went back to the bed, sat down, looked at her puzzled husband and whispered, "Tie Zhu, do you still remember what I told you about Yada before!?"

Tie Zhu frowned, "That's the kid from your neighbor's house when you were young!?"

"Yes! What are you jealous about? That's a little fat man, how could I like it!?" Seeing her husband's expression, Mary knew what this guy was thinking.

After taking a reproachful look, he continued, "Didn't I tell you before, when I was a child, I saw an owl fly into his house one day, and after a while, that guy didn't show up much, his parents still said They said they went to some school in the distance, but they still came back one or two days a year, and no one thought it was missing or something else, but..."

"But I don't even recognize that guy anymore, he's changed a lot, and there's a weird..."

Tie Zhu laughed and said, "Yes, you also said that the other party was kidnapped by aliens..."

Mary gave this guy a blank look, and said: "Why are you so stupid, is this what I'm talking about!? Look at the situation of your son now, isn't it very similar to Yada's!?"

Tie Zhu smiled embarrassingly, and then came to his senses. He looked at the owl in the room, and after recalling the absurd content in the letter, he slapped his thigh, "Don't tell me, it's really almost the same!"

"So all of this is...……………Really!?"

"It's not a prank!?"

Mary couldn't be sure, but she still nodded and said, "Maybe it's true, otherwise the situation between Yada and his son would be unexplainable, so let's forget about Yada, but there is no need for our son to lie!?"

Although it is not right to say so, but it is considered a talent to deceive people into lunatics.

"But, magic, how can magic exist!?" Tie Zhu said that he couldn't accept it, and his worldview collapsed.

"I hope it's true..." Mary looked at Qing Zhang lovingly and sighed.

They were sent to the psychiatric hospital just to treat Qing Zhang. Even if they knew that the possibility of recovery was not high, they still had to try. It wasn't that they wanted to give up their child, but that they really wanted him to be treated.

But it has been more than three years, and other children are still enjoying school life at this time, but her son is trapped in a mental hospital. Mary feels heartbroken thinking about it, but there is no way.

Now magic suddenly appeared, although I don't know if magic can heal my son, but there is hope, isn't it!?

That's why Mary said the hope was real.

And Qing Zhang's situation is afraid that he will not be able to go to 317 at all in ordinary schools. It would be good if he could go to a magic school, it would be better than wasting time in a mental hospital

"This..." Tie Zhu was also silent when he heard the words.

"Yes... Really..." Perhaps it was because he hadn't spoken for a long time, Qing Zhang spoke a little intermittently, looking very difficult, but he still started to speak.

After hearing Qing Zhang's words, Tie Zhu and Mary were astonished, and then they were pleasantly surprised that their son finally had a normal reaction.

"Son, do you still know us!?"

But Tie Zhu endured the surprise, and asked tentatively, but Mary covered her mouth and cried into tears, especially after seeing Qing Zhang nodding.

He hugged Qing Zhang and cried.

Tie Zhu also wanted to hug him, but his wife preempted him, so he could only watch helplessly.

After crying for a while, Mary touched Qing Zhang's little head and asked, "What did you really mean just now!?"

Qing Zhang didn't answer right away, but first glanced at the surveillance camera, then retracted his gaze, and stretched out his hand in front of the two of them.

Mary and Tie Zhu were puzzled at first, and looked at their son's white and tender hands in a daze.

Then I was shocked to see a flower bud slowly emerging from it, slowly blooming in front of the two of them, and finally turned into a blooming jasmine flower.

Since her sister's name is Jasmine, she knows that Mary likes jasmine flowers very much, so Qing Zhang conjures a jasmine flower to prove that magic really exists.

Originally these need to be proved by the school professors to the parents of the students, but Qing Zhang’s situation is very special, and there are some freaks who lack common knowledge of the Muggle world in the wizarding world, maybe they really don’t know about mental hospitals. Wherever it is, just wander around.

At that time, it will be a large-scale magic exposure accident, and Tie Zhu and Mary will not live in the mental hospital.

So if Qing Zhang wants to leave the mental hospital, he still has to prove to his parents in this life that magic exists and his illness is cured.

"This, this, this..."

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