Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

291 The Magical World In The Eyes Of Asians!

Maybe apparate directly into Diagon Alley, but apparently Professor Sprout didn't do that.

She led Qing and Zhang's family of three to London, um, actually took Tie Zhu's car.

Along the way, I passed bookstores, record stores, hamburger stores, movie theaters... To be honest, Tie Zhu was a little at a loss. It's not that he has never been to London, but he has never heard of any entrance to the magic world, and Still in this bustling street.

If Professor Sprout hadn't proved the existence of magic yesterday, he would have suspected that he had been tricked.

This is just an ordinary street, crowded with ordinary people, is there really a wizard bank, a shop selling spell books and magic wands!? Tie Zhu followed Professor Sprout’s instructions and drove forward. From the corner of the eye, he noticed the ordinary shops and ordinary people on both sides of the street.

Since the shattering of the Three Views, so far he is still somewhat confused......

"Just stop here, we're here," Sprout said with a smile in the back seat.

"Here!? Are you sure!?" Tie Zhu stopped the car in confusion, and looked at the surrounding streets, which were so ordinary that there were people coming and going, and it didn't look like there was any secret entrance.

Mary was clearly equally confused.

On the other hand, Qing Zhang's eyes were attracted by the dirty and run-down bar squeezed in between a big bookstore and a record store. To be honest, although he had already prepared himself early, the freaks in the magic world were still serious. Enough to be independent.

The surroundings have changed a lot, and these people’s aesthetics have not kept up. If it weren’t for the protection of magic, who would not notice such an incompatible place, “Who wouldn’t be surprised by this!?

"Yes! The Leaky Cauldron, we're here, I think you've seen it too, kid!" Professor Sprout nodded with a smile.

Qing Zhang also nodded to his parents, "It's right between the record store and the big bookstore."

It was said that Tie Zhu and Mary stopped to watch after getting off the car, but their eyes couldn't help avoiding that place automatically, even though Qing Zhang had already pointed out the location of the Leaky Cauldron Bar. The bookstore and record store are adjacent, and there obviously isn't enough space for a bar in between.

So did the people hurrying by on the high street, who hurried past the Leaky Cauldron without even looking at it, with their eyes fixed on a big bookstore on one side and a record store on the other. No one can see the weird and conspicuous bar.

Professor Sprout waved his baton-like wand lightly.

"My Jade Emperor!" Tie Zhu and Mary were stunned when they saw the Leaky Cauldron Bar, not because of the magical magic, but because the place was too bad.

Professor Sprout obviously didn't understand why the Asian couple was shocked!? She smiled and introduced with a little pride, "This is the entrance to Diagon Alley, isn't it great!?"

"Hehe..." Tie Zhu and Mary responded with embarrassed smiles. Although they have been in Country Y for three generations, they are obviously still far from qualified people from Country Y.

In fact, it is impossible to understand the aesthetics and habits of some people in country Y.

Otherwise, I wouldn't live in Chinatown.

Professor Sprout obviously didn't know the meaning of "hehe", she thought that Tie Zhu and the others were really surprised, and said with a little imperceptible pride, "Okay, time is running out, let's go in, I miss you guys Can't wait.

This is a small, dirty bar. As a well-known place, it is too dark and dirty. The three of them resisted their discomfort and followed Professor Sprout into the Leaky Cauldron. Apparently, they also turned a blind eye to the four people who acted strangely.

Tie Zhu and Mary found that those ordinary people seemed to be unable to see them, and their eyes had never been focused on them.

Is this magic........

Several old women were sitting in a corner of the room, drinking sherry in small glasses, and one of them was smoking a long pipe. A little man in a top hat was talking to the barkeeper, whose hair was almost bald and who looked like a blunted walnut.

When the four of them came in, their chirping voices couldn't help but stop for a moment, and a pair of eyes glanced at them.

However, after seeing the leader, Professor Sprout, many people raised their wine glasses to signal, and after silently greeting, they did not disturb the work of the dean and professor of Hogwarts. Anyone who has the identity of Professor Sprout knows what she is doing now.

"Professor Quirrell, why are you here!?" Sprout wanted to take Qing Zhang and the others away, but when he glanced at the guests in the bar inadvertently, he paused and recognized a person sitting at a certain table. Pale young man.

The position of Professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts at Hogwarts is a very magical position.

Basically, very few people can persist for a full year, and they will have to leave due to various accidental injuries. If they persist too much, the closer the time is to the full year, the more dangerous the accident will be, and even endanger their lives.

So if you see a very young Hogwarts professor, you don't need to ask, it must be the professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts.

The reason why Professor Sprout was surprised was not because of anything, but because Quirrell appeared here at this time, which surprised her a bit. After all, as a new professor, he was still an inexperienced young professor. Professor Quirrell There is no need to lead Muggle students here like they did.

Although the Leaky Cauldron is a pub, there are obviously other options in the wizarding world. Except for Hagrid, other professors rarely come here to drink.

"Professor Sprout." Quirrell stood up a little cautiously, and stammered, calling Professor Sprout.

Professor Sprout shook his head imperceptibly, "Don't be nervous, Professor Quirrell, I still have to take the students into Diagon Alley, you can do what you want, don't worry about me...

To be honest, chatting with a stutterer is obviously not a good choice. Obviously, Professor Sprout remembers that when he was in school, Quirrell was not like this. Why did he suddenly become so strange and obedient?

Is he really suitable to be a professor in his current appearance? Professor Sprout doubted Dumbledore's choice.

But obviously Professor Sprout didn't intend to say anything more about it, she still believed that Dumbledore would not mess around.

"Ah, ah... yes! The fingers of Quirrell's hands are constantly intertwined, obviously nervous.

Professor Sprout sighed, looked away, and led Qing and Zhang through the bar to a small courtyard surrounded by walls, where there was nothing but a trash can and some weeds .

"Okay, kid, remember this." Professor Sprout led the three of them to the wall where the trash can was, and motioned Qing Zhang to look carefully.

"Count three yuan up, um, count two yuan further down, stand up!"

Speaking of which, the short and fat lady gently tapped the wall three times with the magic wand in her hand. The brick she knocked on suddenly trembled and began to move. get bigger. Not long after, a wide archway appeared in front of them, enough for two people to pass side by side, leading to a winding cobbled street with no end in sight.

"Welcome..." Professor Sprout put away his magic wand, turned around and smiled at the two, one, one, and three people, "Welcome to Diagon Alley."

Not long after Professor Sprout led Qing and Zhang into Diagon Alley, a tall or gigantic figure was ushered in at the Leaky Cauldron, followed by a curious and somewhat nervous figure. Be careful little skinny boy.

Unlike when Professor Sprout came in, things were quiet and quiet. After the giant and the little boy came in, it can be said that the noise of the dirty little bar increased several times, and the guests and the bar owner became more enthusiastic. .

Among them, the stuttering young Professor Quirrell's eyes also fell on the slightly ordinary boy wearing glasses who was following the giant, and there was an incomprehensible taste in his eyes.

"Harry - Potter..."

"I think you remember to bring the list, kid!" Professor Sprout didn't act immediately. After stopping, he looked at Qing Zhang with a smile, and asked after waiting for the three of them to finish being shocked.

Seeing that Qing Zhang took out the second page of letter paper, which was the list of essential items, Professor Sprout was obviously very satisfied, "You've done a good job, kid, come on, let's exchange some coins used by wizards in the magic world[ Otherwise we can't buy what's on the list..."

The shops on the street are not neat, they seem to be randomly put together and squeezed together, giving people a dirty and messy feeling. Compared with the Leaky Cauldron, the environment of Diagon Alley is much better, although it is not as good as Muggle It is as clean and bright as the modern shops in the world.

The three of them glanced around in a hurry, and followed Professor Sprout to a snow-white building towering above the surrounding shops. Beside the shiny bronze gate, stood a figure in scarlet and inlaid with gold. .

After the four of them approached along the white stone steps, they finally got a clear look at the figure.

"That's a goblin." Professor Sprout introduced.

Obviously she misunderstood the reason why Tie Zhu and Mary were shocked. To be honest, this elf is quite different from the elf in people's minds.

Qing Zhang prefers to call them "goblins" or "goblins".

Please don't insult the word "fairy". No matter it is the east or the west, it is obvious that people think "fairy" is a beautiful and attractive thing, rather than this kind of strange creature that is ugly and thin, with particularly long hands and feet .

If it really looks like this, then it is understandable why Tang Sanzang is not confused by the female goblin on the road!

When entering the door, the goblin bowed to them, and then a second door appeared in front of them, which was silver, and the following words were engraved on the two doors:

"Come in, stranger, but be careful"

"What will happen to the insatiable"

"Blindly ask for, get for nothing"

"He will be punished with the most severe punishment"

"So if you want to take from our underground vaults, a treasure that was never yours"

"Thief, you have been warned, be careful not to bring treasure, but evil reward."

However, compared with the warning words, Tie Zhu and Mary were more surprised that all the staff here seemed to be the kind of "goblins" who stood at the door just now, and they suddenly looked a little weird, but they didn't say anything.

After all, as an Asian, I am used to it. Even if I was born and raised in this western country, I still can't fully integrate into it, so I have developed a silent attitude after seeing things I don't understand.

Perhaps, these wizards think that it is normal for money to be controlled by other species...

This is as absurd as saying that the employees in the bank in Xia Guoli are all from the Sakura country. If this is true, then it would not be surprising that the person sitting on the highest seat in the administrative building is also from the Sakura country. .

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