Things went smoothly without any disturbances.

After trying twice, I bought the magic wand that suits me, an eleven-inch magic wand made of Qing Zhang's mahogany and unicorn hair.

Qing Zhang had a weird expression when he took the wand, because it sounded like it was specially used for avoiding evil spirits, maybe it would be better to replace it with a mahogany sword, apparently Tie Zhu and Mary also thought so

"Urgently, like a law..."

Well, just thinking about it in my heart.

Everything was bought soon, but Qing Zhang didn't mean to buy an owl. As long as it is a small animal in captivity, it is not as simple as imagined. Of course, it can not only be an owl. It is also stated on the list that it can be an owl. Gallbladder or cat.

Qing Zhang is obviously fond of cats, but it is obviously useless to bring a cat to Hogwarts, and his understanding of Hogwarts is that he has read novels in his previous life, and most of them are fan novels. Yes, but I haven't read it much, so it's not wrong to say that I don't know much about it.

At this time, it is obviously not a wise choice to bring a small pet. In addition, the dormitory in Hogwarts is not a single room, it is shared by other students, who knows what kind of person it will be!? Maybe There is a tendency to abuse cats, so Qing Zhang doesn't plan to buy a pet cat at this time.

But he has already figured it out, if he finds that there is nothing in Hogwarts, he can come back during the holidays, he has already thought of a name for his future kitten~, it will be called "Tom"!

Right, Mr. Voldemort.

As for the broomstick, because the first graders don’t need it, so they didn’t go there, and Tie Zhu and Mary didn’t understand why they needed to buy a broom[Is it because they need to clean up!?

On the contrary, Qing Zhang's eyes were a bit complicated, because when he saw the broom, he thought of another self's superb flying skills to play tricks on Irena, and of course, the feeling of pain in the egg after riding for a long time.

In the end, Qing Zhang stayed in the Lihen Bookstore. As long as he wanted to buy more books, the textbooks on the list alone could not satisfy him. The needs were very similar to the world of Witch's Journey, but obviously this world still There is a big difference, talking about the magic aspect.

But the difference is that very few people in the wizarding world know how to use elemental magic. For example, Irena often uses wind magic to attack, while the wizarding world is dominated by black magic such as the three unforgivable spells. In Luo's words, it is more about using "weapons except you" and so on.

Perhaps this has something to do with the isolation between wizards and ordinary people. Unlike the world of Witch's Journey, witches get along well with ordinary people.

Books needed for first graders are:

Standard Spells, Elementary, by Miranda Goshawk

A History of Magic, by Bathilda Bagshot

A Theory of Magic, by Adbe Woflin

The Beginner's Guide to Transfiguration, by Emory Switch

A Thousand Wonderful Herbs and Mushrooms by Lee Inspore

Magic Potions and Potions. By Arsen Niggig

The Monster and Where It Comes from, by Newtus Kaman

Dark Forces: A Guide to Self-Defense by Quentin Limb

Because it is used as a textbook, you only need to ask the store manager or the clerk to help you find it quickly, while Qing Zhang continues to browse the piles of books that have been stacked together to form a tower, scattered and messy.

"Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them", by Newt Scamander." Qing Zhang picked up this book without hesitation, because it is a very famous guide to introducing ingredients.

But when Qing Zhang stretched out his hand to take the book, the small white hand beside him also stretched out at the same time, and it happened to land on the same book.

Qing Zhang turned his head and found that it was a very thick and disheveled little girl with brown hair. She was about the same height as Qing Zhang. There was no way that Eastern races were shorter than Western races. She runs faster than the boys, and if it wasn't for Qing·Zhang's family being well-nourished and tall and thin, she might not be as tall as the other.

The little girl beside her also looked at Qing Zhang in amazement with her piercing brown eyes, as if she didn't expect that someone wanted this book as much as she did, and it wasn't required for the first-grade textbook.

Qing Zhang let go of his hand and asked the other party to take the book away. Anyway, it wasn't the only one, and there was nothing wrong with a gentleman being modest.

"Thank you..." The girl thanked with some embarrassment, and she could clearly see her front teeth like a rabbit's door when she opened her mouth.

Only then did Qing Zhang confirm that this was Hermione Granger, one of the famous Iron Triangle. Obviously, it was not strange to meet this little girl in a bookstore.

Qing Zhang nodded slightly indifferently, and said, "You're welcome."

Then he picked up the same book on the other side. As I said before, most of the books here are not alone, but they are just a little messy, and the guests need to be patient to find them.

"Are you also a student who is about to enter Hogwarts!?" Hermione obviously also noticed the iron pillar and Mary in front of the counter, as well as the chubby witch Professor Sprout, plus Qing Zhang's height and her Almost, I figured it out very quickly, and suddenly became a little excited.

Her parents stayed outside and wandered around, obviously interested in the discovery of the magic world, and they didn't seem to be disappointed by the unexpected dirty and backward environment of the magic ghost.

"En." Qing Zhang simply responded.

His gaze continued to scan the pile of books. He was more interested in books than this classmate who would only choose Doug Gryffindor as a little lion in the end.

And feel that the other party is a bit noisy.

Hermione chattered, even though Qing Zhang was less talkative or even a little cold, it didn't make her lose interest. As long as she was in this strange environment, she could meet someone of the same age as herself who was born in a Muggle family. People, make her feel at ease.

Obviously, not only Professor Sprout will bring only one family to Diagon Alley at a time, but he did not choose to bring several families together at once, the same is true for the professor who is responsible for leading the Hermione family, so after entering Diagon Alley , Seeing more children who are brought by wizard parents, this makes her sensitive heart very depressed, and she is very afraid that she will not be able to keep up with the teaching progress of Hogwarts, because she has been ignorant of magic before. known.

I am even more afraid that I am the only student in this situation.

After all, she gave up her original life and school, and chose to enter the magic world. There is no one she knows well here. Her former classmates and teachers are already people from two worlds with her. The tension and uneasiness caused by the fading emotion has been tormenting this little girl these days.

Busy Hogwarts professors obviously don't have time to talk too much with unenrolled girls, and not every professor seems to be easy to communicate with, like a greasy old bat is not a Good conversation partner.

Although Hermione kept talking, she did not stop picking books just like Qing Zhang did. Sometimes when she saw Qing Zhang go to pick up a certain book, she would also pick up the same one. Qing Zhang, who seems to like reading books, obviously has a good impression of him.

0 looking for flowers......

Qing Zhang is sure that the pile of books that Hermione is holding must be more than what she bought in the original book, because Qing Zhang also chooses some books about jokes and miscellaneous notes. There is no spectrum, but it is very useful for understanding the magic world, not as boring as the history of magic, and the tone of the book is official.

Obviously, the original Hermione Granger would not choose this kind of books. For her who wants to integrate into this strange magic world as soon as possible, those useful knowledge books are what she needs. Unfortunately, she is not so old at this age. I understand that if you really want to integrate into it, you still have to start from the small side, instead of turning into an encyclopedia and filling your brain with magical knowledge.

So following Qing Zhang's choice made her get what she wanted, which Hermione doesn't know at the moment.

This is like, you are a foreign tourist, and you want to know about the local area, why don’t you just go to the library to find introductions to local places of interest and local history!? Obviously, most of the locals may not know as much as you do, because they may None of them are interested, the choice in Hermione's original book itself is wrong, of course it is wrong in interpersonal relationship, but it is enough for academics.

"Can you hold it!?" Although Qing Zhang was a little annoyed by the other party's noise, but when she saw her shaking with a stack of books, she still asked.

Although he also has the same amount, but Qing Zhang is stronger, and there will be no problem if there are more.

Hermione hugged the book with some difficulty, "No, it's okay..."

His eyes were still on those areas that he hadn't had time to visit, obviously he didn't want to give up just like that.

Qing Zhang felt a little amused, and shook his head, "Go and pay the bill, you can come back later."

...Okay, okay!" Somewhat reluctantly, Hermione followed Qing Zhang to line up to check out, as long as she felt a little bit strenuous, the pile of books was not light, and this was because there was no bill. Because of the textbooks in the school, otherwise she would never be able to walk.

But she would have to worry later, because on the counter, there were obviously eight textbooks and books needed for the first year of Hogwarts that the clerk had found for her in advance, which was enough to crush the other party's small body.

Sure enough, seeing these books, Hermione's face collapsed, and she also realized that she was stupid.

Mary was enthusiastic, "Let me help you."

After Hermione thanked her, she said, "My parents are outside, I will leave it to them later, thank you Madam.

Professor Sprout was a little surprised to see two children buying so many books, but there were more smiles on his face. The only pity was that these two children probably would not enter her college, after all Those who are so thirsty for knowledge will end up in Ravenclaw, and a few will enter Slytherin or Gryffindor.

Hufflepuff was recognized at some point, and the other three colleges chose the remaining asylums, so unless they could only go to Hufflepuff, otherwise, as long as they had a choice, they would not enter other colleges.

Among them, those who are smart and pursue knowledge obviously have more choices.

So it's no wonder that Professor Sprout has this kind of mentality, although she thinks that the children in her college are great. .

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