"The train will arrive at Hogwarts in five minutes. Please leave your luggage on the train. We will send you to school." After the train sailed for an unknown amount of time, a voice suddenly sounded on the train. reverberate.

Then Qing Zhang felt a commotion and chaos outside the box.

The train slowed down, and sitting in the box could obviously feel the speed slowing down a little bit, and then finally stopped completely after a sense of jolting.

Qing Zhang was not in a hurry to get out of the box, because he could clearly see the scene of the passengers outside pushing and shoving, rushing towards the door, and now he would definitely be squeezed into the piece of meat in the center of the sandwich.

After the commotion outside gradually subsided, Qing Zhang and Hermione walked towards the car door unhurriedly and landed on a dark and small platform.

Many short winter melons are disheveled at this time, and their black robes are even more wrinkled, looking extremely embarrassed.

Hermione gasped, stood beside Qing Zhang, and said, "I think you are right, we shouldn't be in a hurry."

It's clearly already September, but the night is still extremely cold. Many people put scarves around their necks, and Qing and Zhang are no exception. After hearing Hermione's words, Qing and Zhang shrugged, " I don't think they're just in such a mess when they got out of the car..."

In fact, it was true. A large group of people were running outside the corridor of the train, and not many stayed in the box quietly. These people only thought of changing into their school uniforms in the last five minutes, and they must have been in a hurry.

Before Hermione could say anything else, a lamp was bobbing over the students' heads, and a brawny voice yelled, "First Years! First Years come this way! Harry come this way, are you still here?" OK!?"

On the sea of ​​thousands of people, a tall man with a big beard smiled at a thin boy wearing glasses, and then looked at other people.

"Come on, follow me! Follow me! Are there any first-year students!? Watch out for your feet, okay! All first-year students follow me!"

All the tall men who followed were slippery, stumbling, and seemed to be going downhill along a steep and narrow path. It was pitch black on both sides of the path, and there should be dense forests on both sides, and the "rustling" sound of the leaves being blown by the wind could be clearly heard.

The atmosphere was eerie and gloomy, no one spoke for a while, only the boy who lost the toad sniffed his nose once or twice.

"Turn this corner, and you will see Hogwarts for the first time soon." The tall man walking in front and holding a lamp that could only emit a faint yellow light shouted back.

Then there was a loud "Oh———!"

A black lake suddenly opened up at the end of the narrow path. On the high hillside on the other side of the lake stands a majestic castle with many spiers and windows twinkling under the starry sky.

However, before all the first-year students were intoxicated by the beautiful scenery, the tall man pointed to a group of small boats moored on the shore and shouted loudly, "There are no more than four people in each boat, and you can follow a boat as you like." , remember no more than four people!"

Qing Zhang and Hermione boarded the boat last, along with a ruddy girl with two blond braids and a darker-skinned boy.

"Are you all on the boat!""?" The tall man shouted, and he was on a boat by himself, "Then let's move on!"

Immediately a fleet of small boats sailed across the glass-flat surface of the lake. Everyone was silent, staring at the huge castle high into the sky. When they approached the cliff where the castle was located, the castle seemed to tower over their heads, majestic and oppressive.

"Bow your head!" When the first batch of small boats approached the cliff, the tall man shouted loudly, attracting everyone's attention and refocusing their minds and attention on him.

When they saw the solid wall that could touch their heads while sitting, everyone quickly lowered their heads in fright.

Qing Zhang was speechless for a while, the last school was like a roller coaster ride, that is, in the magic world, otherwise she would have been complained by the outside world, and Hermione's face turned pale in the dark, I don't know if she was scared , still frozen by the cold in the center of the lake.

The boat carried the people through the ivy curtain covering the front of the cliff, and came to the secret open entrance. They walked along a dark tunnel to the underground of the castle, and finally reached a place similar to an underground pier, and then climbed up to the castle. A ground of gravel and small pebbles.

"Hey! That boy in front, is this your toad!?" After everyone got off the boat, "The tall man found something while checking the empty boat and shouted to the round-faced boy.

"Thanks Merlin!" the boy cried ecstatically, with his arms outstretched.

Hermione was shaken a little unsteadily, and after being supported by Qing Zhang, she still vomited when she saw that scene, "I think he should use a rope to tie that toad around him.

Apparently even Hermione could see that the toad wasn't lost by herself at all, but that the round-faced boy forgot to leave it every time.

Then they climbed up a tunnel in the rock under the light of a tall man carrying a lantern, and at last they reached a flat, wet meadow in the shadow of the castle.

Finally, the crowd climbed a flight of stone steps and gathered in front of a huge oak door.

"Is it all here!? Look, is your toad still there!?"

After confirming that there were no other problems, the tall man knocked on the castle gate three times.

Not long after, the gate slowly opened, and a tall black-haired witch in an emerald green robe stood in front of the gate. She has a serious expression and looks very difficult to deal with

"All the first-year students are here, Professor McGonagall." The tall man said.

"Thank you, Hagrid, just leave it to me to pick you up when you get here."

Professor McGonagall opened the eight doors wide, allowing people to see clearly the situation inside. The stone walls are surrounded by flaming torches, the ceiling is so high that the top cannot be seen, and the front is a luxurious marble floor, which leads directly to the upstairs.

And when everyone followed Professor McGonagall along the stone floor, they could faintly hear the buzzing voices of hundreds of people coming from the door on the right. Students from other grades in the school must have arrived. Unusually tense up.

Professor McGonagall did not bring everyone in there, but instead led the first-year students to a small empty room at the other end of the hall. Everyone rushed in, rubbing shoulders and huddling together, staring nervously at everything around them.

"Welcome to Hogwarts," said Professor McGonagall. "The opening banquet is about to begin, but before you take your seats in the auditorium, you must first confirm which college you are entering. Classification is a It is a very important ceremony, because when you are in school, the college is like your home in Hogwarts. You will have classes with other students in the college, live in the college dormitory together, and spend time together in the college common room After school time."

"The names of the four colleges are: Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Rackvenlaw and Slytherin. It is not said that the colleges have their own glorious history and have cultivated outstanding wizards. You are in Hogwarts During your studies here, your excellent performance will earn you extra points for your college, and any violations will make your college lose points. "I hope that no matter which college you are assigned to, you will be a credit to the college."

"Okay, in a few minutes, the sorting ceremony will be held in front of all the teachers and students of the school. I suggest that you tidy up yourselves and be more energetic while waiting."

Her eyes wandered over the man's cloak (the cloak strap was tied under the left ear) and the dirt on Ron's nose, seeming to be pointed.

Everyone tidied up their clothes and hair that had been blown messily by the wind.

As for Neville and Ron, they didn't seem to understand Professor McGonagall's eyes at all. After arranging them randomly, those two places were still eye-catching, which made Professor McGonagall's brows twitch.

She sighed, but still said seriously, "I'll pick you up when it's ready over there. Remember, please keep quiet while waiting!"

After Professor McGonagall left, everyone dared to take a big breath.

Then there was the sound of chirping, no one remembered Professor McGonagall's order, Qing Zhang shook his head, these children don't want to think that this place is not far from the auditorium, and even the slightest sound can be heard clearly , is it helpful for you to lower your voice!?

Hermione took out her magic wand at this time, and tightly clenched the handle of the wand with her fingers. Because of too much force, her knuckles turned white. She looked very nervous, and her eyes seemed to have anxiety and anticipation.

Qing Zhang looked up at the ceiling,

She wouldn't take it seriously, would she think that she really had to fight some terrible monster!? I don't know who she asked for, but none of them told the truth, tsk tsk...

Over there, Harry and Ron were also chatting about how to sort the houses, and finally everyone came up with the answer of what monster they had to fight.

All of a sudden, many people panicked, and even started to shed tears because of their timidity.

At this moment, twenty or so ghosts popped out of the wall behind everyone. These pearly white, translucent ghosts slid across the room and whispered to each other, but they paid little attention to these first-year freshmen, and even many Ghosts go straight through them.

Suddenly there was a scream, as long as it was the scream of the new students from the Muggle family.

Qing Zhang pulled Hermione, who was froze from fright, to hide aside, avoiding the road and letting these ghosts pass by. He didn't want to experience the body temperature and negative distance contact of ghosts at all.

"Thank you so much, are those ghosts!?" Hermione asked with her pale face trembling.

"Old castle, ghost, Zhao Li's) Yes!" Qing Zhang nodded to confirm Hermione's question.

"Is it necessary to fight ghosts later!?" Hermione's thick curly hair suddenly exploded, and her face was very ugly.

It seems that some of the seniors on the train told her about the different monsters that she fought every day at school, so Hermione mistakenly thought that she would have to fight these ghosts later, and she kept recalling the spells she remembered, thinking Find the spell knowledge that can have an effect on ghosts from it.

Then I heard the little girl reciting awkward mantras by herself, like a monk chanting scriptures.

It seemed that upon hearing Hermione's guess, the faces of the first-year freshmen who were nearby also changed drastically.

Ron even cursed in a low voice, "Shit, why don't you fight the troll like Fred and the others said!?"

Although Harry didn't know what the troll was like, the ghost was enough for him to panic.

In an instant, all the first-year freshmen were trembling, looking like little chickens. They didn't even pay attention to what the ghosts said, and their minds were full of how to defeat these ghosts, or prevent themselves from being too embarrassing and embarrassing.

[The author has something to say:

Because I am afraid that some readers have not read it, so I wrote it in detail, which may be a bit hydrological in the eyes of some readers who have read it, so I will try to reduce these irrelevant content below.

As long as the author wants to lay down a little bit of the atmosphere and flavor of the original work. 】.

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