Go through the foyer and through a double door into the auditorium.

Students from other grades in the college were already sitting around four long tables, above which thousands of candles floating in the air illuminated the auditorium. Glittering gold plates and goblets stood on four long tables.

And there is another long table on the first stage in the auditorium, which is the seat for the teachers.

After Professor McGonagall took the first-year students over there and asked them to stand in a row facing all the senior students, with their backs to the teachers, he gently placed a picture in front of these anxious little cubs. A high stool, and then put a worn out old wizard hat on it, the patches can still be seen on it, and the dirt of the original color can't be seen.

Looking at the hat, Qing Zhang's face was also a little ugly. It was really unimaginable that he would have to wear this dirty hat on his head later. He would definitely have to wash his hair three times after returning.

At this time, everyone in the auditorium was staring at the hat, and the entire auditorium became silent in an instant.

In this silence, the hat seemed to come alive, it twisted slowly, and there was a wide slit on it, like a big mouth.

The hat just opened its mouth and began to sing.

"You may think I'm not pretty..."

...because I am a thinking hat!"

After the hat sang, there was thunderous applause, and the hat bowed to the four dining tables, and then stood still.

At this time, all the freshmen in the first grade basically understood how to be sorted, which was explained in the lyrics of the hat.

Immediately, Hermione glared at Qing Zhang with a little anger, and secretly put away the magic wand that she had been holding in her hand before, because it was useless at all, in vain she recalled the fighting actions in the fighting TV dramas she had watched on TV Woolen cloth!

What does this guy say dragon, does that hat look like a dragon!?

Qing Zhang shrugged, he didn't say it was true either!

"Whoever's name I call now will put on a hat, sit on a stool, and wait for the sorting." Professor McGonagall planned the whispering of the freshmen at this time, and went to the battle with a straight face, which had a mute effect up.

"First, Hannah Abbott!"

A rosy-cheeked little girl with two golden braids staggered out of the queue and put on her hat, which just covered her eyes.

And a moment after she sat down, the hat called, "Hufflepuff."

Hermione remembered the 223 girl, the one who was officially in the boat with her.

At this time, the people at the table on the right applauded and cheered for Hannah, and welcomed her to sit with them all the time.

Then there was Susan Bones who was also sorted into Hufflepuff.

Terry Bout enters Laquevenlaw.

One by one the freshmen were read their names, and then they put on their hats and sat on a stool to wait for the sorting process. The process was very fast, even the slowest one took no more than half a minute.

This made the freshmen who did not have time to be sorted very nervous, and their spirits tensed up, for fear of missing their names.

Soon it was Hermione's turn. When she walked out of the queue, she glanced back at Qing Zhang, then put on her hat, and was assigned "Gryffindor" without any surprise.

Qing Zhang's surname meant that he would be the last to go up, so there was nothing to worry about.

When Harry Potter came on stage, there were countless whispers in the auditorium, and everyone's eyes fell on this ordinary but extraordinary thin little boy, as if seeing some strange animal.

And when Harry Potter was assigned to Gryffindor, the students at the Gryffindor table cheered like a wave, they shouted loudly, "We have Potter!" , we have Potter."

It's like a man in his 70s and 80s getting a son, happily shouting "My wife is here, my wife is here!"

I don't know what kind of reaction these people will have if they know what Qing Zhang is thinking at this moment!?

After waiting for a while, when all the other freshmen—— went to sit at the four long dining tables, Qing Zhang was the only one left in the queue, but Qing Zhang didn't show any fear , he looked at Professor McGonagall with a cold gaze, waiting for the other party to call his name.

"Finally, Qingzhang, it's your turn!"

Qing Zhang nodded, walked forward unhurriedly, took the torn and dirty hat, hesitated for a while, and then put it on his head.

Immediately, the hat's broken copper voice sounded in my ear, "Well... Interesting child, I can feel that you are very calm at the moment, unlike every freshman I have ever met, oh, you seem to be very calm. It was an accident to want to enter Hufflepuff......"

"Well, I still respect your inner choices very much."

"Hufflepuff—!" Finally the voice in his head died away, and the hat called out Hufflepuff.

Qing Zhang took off his hat, returned it to Professor McGonagall, and walked towards Hufflepuff's dining table.

At this time, Hermione looked at Qing Zhang's figure with some disappointment at the Gryffindor table.

The Hufflepuff students were very enthusiastic. After seeing another classmate from their college, they all enthusiastically pulled Qing Zhang to sit down, and everyone had a sincere smile on their faces.

Enthusiastic and not annoying, very appropriate, very honest and soft, like the warm light of candlelight.

On the other side, the Gryffindor table is like a crimson flame, which has not shown any signs of stopping because of Harry Potter's joining. They are surrounded by the thin boy, looking after themselves. talking about something.

The Slytherin table stared at the Gryffindor table gloomily, sniggering in contempt, and seemed to have some bad idea.

In the end, the table at Laquevenlaw felt a little deserted, and they all felt very reserved. No one was whispering at this moment, and they all sat quietly, watching the situation of the other three colleges silently.

Just then, Albus Dumbledore stood up. He looked at the students with a smile on his face and stretched out his arms to them. It seemed that nothing made him happier than seeing the students gathered together.


"Welcome everyone to Hogwarts to start a new school year! Before the banquet begins, I would like to say a few words...that is: idiot! sneeze! scum! twist!"

"thank you all!"

After he sat down again, everyone applauded and cheered.

The freshmen from the Muggle world were a little confused, so they followed the crowd's applause, their eyes gradually filled with bewilderment.

After the applause and cheers receded, the long dining table suddenly seemed to be casted by some kind of magic silently. Countless sumptuous food appeared out of thin air and placed on it, which was indeed the effect of magic.

Look at the roast beef, roast turkey, pork chops, lamb chops, steak, sausages, boiled potatoes, French chips, Yorkshire pudding, pea shoots, carrots, gravy soup, tomato sauce, etc., and I don’t know what’s weird Reason, a plate of peppermint hard candy was placed, and Qing Zhang felt that choosing Hufflepuff was really a very clear decision.

If he really ate these every day, he thought he couldn't hold it at all.

Like those steaks and pork chops, they are not cooked through at first glance. As for how ripe they are, I don’t know at all. Those blood red ones should not be soup sauces, but blood water.

Others are very greasy, or simply sweet as hell, that’s fine, but watching those students put down their knives and forks and just grab them, Qing Zhang feels how much cultural differences and food culture differences have hurt him up.

"Also, I still have cooking skills..."

Qing Zhang silently chewed the boiled potato, and was very grateful that the other self was a cook, even if those house elves could not meet his requirements

He can also get enough food and clothing by himself.

As the sound of the collision of knives and forks became smaller, the food on the table soon disappeared. At this time, Professor Dumbledore stood up again, and the auditorium returned to silence.

"Oh, everyone is full now, let's drink enough! Then let me say a few words to you again. At the beginning of the semester, I would like to give you some points for attention...

"Attention first-year freshmen, no students are allowed to enter the forest area on the school grounds. Our old classmates should also remember this well."

Speaking of this, Dumbledore's shining eyes swept vigorously at the Weasley twins at the Gryffindor table.

"Besides, Mr. Filch, the administrator, wants me to remind everyone not to perform magic in the hallway between classes."

"The review of Quidditch players will be held in the second week of this semester. Anyone who is interested in participating in the college team please contact Ms. Hooch."

"Finally, I must tell everyone that those who do not want to encounter accidents and die in pain, please do not enter the corridor on the right side of the fourth floor."

After the words fell, a few people burst out laughing, as if they thought Dumbledore was telling some funny joke.

Qing Zhang Yuguang scanned the entire auditorium, and found that most of the laughing students were Gryffindor students. He couldn't help but feel a little sympathetic. In the end, he didn't know why he chose to go to Gryffindor instead of Hermione, who was Rackvenlaw. Obviously None of these guys who find it ridiculous will be dutiful and disciplined. "I'm afraid Hermione will soon live like a young McGonagall.

"Now, before everyone goes to bed, let's sing the school song together!" Dumbledore did not explain the reason for his previous warning, but at this moment he said loudly, flicking his wand lightly, flying out of the wand A long golden ribbon twisted and twisted high above the dining table like a snake to form lines of words.

These should be the lyrics of the so-called "school song".

"Everyone can choose the tune they like." Dumbledore said with a smile, the crooked nose made him look more like a lunatic.

"Get ready...sing!"

Listening to the chaotic singing, Qing Zhang just wants to sigh, can't he be normal!?

However, he didn't intend not to cooperate, because he could feel that this was a certain ritual itself. The magic power of the entire Hogwarts castle was not possessed for no reason, it was unknowingly endowed by countless teachers and students of.

What is paid is what is rewarded, and so is duty and power.

If you resist at this moment, then it is very likely that your campus life will not go smoothly in the future. This is the same as tax evasion. You are no longer a taxpayer. What obligation do people have to serve you!?

So Qing Zhang still endured the chaotic chorus that tortured people's nerves, and chose the tune of "Little Star" to sing.

Everyone sang the school song in a hurry. Only the twin brothers of the Weasley family continued to sing along to the slow melody of "Funeral March". Dumbledore directed the last few bars for them both with his wand, and when they had finished singing, he was the loudest.


He wiped his eyes and continued, "It's more glamorous than anything we've done here! It's bedtime now, everyone go back to the dormitory."

The three tallest towers of Hogwarts Castle are the Astronomy Tower, Ravenclaw Tower and Gryffindor Tower


The entrance to the Hufflepuff common room is a still life near the kitchen. From the common room to the dormitory, there will be an underground tunnel as round as an oak barrel. place to stay

She has a door like a round barrel lid.

The Hogwarts kitchen is directly below the Hogwarts Great Hall.

So Qing Zhang and the other first-year Hufflepuffs followed a fifth-year prefect, through the noisy crowd, out of the auditorium, up the marble stairs, towards the ground.

Go to the next floor.

During this process, Qing Zhang saw Hermione who also came to the stairs and followed the queue to go upstairs. The other party seemed to want to say something to Qing Zhang, but soon

Being squeezed by the people behind, I continued to move forward.

Qing Zhang withdrew his gaze and mourned for several minutes in silence.

If he had known that the girl still chose Gryffindor in the end, he would have made her foolish and followed Neville to each box to inquire, then maybe he could still have a relationship with Harry Potter.

Te and Ron are familiar.

But now, Hermione probably really doesn't have a single acquaintance by her side, and with her character, I'm afraid her life will be worse than the original book, you know, Gryffindor is not a lover of learning.

As a good boy of Xi, Hermione is an outlier in it.

Although every Gryffindor will have excellent students, just like Ron's big brother, but Hermione is too good, like a Raquel in learning, that is,

In the original book, Harry and the others got into trouble several times before they were accepted by the Gryffindors.

Lions are not quiet creatures, they are more active and energetic.

It is conceivable that if Hermione did not become a bear herself, she would not be able to integrate into this group at all. Sometimes being bullied is not only violent, but also cold treatment (no


And with Hermione's character, I'm afraid it's impossible to turn a blind eye to these people who deducted points from her college. She will definitely be rejected later because of her talkative and meddling.

It might be even worse.

Shaking his head, Qing Zhang felt that if he really went too far later, he should help the other party, which can be regarded as making up for the butterfly effect caused by his own intervention. .

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