Soon Qing Zhang had no time to care about the little girl who unilaterally regarded him as the only friend at Hogwarts. He was assigned to Hufflepuff House, and he actually had very little time with Hermione. of.

I don't know what the consideration is, Hogwarts courses are generally arranged by two colleges together, and in most cases, Gryffindor and Slytherin, Hufflepuff and Ravenc Lau put together.

It was full of malice, as if wishing the students would have conflicts.

Thinking about the impressions of the four colleges in the eyes of the world, one can understand that such an arrangement is to some extent inciting conflicts, and one does not know whether one has not noticed it or intentionally did it. Don't think about it, don't know what you are thinking!?

In this case, contact between different colleges is actually limited, especially between two non-opposing colleges.

"Qing, why is your breakfast different from ours!?" Justin Fenriely, who has curly hair in the same dormitory, looked at the bacon salad with bread in front of him with some doubts, and then looked at Qing Zhang. The soy milk fritters with meat buns in front of me are full of puzzlement.

Ernie McMillan was also surprised. It was obvious that only Qing Zhang's breakfast was different, and everyone else's was similar.

Qing Zhang put down the soy milk and said calmly, "I went to the kitchen to order it last night. I wanted to do it myself, but they don't seem to be willing."

Those house elves would rather go to the trouble of preparing Xia Guo dishes for him alone than let him do it himself. Qing Zhang also has no choice. much better.

"Huh!? You went out last night!?" The two were shocked. Most of the freshmen were very tired when they returned to the dormitory last night.

Ernie and Justin looked at Qing Zhang as if they were looking at some monster.


"It looks delicious..." The two looked at Qing Zhang's breakfast, and then at the one in their hands, and suddenly felt that it was not delicious. Maybe they are used to eating it, although the Hogwarts breakfast is richer. , but after getting bored, that's all.

"No! We have to go to the kitchen later, let them give us a change..."

The two made up their minds to try the world-famous Xia Guo cuisine.

"It's over there, come on!"


"Beside some tall red-haired boy.

"The one with the glasses!?"

"Did you see his face!?"

"See that scar on him!?"

Not waiting for the three of them to talk about food, suddenly there was commotion in the restaurant, many people left their ordinary breakfast and stood up, trotting, and when the three of them turned their heads, they found that the entrance was already inside. The third floor and the third floor are for many people, even the senior students are no exception.

Justin Finlayley, who also came from a Muggle family, was very puzzled, "He... what are they doing!?"

"Is there any star in the school!? I mean a star in the wizarding world."

Ernie McMillan was also a little stunned, but he came from the wizarding world, so he knew what was going on, and explained, "It should be Harry Potter, you may not know, but he is here with us. Very famous, he is the savior who defeated the You-Know-Who.”

When talking about the mysterious man, the little blond male wizard trembled for a while, looking very frightened.

"Ah!? Savior!?" Justin was dumbfounded when he heard that. Isn't that guy a freshman who entered the same year as himself!? And he didn't see anything special!?

Could this be that person in the East who should not be judged by his appearance!?

Qing Zhang turned his head to look over, and also saw the students standing on both sides who seemed to be welcoming some important person, or who were about to see some magical animals in the zoo, and soon saw Harry Potter wearing glasses A little nervous and thin boy walked in with his strong buddy Ron, followed by a long line.

I couldn't help but get a black line, and suddenly it was connected to the F4 debut screen in a certain Meteor Garden. Now it would be even more wonderful if a girl yelled "so handsome!" and then passed out.

Qing Zhang could see that Harry Potter was not used to it, and even felt very embarrassed. Of course, there were some small titters of being pursued suddenly, while Ron Weasley, who was walking side by side with him, was But his face was flushed with excitement, and he seemed to really enjoy this scene, and even waved to the people around him to say hello.

When Qing Zhang came back to his senses, Ernie had already rushed over and became a member of the onlookers.

The two remaining Muggle families, Qing Zhang and Justin, looked at each other. Justin shrugged, "I still don't understand this, maybe after I stay for a long time, I will become like them!?"

Qing Zhang was speechless, "I don't think I will."

When Qing Zhang had finished her breakfast, Hermione came late, her complexion seemed to be very bad, because the line behind Harry Potter was too long, she kept trying to cross it but couldn't No, it was hard to squeeze in.

Looking at the Gryffindor dining table, which was still surrounded by water and impenetrable, he was very disrespectful.

On the contrary, there were many vacant seats at the tables of the other three colleges, probably because those people had all gone to watch Harry Potter.

Seeing Qing Zhang, Hermione walked over with a helpless expression on her face, and she asked, "Can I eat here!?"

Qing Zhang nodded, and Justin made a "please, whatever" gesture with a grin.

After Hermione sat down beside Qing Zhang, she took out her wand and tapped on the table, and her breakfast appeared immediately. Looking at the excitement at the Gryffindor table over there, Hermione vomited Said, "They are a little too crazy. If it happens every day in the future, I have to get up early."

Qing Zhang felt a little amused, "No, you have to know that there is a distance between the center to produce ginger."

Qing Zhang is very clear that with Harry Potter's current level, he can't beat the crowd in class, make everyone's eyes shine, and even look inferior to other students, it's too ordinary, let alone Compared with Hermione's humanoid encyclopedia.

When people find out that this is what the savior is all about, they will lose interest, and may even end up with the anger that the other party deserves.

If it wasn't for Harry Potter's outstanding flying talent and becoming the only student who entered the Quidditch team in the first year, this aura would definitely be lost soon, and he would face cynicism. In the country, there may be some fiancées who will divorce, and finally Harry shouted angrily, "Thirty years in Hedong and thirty years in Hexi, don't bully the young and poor!

Hermione didn't understand the meaning of Qing Zhang's words. She hurriedly ate her breakfast, because it was delayed for a long time, and she had to solve her stomach problem before class.

After Hermione finished eating, the number of people surrounding Harry Potter still showed no signs of decreasing, but instead seemed to be increasing, which made Hermione speechless.

0 for flowers.

"God! I have to leave quickly, or I'll be stuck behind again later. By the way, thank you for your hospitality."

Hermione stood up with a flustered face, picked up the book and planned to leave, but within two steps, as if remembering something, she stopped, turned around, thanked Qing and Zhang, and ran away again.

Looking at Hermione who was hurriedly trotting away, Justin said, "Qing, your friend seems to be working hard."

"I can see it." Qing Zhang said after withdrawing his gaze.

Because the Gryffindor lounge is not on the basement floor like Hufflepuff, so every time you go in and out, you have to go through a spiral staircase. If it is blocked by people every day like today, it will be no wonder, just like You commute to get off work every day and find that the way from the company to your home is stuck in traffic.

"Let's go too, or we'll be in trouble later." Seeing that Justin hadn't realized the consequences, Qing Zhang reminded him.

In fact, if you are careful, you will find that Dumbledore, an old bee, has a deep love for Gryffindor. Potions class is taught with Slytherin, Charms class is taught with Ravenclaw

Herbalism class is held together with Hufflepuff. It can be said that basically any college dean’s class will be taught with other colleges, so if other deans want to make a small difference for their own college, they will definitely teach Gryffindor as well. I also taught together.


Because of this, although Gryffindors are mostly taught with Slytherins, there are still lessons that are taught with other houses from time to time, so the Harry Potter Logistics Fan Self-Defense Force will not only give Hermione Cause trouble, and so do they.

Especially as a freshman, if you don't know much about Hogwarts, you may be late if you delay.

After understanding, Justin and Qing Zhang called Ernie back together, and by the way called Hannah, who was also watching and eating melons, and the others hurried towards the classroom.

There are a total of 142 staircases in Hogwarts.

Some of them are wide and big, some are narrow and small, and they are rickety. Some even have different channels every Friday. Some go up halfway, a step will suddenly disappear, and you have to remember where to jump.

Also, there are a lot of doors that won't open for you if you ask them politely, or poke them in exactly the right place. There are also doors that aren't really doors at all, just solid walls that look like doors.

It's hard to remember where those things are because everything seems to be constantly moving.

In the portraits, those portraits who can constantly visit each other, as well as those ghosts who come out of nowhere from time to time, especially Peeves, who is famous for being mischievous, will always surprise you unexpectedly. Received penalties for violations several times a day, especially for being late.

Hannah and the others soon came to the Transfiguration classroom out of breath. At this time, there were many Ravenclaw students besides them, but there were not many of them.

"Fortunately, we came early..." The few people who had been tossed a lot were very grateful, otherwise they would be late for class on the first day of school, and they would definitely not be in a good mood.

However, seeing Qing Zhang's face not flushed or out of breath, the little badgers were puzzled, "Why do you feel so relaxed!?"

Qing Zhang shrugged and spread his hands, "Because I exercise every day."

"I also learned kung fu!"

Several people immediately looked at each other, Justin asked excitedly, "The kind of Li Xlong!?"

Qing Zhang shook his head, "It's more powerful than that one."

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