After entering the classroom, there were only a few students sitting, and a patterned cat was lying on it on the podium, its tail was flicking, and the lines around the eyes were exactly the same as square glasses.

When Qing Zhang came in, he nodded to the patterned cat, and found a seat to sit down after the other nodded his head.

Justin and the others were very confused about this, "Why did you show such respect to a cat just now!?"

Justin could only think of one word to describe Qing Zhang's attitude just now, yes, respect.

Ernie looked inquiringly at the students who arrived earlier than them, and whispered, "Did they bring the pet cat!?"

You must know that the pets allowed in Hogwarts are cats except toads and owls.

As for Ron's mouse, Scabbers, to be honest, this is a violation in itself, but no one is pursuing it, probably no one thinks that a mouse can survive!?

Yes, the reason why students are not advised to keep pet mice is that this small animal is a bit destructive, and its reproductive ability is surprisingly strong. Maybe if you don’t pay attention, when you come to your senses, you will be in Hogwarts. Zi's ​​family is safe, and his descendants will live for thousands of generations.

The second is that Hogwarts is a little dangerous for "two-five-three" pets, not to mention the fierce creatures in the Forbidden Forest, just take the one called by the administrator Argus Felch Young The cat of "Mrs. Norris" is full of malice towards mice.

Not to mention that the Animagus of a certain head of Gryffindor is still a cat. Unless Dumbledore is crazy, it is impossible to indicate that pet mice are also acceptable in the list.

Hannah and Susan obviously agreed with Ernie's words, and at the same time said, "Neither of us bought pets, because there are owls in Hogwarts, and sometimes we rarely use them in school at home.

The two also seemed to want to raise a kitten very much, but there may be other factors to consider, but they didn't do it in the end, and they didn't even buy an owl.

Speaking of which, apart from Harry Potter, very few first-year freshmen will buy a pet on purpose. One is that children in the wizarding world have it at home, so there is no need to waste it. Not everyone is rich, not to mention that raising a pet requires a part of your energy and requires careful care, which is a bit troublesome.

So after a conversation, they found that none of them had pets, and they immediately looked at each other and smiled.

Qing Zhang stopped the little friend who wanted to go up to pet the cat, and whispered, "Don't be dead, that's Professor McGonagall. Look at the lines around the eyes, which are exactly the same as the glasses that Professor McGonagall wears."

If you really want to go up and play cats, you will die after class. Haven’t you seen those Ravenclaw students who dare not move around!? Probably some smart people guessed it. Sure enough, these children should not be underestimated. They can enter None of the Ravenclaws are idiots, and some are even more talented, such as Luna who will come next year.


The little friends gasped when they heard the words, and contributed to the greenhouse effect.

Justin also wanted to say that this is impossible, but both Ernie and Hannah and the other young wizards from the wizarding world have realized something, so they quickly covered their mouths and whispered, "Don't Speaking, Qing is right, I look at it now, it is indeed Professor McGonagall."

Immediately, the little ones shrank into a ball like quails, not daring to whisper anymore.

The cat on the stage, oh no, it’s Minerva McGonagall, who glanced at Qing Zhang again, and sighed in her heart, how could such a child enter Hufflepuff? I see so many new students every year. Ravenclaw's students were the first to react. As for Gryffindor and Hufflepuff, they were startled by her sudden transformation.

You ask Slytherin!? Those guys would just sneer disdainfully when they see a cat, and then sit in their seats and smile sullenly at the Gryffindor students next door. They are obviously children, but they have only been sorted, and they have become It's the same as being born in the same shape, no wonder Professor McGonagall doesn't like the students of this college very much.

Snape was probably the same as her, thinking that Gryffindors were all brainless, they were exactly the same, except for a different kind of Hermione, but they were in the same line in causing trouble, so they also hated Gryffindors.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and when the time was almost up, students came running in one after another, panting. There were students from both colleges. It seemed that even Ravenclaw students were not everyone. With extraordinary self-control, they also have a star-chasing heart of gossip.

Fortunately, no one was really late in the end. Although they were a little embarrassed, they arrived at the classroom just when the bell rang.

After everyone was seated, the cat on the podium stretched, and then became a real person under the eyes of everyone. One wore square glasses, black hair curled into a high bun, and a dark green robe. The witch appeared in front of the crowd.

The students who had just arrived all stared at her with their eyes wide open in surprise.

After scanning the crowd, Professor McGonagall said, "Transfiguration is the most complicated and dangerous magic you have learned at Hogwarts. Anyone who dares to make trouble in my class, I will invite He goes out, never let him in again, I warned you."

As she spoke, she turned the desk in front of her into a pig, and then back again.

The students were attracted one by one, wishing to start learning right away, they all forgot the feeling of uneasiness made by Mag's strict words just now.

After Professor McGonagall finished all this, a smile slowly appeared on his stern old face, "Before the class starts again, I have to give Padma Patil of Ravenclaw and Qing Hufflepuff One point for Zhang's respective colleges, this is a reward for your outstanding insight."

Padma Patil is a beautiful girl with a dark complexion, a girl from the Three Kingdoms, and she also has a twin sister, Parvati Patil, who has entered Gryffindor. Gwartz's only twin.

Another pair are the Weasley brothers from Gryffindor.

Padma's face was a little red and she explained in a low voice, "Actually, the senior sister mentioned it to me a little bit last night..."

Seeing that everyone was looking at her, she couldn't help feeling a little embarrassed. If she hadn't known in advance, how could she, an ordinary child from a Muggle family, realize that it was a human change.

Professor McGonagall was not angry about this, and she did not take back the reward. She smiled and said, "But you are the only one who asked about it!? Opportunities are for those who are prepared. You don't have to feel guilty, Miss Patil 0″

After having Padma's explanation, others also thought that Qing Zhang was in the same situation, so they didn't investigate further, saving Qing Zhang the effort of explaining.

Transfiguration is not just taking out a wand and chanting a spell, it involves a lot of profound knowledge and theories.

So in the first half of the class, everyone was listening to Professor McGonagall's explanation, while quickly taking notes in the notebook. The clever little eagle and the honest little badger don't know how to desert or make small moves, and don't take notes, so McGonagall The professor still likes to teach these two colleges very much, at least she can worry about it, even if she prefers her own college.

In the second half of the class, Professor McGonagall gave everyone a match and asked everyone to try to turn it into a needle.

Yes, it is a needle, it does not have to be a metal needle, even if you become a wooden needle, it is also a deformation, but one is accompanied by a change in material, and the other is only a change in shape, but for first-year students That said, they are all qualified.

All the little wizards seem to be constipated at this moment, waving their wands and lighting matches, but there are very few who really have images, and even most of them come after a long time.

It was only a little bit that the top of the match changed a little bit.

Ernie and Justin looked at the matches on their table in frustration, yes, they were still just matches, then turned their heads to look at Qing Zhang, their mouths could not help but growl.

Ernie patted Qing Zhang on the shoulder, "I said man, you really shouldn't have come to Hufflepuff, I mean, you should have gone to Ravenclaw.

Although this is said by a Hufflepuff student, it is not good, but in fact, in the magic world, um, it is the magic world of country Y, almost everyone thinks so, Hufflepuff is a poor student or not very talented Like, a concentration camp for the more mediocre.

Even though there have been celebrities like Newt Scamander and Amelia Bones, when they were in school, their performance at 1.6 was mediocre, very inconspicuous, and even most of the time Also considered stupid.

Therefore, looking at the pure gold and gold needles with intricate patterns on the Qing Zhang table, it was really difficult for Ernie to regard the other party as a Hufflepuff student like himself.

But even though he said so, his face was very happy. Who wouldn't want his academy to be praised and honored!? It's a good thing that a genius has been born in our academy!

After hearing the movement, Professor McGonagall walked over, looking at the golden needle on Qing Zhang's table, he was also a little surprised, and after a long time, he smiled and said, "Very good, Hufflepuff plus ten points, boy, excellent transfiguration talent! "

Qing Zhang didn't pay attention to other people's gazes, and he didn't intend to really pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger. To be honest, he played a pig here, and he behaved very well in the future. Doesn't this mean that he told Dumbledore that there was something wrong with him!? You said to hide!? God knows if Voldemort, a lunatic, will affect him, and he won't take action by then!?

So at the beginning, Qing Zhang didn't think about pretending to be a pig. Instead, showing off his talent a little bit would help him live a better life at Hogwarts.

Then Qing Zhang was surrounded by his classmates, asking for advice on how to perform the Transfiguration better. .

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