There are basically only eight first-year courses at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, namely: Astronomy, Charms, Defense Against the Dark Arts, Herbal Medicine, History of Magic, Potions, Flying and Transfiguration.

Because it is estimated that the rest of the professors will not take up too much of their time and experience, so there will only be about two to three classes a week for each age. Don’t think this is too little

You must know that there are seven grades in Hogwarts, and according to the teaching method of primary and secondary schools like Xia Guo, not only the students will go crazy, but the teachers will also go crazy.

Just preparing the handouts for class every day and correcting homework after class is enough to lose hair, and this is still the wizarding world. The cramming education in the Muggle world is not effective for learning magic, at least not very effective, because magic In the final analysis, it is the power of idealism. When a person's heart is numb and dead, the effect of magic will naturally be greatly reduced.

So in general, campus life at Hogwarts is relatively relaxed. Of course, this is for Qing Zhang, who is used to exam-oriented education in Xiaguo. Vacations are no different, even if the homework has to be calculated in inches, but if you are serious, you will find that Xia Guo's student homework is calculated by weight, and the homework weighing during the holidays alone is enough to scare a person to death.

Most of the homework at Hogwarts is papers, and the papers are very simple once the rules are mastered.

So apart from hearing the only ghost professor at Hogwarts, Professor Binns "chanting scriptures" in a monotonous and boring voice in the history of magic class, Qing Zhang felt okay in other aspects, even if it was Snape's dead face. The same goes for Potions.

Although there are still many little wizards who are crying for the first time in his class, or after the class, their faces are pale and their legs are weak, 20 even the Ravenclaw students who have always claimed to be very intelligent This is no exception, not to mention the stupid Hufflepuff students in the eyes of everyone, who have basically been sprayed with "venom" by the other party.

But Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws are lucky if they take lessons with Gryffindors, especially some Boy Who Lived

They probably didn't know what terror was, it was a Snape with full firepower.

In fact, if it is really weird, Qing Zhang can guarantee that the Defense Against the Dark Arts class is the most amazing, Qing Zhang can hardly believe that what can be learned in this kind of class for seven years, Quirrell has Voldemort behind his head Yes, it’s fine if you stutter and give lectures, but at worst, they will read books and study by themselves when they go back. At any rate, Hogwarts textbooks are not turned into ridiculous novels like they were later, and they can learn something by self-study.

However, the strong smell of garlic on the other party's body, which is so strong that it can make you cry when you get close, is really tormenting. Fortunately, Qing Zhang made preparations early in the morning and sat in the back seat, unlike the one sitting in the front. The tears never stopped, and he kept sneezing and even coughing.

To make matters worse, after finishing the Defense Against the Dark Arts class, Qing Zhang still always felt that his body was also contaminated with the smell of garlic, so he had to go back to take a shower and change clothes. Fortunately, Defense Against the Dark Arts class is not held every day, otherwise it would be uncomfortable up.

At noon on Friday, Hermione came to the Hufflepuff dining table to enjoy lunch with Qing Zhang. After all, school had started for a while, although it was not long, but it was enough for the halo of the savior to begin to dim. In Fendo's side, there were actually no one around to watch the monkey show.

After all, what kind of person is the boy who survived the catastrophe? This period of time is enough for many people to see clearly. The so-called distance creates beauty, just like those little fresh meat traffic stars. Confused, isn’t it just because you don’t understand it deeply enough!? You can only see the superficial character design.

If they are allowed to go to school with those traffic stars and live together for a period of time, they will probably be disillusioned, because it is difficult to fake whether a person is good or not, and whether he can really be admired, and it is impossible to act it out.

The same is true for Harry Potter, he is just an ordinary boy, except for a legendary experience that he himself may not remember clearly.

So many people don't continue after the novelty is over, especially those from Muggle families. They themselves don't understand the meaning of "savior" very well. "Before, it was just conformity and psychology.

So except for the first or two days, Hermione has basically returned to the Gryffindor table to eat.

Today, Qing Zhang could see that Hermione was in a bad mood, and after thinking about it, he knew why.

If I remember correctly, Gryffindor's class this morning is two consecutive Potions classes. It was taught together with Slytherin House. Hermione, who is eager to prove that she is good and not a fool, will naturally be dismissed Professor Snape ignored Harry Potter, who looked very much like his rival's son.

Even if Hermione raised her hand to the ceiling, Snape would just ignore it and never let her stand up to answer the question.

This made Hermione, who was almost the darling of the professors in other classes and was constantly praised, extremely uncomfortable.

Yes, the first week of school has not passed, but almost everyone in the school knows that there are two very outstanding students in the first year class, one is Hermione from Gryffindor, and the other is Qing Hufflepuff. Zhang, who performed very well in almost every class.

Among them, Qing Zhang is more master of magic, even the recognized difficulty of transfiguration is handy, and he is also recognized as a genius. Even in Potions class, Snape looked at his perfectly completed homework, and he could not help but feel that it was difficult. I can't say anything with a cold face.

This made Hermione, who already regarded Qing Zhang as a friend, secretly regarded him as a competitor to make progress together, so she was more eager to express herself than in the original book, and even studied harder. This girl basically I can't leave the book anymore.

In Qing Zhang's words, it's like being stunned.

Probably because she was focusing on her studies and competing with Qing Zhang, Hermione didn't realize that she didn't seem to have any friends in Gryffindor. It's just handing in, which is very bad.

Qing Zhang can understand it, but he doesn't know how to do it. It's impossible to let Hermione make trouble with those noisy Gryffindor students!? Presumably few parents would think of a daughter who is dedicated to studying. Tell her to stop studying and go play with other classmates, and she is the kind of poor student who is notoriously naughty.

Therefore, Qing Zhang didn't recommend Hermione to go to Gryffindor at the beginning. Lakwenlaw was actually more suitable for the Hermione at the beginning, rather than aggrieved herself to make changes and become the Hermione of the Iron Triangle.

In fact, Qing Zhang didn’t understand why Hermione chose to go to Gryffindor in the end!?

"I think Professor Snape seems to care about Harry very much. I think my feeling is right." Hermione didn't fall into the mood of self-lost for a long time, she raised her head and frowned, and talked about her opinion to Qing Zhang .

Although Professor Flitwick was also very excited about Harry Potter taking his class in the Charms class, he acted like a fan meeting his idol, but soon he calmed down and concentrated on teaching, but Snape It's because the eyes never left Harry Potter, and those who didn't know thought that the other party fell in love with Harry Potter. "

Qing Zhang shrugged, "You're right, but I think it's reasonable for you to eat well, it's almost cold."

"Oh." Hermione was a little strange and looked at Qing Zhang. She always felt that the other party's tone just now was a little familiar, as if she had seen it somewhere before.

Hermione then asked, "What are you reading!? Where did the newspaper come from!?"

Qing Zhang said without looking back, "The "Daily Prophet" I ordered, um, is a newspaper in the magic world, do you want to read it!?"

After Hermione took out a napkin and wiped her mouth, she took the "Daily Prophet" handed over by Qing Zhang with a little anger, and said sadly, "My God, why didn't you remind me to order one too?" You know I'd love to know more about the wizarding world."

After complaining "Hermione was quickly attracted by one of the most prominent reports in the newspaper that took up a lot of space.

[The latest report on the Gringotts break-in incident]

The investigation into the illegal break-in of the ancient 580 Ling Pavilion on July 31 is still ongoing. It is generally believed to be the work of an unknown dark wizard.

The goblins at Gringotts reiterated today that nothing has been stolen. The underground vault, searched by the intruders, was virtually emptied earlier in the day.

A Gringotts goblin spokesman said this afternoon: I have no comment on what is stored in the vault, please do not interfere with this matter.

"Hiss——! Isn't this the day we first met!?" Hermione exclaimed, she also entered Diagon Alley that day.

Don't blame Hermione for making such a fuss, but you must know that this is as absurd as hearing that the bank was robbed by robbers the next day when you just came out of the bank.

Ernie, Justin and Hannah all looked sideways when they heard this, "Did you actually enter Diagon Alley that day!?"

From the shocked eyes of several people, it is not difficult to see that Gringotts is actually very famous in the wizarding world, except for Hermione, who is deaf to the outside world, or locked in Hogwarts, who cannot contact the outside world. Except for Muggle students who know how to get in touch with the wizarding world, they have basically heard about it.

Ernie guessed positively, "It must have been stolen by thieves or something, those goblins still refuse to admit it."

After Hermione calmed down, she asked, "Actually, I've always wanted to ask, why is such an important place like the bank handed over to goblins!?"

Ernie, Hannah and Susan had weird expressions on hearing this, "Actually, we don't know the reason, but it's been like this since we can remember. This is the first time we've heard your question!"

"Well, I'm used to it." Hermione raised her forehead, there were too many weird places in the wizarding world, and it wasn't the first time she encountered such incomprehensible things.

"By the way, do you still have the previous newspaper!? I want to read it too."

Qing Zhang: "I'll put it in the dormitory. If you want it, I'll give it to you later."

After thanking Hermione, she said, "I will order it in the future, I almost forgot to read more newspapers to understand this place faster.

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