The next morning, Hermione let out a scream that caught the attention of all the young wizards in the Great Hall dining early.

"My God! What the hell is going on!?"

Hermione clutched her fluffy hair with both hands, and stared dumbfounded at the jeweled hourglass that Hogwarts used to record the scores of the four houses. She only needs to work harder, maybe Gryffindor can become the third place, and then continue to work hard to become the second place, or even the first place.

But Hermione, who habitually went to check it early this morning, unexpectedly discovered that the gemstones in Gryffindor's gemstone hourglass are almost only a thin layer of fine sand.

Like the most stingy miser, she made a sound of surprise and anger.

Qing Zhang came late, yawning, and found Hermione's familiar figure standing in front of the jeweled hourglass. I really don't know why this girl wakes up so early every day to check the jeweled hourglass, and still enjoys it so much!?

Obviously, Hufflepuff's lounge is on the basement level, directly below the auditorium, which is obviously closer than Gryffindor's lounge. As a result, little Hermione, except for the first day of school, Come earlier than them every time.

It seems that because of the "traffic jam" on the first day, it has left a serious psychological shadow. Every day when the other three girls in the same dormitory are still sleeping soundly, Hermione gets up after washing up.

What makes people ashamed is that this little girl is still the last one to go to bed, because every day she has to spend a lot of time previewing and reviewing, and sometimes read some extracurricular books. I am a bit of a bully.

I am a human being in two lives, and I have my own bonuses from other worlds. The amount of knowledge is amazing. As a result, the aggressive little girl unilaterally regards herself as an opponent. Isn’t this a tragedy!? Sometimes Qing Zhang also thinks, Shouldn't I put some water in and let this silly girl have a good rest!?

But I was afraid to let the other party relax, and the other party would have extra time to take care of the bad things about "The Boy Who Lived", and was consumed by Dumbledore's little friend as the savior like a fool, and then followed Harry Potter and the others Several became bear children.

Although it is very important to integrate into the group, if the so-called group is the kind that goes to the bar after class, I think there are not many parents in the world who will let their children integrate into this small group. Now Qing Zhang Just worrying about this kind of worry, in Qing Zhang's view, Harry Potter and the others are just bad boys, and what they do and what they say on the sidelines are all very bad things.

Even if I don't talk about it, it's not a good thing for a girl Hermione to play crazy with a few boys every night.

So Qing Zhang felt that it was a very correct thing to properly stimulate the little girl's competitive spirit.

As for what to do with the saviors without a think tank, it depends on how the "grandpa" Dumbledore solves it!?

Seeing that Qing Zhang and the others had arrived, Hermione put away her frantic movements, turned around, with tears in her eyes, pointed to the scoring hourglass behind her and said, "I clearly confirmed it last night, but... But..."

At this time, Hannah and the others also noticed the hourglass behind Hermione, they couldn't help covering their mouths, and let out a shocked exclamation, "Oh my God!"

Because of Hermione, those guys who don't care much about the jeweled hourglass will inadvertently look at the jeweled hourglass for scoring once or twice a day. In yesterday's situation, Gryffindor was almost on the same level as Hufflepuff. , but now Gryffindor is almost bottoming out.

This was enough to shock the little friends.

"What's going on!? Is the hourglass broken!?" Justin rubbed his eyes, and even the drowsiness dissipated a lot. He stared at this scene with wide eyes in disbelief.

Although the Hufflepuff students also want to win the House Cup, but these guys are more open-minded, or big-hearted, anyway, they can't catch up with the first place "Naturally, they don't have much mentality about winning or losing.

You say why, because mediocre Hufflepuff students are too hard to get extra points in class, just like Gryffindors always have classes with Slytherins, Hufflepuffs will always be I went to class with Ravenclaw, a top student, and when I compared them, I was compared to the ground. I want to add points!? Dream!

What's even more desperate is that Hufflepuff's Quidditch team has no fighting power at all. They can only peck each other with Ravenclaw's Quidditch team, occasionally winning or losing. Leitlin was simply run over to death.

College cup!? What is that!? Can it be eaten!?

Ernie rolled his eyes at his friend, and said, "How could it be broken!? I can assure you that no one in Hogwarts can do any damage to it except the professors. Even the professors are very difficult."

This hourglass is a magical creation that is bound together with the entire academy at first glance. If the hourglass has an accident, it is equivalent to an accident at Hogwarts. How could it be broken!?

"Don't cry yet." Qing Zhang handed over a handkerchief, asking Hermione to wipe away her tears.

Then he guessed, "As you know, most Gryffindor students have the habit of going out at night, and it's not uncommon to be caught by Filch occasionally...

"But I worked very hard, but now..." Hermione interrupted Qing Zhang, of course she knew this, but she just felt wronged.

Others don't know how to comfort Hermione anymore, because this matter cannot be resolved at all. Qing Zhang's words are a consensus, and almost everyone knows that this is a Gryffindor problem. If not, Gryffindor The reason why the scores are at the bottom is because there are a lot of people who violate the school rules, and they are caught from time to time.

Most of those people are Hermione's senior sisters or seniors. Even if Hermione has no EQ, she can't go up and accuse the other party.

This time, too many points were deducted at once, which made Hermione unacceptable.

"Okay, okay, there is still more than a month to Halloween, be happy, maybe you can get a good gift, come, go and eat dessert, you will feel better

"Qing Zhang sighed and continued to comfort her.

"Okay..." Although she was still a little depressed, Hermione didn't stay here any longer, and was dragged away by Qing and Zhang.

After they walked away, Harry Potter, Ron, and Neville came to the auditorium with their heads down and their faces a little grim. Min made a joke, and just waited for everyone's shocked expressions when they found out that Harry Potter and the others had disappeared.

As a result, Malfoy couldn't believe his eyes when he saw Harry and the others unexpectedly. He obviously wanted to report to Filch in advance, saying that some students planned to go on a night tour last night, because Harry Potter and the others didn't Expelled!?

Didn’t he get caught!? Impossible, Gryffindor’s scoring hourglass has deducted almost all points, so he should have been caught!? Could it be that someone else was caught!?

Damn it, Filch is such a waste, can't even catch a first-year Gryffindor freshman!?

In fact, Harry Potter and the others were indeed caught by Filch last night. Obviously without the burden of Hermione, it should be easier to avoid Filch's search, but it may be because no one is alone. Nagging and exhorting in their ears, as a result, several people lost their vigilance or something, making them even more embarrassing than in the original book.

In the end, I ran to the corridor on the right side of the fourth floor, which was ordered to prohibit entry, and saw the hell three-headed dog, and was so frightened that my soul almost flew away.

In a panic, he was caught by Filch. This is not the first time that Filch caught him in the right corridor on the fourth floor. The first time, on the first day of school, Harry and Ron ran down to the fourth floor in a daze because they got lost. Caught by Filch, if Professor Quirrell hadn't happened to pass by, he would have been punished if he rescued them at that time.

This time I saw the three-headed hellhound directly. It was a big deal, and it alarmed the sleeping professors. That's why they were deducted so many points at once. Snape meant to let them drop out of school, but Professor McGonagall and the others didn't agree. Yes, because Hogwarts has never voluntarily expelled a student.

Besides, Harry and the others are just night excursions at most, it’s just unlucky to come here, if they have to drop out of school, there won’t be a few students left in Gryffindor!?

Snape sneered at this, and probably knew it too.

And looking at the eyes of Harry Potter, Ron and Neville, it was like seeing the school bully foursome back then, oh, there is one more, otherwise it would be the new generation of school bully F4.

Of course, Harry and Ron also noticed Malfoy's gaze over the Slytherin table, and they stared angrily at Malfoy as if they were looking at ten villains who went back and forth.

It was this liar who tricked them into saying they were going to a duel, but in the end he didn't come to let them go, and even reported a wave, what a bad boy.

After being shocked, Draco Malfoy also returned a sneer of disdain to Harry and the others, and raised his chin haughtily, and let out a cold "hum", with his nostrils turned upside down and arrogant.

When the three of them were staring at each other, they didn't see many Ravenclaw girls secretly looking at them, their faces were flushed, and their minds were probably thinking of a scene full of roses Bar.

However, the fighting between eyes didn't last long. When the three of Harry came to the Gryffindor table, they heard Hermione facing Percy Weasley, one of Ron's older brothers, When the fifth grade prefect asked him to take care of those naughty little villains, especially his two twin brothers, Percy nodded seriously and said he could even write to his mother At that time, Ron was almost scared out of his soul.

Harry and Neville even lowered their heads, not daring to be discovered that they were actually the ones who were caught yesterday.

In fact, it's not just Hermione who is heartbroken and angry. Percy is not the same. His goal is to enter the Ministry of Magic after graduation. Naturally, he needs a good resume, but the people in his own academy are not up to date. Those two younger brothers are simply a typical example of dragging their feet.

If the resume shows that he was the last in Gryffindor every year when Percy Weasley was a prefect, then his future is gone, and no one can trust his ability

For this, Percy envied his two older brothers very much, at least when they were in school, they didn't have such younger brothers who cheated their elder brothers.

So he would indeed be on Hermione's side, although many people might not like him.

But this is a child who works hard, he can only rely on himself, because his family will only hold back, Percy has seen the poverty of his family since he was a child, he wants to change, and the wizarding world has only one way to go.

It is said that Percy is selfish, and his family is not like that. Ron and the others don't care about his opinion, and they insist on joining Harry Potter's camp, just like everyone in the family is a warrior, but he is not the same, and it is equally chilling.

The more selfless people are, the more selfish they are. Obviously, the Weasleys are too selfless, except for Percy, so naturally he has to be wronged and not understood.

Perhaps the other members of the Weasley family were more enlightened, and their devotion to fighting the Dark Lord was more commendable, but in the end the plight of the family never changed.

Noble spirit cannot be eaten......

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