In this way, after another week, Hermione once again worked so hard to bring up the endangered house score. Of course, it was not only her efforts. In fact, even though Gryffindor is a naughty child There are many, but there are still some good students with excellent grades.

In fact, most of the scores are accumulated by these people in class after class. Hermione can only be counted as one of them, and of course Hermione is the one who works the hardest.

At the same time, because of Hermione's excellent grades, many Gryffindor female students wanted to use her homework and notes as "references", which unexpectedly made the relationship between Hermione and her classmates gradually improved, especially with the three girls in the same dormitory. The relationship between the two girls has improved a lot.

Although at the beginning, Hermione was doing it for the good of these people and didn't want them to copy their homework, but she was defeated by Qing Zhang's sentence, "If they can't finish their homework, they will be deducted points in the end, which is even worse" Yes, think about it, even if Hermione doesn't lend them their homework, those who should not study hard will still not study hard, and in the end they can't hand in their homework, and the professors will deduct points, so Hermione is not the only one who loses their interests share!?

The lesser of two evils, don't be a saint.

As the owls flocked into the auditorium as usual that day, everyone's attention was drawn to the slender parcel carried by six long-eared owls. Almost everyone is as eager to know what's in this package as it is.

Unexpectedly, several owls circled down and landed right in front of Harry Potter, and knocked his bacon to the floor, making a "ping, ping, ping, ping, ping" sound.

However, before Harry Potter and everyone could react, the six owls flapped their wings and flew away, without any sense of nostalgia, as if they couldn't wait to leave, and even uttered cheerful calls.

Harry, who had fallen to the ground, got up cautiously, and just as his head passed the level of the dining table, he saw another owl flying over with flapping wings and throwing a letter in Harry Potter. messy weed head.

After Harry Potter opened the letter, he was very happy to see the contents inside, and then handed the letter to the side to poke his head, poking the packaged-Ron from time to time.

"Nimbus 2000!" Ron exclaimed enviously, he hadn't even touched it. "

Then the two left the auditorium in a hurry, but before they could pass through the hall, they were stopped by the three Malfoys who were waiting there, and then it was the daily stage of falling in love and killing each other, many Ravenclaw girls flocked Send a good smile.

Hermione's ears were sharp, and she heard Ron's call of Nimbus 2000 just now. She was a little confused, so she turned around and asked Qing Zhang if he knew what it was. After all, Qing Zhang is also a boy, and boys like it. Everything should be clear.

Qing Zhang, who was planning to go to the classroom with Ernie and the others, blinked when he heard the words, and didn't remember what Hermione was talking about. In fact, he seldom remembers unimportant things. The self in the brigade world has a very high talent for riding broomsticks, but Qing Zhang in this world does not have this talent, at most he is better, this is as big as the gap between ordinary people and professional cyclists , and Qing Zhang didn't like flying on a broomstick much.

"Ah, that''s..."

It's rare for Ernie to see Qing Zhang, a young genius, being stumped, and he couldn't help but pat Qing Zhang's shoulder in a funny way and said, "I said buddy, anyway, I usually watch things related to Quidditch. Wheel 2000 is currently the latest and most popular broomstick, I want to ride it once, but unfortunately I can't carry it in the first grade, and my father probably won't agree to buy it for me..."

At the end, Ernie was a little disappointed. After all, basically every boy in the wizarding world likes Quidditch, just like some people like football and basketball.

Justin and Qing Zhang glanced at each other. How could they remember that Ernie's broomstick talent was similar to Hermione's chocobo!?

Probably seeing the eyes of the friends, Ernie blushed a little, and said aggrievedly, "Okay, I understand, I just don't have the talent to be a Quidditch player, you are satisfied."

"By the way, Hermione, why did you suddenly mention this? Aren't you not too keen on Quidditch too!?" Susan asked curiously. They still knew how bad Hermione's talent was on broomsticks. Yes, after barely learning how to fly, she didn't waste time on flying. For this reason, Ms. Huo Qi was a little disappointed, thinking that she could see another female Quidditch player appear.

After all, if Hogwarts wanted to join the college team, he had to be at least a second year. If Hermione continued to work hard, she would have a chance to persist for a year or two. Although talent is very important, hard work is also necessary.

Regarding the curiosity of the friends, Hermione hesitated for a while, then told the story of accidentally overhearing the conversation between Harry and Ron just now, and then asked them not to tell the story.

But Hermione didn't know that the more people keep it secret, the more people will know about it, and there is no need to keep it secret anymore. Harry and Malfoy are just arguing in the hallway, and those who see and hear it must not not enough.

Hannah and the others were shocked when they heard the words, "Oh my God, didn't it mean that Harry has no other relatives except for a few Muggle family members!? Who would send such a big gift!?"

Hannah is a few children from the wizarding world, but they are very aware of the price of the latest flying broomstick. For many families, it is a huge sum of money. In a sense, it is equivalent to a supercar in the Muggle world. It is simply not something that ordinary families can afford.

Hermione shook her head at this, "I don't know about that, you also know that the relationship between me and Harry is not very good, I don't know why I think they seem to hate me

Hermione was a little aggrieved by this, and she didn't hurt them much, but Harry and Ron somehow hated and alienated Hermione unilaterally. Hermione was far away.

After comforting Hermione, everyone speculated that maybe some wealthy relative of Harry was still alive and came back now.

There is also speculation that it is a conspiracy by Slytherin, or simply by Malfoy. After all, everyone knows that first graders are not allowed to carry broomsticks. This is to frame Harry Potter, but Ernie said he also wanted to Being framed like this.

Of course, more people think that it will be a Halloween gift given to Harry in advance by Rubeus Hagrid, the key keeper of Hogwarts and the gamekeeper. After all, anyone who is not blind can see that the relationship between Hagrid and Harry is not ordinary. That's good, and as long as you don't know a little common sense, you will understand that Hagrid, who guards the Forbidden Forest, is actually a hidden rich man.

Time flies, and soon the freshmen have been at Hogwarts for two months, and everyone has gradually become familiar with and accustomed to the life here, even students from Muggle families, after mastering some basic knowledge , and no longer felt like listening to the bible as it was at the beginning, and gradually discovered the joy of magic.

The time has come to Halloween, and today there is a feast.

The auditorium was decorated with colorful Halloween decorations early in the morning.

A thousand bats fluttered across the walls and ceiling, and a thousand more hovered over the table like low black clouds, making the candle flames flicker in the pumpkin belly.

Delicious delicacies suddenly appeared on golden plates, just like the banquet at the beginning of school last time, and the auditorium was filled with the aroma of various delicacies.

Qing Zhangzheng took Hermione and others to try the Xiaguo feast that he specially prepared in the kitchen. For a while, every place was full of laughter. After trying these delicacies from Xiaguo, many students expressed their liking , the only shortcoming is that Qing Zhang did not prepare a little bit, so many people are not enough together.

That's right, there are not only Hufflepuff students gathered around, but students from the other three colleges besides Slytherin students. As long as the Slytherin people are not willing to deal with them, especially On their side, there are quite a few people from Muggle families, and even some of mixed blood. This is dirty and shameful in the eyes of some pure-blooded lunatics in Slytherin. How could they be willing to have excessive contact with Qing Zhang and the others! ?

And when everyone was enjoying the festive atmosphere, Professor Qi Luo suddenly rushed into the auditorium, his big scarf was crookedly worn on his head, and his face was full of panic. Everyone was staring at him, and he walked to Professor Dumbledore's chair, leaned on the table, panted and said: "Trolls—trolls, in the underground classroom... .I, I, I... think you should know...  …”

After finishing speaking, he fell to the floor and passed out.

For a moment, everyone was a little dazed and didn't realize what happened.

Then, after regaining consciousness, the auditorium suddenly became a mess, something happened, and everyone was aware of it, which made the children in the greenhouse who were used to peace panicked.


ask for flowers...

Hermione also tightly grasped Qing Zhang's hand, and nervously looked at Professor Quirrell who fell on the ground. Although Hermione secretly complained about Professor Quirrell's unreliability behind his back, and Hermione was the only one who would In Professor Luo's class, she hid at the end of the classroom, because like Qing Zhang, she couldn't stand the strange smell of Professor Quirrell, and she didn't even really want to try to show herself in the Defense Against the Dark Arts class, because it was too bad up.

But Hermione still knew one thing clearly, to become a professor would definitely not be weak, and now that a professor had an accident, she naturally became afraid and uneasy.

Before Qing Zhang could calm Hermione and the little wizards beside him, Professor Dumbledore stood up, took out his wand and fired a few bunches of purple fireworks, attracting everyone's attention and calming everyone down by the way.

"Prefect!" he ordered in a low voice, "immediately lead the students of the Guest Academy to the dormitory area!"

Percy and other prefects of various colleges immediately responded and did as they were told.

Because of the backbone, the turmoil did not last long, and no accidents were caused. Everyone was still a little scared, but he still obeyed the prefect and lined up.

Ready to go back to the dormitory.

Qing Zhang gently pushed Hermione, "You will also go to your own college team, be careful, don't run around, the dormitory is safe."

Qing Zhang is really afraid that this girl will be involved in the end, or recklessly stop Harry Potter, and then join in out of nowhere. The reality is not a fairy tale, not every time you can be lucky, Dumbledore is not a god, He also has turnovers, you can't count on it being his game, just relax.

As for why Harry and the others would go there even though Hermione was hiding in the women's bathroom? No one knows the reason, but Qing Zhang guessed that the other party would definitely have a reason to go. This in itself was a scene carefully arranged by Dumbledore , Do you think the other party didn't notice the possibility of Quirrell's abnormality!? Don't underestimate the ability of the greatest White Demon King in the world.

In fact, it can be seen from many details that the other party already knew everything.

"Well, you should also be careful." Hermione said a little moved, then waved her hand and ran to the Gryffindor queue.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for Qing Zhang to discover Harry and Ron who were buried in the Hufflepuff crowd. Probably because of the sudden incident, many Hufflepuff students were still in a state of confusion, but Neither of them were found.

In fact, Gryffindor and Ravenclaw in the tower are the safest lounges, because Quirrell's words mean that the trolls are in the underground classroom, and Slytherin and Hufflepuff are the first to bear the brunt. Hufflepuff is better, because the lounge is on the basement level, and Slytherin's is even lower, so it is even more dangerous, so that all the professors' eyes fell on the Slytherin students .

They all need to protect these children and go back to the common room.

So for a while, no one noticed that Gryffin had lost two freshmen.

Hufflepuff has the largest number of students among the four colleges, and there are one or two more students, and it is very inconspicuous in a chaotic situation. I have to say that Harry and Ron are still very smart at certain times Yes, although this cleverness is not used for business.

Qing Zhang was puzzled for a moment, and then looked along the line of sight of the two, and saw that Harry and Ron's eyes had been falling on Snape. At this time, Snape, who was clearly the head of Slytherin House, Professor Nepe should be the most anxious, the one who should stay and look after the students of his academy.

But from the direction he was going, it was not difficult to guess that he wanted to go upstairs instead of downstairs.

Qing Zhang speculates that Harry and Ron, two brats who are very curious and suspicious of Snape, probably plan to follow Snape. Luo was attacked and secretly blamed Snape.


Qing Zhang didn't know what to say about these two people. He was about to report it when he saw Dumbledore's eyes falling on him, and the other party smiled at him.

Qing Zhang knew that the other party was warning him not to meddle in other people's business. Sure enough, all of this was arranged by him!

Qing Zhang nodded, and didn't intend to continue to pay attention to it. You can do whatever you like, and he doesn't care. .

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