After the Halloween troll incident, Hogwarts resumed normal campus life.

Qing Zhang and Hermione are still frequent visitors to the library. Although some areas in the Hogwarts library have no authority, Mrs. Irma Pince will stop and warn you when you approach, but the rest of the books There are still a lot of books, and even most of them are still books that have been removed from the market, or simply cannot be found.

By the way, Mrs. Irma Pince was the librarian, a thin old woman who looked like a malnourished vulture, though strict and well-behaved, and would get angry over the slightest thing, but she loved it more than anyone else. This job, or that she loves books very much.

So in a sense, this Mrs. Pince hates Gryffindor students very much, because they don't know how to take good care of their books. Every time a Gryffindor student comes in, her hawk-like eyes don't stop. will keep falling on them.

At the beginning, Hermione was a little strange, how did she make the other party unhappy, after seeing the other party drive away the mischievous students in the library a few times, especially when those students are basically Gryffindor students, even if Hermione, who was dull in some respects, also understood what the other party meant.

"I'm watching you, don't catch me!" Six""

It took a long time for Hermione to gain the other party's trust, even if she hadn't done anything bad before, as long as Gryffindor had a bad reputation.

Hermione had no way of knowing these things before entering school. No matter who she asked, she would only say that Gryffindor was good. Of course, this had to exclude the Slytherin students and their parents. What about a Gryffindor!?

After Mrs. Pince looked away from her, Hermione put down her pen, and said to Qing Zhang beside her with some embarrassment, "I can't believe that they didn't get arrested for doing something like that." On the contrary, it won five points from no one..."

"It's not that I don't want my college to get more points, but I think this way is not good, it is not correct."

They were Harry Potter and Ron in Hermione's mouth. Because they didn't have any friendship, and they didn't have any life-saving grace, so Hermione didn't join forces and became one of these guys. Looking at things from a different angle, I feel very awkward and disagree.

Of course, Qing Zhang does not agree with the so-called life-saving grace, because whether it is making Hermione cry, letting her secretly wipe tears in the women's bathroom, or finally locking the troll there, leaving Hermione with nowhere to go The escape was done by both Harry and Ron. Although they saved Hermione in the end, they were the ones who caused all this.

"You're right." Qing Zhang didn't refute Hermione's words, because he thought so too. Although the reality is that Harry Potter and Ron Weasley defeated the troll together, it doesn't mean that they The way to do it is correct, whether it is to leave the team secretly, or recklessly challenge the troll, it is not worth advocating.

If those who violate the school rules can be rewarded, then who is willing to abide by the established rules!?,

Yes, there is something wrong with the troll who should be in the basement classroom suddenly appearing in the women's bathroom on the second floor. Harry and Ron didn't take the initiative to find the troll to kill them, but it is still an undeniable fact that they left the team without authorization , which is incorrect in itself and will not change due to other factors.

If you have any questions, you can ask the professors. If you don’t believe the professors, then why are you still studying at Hogwarts!?

"You think so too, now every day Ron and the others brag about how they defeated the trolls in the common room, and they change their tricks every day. It's like I don't think there is any problem with this..." At this moment, Hermione was very puzzled, and she also wanted to step forward to criticize, but in the jubilant atmosphere, she couldn't even step forward, let alone Said, Hermione and Ron they are not so friendly.

The other party saw that her eyes were not eyes, her nose was not her nose, and she didn't want to talk to Hermione, what else could Hermione do!?

"They obviously took recklessness for courage." Qing Zhang still knew the style of Gryffindor, even better than Hermione, so he didn't consider entering Gryffindor from the beginning.

Because most of the students there are the kind of guys who like exciting and crazy games, just like those spirited guys who play extreme parkour on other people's rooftops. These people rarely even consider other people's for their own preferences Feelings, so Qing Zhang actually didn't think much about Hermione entering Gryffindor.

It's a pity that the other party chose this place in the end, and Qing Zhang also respected her choice, because after all, there are still a small number of people in Gryffindor who are not like this.

"Yes, yes, that's it, cough..." Hermione was a little excited, and her voice became a little louder. After recovering, she noticed Mrs. Pince's eyes looking over again, her face froze and she calmed down. , Picked up the pen to do homework again.

Qing Zhang felt a little funny, but didn't say much.

After entering November, the weather becomes very cold. The mountains around the school are gray and covered with snow and ice, and the lake is as cold and hard as tempered steel. Every morning, there is frost on the ground.

From an upstairs window Hagrid could be seen, all over his long moleskin overcoat, rabbit fur gloves, and huge beaver fur boots, defrosting broomsticks on the Quidditch pitch while Hooch The lady is checking each broom to see if it is completely damaged, and if not, she will take it back for repair.

And the famous "Boy Who Lived" Harry Potter seems to have settled down a lot and didn't do anything, although many people don't know what he is busy with during this time, and even The homework is also done hastily every day, because it is borrowed from Ron's homework, it will definitely not be too good.

Although Hermione didn't have much curiosity, she was always in Gryffindor. Sometimes when she was in the common room, she would still notice Harry holding a book in his hand and reading it with great interest, which made Hermione Min was a little surprised.

Because in her impression, Harry Potter is not a guy who likes to read.

Hermione didn't know that book until later, it turned out to be "The Magical Quidditch Ball", which explained the Quidditch rules and some incidents in detail.

Hermione was very disappointed by this, and thought that Harry Potter had changed his mind! Unexpectedly, what he read was extra-curricular books, or Quidditch, which had absolutely nothing to do with the first grade..0

In this regard, Ernie and the others felt nothing. In their words, there is no kid in the wizarding world who doesn't like Quidditch, and Harry Potter just did what a boy of his age should do.

Aside from the Harry Potter matter, there is another matter that has aroused the gossip and concern of many little wizards.

He always had a mean face, like the Potions professor Severus Snape who everyone owed him money, he seemed to be injured, he looked rotten and limp, as long as he was not blind noticed.

If it were other professors, some students would have stepped forward to ask what was going on. It's a pity that this is the gloomy, harsh, indifferent and mean Professor Snape, or a dean who doesn't even want to be with Slytherin students in their spare time, who dares to go up and stick a cold ass!?

So most people are curious and gossip behind their backs, guessing what happened!?

This is easily reminiscent of the incident at the Christmas Eve banquet not long past, and perhaps there will be a follow-up, otherwise it would be impossible for a professor like Quirrell to deal with it, and he was eventually killed by Harry Potter and Ron Weasley's two first-year students solved it, which is too much.

Everyone speculated that maybe some dark wizard sneaked into Hogwarts!? Or some magical creature with a very high level of danger entered Hogwarts.

In short, children's imaginations are very rich.

The reason why so many people are concerned is that as long as Professor Snape is a famous master of potions, but such a master of potions has not healed his own pain for a long time, this is very obvious.

It can also be seen from this that in the original book, Audio-Technica’s self-proclaimed that only the three of them are the smartest and the first to discover the problem, how wrong it is, don’t treat all classmates and professors as fools.

Moreover, Snape is also a master of potions. Harry and Hermione don't know the status and value of a master of potions. Although it is precious, it is not impossible for him to pay a small price. It is suspected that it is not reliable from the beginning 3.1.

That's why the other students were obviously curious, but they didn't regard Snape as a bad guy, because it was as ridiculous as the king's own treason against himself.

Of course, there is one more thing that makes everyone complain. Compared with Snape, the dead face professor, the student is more unacceptable to Quirrell, the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor.

At first, only Qing Zhang and Hermione deliberately sat in the last row. Later, it may be because the garlic has been stored for a long time, or it has been fermented. He would rather go to Snape's Potions class than Defense Against the Dark Arts class, and even thought that the vampire in Quirrell's mouth would definitely not be able to stand the garlic smell on him.

For this reason, many talented students also spontaneously learned the bubble head spell in advance.

The bubble head spell creates a large bubble around the caster's head, which looks like a goldfish bowl has been turned upside down. This spell can be used to breathe underwater, or to isolate the surrounding dirty air. However, wizards with bad breath will make the gas in the bubbles also unfit for breathing after thirty minutes.

On the contrary, it caused a wave of learning enthusiasm at Hogwarts, and the students' self-consciousness was much higher. .

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