After leaving home for more than three months, the little Jasmine at home seemed more lively, but when she got the gift from her brother, she could see that she was very happy, even though it was not an overly magical magic item.

It is also impossible for Qing Zhang to give those magic items to Little Jasmine. After all, the other party is too young and has no discernment. If outsiders see it, Qing Zhang will also be in trouble. , But this is not the case for young wizards from Muggle families, on the contrary, they are very strong, even if there are also wizards from Muggle families in the same position.

These people will definitely hold on to them. After graduating from Hogwarts, these people have already integrated into the wizarding world, but they are out of place in the Muggle world. Without a diploma, they don’t even know how to use some electrical appliances. Even their attire began to favor wizards, so in order to get closer to the wizarding world, these people often hit the wizards who are also Muggle-born the hardest.

The first time Qing Zhang's mother, Mary, saw him, she cried out with tears, "You've lost weight."

She even suspected that the food at Hogwarts was not good, so she wanted to send a letter to Hogwarts to ask Hogwarts to respect the eating habits of Xia descendants, but Qing Zhang stopped her and explained her experience in Hogwarts Situation, had a good time.

And if it grows into a fat ball, it won't be a good ball.

Although Christmas is a Western holiday, after three generations in the West, Qingzhang’s family will more or less celebrate Christmas, although compared with other Western families

The way they celebrate Christmas is a little weird or a little different, not so formal, but a feeling of a combination of things.

Although neither fish nor fowl, but at least he didn't wrong himself, Qing Zhang lived very comfortably, if it is to cater to the local aesthetics, then there is no need.

Because there is no owl, Hermione and Qing Zhang contacted by phone. If there is an owl, you can also have it, because you only need to go to Diagon Alley, there is a 393 service for renting owls, but both of them think it is too It's a hassle, so unless you have to, prefer the convenience of a phone.

However, the two still rented the owl once, because Christmas gifts still need to be sent to friends.

Qing Zhang also received a Christmas gift from Hermione, which was a box of chocolate frogs and a set of dental care tools.

The chocolate frog is for Qing Zhang’s sister. The only thing that makes people speechless is the gift for Qing Zhang. I don’t know what Hermione thinks, maybe she wants his sister to eat too much candy, so that Qing Zhang By the way, Zhang treated Jasmine's teeth.

As expected of a dentist's child.

On the third day of Christmas, which is the fifth day of the holiday, Qing Zhang and Hermione went to Diagon Alley. The first stop was Lihen Bookstore, but they found that most of the books in it were in Hogwarts After reading it in the library, I was a little disappointed. Of course, there was no shortage of some old books, so the two of them bought some back.

Then I went to the scrap shop introduced by my seniors and sisters to try Taobao, yes, it was Taobao.

A junk shop is a store full of old second-hand items, such as broken wands and the like. A little book called "How Prefects Get Their Powers" once caught Percy Weasley's attention in this shop.

So you can often find some good items. Of course, you have to be patient and a little bit lucky. You may even find some books in the restricted section of Hogwarts.

"These should be antiques, right!?" Hermione didn't find any treasures that were accidentally sold here as scrap, but she noticed a lot of ancient objects, and asked Qing Zhang in an uncertain voice. .

Qing Zhang looked at it and found that it was indeed an antique, but it might not have magical effects, and was randomly discarded and placed aside. There were porcelain, statues, and even jewelry. These things are also in the Muggle world. It's only worth money, and wizards don't like it.

After all, Muggle paper money was nothing more than waste paper to them.

Qing Zhang nodded, "Yes, I think your guess is correct."

Hermione was a little excited at once. She had only been in the magic world for more than three months, so she hadn't developed the mindset of a wizard. Naturally, she was a little excited and pleasantly surprised when she found the baby. The little girl didn't realize it. The fact that melon currency is worthless to wizards.

In fact, it is too simple for a wizard to make counterfeit money, it is just a small magic thing.

As if hearing Hermione's pleasant surprise, the boss who had been dozing off over there slightly raised his eyelids, looked over, then closed his eyes again, not paying much attention to it, maybe he still looked down on Hermione and the others in his heart. What's so good about trash!?

However, some of these antiques come from very ancient times and have very high archaeological significance. Qing Zhang, as a normal person, of course cannot let it go, wizard!? What is that!? It’s just a frog in a well!? So sure If you point out people and stick to your old ways, you will withdraw from the stage of history sooner or later.

That is to say, it is now 1991, and decades later, it will be very difficult to hide it any longer.

Moreover, the wizarding world is really backward and messy. After the Muggle world's technology develops more and more rapidly, those children see this kind of comparison, and whether they are willing to enter the wizarding world is a problem. Unfortunately, some people have seen it. problem, but some people pretend not to see it and avoid it.

From Qing Zhang's point of view, Voldemort is really not a terrible thing. Anyway, with him or without him, the wizarding world will be over sooner or later.

After strolling around for a while, the two, who were a little tired, went to the Florin Cold Drink Shop to sit down and rest, and ordered a cup of hot drink by the way. Oh, there is nothing strange about buying hot drinks in cold drink shops. Don't do business in winter!?

"By the way, why did you ask me to read Muggle books too!?" Hermione asked a little puzzled after taking a sip of hot milk tea.

Although Hermione has the ability of photographic memory, but in order to compete with Qing Zhang, she has worked very hard. It is hard for her to imagine how tired she will be if she still has a solid knowledge of the Muggle world, so she is a little reluctant.

Qing Zhang was mixing milk tea with a silver spoon. Hearing this, he glanced at Hermione and said with a smile, "I think you are not bound by the fixed thinking of the magic world. Don't you think that the way people in the magic world look at things Too single and rigid Are you hungry!?"

"And you don't want to go home one day and find that you can't even use the electrical appliances at home, and your classmates and relatives in the Muggle world before, if you can't even talk to the right (cabi) normally If you can’t do it, don’t you feel like a failure!? You don’t really want to stay in the magic world after graduation, do you?

Qing Zhang is not scaremongering. As a Muggle-born Hermione, if she hadn't married Ron in the original book and had a friendly relationship with Harry Potter, no matter how good she is, she would not be able to gain a foothold in the wizarding world. This is a magical world that excludes outsiders. There are only a few employment units, most of which are inherited from the family. The industry in a monopoly position simply cannot accommodate other people.

Take magic wands for example, where do you learn how to make magic wands!? And even if you self-taught and researched it, who will buy your home!? Are you guaranteed that you can compare to the long-standing Olivan De wand shop!? Can't you say anything!?

Ministry of Magic!? Not to mention, Muggle-born, can they let you enter the core!?

So unless Hermione marries a prestigious pure-blood wizarding family like the Weasleys in the future, I am afraid that the wizarding world will have to worry about employment problems, and besides the Weasleys, other pure-blood families It's very difficult to accept a muggle-born wizard as a daughter-in-law.

So if Hermione stays in the wizarding world, I am afraid that life will only get worse and worse. At that time, she wanted to know the Muggle world, but she also found that she was incompatible with the outside world and could not integrate in. After her parents died, she might have to become the last in the wizarding world. The bottom layer is a "lonely ghost".

This is the reality, very cruel.

The wizarding world is a closed and backward feudal world that pays great attention to bloodlines. It is sometimes so barbaric and unreasonable.

Hermione blinked her eyes, and looked at Qing Zhang with some surprise, "I haven't thought about this yet, I didn't expect you to have thought of going so far to the second place."

Compared with the future, Hermione cared more about the present, and seemed to see that she was not as good as Qing Zhang, and the little girl was a little depressed.

"However, won't we stay in the wizarding world after graduation!? So what's the use of the magic we're learning now!?" Hermione looked at Qing Zhang in confusion.

After Qing Zhang took a sip of milk tea, he frowned, as if it was too sweet, and after putting down the quilt, he stared into Hermione's eyes and said, "It's not a question of where to stay, but I want more Free choice, not because you have no choice but to choose this way, do you understand!?"

"And who said that learning magic is useless!? There are too many places in this world that we can explore, even the starry sky. This is something that current technology cannot do. Magic is also very convenient, isn't it!?"

Hermione nodded, she seemed to understand the meaning of Qing Zhang's words, knowing more about the Muggle world would help her not be bound by the small pond of the teacher world.

Qing Zhang saw that she understood a little bit, and continued, "Also, do you know that even if both parents are wizards, the record of their offspring still being wizards is actually not very high. It is also the reason why there are pure-blood families in the wizarding world, they are all related to each other by marriage, it can be said that they are all close relatives, do you understand what I mean!?"

Hermione frowned, and after thinking for a while, she said uncertainly, "You mean, unless I marry someone from a pure-blood family in the wizarding world, my children will have a high chance of being Squibs! ?”

Although she is still young now, Hermione still knows this. The Muggle world, especially the West, is educated a little early in some aspects. Hermione understands everything she should know, and it is not like some eastern country that prohibits puppy love here.

Yes, if my future child is a Squib, even if she or he may only survive in the Muggle world, if I have no assets in the Muggle world, even the Muggle world will feel strange and unknown How to live, it will be a very terrible thing, maybe you can live a difficult life alone in the wizarding world, but a child who can't use magic, I'm afraid it will be a disaster here.

Therefore, Qing Zhang does not agree that Muggle-born children should sever ties with the Muggle world. This is very bad. Women can still marry into pure-blood families. What!? Those black wizards who are wanted are examples. In order to survive, they can only commit crimes.

When the campus life is over, the fairy tales also come to an end, and the cruel reality will shock these children who have just left the campus so that they can no longer laugh.

Seeing Qing Zhang nodded, Hermione suddenly felt very uncomfortable, "I haven't thought about these things, but now that I think about them, I feel out of breath. You are right, I need more choices... "

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