Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

307 Nicole Flamel And Lavender Brown!

The Christmas holiday is over quickly, and many people haven't even had a good time. Of course, when they react, they find that all the homework for the holiday is blank, and then rush to work overnight.

It's a pity that none of this has anything to do with Hermione and Qing Zhang, because they all finished their homework on the first day of the holiday, and because of their mutual connection, they completed their homework faster.

Hermione took the Hogwarts train back on the last day of the holiday, and arrived at Hogwarts before dinner.

When she finished packing her luggage, she found that Lavender Brown, who was in the same dormitory, walked over with some hesitation. Hermione was a little strange, because the relationship between Lavender Brown and Parvati Patil was even closer. Well, although Hermione shares the same dormitory with them, but because Hermione is a nerd-like image, she spends most of her time studying, and spends less time playing with them, so the relationship is not too close.

Of course, since Hermione helped them with their homework, the relationship wasn't - just bad.

"Didn't you finish your homework!?" Hermione frowned slightly, although she was a little dissatisfied, but if the other party really wanted to borrow homework to copy, she would still give it.

This was the only reason she could think of for Lavender to come to her.

Lavender smiled awkwardly, "No, no, I mean if the homework in Potions class is okay..."

After Hermione handed Lavender her Potions class homework, she was a little surprised to see that she didn't leave just then, "Is there anything else!?"

Hermione was quite satisfied with the fact that the other party had only one homework left unfinished. At least it meant that the other party had worked hard. Although they hadn't finished all of it, it was better than Ron and Harry in the original book, who didn't do a single homework.

Lavender looked around and found that no one else was there, heaved a sigh of relief, then pulled Hermione to the corner, and asked in a low voice, "Well... !?"

Hermione frowned when she heard the words, she didn't understand what the other party wanted to do so mysteriously, but...Nicole Flamel!?

Hermione blinked, isn't this the character she saw when she was reading a book during the holidays!? She remembered it was...

"Hermione, Hermione..." Seeing that Hermione was suddenly in a daze, Lavender called out anxiously.

After Hermione came back to her senses, she nodded to the anxious Lavender, "I know, I just read some miscellaneous notes about the Muggle world during the holidays. Nicole Flamel was a famous alchemist from country F in the 14th century. The most famous is that he once turned mercury into gold, and the name of alchemy has been around since then..."

"It is also mentioned in the book that people have claimed to have seen him for centuries, because it is said that he can live forever. Why are you interested in this, Lavender!?"

Lavender Brown was very happy when he heard the words, and tried his best to write down Hermione's words. After hearing Hermione's question, he explained, "Uh... I just heard this name by chance during my vacation. , and then I became very curious, but I had already left Hogwarts at that time, and I couldn’t come back for a while, I thought Hermione, you always like to stay in the library, you must be able to know each other, so I found You asked, hehe..."

Hermione glanced at Lavender who spoke insincerely, seeing that she didn't intend to tell the truth, so she didn't continue to ask. Anyway, Hermione is not interested in these things. After all, it's not like she doesn't know what kind of person Lavender is. , Lavender Brown is very keen on love, divination and so on. Hermione in the same dormitory occasionally saw the other party take out tarot cards and play divination games with Parvati on the bed.

It must be those things again, which Hermione has no interest in.

"If there are no other problems, I'll go to the auditorium." Hermione said after looking away.

Lavender nodded his head fiercely, "It's okay, it's okay, thank you very much Hermione, that's very important to me.

"Um...well, I'm glad to be able to help you, too."

When they came down to the auditorium, Hermione sat next to Qing Zhang, and recounted what happened in the dormitory just now, "Is it strange that Lavender is interested in a liar from centuries ago... "

Hermione was not curious at first, but Lavender's mysterious appearance made Hermione somewhat concerned.

Qing Zhang took out the chopsticks and ate the wonton noodles. After hearing Hermione's words, he chewed and swallowed the food in his mouth, and then said slowly, "Hermione, have you forgotten!? When I bought the chocolate frog, I gave it as a gift. Those cards!? The card about Professor Dumbledore mentioned Nicole Flamel, so Nicole Flamel is not a liar, he is actually a wizard, you may be able to find it in the library Find more information about the other party there."

"Huh!? I think about it, it really is." Hermione was not interested in collecting cards, but she still kept the card of Professor Dumbledore. After all, there was a big reason why Dumbledore was Gryffindor. She chose to enter Gryffindor because of her birth background. Looking back now, Hermione realized that she had actually seen the words Nicole Flamel on it.

"That means alchemy is real, and the other party has indeed lived for centuries!?"

Qing Zhang nodded, "I think so, and he should still be alive now."

"Hiss!" Hermione gasped when she heard the words, "Is it really possible to achieve immortality, magic..."

Qing Zhang gave each other a funny look, "You see Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall, don't you know if they can live forever!?"

Hermione was choked immediately, although she was only 11 years old, but a little girl must be very interested in being young forever, but after being teased by Qing Zhang, Hermione also came to her senses, she was very disappointed and said, "It's still going to be old, then I don't think about it at all..."

Hermione would rather end her life early if she kept her old age and lived forever.

Between immortality and immortality, most girls pay more attention to immortality, so only a hundred years is enough. Of course, if they can have both, no one will refuse.

"Then why is Lavender interested in Nicole Flamel? Does she also want to live forever!?" Hermione asked confused after a long time. You must know that Lavender Brown seems to only be interested in those nagging aspects Her interests, especially divination and alchemy, are probably not within the scope of her hobbies.

Moreover, Lavender, like Hermione, came from a Muggle family. Where did she hear about Nicole Flamel? Even Hermione was in the Muggle family because of what Qing Zhang said It is a bit strange that Lavender would know about such a person after reading through centuries of content on the science side in the library.

0 looking for flowers......

Qing Zhang shrugged, Lavender Brown was Ron's ex-girlfriend in the original book, who knows when she started to like Ron!?

And the inexplicable concern about Nicole Flamel now must be because Ron and the others are inquiring about this person.

So Qing Zhang whispered to Hermione, "I think Lavender must have fallen in love with Ron Weasley. I saw Ron and Harry seem to be looking for some information in the library before." look."

This was before the holiday, because Qing Zhang and Hermione are always in the library, so they are very familiar with who has been here for a long time. Pay attention to a point or two.

The same is true for Hermione, who was reminded by Qing Zhang, and also reacted, "I said why the two of them were searching in the library mysteriously before, so they wanted to find information about Nicole Flamel ah...……"

When she thought of Harry Potter and Ron Weasley who walked around, messed up the books on the bookshelf, and were kicked out of the library by Mrs. Pince, Hermione had an impression


"But, does Lavender like Ron!?" Hermione frowned, a little wondering what Lavender liked about Ron. Lavender was pretty after all, so why did she fall in love with Ron Weasley? What about this guy who doesn't seem to have any merits!?

In Hermione's impression, Ron is a guy who can only seize the opportunity to brag, and most of the heroic deeds he brags about are Harry's. He is usually an unremarkable guy with poor grades. Always inseparable from Harry Potter, and staring at Malfoy.

And they are only 11 years old, and they are only going to be 12 years old, so they like the opposite sex!?

Even if the West is open and puppy love is normal, Hermione also thinks it's a bit premature. It's been less than a year since the classmates have been in contact with each other, so they have a good impression, isn't this too strange!?

Seeing Hermione's disbelief, or suspicious look, Qing Zhang couldn't help shaking his head secretly. It stands to reason that the two are roommates in the same dormitory, and their relationship has improved a lot recently, so it should be easier for others to notice each other's abnormality , As a result, Hermione just looked unaware.

Qing Zhang can only say that this may be another kind of "defiant"!

If it wasn't for borrowing homework to bring back a little relationship, I'm afraid the relationship between Hermione and her classmates would not be too harmonious, and her emotional intelligence needs to be improved.

"Don't look at me like that, I'm sure I'm not the only one who doesn't know, maybe Parvati doesn't know either." Hermione blushed a little and argued.

She would never admit that she was blind.

However, when Padma from Ravenclaw came over, Hermione's face turned dark.

Padma held her fork in her mouth and said, "Well, I heard my sister mentioned that Lavender does have a crush on Ron Weasley. The senior sister of our college said that Lavender is likely to have a broken relationship. , because they think that Ron Weasley seems to like Malfoy more, and the two of them just have that feeling when they stand together..."

Listening to Padma Barabara's gossip about the Ravenclaw girls, Hermione wanted to die. Was she really the only one who didn't notice!?

Noticing Qing Zhang's snickering eyes, Hermione's cheeks couldn't help puffing up.

Too bad, it's too bad to be with.

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