Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

308 Hermione's Exam Anxiety And Hagrid's Fire Dragon!

(ps: There are some mistakes in the first few chapters, but there is no way to change them. Hufflepuff is not the third place in Quidditch, because there is another game, I haven’t watched it for a long time, and some places are confused.

After figuring out Lavender's question, why did Ron or they want to know about Nicole Flamel, but because of the bad relationship with Ron and the others, Hermione also knew that it would be useless to ask As a result, this matter was naturally put down.

Of course, she just let it go temporarily. You must know that in Hermione's mind, Ron Weasley and Harry Potter are no more secure than the Weasley twins. During a Quidditch match, Ron knocked down Snape, and of course he was severely deducted by the opponent.

These bad boys must be planning something secretly again, so when Hermione realized it, she would naturally keep an eye on the two of them. You must know that Gryffindor's score is still at the bottom, and Hermione still plans to work hard. Fan does not let himself in the academy at the end of the semester, it is too ugly.

However, during Hermione's subsequent secret observations, the two were quite peaceful and found nothing, maybe the two concealed it too well.

The only discovery is that Lavender Brown has indeed found out about Ron Weasley's sneaky glances at Ron Weasley. Unfortunately, this guy Ron doesn't seem to be aware of "593" at all, and plays with boys all day long , with shoulders crossed, seemed to dislike Lavender's annoying appearance.

Hermione couldn't understand why Lavender liked Ron!?

Soon it will be time for the second Quidditch match. As long as Gryffindor wins against Hufflepuff this time, it means that Gryffindor has defeated the two houses, and because Ravenclaw The reason why they lost to Hufflepuff early in the morning, that is to say, after this battle, if the Gryffindor team wins, they will be the champion of the Quidditch Academy Cup; if they lose, they will have to fight with Ravenclaw. One match to determine the runner-up.

Same goes for Hufflepuff.

But most people are optimistic about Gryffindor. After all, Hufflepuff's Quidditch team is so good, it's humane.

Hermione unexpectedly discovered that this time the referee became Snape.

Qing Zhang said, "Professor Snape really loves Harry Potter deeply..."

Hermione rolled her eyes, "You're the same as those Ravenclaw girls, don't always look at people like that, okay!?"

Although she said so, Hermione also felt that Snape seemed to be deeply "in love" with Harry. Oh, if you look at it this way, you suddenly feel an indescribable sense of excitement, and suddenly understand Why are those Ravenclaw girls so keen on this kind of thing.

After Padma heard about this new CP, she complained, "This is a bit unpopular, I didn't expect Hermione, you are so bold, and you also like to [tsk tsk...bah]

The eyes of Mandy, Sally and the others glistened, as if they had a good feeling for this new CP.

So much so that if later, when they could take Potions class with Gryffindor, they would secretly stare at Snape and Harry with a strange look, making the two of them horrified, and Snape was even more terrified. Temper, unfortunately it seems that the more energetic he is, the more those girls enjoy it.

After class, there is an unpredictable smile on his face.

It was no surprise that the Gryffindor team won the Quidditch match. Although Hermione was not very interested in Quidditch, but because the winning team of the Quidditch match could also gain points in the Academy Cup, she finally had a look on her face. With a little smile, it seems that Harry Potter is more or less useful.

After a few weeks like this, after nothing happened, Hermione's monitoring of Harry and Ron gradually relaxed. Perhaps at this time, she thought she was overthinking, and felt that she didn't trust her classmates so much. feel ashamed.

Of course, these are not the main reasons, but because there are still ten weeks until the time for the Hogwarts exams. Hogwarts does not have any monthly exams, and the exams generally mentioned are final exams, or even midterm exams. nothing.

For a person like Hermione who has pre-exam anxiety about exams, even if she has memorized all the textbooks by heart, she will keep taking out the textbooks and reviewing them again. Naturally, she will have less time to monitor the two "bad boys" "Do you plan to make a big deal before the end of the semester?

Qing Zhang had the same opinion as the others, and felt that Hermione's worry about the exam was a little too much.

Because with Hermione's level, it is impossible to have poor grades no matter what, and even those who failed to pass the grade or dropped out of school, if even Hermione can't do it, then 90% of the first graders will repeat the grade.

And not to mention that the professors will also relax some efforts and try to let the students get a good score, except for Professor Snape.

Perhaps it was Hermione's efforts that impressed the professors, or maybe the professors and Hermione had the same ideas.

They assigned a lot of homework, making the Easter holiday less fun than Christmas. Everyone is nestled in the dormitory or library, scratching their heads to complete these homework, and many people are even thinking about it. : It's better not to have a holiday, the time is used to complete the homework.

Obviously Easter is a holiday for professors and has little to do with students.

Hermione, Qing Zhang, and a few friends spend their days in the library completing these heavy homework. They are in the library because they can look up some materials at any time. There is no choice for homework at Hogwarts. Questions, true or false questions, or fill-in-the-blank questions are all papers, which require a lot of information to complete.

Even Gryffindor students who are naughty and playful have to go in and out of the library for a long time these days.

That day, when Hermione was rummaging through the bookshelves for the books she needed, she accidentally saw the big figure of Hagrid, and immediately poked Qing Zhang, who was also looking for books beside her, and said in a low voice, "I didn't expect that. , Hagrid will come to the library too, I thought he would be the kind of person who doesn't like to read!"

Qing Zhang Wenyan turned his head and saw Hagrid's sneaky look, "If I remember correctly, there are some books about giant dragons over there...

Hermione nodded, affirming Qing Zhang's words. As frequent visitors to the library, unlike Ravenclaw students, there is another big library in the Ravenclaw lounge, so they can only Come to this big public library.

So Hermione and the others are naturally familiar with these divisions. The information over there is indeed related to dragons. I thought it was temporarily unusable, so Hermione didn't check it much, but she still remembered that there were some information everywhere. what kind of books.

"What is Hagrid doing with these books!?" Hermione was confused.

Qing Zhang shrugged, he thought he knew what was going on, but it's better not to tell Hermione about this, otherwise the little girl will probably go to make a fuss.

Although some disagree that Hagrid wants to raise such a dangerous creature in the school, disregarding the safety of the students, but Dumbledore must have known about this matter, so there is no need to worry about it. If Hermione is to meddle in her own business, say Maybe he will be dragged to be a tool man, Qing Zhang doesn't believe that Dumbledore can't see it, just Harry Potter and Ron Weasley are two mindless, it's hard to get things done..0

Just the levels arranged by the professors in the original book are not something these two people can solve.

At that time, if you are stuck outside the checkpoint, the savior training plan will not be able to continue, so Dumbledore must now want to expand the savior team, as long as it is perfected, let Harry have a think tank.

There was no doubt that Hermione fit the bill.

And sometimes she is a little reckless, and she is very easy to be used and guided. It can be said that she is definitely the perfect tool in Dumbledore's mind. One Hermione is worth several

So Qing Zhang said flickeringly, "Hagrid probably just wants to learn more knowledge, and you also know the principle of learning the sea has no limits, so hurry up and find the information we need, don't forget that the exam is coming soon.

Sure enough, as soon as the exam was mentioned, Hermione forgot to inquire about Hagrid's affairs. The little girl frantically searched for the information she needed. number one.

However, Hermione focused on reviewing, but after more than two weeks, Hermione had to poke her head out of the sea of ​​books, and looked at the score on the gemstone hourglass that had dropped a lot. up.

This time it was Slytherin and Gryffindor that dropped together.

Slytherin did not fall out of the first place, but because of the victory in the Quidditch match, after becoming the champion, Gryffindor, who became the second place in one fell swoop, fell to the fourth place again. The pre-anxiety became not a good mood, even worse.

"I knew those two bad boys must be doing something secretly..." Hermione even burst into tears.

There is no need to inquire about this matter. Last night, Ron, Harry, Neville, and Draco Malfoy were caught on a night tour, and they were even found secretly raising fire dragons on the Hogwarts campus. Of course, it was impossible for Filch to handle this matter lightly.

Even Professor McGonagall was a little annoyed, and Ron's brother Charlie was scolded by Professor McGonagall who rushed over.

You must know that the fire dragon is a magical creature of danger level S, and those little masters in Hogwarts are dangerous creatures of level 5X whose lives are in danger at any time.

Ministry of Magic (M.O.M) classification: X-level, annoying, not harmful. 5.1

Level XX is harmless/tameable.

XXX level, capable wizards can deal with it.

XXXX level, dangerous/requires specialized knowledge/skilled wizards to deal with.

And the last XXXXX level, are animals known to kill wizards/impossible to domesticate or tame.

It is conceivable how dangerous it is to domesticate fire dragons privately. They are impossible to be completely tamed, and they are very powerful when they become adults. It is difficult for adult wizards to deal with them. It is conceivable that it is wrong to hide them in schools. What an irresponsible thing for others.

It's no wonder that Professor McGonagall would be so angry, and the people caught doing this kind of thing, except for one Draco Malfoy, were all students of her college, which made Professor McGonagall look even worse Yes, even in class today, he had an old face.

In order to let these sometimes terribly ignorant brats know what not to do, this time the incident was not concealed at all, and almost all the teachers and students in the school knew why they were deducted points.

As for Ron, it is likely to usher in the first roaring letter in his life in the future.

Without Hermione, the think tank and the dog-headed military division behind him, the few brainless people gathered together, and it was more than enough to accomplish nothing than to reveal the truth. This incident also caused Dumbledore a very headache. He even gave the other party an invisibility cloak, but he did not expect to be caught .

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