Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

309 The First Mission Of Axisism In The Wizarding World Failed!

In fact, Hermione wasn't alone in her outrage.

When the Gryffindor students passed the huge hourglass recording the House Cup scores, they thought something had gone wrong. How could they suddenly be one hundred and fifty points less than yesterday!? Afterwards, things spread slowly, because this time Professor McGonagall was very angry and did not intend to hide it.

Harry Potter, the famous Harry Potter, the hero of two Quidditch matches, had cost them so many points, him, and two other stupid first-year students.

There is still a little distance to surpass Slytherin and become the champion of this year's Academy Cup...

Harry used to be one of the most popular and admired figures in the school, but now he has become a target of public criticism. Even the students of Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff don't give him good looks, because everyone Always wanted to see Slytherin lose the House Cup.

Everywhere Harry went, people pointed at him and didn't lower their voices when they said insulting things to him. On the other hand, whenever he passed the Slytherins, they clapped or whistled, cheering, "Thank you, Potter, you've done us a great favor!"

Except for the two accomplices Ron and Neville, no one is willing to talk to him, even Wood and his fellow Quidditch team members. Although Harry has made great contributions to the victory of Quidditch, Quidditch Diqi itself is not a one-person sport, but a team sport in which everyone can work together to win.

However, Harry Potter deducted all the points they had worked so hard to get together, which was equivalent to a year of wasted work. Naturally, these people had resentment, but fortunately Captain Wood insisted on Harry's side, Did not let him leave the team.

Although the Weasley twins have been losing points to the college since they entered school, 20 is a small score every time, and I am afraid that the total is not as much as Harry and the others at one time, let alone, usually ha They also lost a lot of points, so the treatment is naturally different, and this time Gryffindor is too close to the championship position, giving hope, and then taking away hope, this is an easy thing in life. resentment.

Only Draco Malfoy, who also deducted 50 points from his academy, was treated at the true hero level.

Because even if they lost 50 points, Slytherin is still the first place, and this time they lost to Gryffindor in the Quidditch match, and their ambition of winning the Academy Cup for seven consecutive years has already been exhausted. The crisis is imminent, but now it is better, Gryffindor lost nearly 200 points all of a sudden, plus they are always deducted points for violating school rules, it is absolutely impossible to climb to the second place again now No. 1, even third place is impossible.

What is Malfoy but not a hero!?

For this, Hermione was both annoyed and thankful, because she was busy reviewing her papers for the upcoming exam, so the monitoring of Harry Potter and the others was relaxed, so that after they did these things, the academy asked Hermione blamed herself for taking such a big loss to react.

But on the other hand, she is very fortunate, because Hermione also knows her character. If she really finds out, the most likely thing that night is not to inform the professor to stop him, but to step forward to stop him, and then be carried by the three of them. Violating school rules together, don't ask why, because she can't stop the three boys alone, and she can't notify Professor McGonagall and them without going out at night. The wizarding world is far behind in terms of communication. Puzzling.

In order to prevent Hermione from snitching, Harry and the others will never let her go, they will only make her an accomplice, so if it is not lucky, now Gryffindor will not deduct 150 points but 200 points Well, Hermione probably died of heartbreak by then. And it will disappoint Professor McGonagall who has always been optimistic about her. This is the most unacceptable thing for Hermione.

But no matter what everyone thinks, as the time of the exam is approaching, everyone is not in the mood to deal with the boy who lived. Although the students of Slytherin still enjoy it, but other houses, even Gryffindor Gradually entered the stage of burying your head and scrambling your feet "Examinations are more important than condemning Harry Potter and the others.

Whether you can have a good holiday depends on the results of this exam.

This also made the suffering Harry and the others breathe a sigh of relief, but there was another episode, which was the roaring letter sent to Ron by Ron's mother Mollie during breakfast time, which made many students wake up instantly.

In the words of Ron's mother, she thought that the first howling letter sent would be for the two mischievous twins, but she didn't expect it to be Ron, who has always been inconspicuous, which really made her look good .

This is because Ron's mother didn't know what mistake Ron made. If she found out that she was raising a fire dragon secretly, her anger would rise by several percentage points. Li and the others concealed what they really did wrong.

Not only is this matter related to Malfoy, Draco's father will not allow it, but also this matter involves Hagrid, once it is known, Hagrid may not be able to stay in Hogwarts, Because Hagrid has a criminal record, it is said that every Gryffindor student is selfish and stupid. They don't even learn from their lessons and realize that they are wrong.

As for Harry, Ron, and Neville, they might really be expelled from school. This time, the mistake was too big. No one scored fifty points, but it was actually relatively minor.

Of course, the punishment is not only a penalty of points, the four of them have to go to the administrator Filch to collect the closed content.

But these are not other students need to care about.

Hannah and the others looked at Hermione, who was more anxious than them, and were a little speechless.

Even Hermione's roommate, Padma's sister, Parvati, didn't know what to say, "I said, you have to be so nervous? Ming Er Ming we will It's something to worry about..."

As a scumbag, of course he is not a real scumbag, but seeing the top student next door so nervous, afraid of failing the exam, that kind of mood probably makes people quite speechless.

With Ravenclaw's Padma, Hermione also got on better and better with the girls in the dormitory. Now when she was studying, she also got together. In fact, after forming the Iron Triangle in the original book, Hermione and Harry and Ron have a good relationship, but it seems that they can't get along with other students at all.

There is no way around this, even if people want to make friends with Hermione at the beginning, let alone Hermione's personality and EQ issues, just because she gets too close to the star student, it will be difficult for people to get close to her Now, if it is said that Goyle and the others are Malfoy's followers, then why are Hermione and Ron not the famous Harry Potter's little followers? How can this make other students get close!?

And as they get older, gradually most of the men and women also have that sprouting feeling. Hermione always hangs out with a few big boys, especially with such a large population in the wizarding world, the distribution of men and women is relatively tense Under such circumstances, Hermione is equivalent to taking over the resources of several boys by herself, and everyone has an opinion on her, let alone making friends at that time, it is not bad that people don't regard you as a rival in love.

Hermione grabbed her hair with both hands, "But I'm afraid that I will fail the exam and disappoint the professors..."

Looking at Hermione, who was already a bit enchanted, the others had no choice but to look at Qing Zhang one after another. Here, he and Hermione are the most familiar, have known each other for the longest time, and are also very smart. Think of a solution.

Qing Zhang thought for a while, then asked in a low voice, "Hermione, are you interested in seeing the Axis Cult!? I think it would be good if there is a spiritual sustenance, although I am an atheist myself"

Hermione: "???????

Not to mention Hermione, the other friends were also full of question marks when they heard the words. They asked Qing Zhang to find a way, and didn’t tell him to engage in feudal superstition!? He is a wizard after all, what the hell is it to believe in gods!?

Qing Zhang was watched by everyone, and explained with an embarrassed smile, "I can't help it, Hermione is completely psychological, it's useless if I say more, but I think if Hermione has seen Akushi Maybe it will be better if you use the teachings of Sri Lankan religion... probably

Thinking about the other big heart that was tortured by Akua, Qing Zhang thinks it is still a lot, maybe, maybe, is useful!?

"Oh!? What kind of teaching!?" Everyone became interested. Although they would definitely not join the religion, it did not hinder their desire to hear it.

Instead, Qing Zhang wrote it on a piece of paper, and handed it over to his friends for browsing after finishing writing. The content is as follows:

[Axis believers only need to be serious

can do anything

we can do it

127 don't blame us even if we don't do well

If you don't do well, blame the world

face nasty things

just run away

Running away is not a loss

but victory

when hesitating

No matter what you do, you will regret it

I'll regret it anyway

Just choose the easier way now

don't be afraid to grow old

The gods don't know whether you will be happy in the future

then laugh now

Eris' breasts are padded!

Sarah, you who are confused, please follow the goddess Akuya and join the Axis Cult together with me]

"......" Several people looked at each other after the circulation. Perhaps because of the different times, they couldn't say that this was the word "bad", but they still felt that the so-called There is a problem with the teachings. It is said to be a sect, which is more like a concentration camp for lunatics.

Hermione threw down the scary paper and shook her head quickly, "No, I think I'm fine now..."

Hermione always felt that the content on this paper was magical and would lead people to fall, so she didn't even have the courage to take a second look.

It's terrible, she doesn't want to become such a person at all.

The others were similar, as if they saw something terrible that recorded the whispers of evil gods, they huddled together, far away from the paper.

After a long time, Justin stammered and asked Qing Zhang who crumpled up the paper and threw it in the trash can, "Is there really such a sect here? ?”

Although the meaning of one sentence is unclear, the others are all "poisonous chicken soup". How could someone join this sect!?

Qing Zhang nodded, "Yes, and there are still a lot of people. After a few years, you may have different opinions."

Survival in the wizarding world is not easy, and these people's ambitions will soon be worn down. At that time, it may be better to become a rotten person than a black wizard criminal who crosses the street.

He is happier.

"No, we won't, don't try to confuse us!"

Several people shook their heads violently, denying this terrible guess.

This is totally impossible!.

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