The exams at Hogwarts are always reminiscent of the imperial examinations of the Xia Kingdom's feudal dynasty, because the exam environment is almost tortured.

After winter, the weather became very stuffy again, and everyone was locked in a large classroom to answer questions. Hogwarts does not have fans and air conditioners, and it all depends on "calmness and coolness". After all, it is not allowed to take out the wand to cast spells in the written test , can only endure.

In order to prevent some students from cheating in the exam, the professors specially distributed new quill pens specially used for the exam. These quill pens were all read with an anti-cheating spell, and it was even impossible to cast an automatic writing spell on them. If the spell falls on these quills, it will only make the quills scrapped on the spot.

This is also to prevent someone from interfering with Harry's broom in the same way as during a Quidditch match, so as not to make people think that this is impossible. There have been students who secretly slapped a student's feathers during the exam because of conflicts. They cast spells on the quill to make the other party unable to complete the exam, or because they were found to have magic marks on the quill pen, they were kicked out of the exam room as cheating.

However, Hogwarts has been established for so many years and has taught thousands of students. These are all played badly, and naturally there are very few loopholes today.

So there is no need to have any complaints about this, because this is also protecting everyone, and this is fair.

There are also practical exams.

Professor Flitwick would tell them to go into the room one by one to see if they could get a pineapple to tap dance across a desk. Professor McGonagall's transfiguration exam is for first-year students to turn a mouse into a snuff box, and the more exquisite the box, the higher the score, but if the box has a mouse's beard, it will be deducted. separated.

When it comes to the practical exam of Potions, you have to complete the preparation of the forgetting potion alone without prompting. This difficulty is much more difficult than in the usual class, because usually you are in a group of two, and you forget what you have forgotten. Procedures, or if you don’t do it right, there are companions to help.

For the herbal medicine exam, you just need to identify the three medicinal herbs that Professor Sprout gave out. You only need to name one of the medicinal herbs, its use, and precautions to pass, and if you answer three correctly, you will be Full marks.

As for the practical exam of the Defense Against the Dark Arts class, it's hard to say, because in fact, Professor Roach didn't teach anything for a semester, and he kept stuttering in class, so except for the students who study by themselves after class, most of the students are Not learning a single useful spell.

Fortunately, they are first graders, and no one will really attack them with black magic. Although they were a little embarrassed by the flying balls in the classroom, at least they didn't die, but the score is definitely not ideal.

Finally, there is the astronomy exam. This is the simplest, just to see if you can use these astronomical instruments. The first grade is not the easiest. If you are in the upper grades, it will be even simpler. Seeing him have bloody disasters and the like, he will definitely get a high score, regardless of whether he really saw it.

The written test was very easy for Hermione, but in terms of the practical test, Hermione was much worse than Qing Zhang. Fortunately, it was a single test, otherwise the little girl's self-confidence would be greatly affected.

After the exam, all the little wizards breathed a sigh of relief. They didn't care about their scores. After passing this test, what happens next is something that their future self should consider.

The friends have already started discussing the holiday arrangements, but seeing Hermione revisiting the content of the exam, they can't help but get black lines.

"I said Hermione, after all the exams are over, forget about the damn exam, okay?".?" Lavender and the others begged in pain.

Hermione made it impossible for them to think about it.

Is this girl a devil!?

After the exam, you have to wait for a week before the results will be announced. During this period, the professor used to correct the test papers. It was very busy, so the little wizards of Hogwarts also had a leisure time in the week before the holiday. Yes. , You don’t need to go to class, you can do whatever you want, except for things that violate school rules.

"Wait a minute, I'll be fine soon, this is my habit..." Hermione said apologetically.

"It's a long time, so there's no need to be in a hurry..." Qing Zhang also persuaded.

Hermione insisted, "No, I've got to get it done now before my memory is fresh."

Seeing that they couldn't be persuaded, several people shook their heads one after another, so they had to go to the side and say this in a low voice, not to disturb this stubborn little girl anymore.

The little Hufflepuff wizards sighed, "It's a pity that this year is coming to an end..."

It's not that they don't want to have a holiday and like to go to school, but because Ravenclaw is the third place in the Quidditch competition, so when Gryffindor fell to the last place again, they Instead, the academy became the current second place.

It's a pity that there is still a huge gap between Slytherin and the first place, and now he can't catch up even if he wants to. It's a pity, although he doesn't have much desire to win, but who doesn't want to win the Academy Cup once!?

Most of the Hufflepuffs are mediocre or unsociable students. Although they will not be deducted points for honesty, they will not be awarded points. Therefore, it is very difficult to win the Academy Cup championship, unless the other three schools are all It's bad, otherwise it's hopeless.

After sighing, Ernie asked, "What are your plans for the holidays!?"

Qing Zhang shrugged, "Our family plans to go back to Xia Country..."

Because last time I found a lot of antiques in the scrap shop, Qing Zhang planned to send them back to the motherland. Most of them were cultural relics that had wandered abroad. The family also decided to return these things to the motherland. There is no shortage of the Qing Zhang family. Don’t look at them living in country Y. In fact, the family’s family background is very strong. In the morning, they were still wealthy businessmen. Even if they don’t do anything, they can support the second generation. It's used out, and the family doesn't have such waste.

In addition, Qing Zhang also wanted to see if there were wizards and other mysterious side existences in the Xia Kingdom of this world, so the family decided to go back for a trip during the holidays.

As for how those cultural relics avoided the security check at the airport, these were too simple for Qing Zhang, he didn't even need a wand, so the Ministry of Magic couldn't do anything about him.

Justin and the others were a little envious when they heard this, because this was a trip abroad, they couldn't do it, and their family wouldn't agree.

Qing Zhang said with a smile, "I will prepare a gift for you, don't worry, I guarantee that you will like it."

All the little wizards were very happy, but the headmaster of Hogwarts, Albus Dumbledore, was not in such a good mood. The reason was that the semester was coming to an end, and because of the curse of the Defense Against the Dark Arts class, Voldemort had to live in his host Quirrell. Obtain the Philosopher's Stone before dying unexpectedly.

So it means that Harry and the others are about to enter the last round of the trial, of course it is the last round of the first stage of the trial, and at the same time tell the future savior a piece of news

The fact that your enemy and opponent is still alive will continue to whip Harry to grow up.

But look, who are the savior's team now!?

Harry!? Ron!? And Neville!? There is no one who can command with brains, otherwise there would not be so many accidents and so many points deducted.

Naturally, Dumbledore didn't know that Hermione, the little dog-headed military strategist whom he favored in the original book, was not too cautious after being severely assimilated by Gryffindor. point.

But Dumbledore doesn't know these things yet. It's not that he didn't want to let Hermione join, but Harry and Ron are very repulsive to Hermione, and they usually don't want to get close, let alone communicate. In front of Hermione and the others, she strongly ordered the other party to become good friends with Harry!?

At first, there was a slight possibility, but in the end, as Ron and Harry continued to make troubles and kept deducting points from Gryffindor House, as long as Dumbledore was not stupid, he knew that Hermione would not accept this kind of situation at all. For friends, without the key point of the troll incident at the beginning, the three of them couldn't get along harmoniously at all.

As for the other first-year Gryffindor wizards, Dumbledore looked around, and none of them caught his eye. Not to mention that they couldn't help Harry at all, and they would become a burden on the contrary, which was very difficult in itself. If the difficulty is increased, it is likely that Harry Potter will have a nervous breakdown before the day of graduation. Facing an invincible opponent is the easiest way to wear down one's fighting spirit.

There are smart little wizards in other colleges, but not to mention the trouble caused by one college, and the character of students in other colleges is not very acceptable to flout the school rules with Harry and others. The most likely way is to go to Looking for professors, this is not what Dumbledore wants to see. If the professors make a move, what experience and training can Harry gain!? Will he be a melon-eating crowd who can shout 666!?

Dumbledore didn't blame Qing Zhang for this, because at the beginning Dumbledore didn't know Hermione's power, he didn't know the future, and he didn't know Hermione, so in the first one or two months Observe, after all, he also needs to give Harry a partner who can absolutely trust his back. This is especially important. If he defected before the battle, it is worth noting that this kind of teammate is not worth it, it is worse than a pig teammate.

So after Dumbledore observed around and found that Hermione was the right one, he regretted it. He couldn't find the key point that would allow Hermione to accept Harry and the others. One was either reading in the lounge or in the library. The well-behaved students who study with other people in the hall do not go out at night, and even go to the women's bathroom when they are alone, and sometimes go with other girls. Dumbledore is not so perverted, causing trouble at this time , not to mention other things, but that was after Harry and Ron, if they appeared near the women's bathroom, they probably didn't have much affection, and it dropped below freezing point in an instant.

Moreover, if a savior bears the name of pervert, he will not be able to become a benchmark and leader in the future.

At other times, Hermione is mostly with Qing Zhang. Dumbledore has observed that although Qing Zhang is a first-year wizard, he is definitely the kind of young genius with extraordinary talents. He is definitely capable of solving ordinary problems spontaneously. , I can't help the other party at all. If something big happens, the other professors will be really blind or deaf at that time, and Hogwarts may not be able to operate at that time.

So Dumbledore had no choice but to look for other candidates for a while, but what caused him a headache was that the excellent and qualified ones were not in Gryffindor, and he couldn't choose the kind of born wizard If you don't want to be in the world, otherwise the parents will have to trouble you, and only the best students from the Muggle family can, the choice is even less.

At this time, Dumbledore complained that Ron was not a shrewd child. Obviously, his brothers were all very good, which caught Dumbledore by surprise. He thought Ron was also a good child. , so he created a lot of opportunities to make Harry and Ron become good friends, and he also chose Ron as the first candidate for the savior partner, but he didn't expect it to be such a thing!?

Now Dumbledore wanted Ron and the twins to change their ages. If the Weasley twins were the saviors, there would be no problem with Hermione, and two of them would be enough.

so this

For a while, even when Dumbledore ate sweets, he felt a little depressed. He could only hope that there would be a good seed in Gryffindor next year. As for the senior students, because

It's not easy to be fooled, and it's impossible for others to listen to the words of a junior student who is younger than him. Will Harry, the savior, become the other party's follower by then!? So at the beginning

Dumbledore hadn't thought about senior years.

If Harry is good enough, even if it is only at the level of Qing Zhang, it will be no problem to convince a second grader, but Harry has shown enough talent except for the broomstick.

In addition, other aspects are mediocre, which makes Dumbledore very embarrassed.

"Let's get through today first..." he murmured. .

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