Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

311 The Savior Is Still The Third-Generation Dark Lord! ?

When you are enjoying life, there will always be absurd things that make you feel that life is a bit fucked up!

There is no need to go to class for a week. In fact, it is quite enjoyable to be in school. Before, I could only pass by in a hurry, unable to stop and appreciate the beautiful scenery and the precipitation of the years. At this moment, I have time and leisure.

This is also a favorite day for lovers in Hogwarts every year. Although they can only stay in Hogwarts school, there are still many meeting places for them.

First graders like Hermione and Qing Zhang accidentally bumped into the good things of seniors and seniors several times, which made them very embarrassed. And early (Wuhu) love is that the professors at Hogwarts basically just turn a blind eye. After all, there are only so many people in the wizarding world. If you were in school, you wouldn’t be early (Wuhu) I am afraid that I will die alone after graduation, unless you want to find a Muggle to marry, and the children of most pure-blood families have no choice, it is impossible to accept a Muggle husband or daughter-in-law, they may Acceptable, but family members may not.

This has resulted in fewer choices, so the Hogwarts early (Wuhu) love situation is very serious, and basically already have their own lovers around the third grade.

Everyone was intoxicated by this not too long time, but some people didn't want them to continue like this.

On the sixth day after the exam, Snape, the head of Slytherin, was sent to the school hospital. Many people saw that it was the boy who survived a catastrophe. They suddenly attacked Professor Snape. Snape didn't want to In the case of harming them, he just used spells and physics to stun Snape, and then fled.

The situation is very bad.

According to some people, they saw Harry and the others running to Professor McGonagall, saying that Snape wanted to steal the Philosopher’s Stone, but they were severely criticized by Professor McGonagall, and they walked out with a sullen face. Then came the attack on Professor Snape.

Many people are now rumoring that Harry Potter is crazy, and the people in Slytherin even conspired that Harry and the others must have failed in the House Cup because they couldn’t break the Slytherin House’s consecutive championships this year. It was all the fault of Head Slytherin. In the end, the students of Slytherin and the students of Gryffindor fought, and the scene was chaotic.

However, Dumbledore is said to have received a letter from the Ministry of Magic and has already gone to London, and is not at Hogwarts now.

Although Professor McGonagall is the deputy head, but she is also the head of Gryffindor, so she can't convince the Slytherin students at all, thinking that she must be helping Gryffindor, and Professor McGonagall is still covering up Look at Harry Potter and the others, otherwise why the famous Harry Potter didn’t come out to explain a few words!?

Hermione, Qing Zhang and the others stood outside, a little dumbfounded seeing the lively scene inside.

Hermione trembled with anger and said, "They...they, how dare they!?"

They were Harry and Ron in Hermione's mouth. Unexpectedly, after a few days of silence, these bad boys caused even bigger troubles, and now they even attacked the professors in the school. Hermione felt that they Really crazy.

Girls such as Hannah and Susan were also dumbfounded, "This, this, this... is indeed a bit crazy..."

For these wizarding children who grew up listening to the heroic deeds of the Boy Who Lived, it can be said that the image of the savior, which was not very strong in their hearts, is a little cracked, (cadi) it looks more like The Dark Lord is more than the Savior!?

As for the matter of Professor Snape stealing the Sorcerer's Stone, that's okay. As I said before, Snape, as a master of potions, has a very high status in the wizarding world. The young potions master, if Snape wanted it, anyone would have sold him a favor if he really wanted it.

Justin and a few Muggle-born wizards barely understood what the Philosopher's Stone was after listening to what the friends were saying, and then they asked a question, " How did Harry and the others know there was a Philosopher's Stone in the school!?"

As soon as this question was raised, everyone was stunned. Yes, even if the school really has a collection of magicians, Harry and the others are only first graders. How do they know this!?

At this time, Hermione, who managed to restrain a little bit of anger, gritted her teeth after hearing the words, "I just said why Lavender asked me about Nicole Flamel for Ron and the others. It turned out that they started Has the plan come out!?"

"By the way, where is Lavender!?" Everyone found that there was no Lavender Brown here.

Padma of Ravenclaw explained in a low voice, "Lavender is hiding in the dormitory and crying because Ron disliked her and said some very annoying things. My sister is comforting him by her side. They might I still don't know what happened outside..."

When everyone heard the words, some didn't know what to say.

Regardless of whether Ron is an orphan or not, the question now is whether these two people will be expelled from school. Although Hogwarts has never actively expelled students from school since its establishment, this time the matter is a bit big, and it is no longer a simple deduction. The separation and confinement can be resolved.

Although Hermione was very angry at Harry's nonsense, she didn't want him to be expelled from school. After all, she had heard about the situation in Harry's family. After studying for a year, Harry also learned a lot of magic, I'm afraid...

Hermione's mind came to the news that Harry and the others had become wanted criminals in the newspaper.

Voldemort's are Death Eaters, Harry's are Shit Eaters.

"The most important thing now is to find Harry and the others..." Ernie reminded, pointing to the messy situation on Professor McGonagall's side.

If the person concerned doesn't come out to apologize or explain clearly, it may be impossible to settle the situation.

Even in the end, it is very likely that the students of Slytherin will attack Professor McGonagall, after all, their dean was sent to the hospital by the students of Gryffindor.

As for the matter of asking Snape to come forward, not to mention that he has just been sent to Ms. Pomfrey, whether he wakes up is a problem, but letting the victim come forward to forgive the perpetrator (Wuhu) violence, this kind of Holy Mother A few people still don't have the shame to do things that can only be done when they are sick.

So this matter can only be found with Harry and the others.

"Let's search separately, I hope they are not hiding in some secret passages..." Several people still know that Hogwarts has many secret passages that are not known to the public, and even accidentally touched them occasionally.

This greatly increases the difficulty of searching.

At this time, Dumbledore followed Harry and the others with an ugly expression on his face. As the strongest wizard of the contemporary era, after Dumbledore became invisible, it was impossible for little wizards like Harry to find out. Li saw a series of actions by them.

Of course it also included their attack on Snape.

It's not that he didn't want to stop him, but he just left with an excuse. Now that he suddenly appeared, I'm afraid it's hard to explain the level of Professor McGonagall, and it will also interrupt the plan he had arranged for more than a year. It is unacceptable to him.

Once Harry is unable to face Voldemort and defeat him this year, the reputation of the savior he has been trying to manage for him will be wiped out. Think about it and understand, if no one publicizes, who knows that a baby defeated Voldemort, as long as it is Who can see the scene at that time!?

And it is a very ridiculous thing to turn a baby into a hero and legend.

Distance produces beauty, this point of view, even people in the wizarding world know, this is why Dumbledore has kept Harry Potter at his Muggle relative's house, even if he knows Harry Potter is not doing well, Reason for not doing something.

I want to protect the other party, but is there any safer place than staying at Hogwarts and Dumbledore's side!?

Dumbledore had thought about it a lot, but he never thought that Harry and the others would simply deal with Snape directly in order to protect the Philosopher's Stone. It was a very simple and rude approach.

Perhaps there was still a little hatred and revenge for Snape in it.

I don’t know how many times I sighed. There is no such thing as a think tank in the savior’s team. Dumbledore regretted it. If he knew it, he would have just stuffed a little smart lion into it. I don’t know how to do it. When things like this happen, no one stops them,

Even if the dog-headed military division is still unreliable, and thinks that attacking the professor is the best way to solve the problem, but he knows how to hide from other people to do it, instead of attacking the professor openly, and thinks it is the right thing, they are just of.

Now Dumbledore has almost imagined what's going on outside, but he has to follow Harry and the others to protect them, and he can't deal with things outside for the time being

One can only pray that Minerva can handle it well.

Now as long as Harry and the others can really defeat Quirrell and Voldemort, at least Harry and the others will not be considered lunatics and forced to drop out of school. As for Snape, Dumbledore is confident that Snape will wake up I've been here, I'm sure I won't hold on to this matter, and I don't even need Dumbledore to persuade him, he will let Harry and the others go.

So things haven't come to the worst result yet, which is the main reason why Dumbledore can barely calm down.

However, seeing Harry and the others stumped by the devil's net at the beginning, Dumbledore felt his blood pressure soar. Obviously, during the Herbal Medicine class, he specially asked Sprout to teach the knowledge of this magical plant. As a result, these few hours Is this guy not paying attention at all!?

It seems that letting Harry enter the Quidditch team early to show his talent and win a little glory has been done too much, so that Harry didn't study hard at all.

Dumbledore didn't wrinkle more and more tightly, how can these little guys pass this level now, and make them not feel that someone is helping!?.

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