Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

312 Dumbledore's Method, The Hufflepuffs Come To Heaven With Trophies At Home!

Many people are looking for Harry Potter and their figures, but they have not found them at all.

Fortunately, Snape woke up in time. Although he had a gloomy face, he still helped Professor McGonagall calm down the agitated Slytherin students.

The matter is far from over. Harry Potter, who disappeared for a long time that day and was even speculated by many people to abscond in fear of crime, was discovered and brought back by Dumbledore who was said to have just arrived that night, and was also sent to the school hospital. At Ms. Pomfrey's place, it is said that Harry Potter has been severely attacked by black magic and has not yet awakened.

Ron and Neville, who were also found at the other end, are much better. After simple treatment, they are already alive and kicking.

Ron kept bragging about their deeds to the curious students who came to inquire about what happened, what protected the Philosopher's Stone from Professor Quirrell, and finally defeated Professor Quirrell who was possessed by Voldemort.

And when asked why he attacked Professor Snape.

Ron hesitantly explained, "Professor Quirrell misled us to do these things. He is the host of the mysterious man. You know how terrifying the mysterious man is...but we succeeded again. defeated him..."

Listening to Ron's bragging, Hermione pouted and said angrily to Qing Zhang beside him, "He doesn't seem to realize what he did wrong, I'm sure.

What can Qing Zhang say? You don’t need to find out this kind of thing to know it. If you really know that you are wrong, you should go and apologize to Snape now. How can you still be here~ bragging!?

As for Voldemort, no one believes it at all. Everyone also thinks that Professor Quirrell is a death eater who hides deeply or a dark wizard who is peeping at magicians. After all, Dumbledore endorsed Harry and the others, so there must be something wrong with it. Part of it is true, for example, someone did steal the Philosopher's Stone, and it was Professor Quirrell.

As for Voldemort, everyone now knows that he died very early. Unless he saw it with his own eyes, no one would believe it at all. It’s because this is the magic world, and the name has magical powers. In addition to attracting the attention of powerful wizards, it may also trigger the mechanism of resurrection. After all, Voldemort is an existence that claims to fly over death. Who knows whether the other party left behind a resurrection After!?

It's already the seventh day, there will be a year-end banquet in the evening, and the auditorium has been decorated early in the morning.

It is green, and all kinds of places that can be dyed green are replaced with green. In addition, the light source of the auditorium comes from torches and candles, so it is not very bright. In this green environment, it always gives people a gloomy and cold feeling. a feeling of.

No wonder people in other colleges didn't want the House Cup to be continued by Slytherin today, just this one is a bit eye-catching and eye-catching.

When the banquet started, everyone saw Harry Potter again.

But when he walked into the auditorium, the auditorium suddenly became silent, and a pair of eyes stared at him "with all kinds of unclear content.

Harry, who had been smiling, suddenly froze.

Fortunately, it didn't take long for the auditorium to be lively again. Everyone suddenly started talking again, and stopped staring at Harry. Only then did the other party heave a sigh of relief, walked to the Gryffindor table, and sat down. Between Ron and Neville, pretending not to notice the way people stood up and stared at him from time to time.

Qing Zhang looked at the miserable green decorations around him, and suddenly regretted not fighting for it. To be honest, he really didn't like this color. As for Harry Potter, he wouldn't pay attention to it at all. one person.

"Don't look at it, it's unlucky, the color can be changed this year..." A Hufflepuff senior saw that Qing Zhang had been staring at the decorations, and patted the junior on the shoulder to comfort him. .

But he himself sighed first.

As he spoke, he glanced at the corner of Harry Potter on the Gryffindor side, and the meaning was obvious.

Several other senior Hufflepuff students also sighed, and some said happily, "Fortunately, the other party didn't enter our college before. I thought it was a pity at the time. Looking back now, I really should slap myself at that time." Two slaps.

Hufflepuff, which is already difficult to get points, if you add a boy who always does "big things", I am afraid that he will be at the bottom every year.

To be honest, let’s not talk about these students, even the professors at the teacher’s table have changed their perception of Harry Potter, although Dumbledore’s explanation is that Harry and the others are attacked by Quirrell’s black magic. Snape, but this can't make the professors completely let go.

This time it's attacking Snape, what about next time!?

Who will become the target of the savior!?

It's not their fault for thinking too much, because Harry has done a lot of things since he entered school, and most of them have been concealed from the students, but they professors are very clear, and things are getting better and better. Big, can this not be scary!?

In this weird atmosphere, Shanshan Dumbledore arrived late, and the noise in the auditorium gradually subsided.

"Another year has passed!" said Dumbledore cheerily. "Before we feast on these delicious meals, I must trouble everyone to listen to an old man's platitudes. What a year it has been! It must be richer than in the past......…………… There is a whole summer vacation waiting for you, so that you can digest those things well before the next semester starts, so that you can free up your mind... .”

"Now, as far as I know, we must first have the House Cup award ceremony, and the specific scores for each house are as follows: fourth place, Gryffindor, 280 points; third place, Ravenclaw, 426 points; Hufflepuff Odd 430, Slytherin 460."

There was a burst of thunderous cheers and stomping at the Slytherin dining table, but there was a dead silence at the Gryffindor dining table. Everyone's complexion was not very good. There was a gap of 180 points. Neither will have a good face.

Harry and the others lowered their heads even lower. If there is a crack in the ground, they all want to get in. At this moment, because they defeated Professor Quirrell and Voldemort, they protected the Sorcerer's Stone from their hands. The joy was gone, and the eyes around him were so hot that Harry felt that his whole body was about to melt.

"Yeah, yeah, well done, Slytherin." Dumbledore praised this scene with a smile, but soon he changed the subject, and continued, "However, a few things happened recently. must be counted.

The auditorium became very quiet in an instant, and the smiles of the Slytherins also restrained a little. Everyone frowned at Dumbledore, and the Slytherins looked more vigilant and a little uneasy.

"Uh, uh..." Dumbledore cleared his throat, "I have some last points to assign, let me see, um, yes, number one, Mr. Ron Weasley. ..."

Ron's pale face instantly turned red, like a sun-dried carrot. He seemed to know what Dumbledore would say next. At this moment, his face was full of excitement and pride.

...... He won the best game of chess at Hogwarts in many years, for which I award Gryffindor House fifty points. "

Ron had already stood up at this time, waiting for the cheers and applause of the crowd.

However, the students all looked at him and Dumbledore on the stage with weird faces. What kind of chess can be worth fifty cents, why don't they know!? Did someone secretly cast the Forgetting Curse on everyone? No memory of participating in the competition!?

If only Ron could participate in the competition alone, oh, it would be really exciting!?

Many people at the Gryffindor table turned red, not happy, but ashamed.

As for Slytherin, everyone is full of anger, what is Dumbledore doing!? Is this cheating!?

Hermione bit her lower lip, she suddenly regretted entering Gryffindor, which was totally different from what she had imagined.

Dumbledore didn't seem to notice the weird atmosphere in the auditorium, he continued to read, "Secondly, Neville Longbottom, he is willing to sacrifice his spirit and courage for his friends, I want to reward Gryffindor College fifty point."

Neville had already buried his face in his arms. He was a bit stupid, but he still knew the current situation. He couldn't be as happy as Ron. To be honest, when he woke up and was told the real prisoner It wasn't Snape. Neville knew something was wrong when he was innocent. He wanted to tell Harry not to come to the banquet, but Ron interrupted him every time he wanted to say it.

0 for flowers...

Sure enough, what should come should come.

"Thirdly, Harry Potter, he showed great courage, extraordinary courage, and outstanding wisdom. For this, I would like to award Gryffindor eighty points, which is what he deserves."

After speaking, Dumbledore applauded himself.

The expression on Slytherin's face could no longer be described as ugly. Even Snape stood up immediately and stared at Dumbledore, because now Gryffindor's score was equal to Slytherin's. What the hell is this old thing trying to do!? Slap them in the face!?

Professor McGonagall opened his mouth to say something, but he didn't know what to say, and his expression was not very good.

Not to mention the other professors, all of them had very weird faces.

"Of course, this is not over. There is also Hermione Granger. She has been worried about the safety of her classmates and has not easily given up her determination to find her companions. Of course, there are also her friends. Once again, I will give them every Five points for one person."

In an instant, except for the hourglass of Slytherin, the hourglasses of the other three colleges were all filled with fine gem sand, and Gryffindor became the number one, completely surpassing Slytherin. Leitlin as much as twenty.

Even because of the large number of people looking for Harry, Hufflepuff jumped to the second place, pushing Slater to the third place.

Everyone was dumbfounded. Did Dumbledore seriously!?

"Dumbledore!" Snape gritted his teeth and called the opponent's name.

Is this old thing crazy!? How dare he do that!?

Dumbledore smiled slightly, and after calming the angry Snape, he continued, "Of course I haven't finished talking, and if there is a reward, there will be a punishment. First, I have said it repeatedly when the school started.

You can't get close to the corridor on the fourth floor. In view of Harry Potter and the others' compliance, I'll give them a penalty of fifty points each. "

As soon as the words fell, the small hills and sand piles of Gryffindor, which had finally swelled up, fell back in an instant, and returned to the last place again. Ron instantly wilted like a frosted eggplant.

The anger on the faces of the Slytherins also froze on their faces, some couldn't understand what was going on now, and Snape was also a little confused, standing there, frowning tightly.

Not to mention other teachers and students, but Dumbledore didn't stop there, he continued, "Ahem, at the same time, regardless of whether it is controlled by black magic or not, haha

The fact that Leigh Potter and the others attacked the professor is also a fact, so everyone deducted 20 points as a punishment, and that’s all I want to say, oh, I almost forgot, it’s time to give here

Just a little change in the decor.

He clapped his hands, and immediately, the green hanging ribbons turned golden yellow, the silver ones turned khaki, and the huge Slytherin snake disappeared, replaced by a

The cute and innocent Hufflepuff honey badger.

Snape was shaking hands with the bewildered Professor Sprout, forcing an awkward and speechless smile on his face.

Because Dumbledore took the initiative to deduct a lot of points from Gryffindor, so that no one can say that this is cheating, this is unfair, even if it is Slytherin who missed the championship

Guys, there is nothing to say at this moment.

The only ones who are unbelievable are the Hufflepuffs. I didn't expect the Academy Cup to fall into their hands. This is a bit unrealistic!

The corners of Qing Zhang’s mouth twitched. Dumbledore really did a good job of turning a small matter into a trick. He successfully diverted everyone’s hatred from Harry Potter. Presumably

Now everyone has begun to downplay their dissatisfaction with the savior, after a long summer vacation, who still remembers the previous unhappiness!?

As for dropping out, it is even more impossible to drop out.

This old lady deserves it, really......

[The author has something to say: I have to explain some more content, and the world of Harry Potter has come to an end for the time being. This time the writing is a little longer.

For readers, it may be a little uncomfortable, but there is no way, a story like this cannot end without the first part. what].

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