Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

313 The Wind Is Whistling, The Road Ahead Is Gradually Revealed!

Although very confused, the Hufflepuffs who came back to their senses quickly cheered.

This is the House Cup. Since Hogwarts was established, the number of times Hufflepuff has won the House Cup can be counted on one hand. This is quite rare. Hufflepuff students are not I don't want to try hard to fight for it, but in fact they are indeed as mediocre as those people in the outside world think. In addition, they always attend classes with the top students, and their self-confidence is constantly suppressed. Can't get points.

Obviously not bad, but compared with Ravenclaw's top students, they become green leaves and become scumbags in people's eyes. .

It is also for this reason that Qing Zhang said at the beginning that the Hogwarts education system itself has problems, which have an impact on students' correct three views and normal psychology, and competition is right. But the way of competition is a bit too distorted and inhuman.

"Brother, don't be dazed, come on, let's clink glasses! We are the champions of this year's Academy Cup!"

At this time, Ernie and Justin saw that Qing Zhang was still sitting there in a daze, they couldn't help but patted him on the shoulder, and urged him with a smile on his face, holding his quilt full of drinks in his hand .

In fact, Hufflepuff was not much better. Even Professor Sprout, who had just finished shaking hands with Snape, had a brighter smile on his face than before, and even ordered a glass of butterbeer.

Hermione sat at the Gryffindor dining table "863". Like other Gryffindors, she looked at the excited Hufflepuffs with some envy. I was not in the mood to say anything, only the slight sound of the collision of knives, forks and dishes.

Slytherin seemed to have lost their parents, and they couldn't even maintain their usual fake smiles on their faces. They didn't have any vicious and resentful eyes towards Hufflepuff, but when they saw Gryffindor After the unhappiness over there, these little snakes showed brighter smiles than when their academy won the championship, but they were a little provocative.

The Ravenclaws have been eating melons in silence from the beginning to the end, that is, Dumbledore's previous actions just shocked them a little, and at other times, they were calm.

But among all living beings, Harry and Ron were very sad, feeling that their days were like years.

In fact, they don’t have the slightest remorse for violating the school rules, they just feel that they are so unfortunate that they just got caught. In fact, this is also the psychology of most Gryffindor bad boys, and they rarely reflect on whether what they have done is right or not !? Will it cause trouble to others!? They will only feel that they are doing a correct and meaningful thing, and the others are just trivial things.

Rather than saying that Gryffindor advocates courage and justice, and is willing to make sacrifices to protect the ones he loves, it is better to say that it is a kind of extreme egoism. In other words, they feel that they are the sun, and the whole galaxy revolves around it. Follow them around.

Because they are the strongest, so they go back to protect the weak. Of course, when they uphold justice, they will not explore who is right and who is wrong. They will first beat the party they think is evil. Then after they understand the cause and effect of the matter clearly, they will act as a peacemaker and let the person who was beaten up by them inexplicably be magnanimous and forgive others.

Of course, Gryffindors are not all bad, everything has two sides, as friends, Gryffindors are qualified, because they seldom betray you, and they are willing to help you when you need them. Always cheerful and happy personality can also make you dispel the clouds as soon as possible.

In general, they just lack a life mentor who correctly teaches them the correct three views and guides them on the right path. This is not so much a problem with Gryffindor's nausea, as it is a problem with Hogwarts and even the entire magic Thinking teachers have problems.

Take Harry Potter’s Muggle relatives as an example. Many people seem to be villains and villains, and they are indeed so, but they are so innocent. They forced a child to be taken care of by these people in the wizarding world. , but there is no benefit at all, and the relationship between Penny and her sister has long been very bad, especially when Lily got married, after her husband and friends treated her rudely, they almost became strangers.

And there is no reason to let your sisters and brothers raise children!? What do they owe you!?

This is also the reason why Qing Zhang asked Hermione to read more books about the Muggle world to learn about the current news. If she traps herself in such a well for a long time, she will become a frog at the bottom of the well one day. This ignorance His arrogance and arrogance are the best proof.

In the backward era in the past, wizards could be driven to a desperate situation by ordinary people and could only hide. With the rapid development of technology in the outside world, it will only become more and more difficult for them.

It's a pity that some people saw it, and some closed their eyes and pretended to be blind.

The banquet was over soon, and everyone went back to their dormitories in their colleges and had a good night's sleep. After reading the results tomorrow, they had to take the Hogwarts train home.

Undoubtedly, after the results of the first grade were announced, Qing Zhang won the first place in the whole grade, and Hermione could only come in second. There is no way, she can get full marks in the written test, but she can only count in the practical test. Excellent, definitely not amazing, so Qing Zhang opened the distance with a small gap.

Of course, although there is such a small gap, it is because there are only so many points in the full score. If there is a higher upper limit, the gap between Hermione may be even greater.

Hermione was also quite open, and after being sullen for a while, she let herself go. After all, she had expected this kind of situation a long time ago, and it was usually Qing Zhang who taught her practical exercises in her spare time, so she was sure. , It's just that before the result came out, it was somewhat fanciful.

Looking back, Hermione realized that even Neville had gotten away with it. His good grades in Herbalism made up for the points he lost in Potions. In addition to Neville, even Goyle, who is as stupid as a pig, a great man and selfish, also cleared the level "It shows that the Hogwarts instructors really let the sea go when scoring.

After emptying out the closet and packing all their belongings into the suitcase, they rushed to occupy seats on the Hogwarts train.

Hermione and the little witches originally sat in the same box, but after a while they ran to the box where Qing Zhang was, and changed into the Muggle clothes, but no one reminded them.

Ernie and Justin also left the box very tactfully, giving space to the two of them. Before leaving, Bi Qing Zhang gave a thumbs up. Hermione who noticed this was a little confused at first, and then suddenly felt a little confused. blushing.

After being silent for a long time, he opened his mouth and said, "That...have you read the notice!? I originally wanted to practice at home during the holiday, but I didn't expect it to be forbidden. It seems that this holiday I can only read by myself, by the way, do you have any plans!?"

Qing Zhang poured a cup of hot tea and pushed it over, then smiled and said, "I plan to go to Xia Guo during the holidays, you know, I bought a lot of antiques last time, I need to deal with them, and I plan to go See what the magic world is like in Zhenguo!?"

Hermione didn't expect it to be like this. In fact, Qing Zhang mentioned this before, but Hermione didn't hear it at that time, and she was a little disappointed and said, "Then I can only stay at home by myself... …

Qing Zhang turned his head to look at the bright sky outside, and after a while, he turned back and asked, "Excuse me, Miss Granger, are you interested in seeing the scenery abroad with me!? I think You need a special holiday, of course you can invite Uncle Robert and Aunt Rose, I think they will also want to spend a happy holiday with you.

Hermione froze for a moment, and then said a little at a loss, "This, this... I need to go back and ask, of course thank you for your invitation."

Hermione's face became more and more red, and her eyes suddenly didn't dare to look at Qing Zhang.

Aside from other things, Hermione is indeed a little moved, especially what Qing Zhang said before, to see the magic world on the Xia Country, is very helpful for this little witch who has only been exposed to magic for a year. Attractive, to be honest, but the antique baby that was retrieved last time, Hermione's family cannot be short of money, so even if the family's dental clinic is closed for a while, it is impossible to affect their family.

Besides, Gringotts basically has an upper limit on the exchange of Muggle currency for wizard currency every year. In order to prevent the next semester from being too embarrassing, Hermione can't spend all day in Diagon Alley. On the other hand, and the magic books themselves are expensive. I bought so many last time, and later found out that I couldn't exchange them for wizard currency. I regretted it, because many books were in the Hogwarts library, which was a waste.

This is also the reason why Hermione didn't buy pets, she was also poor! She spent all the money in the wizarding world extravagantly, and she didn't have an inheritance like Harry, so if she bought a pet, she might really have no savings at all.

"It's okay, I think your parents will agree." Qing Zhang said with a smile.

In fact, as long as Qing Zhang is afraid that Hermione will stay in country Y and be tricked by Dumbledore, he can see that Harry Potter will not be able to achieve many things without Hermione, the dog-headed military advisor. The effect of the original book, and even because Hermione's homework could not be copied, it was a disaster academically, so that the aura dimmed even more.

People can't worship a scumbag, it's normal, Ron is not bad, Harry joined the Quidditch team in his first year, without Hermione's help, all the homework for all subjects was done in a hurry , Naturally, the impression of the professors of various subjects is getting worse, which is also killing the tolerance of the elders.

So after the halo dimmed, no one applauded and cheered when they got praise and bonus points, because sober people found that this was incorrect and wrong. In the original book, because of the halo of the savior, everyone is making excuses for this absurd thing, just like some fans make excuses for their idols.

Now Harry obviously has a big gap with Dumbledore's expectations, maybe Dumbledore will create an accident during the summer vacation, let Hermione and Harry improve their relationship, and then embark on the path of the original book, this is not impossible Yes, because there is no Gryffindor who is worse than Hermione in the first grade. If there is a Hermione, and then find someone who is not as good as her, will Dumbledore accept it!?

It is obviously impossible, so the best way is to stay far away. After this year, I am afraid that it will be difficult for La Hermione to join the team again. Especially when I am in the third grade, I basically have my own concepts and thoughts. , it is not so easy to be swayed by some weak feelings in 1.0. Simply put, it is a bit difficult to fool, and even if you succeed in fooling, the feelings for the people you just met are not strong, and it is impossible to trust completely easily. Still the same with Harry.

So Dumbledore's chance is only before the third year.

And it must be a life-and-death catastrophe, so that Harry has a life-saving feeling for Hermione. It is best if Hermione's parents are dead, and then Harry becomes her pillar, otherwise don't even think about it.

So it is very likely that Dumbledore has given up on pulling

Hermione, but still have to guard against.

As long as Qing Zhang is not ashamed of his way of manipulating other people's lives.

"Well, I'll try to convince them." Hermione laughed too.

The train whizzed forward, throwing the scenery behind it away.

The old year has passed, and the new beginning is slowly being written with a quill. No one knows what the future will hold, but at least the moment is good.

[The author has something to say: The Harry Potter chapter is over for now. To be honest, I wanted the protagonist to face Voldemort in the first grade, but I gave up after thinking about it. It was too deliberate.

And blunt, and if you do this, it is better to join Gryffindor from the beginning.

There is no difference between them, and the protagonist seems a bit redundant.

For the second part in the future, maybe we can try to make Dumbledore and Voldemort feel "happy"!].

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