Daqing Dynasty.

As the Yellow Emperor Shunzhao of Daqing got older and his energy became weaker and weaker, the court also became more and more undercurrent. Of course, the battle between the several princes gradually turned from the dark to the bright.

As long as Emperor Shunzhao has suspended the crown prince for a long time since he abolished the second prince, it will naturally fuel the ambitions of some people. As for why the Yellow Emperor doesn't care about his own child, hehe, this is in itself A mediocre Yellow Emperor was obsessed with taking fake pills and seeking longevity, so he has become fatuous.

If it weren't for the fact that the luck of the Daqing Dynasty was still strong (underground), I am afraid that this is a king of subjugation.

It's true that he doesn't go to court, but it's better not to go to court. State affairs are messed up in his hands, which is just adding to the chaos. Except for those villains who rely on his aura to gain power, everyone is looking forward to the appearance of a new emperor, so naturally they won't Stop it, and won't tell this stupid "Ming Jun" about these things.

Some eunuchs actually told the other party about these things, but they didn’t take it seriously at all. Could it be that those sons of his dared to rebel!?

In this way, with the indulgence of the Yellow Emperor, the struggle became more and more obvious.

And Ouyang Wan'er, who is the center of the vortex, can be seen everywhere.

Of course, these are all related to Zhang Qing, the princess of Yushu. She is low-key in the first place, and she is also a princess. At this time, no one will pay attention to her. .

On this day, after Zhang Qing dressed up in disguise with her four maidservants, she secretly came to the village that she secretly bought, intending to see how the crops she sent people to find were harvested.

That's right, after unremitting efforts and continuous expenditure, I finally found some of the seeds she wanted at 20 and brought them back. Of course, those who are still overseas are somewhat difficult. In this era, technology is backward, and wooden sailboats are on the sea. It is not easy to sail, and the time spent is almost calculated in years. It is afraid that there will be no owner for five years.

Even if Zhang Qing is an old man with modern memories, it’s useless. Backwardness is the overall backwardness. Iron is a controlled product. It is impossible to build an iron boat. Engine, without welding technology, the iron ship may sink as soon as it hits the water, and it will not be able to move.

As for sailing boats, going to sea depends on luck, Zhang Qing might as well wait for those later.

Li Hongying took Zhang Qing to have a good look at the situation on the Zhuangzi, and then registered the harvest situation and submitted it. At this time, Li Hongying's face was flushed, and there was light in her eyes looking at Zhang Qing, as if watching To what a saint is generally, on a pilgrimage.

Zhang Qing felt that this girl was a fanatical believer in some religion. He opened the brochure and found that although it was not as good as modern ones, it was already very good in this era. After all, some technologies were still lagging behind.

Even if Zhang Qing wants to do something, it will not be easy. If the food problem is not resolved, the development of technology will only be a bad thing that wastes people and money. Unless you take out all the advanced knowledge in advance, but doing so will harm the people of this time and space. Now, any knowledge comes step by step. If you get all the knowledge after dozens of books at once, you may not even lay the foundation, and it will become a floating tall building, only supported by pillars. This is devastating. Yes, it is impossible for Zhang Qing to do this.

She has never regarded this world as a game, it is a real world.

The four personal maids of plum, orchid, bamboo and chrysanthemum also saw the contents of the brochure, and they were also extremely excited, "Princess, is this true!? This, this...... I can't believe it!?"

The four of them are also from poor families, otherwise they would not have been sent to the palace to do such a lowly job of serving others. If they hadn't met a good master, they would have suffered a lot.

So they naturally understood what this food represented, and Zhang Qing was also teaching them to read wisely, so they knew very well what this represented, and they were so excited that they burst into tears.

If all the fields are planted with these in the future, the people will not go hungry, and there will not be so many wives and children, and the sons of the country will sell their daughters.

"You guys are overjoyed too early. This matter is not so easy to accomplish." Zhang Qing was not excited at all. Although high-yield grains were available, they were of no use. Those landlords and nobles might not be willing to plant these crops.

If the people are not suffering, how can they be superior!?

No one sells their sons and daughters because they can't survive, and where do their servants come from? They can't spend money to hire them!? This is far less convenient and easy than a contract of sale.

Seeing their perplexity, Zhang Qing shook his head, "This is good for the people, but it is not a good thing for those high-ranking people who don't have to worry about food and drink, and the whole court may not be willing to see the people Ankangleye..."

"Think about it, especially Hongying. Your family also has servants and maids. Where did they come from? Have you ever thought about it!? And if the poor people can support themselves, what about those heaven and earth lords? Annexation of fields!? Do you want them to spend money to buy food!?"

"These are resistances, that's why I let you secretly plant them here."

The fifth girl's expression turned ugly, and Li Hongying gritted her teeth and said, "Those moths..."

"Then, princess, do we just forget about it!? Is everything we did before in vain!?"

After being reminded by Zhang Qing, Li Hongying also knew that the resistance was mainly due to the resistance of those big masters in the court, especially the current emperor is still a stupid one. He actually wanted to take Ouyang Wan'er into the palace and rob his son's daughter-in-law.

Just because Ouyang Wan'er was ordered to be the fate of the Nine Heavens Phoenix, this phoenix is ​​the queen, and she should be worthy of being the emperor of the real dragon.

What's more, there was a farce about abolishing the queen. The son of the abolished queen is not the queen now. One can imagine how "ridiculous" this incident is. Fortunately, those ministers did not let this The Holy Majesty caused him to withdraw his will due to his nonsense, and together with the concerted efforts of all the princes, this matter was not completed.

Otherwise, Zhang Qing would have to call the time-traveling girl "Little Mom", which would be very disgusting.

"You guys..." Zhang Qing looked at the anxious Li Hongying and said helplessly.

"I have given you all the martial arts cheats. Can't you occupy a country outside the Daqing Dynasty!? When it develops, it will be fine. We don't want those common people here. If we want them, can they control it!?"

The world is so big, these people will only stare at one acre and three points of land to fight among themselves, Zhang Lu is convinced.

"This... this..." Li Hongying was taken aback when she heard the words, and then she was overjoyed, "So it can be done like this, the princess is wise!"

"Don't worry, aren't they selling people!? I'll just buy it. This is the population. As for where the people go, no one will care, but you should try to keep a low profile, and there are all kinds of people. People, these are all useful, but as for Confucianism, forget it, it will only become a hindrance, so when recruiting educated talents, don't easily recruit those Confucian scholars, these people are bad!"

Originally, Zhang Qing’s plan was to return to the mountains and forests in the future, but she didn’t expect to be cheated, so she naturally rebelled. Although she didn’t really want to be emperor, she couldn’t choose. no.

Every time she thinks of this, she sighs, and has to go back to the nine-to-five again.

Of course, rebellion has to be done carefully, it is impossible in the Daqing Dynasty, although there are so many outliers who want her to be an empress, but not all men are willing to be controlled by a woman, so it is better to find another way, Create a country that is completely on its own terms, slowly grow with Daqing's support in the early stage, and finally swallow the big bed in reverse.

As the founding emperor, there are no ancestors to issue orders or traditions. She is the one who plans the rules. She said that men and women are equal if they are equal.

Who is used to it!?

"The minister takes orders!" Li Hongying's body trembled, she was so excited, she could already imagine what the future would be like, and at this time she even called herself a minister.

Zhang Qing shook his head, 307 let the other party do what they want, anyway, he didn't listen to him after saying it many times, "You can figure it out for yourself, if you don't understand or you have other questions, you can come to me again."

She is a princess, and she has a handkerchief that others can't tell. Moreover, Li Hongying is only the daughter of a military general, so she is not highly regarded. These days, she still values ​​civility over military affairs. The only problem is that she is afraid of being misunderstood and recruiting generals to plot evil. , but Zhang Qing is a princess and not a prince, and he doesn't get close to other princes, so naturally there is no such problem.

This is thanks to the fact that there has never been a female emperor like Wu Zetian before, otherwise the long arms would not be so easy.

"By the way, don't worry about Ouyang Wan'er's place. Of course, if you have contact with her and have a good impression of her, don't use or trust anyone easily.

Zhang Qing started walking, and was planning to leave Zhuangzi with the four maids, but before leaving, he remembered the horrible time-traveling heroine, so he stopped and gave a warning.

Li Hongying is one of the top ten beauties of the dynasty. If she follows the routine of ordinary novels, she will definitely be involved in it. If it is not the heroine's supporting role, she must be a thorn in the flesh and one of the vicious female supporting roles. Therefore, Zhang Qing still intends to Be cautious and warn, lest Li Hongying will be caught off guard.

Sometimes there is no reason for a dog to bite a person. In the case of a mad dog that cannot be killed, it is best to stay away.

"Hongying will keep it in mind, the Lord is at ease!" Hongying was slightly taken aback, then said with a smile.

She has also studied, and although she is not a talented woman, she is not a stupid person either. She naturally understands the meaning of Zhang Qing's words, and Ouyang Wan'er is a bit evil, she can also see that, although she is not afraid of self-sufficiency The other party, but she also doesn't want to have anything to do with this kind of woman who can only rely on men and can't live without a man. She, Li Hongying, is proud of herself.

"That's good." Zhang Qing glanced at Li Hongying, who was tall and straight and full of heroism, and nodded with a smile.

This is a capable person in itself, and she seems to be overwhelmed. .

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