Since there is a Destiny heroine, then some people have become female supporting roles, and there are countless so-called "vicious supporting female protagonists". Vicious female supporting role.

Some people may find it unbelievable that there were no men and women who did not have a marriage contract in ancient times!? No, there were, but most of the rich and powerful families had their children engaged early. In ancient times, it is not modern, and it is basically the order of parents. In other words, it is not uncommon to see baby relatives.

This was originally a means to consolidate the upper class circle, and it was also an alternative form of party formation for personal gain, but even the Yellow Emperor couldn't say anything, because it would be impossible to let his children marry ordinary people, it was impossible, and the Yellow Emperor really dared to do it, I'm afraid it would be out of two It's the other way around.

Naturally, under this rule, the prince is no exception. Just like Ouyang Wan'er, the heroine, has a former fiancé like the fifth prince, other princes are not exempt. As for the princesses, there are no fiancés, because they are women. It is a commodity, and it is the exception of the king of foreign countries used by the Yellow Emperor to attract talents or reward some special people.

In the case where the sons and brothers of other wealthy families all have fiancees, even if they want to choose, the princesses can’t choose. They can only set their sights on Enke, which is held every three years. Being able to stay in the Daqing Dynasty, instead of being packaged and sent out together as marriage goods.

Yes, send it out, that’s why it is said that Confucianism is a cancer. This kind of thinking is exactly what the so-called Confucianism is respected by everyone. For example, it has reached its peak.

And in the past dynasties, there are countless people who show the demeanor of a great country and then generously send their own technology. These all appeared after Confucianism was the only one.

Most of the so-called "ancestral decrees" are actually not the rules set by the real ancestor of the Yellow Emperor, the founder of the Yellow Emperor, but the rules that the scholars forced the Yellow Emperor to set. Unfortunately, except for the founding of the Yellow Emperor, most of the emperors who will take office in the future have no personal experience. After experiencing the hardships of the people, their impressions of the people are all imaginary, and there are illusions fabricated by the courtiers around them, so every dynasty is going downhill. Basically, the second and third generations of Yellow Emperors after the founding of the country are the peak of this dynasty. , and then the following began to decline, and the ups and downs in the back were all the result of struggle.

Long story short, let's go back to the first question. When it comes to vicious female supporting roles, we naturally have to mention those licking dogs who are courteous around the "Heroine of Destiny". As mentioned earlier, most of these people have fiancées Yes, especially those princes.

Therefore, the imperial city was very lively all of a sudden.

It made Zhang Qing's boring days a lot more fun to pass the time, and basically every time it was the vicious female supporting roles who suffered, because Ouyang Wan'er only had to act like she was wronged, and there were countless licking dogs to teach her the vicious Girlfriend, it doesn't matter if you are your fiancée or not, you just have to deal with it to death.

"Princess, those people are really......" The expression on Xia Zhu's face was hard to describe. It's fine for those young masters to be out of their minds, but are the adults in his family also out of their minds!?

It was rumored that Ouyang Wan'er was destined to be the Nine Heavens Phoenix, which basically means that she is destined to be the mother of a country, so even the current emperor has moved his mind, and now those princes don't care, after all, the prince has not been decided. Maybe whoever gets Ouyang Wan'er in the end will be the next Yellow Emperor.

But what about the sons of those aristocratic families and official families!? Could it be impossible to plot rebellion!?

If not, how dare you pursue the mother of a nation!?

That's why Xia Zhu's expression is so weird. According to common sense, Ouyang Wan'er is like a plague god at this time. Normal people have to go as far as they can. If it's a man who says a word to her, it may cause trouble in the future. It is a calamity to kill one's body, but there are many admirers around him, and they even dare to confront the prince of the current dynasty.

Chunlan also spoke at this time, "There is more, princess! What kind of genius doctor, what kind of son of the richest man, what kind of first killer in the building, where did these people come from, why have I never heard of it before!? "

Zhang Qing picked up a piece of sweet-scented osmanthus cake and put it in his mouth. Looking at the four personal maids whose three perceptions were all shattered, with a slight smile on their faces, he said casually, "It's so strange to see something small. You guys are so petty..."

"Princess..." Mei Lan Zhuju felt aggrieved when they saw this.

After all, they are also the servants who follow the princess. Although Princess Yushu is not favored, the servants who are members of the royal family are also superior. How can they be poor in knowledge!? Now being told by their master that they have shallow knowledge, they are naturally a little bit dissatisfied agreed.

(PS: In the last chapter, some readers said that it is impossible for servants to come from poor people. I just want to say, can it be possible for a noble lady and young master to become a servant!? I don’t even look at the age of the prostitutes. , itself is small, of course I bought it back for training and training, and it is impossible for a big family to pick out poor-looking ones. Of course, some have a deep foundation, and some of them have been slaves for generations, but this kind of family is a minority after all. Not to mention that the aristocratic family has a large population and needs more servants. Is the few servants in the family enough!?)

Zhang Qing took out a handkerchief and wiped the icing powder on his hands, and then said slowly, "You haven't heard of it, does that mean you don't have it!? It's just that they are now on the bright side. Look at those big families Doesn’t the owner of the family feel that there is no problem at all!?”

But Ouyang Wan'er did a good thing. Those people have been hiding in the dark. It sounds like a hermit family, but in fact they are messing with China. The imperial court's decree can't control them at all. When the time is settled, we can follow the vines.

These people are real local emperors, and they don't have any family and country feelings. They may not even think that they are the subjects of a certain dynasty. They have experienced the rise and fall of several generations of dynasties, so they don't take the imperial power itself very seriously.

In the past, these people never appeared in front of the world, and they couldn't be caught by others. If they tried to attack them, they would be unknown. Now they are all better, and they are getting close to that mentally retarded thing. I am afraid that they are stupid There will be a lot, and Zhang Qing doesn't need to do anything, those jealous princes will take the initiative to deal with these people.

And the more chaotic the Daqing Dynasty was, the easier it would be for her to develop her power secretly. When her power was strong enough, it would be difficult for the Daqing Dynasty to resist, so she naturally annexed it.

Only when the Daqing Dynasty was chaotic enough, after she took over, the voice of opposition would be the smallest, so Zhang Qing let Ouyang Wan'er mess around, just as a joke.

The more small inventions she makes, the more Zhang Qing will benefit in the future. You don't have to work too hard, just just take care of the other party's property directly, which saves trouble!?

This is just a tool man. Although he has no brains and three views, it will be fine as long as someone is watching. Yes, Zhang Qing has been sending people to watch, not to protect this silly heroine, but to protect There are quite a few of those innocent vicious female supporting roles who were almost ruined or assassinated.

Although Zhang Qing is not a holy mother, he doesn't want these people who have done nothing wrong, because a fool died in his prime.

Four maids of plum, orchid, bamboo and chrysanthemum [I didn't expect such an answer.

*`Princess means that there is really a hidden family in this world!? " Dongmei asked in disbelief, is it possible that such a family exists in the whole world, she always thought that this was in some scripts If it is fabricated, it cannot be regarded as true.

Zhang Qing nodded, "In many places, it is said that there are legends of gods and monsters. Take the miracle doctor from the Medicine King Valley as an example. Do you know where the Medicine King Valley is? It's not called Medicine King at all. Gu, this is just their own name, because outsiders basically never come back, and occasionally someone comes out with a mysterious elixir, so as time goes by, some people spread rumors that there are immortal gods in it."

Dongmei frowned, "The princess is talking about the Immortal Valley!?"

"Yes, it's there." Zhang Qing confirmed.

In ancient times, there was quite a market for certain miscellaneous essays and stories. Literate women who missed the imperial examination preferred to read these miscellaneous books to pass the time. Among them, those love stories were the most popular. The four maids of plum, orchid, bamboo and chrysanthemum were princesses themselves. The personal maid, and Princess Yushu is a dead house, so they are relatively free, so they read a lot of miscellaneous books, most of them are Zhang Qing's collection, and she also allows the people below to read when they are free. borrow.

Therefore, the four of them are relatively clear about which places are more famous in the Daqing Dynasty, and they are also places that are related to gods, gods, ghosts and ghosts (get money).

Many times, some people will misunderstand, saying that the affairs of a certain dynasty can be generalized from that to that, but in fact, in ancient times, many places belonged to the court in name only, and in fact there were no officials to manage them, such as some barren mountains and wild mountains, Therefore, in terms of the actual land area that can be managed, it is a very small part.

It's fine if there's no one inside, but if there's a big family and powerful force inside, it's self-evident what that means.

That's why Zhang Qing said that these things need to be liquidated. Otherwise, letting the other party take over the mountain and claim to be a god is very detrimental to the country. It is a factor of instability, and these people have no desire to serve the country. It is possible that they secretly return support materials to hostile countries!

So if you let them do nothing, maybe they will jump out and give you a fatal knife at any time.

The dangers of these people are not much worse than those of the superficial aristocratic families. They are one of the cancers that hinder development in ancient times. Take the Medicine King Valley as an example. To study medicine requires a large number of patients to practice their hands. Come, has anyone thought about it!? They are not the people who were taken captive.


[The author has something to say: Guangdong is very cold, I froze to death, and caught a cold last night, and now my head is still dizzy, I feel so uncomfortable. 】.

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