Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

31 Miss Misaka Wants To Reason With The Protagonist!

"Let's go, I'll take you back home!"

Seeing an orange beam of light piercing through the sky piercing through the huge "Fantasy Beast" and directly crushing the core inside, Zhang Qing looked away from Misaka Mikoto at the center of the battle and the monster that had slowly collapsed and disappeared. move away.

He patted the shoulder of Saten Reniko, who was a little stunned, and signaled her not to look any more.

At this time, the sky was getting dark, so I took off my red clothes and changed to black gauze. Although the access control of other schools is not as strict as Tokiwadai Middle School, someone will record it. If you don’t want to be called out in a few days Talking, it is better to obey.

Of course, if you degenerate voluntarily, you can learn from those bad people. Most of the bad people are students, but they have been abandoned by their own schools. Maybe they have all been expelled from school. On the bright side, he is still a LV5 superpower, even if he doesn't go to school, the school won't say anything about it.

Of course, these relaxations are only for top students, that is, students above LV3. Level 2 will be dealt with according to the situation. Below LV1, you may be expelled directly, and you will not be retained too much at all. The dividing line between poor students has become those who are capable and those who are incapable. Lv1 is just a hard worker who can still be saved, Lv2 is barely qualified, and Lv0 is an outright poor student. There is no subsidy or preferential treatment.

Of course, many people may think this is unfair, and feel that the teachers in Academy City have simply insulted the profession of teachers, but there is no way to do it, because the ability level represents the grades, no matter how hard an LV0 works, it is impossible to win the written test If you pass a Lv1, you get 100 points in the test because you can only rely on 100 points, and for Lv1, it is because the full score of this test paper is only 100 points, so it is right to be regarded as a poor student if you are incapable at Lv0.

Because compared to the capable, the incapable are equivalent to mentally handicapped.

Now that the security guards are here and the fantasy beast crisis is resolved, they should not continue to participate in the remaining things, you say Misaka Mikoto! ? Shirai Kuroko has to send the other party back to the dormitory of Tokiwadai Middle School first, otherwise, neither of them will have good fruit to eat. As I said earlier, Tokiwadai Middle School is a famous school, or a school for noble girls, and the access control is very strict. strict.

Therefore, the task of taking Leizi and Chuchun Shili back can only be given to Zhang Qing.

"Then I'm counting on you, senior!" Chuharu Shiri also knew that Shirai Kuroko would not be able to send her back by the way, although she and Misaka Mikoto could not reach the upper limit of Shirai Kuroko's ability, but today Kuroko has used it many times The ability has grown, and the mental and physical limits are almost reached. After all, I am only a first-year junior high school student, and I have only left elementary school for a year.

"It's okay! I'm just dropping by." Zhang Qing waved his hand, indicating that you're welcome.

Seeing this, Shirai Heizi also said, "Then I will take my elder sister back first, Chuchun, let's deal with the report on this case tomorrow!"

Chuchun Shili nodded, "I see, Shirai-san, by the way, I want to say a few more words to Mr. Mushan, is that okay!?"

Speaking of Chuchun, he turned his head to Zhang Qing and asked, after all, he was waiting for him.

Zhang Qing nodded, and he also looked at Mushan Chunsheng, who was being escorted into the prison car by the security guards. He didn't intend to do unnecessary things, because he would be released on bail by Netherworld Chasing Soul in a short time. After all, the appearance of fantasy beasts It was planned a long time ago, the relationship between Netherland Chasing Soul and Aleister is not ordinary, they must know the inside story, in fact Kiyama Haruki has been used from the beginning to the end.

Unknowingly, he acted as a tool for others, completed an experiment, and was blamed for it. All the data obtained from the experiment fell into the hands of the people behind the scenes, and without anyone knowing it, no one knew that it was Ares. Because of the tower, after all, many people on the magic side are staring at Aleister. If he doesn't want to expose the plan in advance, he can only use her hands to do the pre-work, just like the plan of a mass-produced ability user. In fact, he It is the demand side, but it has nothing to do with him on the surface, and it is all created by those whimsical researchers.

Zhang Qing admits that Haruno Kiyama is also a talent. After all, if Aleister is mediocre, he would not choose the opponent as a pawn, but he doesn't need to go forward and take people for his own use now. There will be intersections in the future, let him now Nether Earth Chasing Soul released people on bail, and then healed those "abandoned children" by the way!

Zhang Qing likes whoring for nothing!

Although it was Chuchun Shili who wanted to say a few words to Mushan Chunsheng, in the end, the four little girls all walked over, and Zhang Qing just stood behind the four of them, watching quietly.

"Senior Zhang Qing...Mr. Mushan will be fine..."

Zhang Qing rubbed Leizi's head, "It's okay, you will see each other soon..."


After sending Laizi and the others back to Zhachuan Middle School, Zhang Qing didn't go home directly. He turned to the supermarket, intending to buy two ready-made lunch boxes.

Unexpectedly, when he walked out of the supermarket with the bag, he ran into Misaka Mikoto again.

But after Zhang Qing took a closer look, he found that the other party was Misaka sister, because the military night vision goggles on her head were too unconventional, like Misaka Mikoto, she would only put a frog headdress on her head.

Not to mention that the military night vision goggles are useless to her, even if they are useful, none of her students can use them.

Zhang Qing stared at this younger sister Misaka who didn't know the number, and saw that the other party was squatting in front of the alley and didn't know what he was doing! ? Simply walked over.

He figured it out, this must be Aleister's plan again.

Without Aleister's special arrangement, it is impossible for ordinary people to meet Miss Misaka. This is why no one has met Miss Misaka in the original plot, no matter in the plot of the magic ban or the electromagnetic gun. It has appeared in urban rumors where it came from, but there are zero actual witnesses.

Let Misaka Mikoto find out, and then lead Kamijou Touma to participate, all in order to end this boring experiment. All Aleister wants is Misaka sister. Of course, the more Misaka sisters as signal base stations, the better. If Accelerator and the others consume it, I am afraid that they will really wait for Accelerator to kill enough. No, maybe after reaching a certain amount, they will find something is wrong. At that time, let alone Accelerator, even those researchers will give up and continue to measure. Miss Misaka was born, that's not what Aleister wanted.

And relying on Misaka Mikoto, there is no way to defeat Accelerator, so Kamijou Touma joined in by coincidence, and Kamijou Touma has more functions, such as the news that Academy City's number one was defeated by Kamijou Touma, Meaning for the science side and the magic side.

To a large extent, Aleister deliberately shifted everyone's attention to Kamijou Touma, a safety device, so that he could use it to realize his real purpose without anyone noticing, and Kamijou Touma did not It is a double-edged sword that may be defeated, but currently he is pointing at the magic side, and Kamijou Touma has also defeated the strongest on the science side, which is currently recognized as the strongest on the science side.

Before Aleister's conspiracy is exposed, the magic side will only continue to fight Kamijou Touma. After discovering Kamijou Touma's true nature, it is too late. Kamijou Touma has never been anyone's enemy in this world Of course, it is not wrong to say that it is the enemy, but it is absolutely neutral, but after the continuous fighting, the position has changed.

Just because he understood the truth behind this, Zhang Qing couldn't figure out why he led this Misaka sister to find him at this time. Yes, just as other people couldn't find Misaka sister, Misaka sister's course of action was also blocked. Well planned, under normal circumstances, they absolutely cannot get in touch with personnel not related to the experiment.

So here it is said that she came to him, it is not wrong at all, but it is Misaka sister who came to him!

After Zhang Qing walked in, he realized that there was a cardboard box, and inside the box was lying an orange kitten whose eyes hadn't been opened yet, making a weak cry.

There are too many stray cats in Academy City, and most of them are abandoned by some people after raising them for a period of time. As time goes by, there are more and more stray cats.

"DO, Misaka is thinking about how this curious and kind person can help this kitten, it's best to bring it home, do~!"

Sister Misaka, who saw someone coming to her and looking at the cardboard box, seemed to have a brilliant idea in her head very quickly.

"Misaka decided to fake crying, and then let the curious and kind people ask Misaka do!"

As Misaka said, she covered her face with her hands and made a sound of "crying, crying" instead of "wow".

This is a great read.

Zhang Qing has black hair, and the fake crying is too fake. You said the word "crying", so you are crying! ?

"Uh...why are you crying here!?" Zhang Qing accentuated the word "crying" with a distorted face.

"Because onee-sama hates kittens, so...Misaka tried to mislead Mr. Good-hearted Mr. and let him make up a complete story do, although I am very sorry onee-sama, but Misaka believes that onee-sama will understand do !"

The corners of Zhang Qing’s mouth twitched. If you didn’t say it and he didn’t know you, there might be people who don’t know the truth and think that your sister had to abandon the kitten because she hated cats, but in fact Misaka Mikoto likes cats very much, but because of her abilities, cats don't get close to her.

"That's right, your elder sister is really a bad, heartless villain, let's condemn her together!"

Sister Misaka tilted her head, "At this time, seeing the cute girl crying and sad, shouldn't she pat her chest and say that she can take the kitten home and take care of it!? Misaka looked at the other party in confusion. "

"Misaka and try to shift the other party's attention from sister to adopting a kitten again."

"Because onee-sama is allergic to cat hair, so...crying, crying...Misaka is trying to analyze it!"

Zhang Qing nodded, "So that's the case, then you are such a bad boy, knowing that your sister is allergic to cat fur, you even took the kitten home, I have to reprimand you!"

Sister Misaka put down her hands covering her face, staring blankly at the man who kept saying "condemn" without thinking about it, "Misaka thinks this kind-hearted man seems to have no heart!"

"Misaka decided to reason with this heartless and kind person!"

Speaking of which, the Misaka sister took out a sniper gun from the bag on her back and pointed it at Zhang Qing, as if she was really trying to reason with him.

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