Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

32 Distance From The Great Demon King!

So, when Zhang Qing returned home, he was holding a dirty old cardboard box in his hands, followed by a man wearing military night vision goggles, holding a few bags in one hand, and pointing a pistol in the other. Miss Tokiwadai of someone's back.

After Ji Shen Qiusha opened the door, she saw such a weird scene, but she didn't think much about it, and just said, "Welcome back!".

He stepped aside and let the two of them enter the house.

Zhang Qing didn't expect that sister Misaka would be so nonchalant, she would take out a big guy to reason with herself before saying a few words, and now she just felt that it was inappropriate to hold a sniper rifle, so she changed to a pistol.

Of course, it is impossible for Zhang Qing to be threatened by these toys, but he just wanted to take part in the event of the absolutely capable person. He didn't have that ability before, so he just turned a blind eye and ignored it. Now that the chaebols are gone, they naturally don't mind bringing this disgusting farce to an end.

To be honest, this kind of experiment really challenges the bottom line of others!

Originally, Zhang Qing planned to find a reason to get involved, after all, it is impossible to predict the future! As for the fact that he was a time traveler, Zhang Qing still didn't want others to know, so he had to have a plausible reason, such as bumping into the killing process of a party.

But before Zhang Qing could make a move, Aleister sent the entrance tickets, so there was no reason for Zhang Qing not to accept them! ? As for whether it was used or not, I don't care.

It's just that Zhang Qing couldn't figure out why Aleister would guide Miss Misaka to him! ? It's even possible that Misaka Mikoto didn't discover that her clone actually existed.

Moreover, the meaning of Zhang Qing's defeating Accelerator is different from that of Kamijou Touma. It may not even be necessary to defeat Accelerator. According to Zhang Qing's ruthless method to solve Misawa School last time, it is impossible for Aleister to fail. Knowing that getting Zhang Qing involved is probably a nightmare for all those who have participated in the experiment of people with absolute abilities!

Zhang Qing is not Misaka Mikoto, he will not be soft-hearted, nor will he be naive and just destroy the research institute.

So the best way for Aleister is to wait until Misaka Mikoto and Kamijou Touma solve it like in the original plot. Instead of not blocking it, he deliberately placed the key ticket in front of Zhang Qing.

You know, Aleister didn't know that Zhang Qing knew everything behind it, as long as he blocked all clues from contacting Zhang Qing, Zhang Qing would not be able to get involved, but he just didn't do it!

Wait, Kamijou Touma took action because something happened! ?

Zhang Qing couldn't help thinking this way. After all, this is not an animation. It would be abnormal if there is no change at all after adding him. It's not a dispensable background board passerby role, even before he got the cheat, he still had a little influence.

Therefore, it is not surprising that there will be some unforeseen changes! It's just because Zhang Qing hasn't actively participated in the plot and hasn't shown too much strength, so Zhang Qing always feels that it should still be within the controllable range. There will be changes, but they won't be big, or at least they won't appear too early. .

But I didn't expect that it would appear so soon!

After replaying what he had done in his mind, Zhang Qing finally locked on Kanzaki Kaori and Steele, and the only possible variable is these two people.

After finding the source, Zhang Qing couldn't figure out the reason, because he didn't know what the two did and what happened after they left.

"Give me the goat milk powder..." After entering the house, Zhang Qing placed the cardboard box on the floor of the hall, and Zhang Qing reached out to ask Misaka sister who was carrying the bag for goat milk powder.

This is what he turned back to the supermarket with the other party to buy, and at the same time added another box of bento.

"Misaka is trying to see the future quality of life of the kitten from the careless people's home!" Sister Misaka didn't immediately hand over the bag of goat milk powder to Zhang Qing, but instead looked at Zhang Qing's home decoration.

The focus is on the kitchen side for the longest observation time.

Zhang Qing didn't rush, and let the other party walk around in his room. After the other party came back, he asked lazily, "How is it, are you satisfied!?"

Sister Misaka nodded, "Misaka wants to cook for the kitten himself, so Misaka is trying to think about how to make unintentional people agree to Misaka's request!"

Zhang Qing sighed, "If you want to do it yourself, you can do it yourself!"

"By the way, is it really okay if you don't go back so late!? Tokiwadai Middle School has strict access control!"

Seeing that the other party was going to find hot water briskly, Zhang Qing couldn't help but stop the other party and asked.

Misaka sister heard this, stopped in her tracks without turning her head, and said, "It's okay, there is no time yet. Misaka tried to lie and skip this topic."

Seeing that Zhang Qing didn't ask any more questions behind him, he continued to make goat milk.

Zhang Qing is just routinely drawing out doubts. In fact, he knows it all. However, if there is no suitable reason, his actions will become inexplicable in the eyes of many people and cannot withstand scrutiny.

Now that there is suspicion, it is not unreasonable to follow the other party later.

Zhang Qing sat on the sofa, glanced at Miss Misaka who was already busy over there, and then turned to look in the direction of Kamijou Touma, that guy hasn't come back yet! ? Now, Kanzaki Kaori and the others probably won't come to chase them down, are they planning to hide with Teacher Xiaomeng for the rest of their lives! ?

Teacher Xiaomoe must go crazy, after all, that is Kamijou Touma, an old unlucky one.

What Zhang Qing didn't know was that just now.

Because Index recovered, Kamijou Touma decided to take her to the bathhouse to take a bath. As a result, on the way to the bathhouse, he ran into Kanzaki Kaori and Stiyl who happened to pass by.

Kamijou Touma didn't forget that it was these two who severely injured Index, so of course he ran away without saying a word, holding Index in his arms.

Kanzaki Kaori and the two don't know whether to chase after them or not! ? To be honest, after what Zhang Qing said during the day, Kanzaki Kaori and the two also went back to check it out carefully. Even after they went back and thought about it, they found that it was indeed as Zhang Qing said. Kanzaki Kaori didn't find anything wrong before, just because they didn't suspect it. Now that they have suspicions, they can naturally find out the unreasonable things.

After thinking for a while, the two still decided to chase after them, but this time they were not chasing and killing, but wanted to clarify it with Kamijou Touma and Index, so somehow it became a chasing scene.

What's even more incomprehensible is that Kanzaki Kaori, who is clearly a saint, is really just catching up at the speed of a normal person. I don't know if she forgot, or simply because she is stupid.


"Hey!? Is this the only seven superpowers (Level 5) ranked first in Academy City!? So weak......"

When the night was dark and the moon was high in the sky, Zhang Qing followed Misaka's sister whose name was unknown to her experiment site as she wished, and saw Accelerator who was waiting impatiently over there.

When Accelerator was about to kill the Misaka sister, Zhang Qing appeared and blocked between the two of them. All the attacks that attacked the Misaka sister lost their kinetic energy and fell to the ground before reaching Zhang Qing's body.

Zhang Qing looked at Accelerator who seemed to be very angry, put his hands in his pockets, and made eye contact with him.

"Haha... there will be outsiders breaking in. Sure enough, you guys are unreliable, but since you broke in, you will blame your own life. Didn't you want to protect the toys behind you? Well, then die here with her..."

As he spoke, he stomped heavily on the ground, and all the reinforced concrete and other objects suddenly attacked Zhang Qing, covering the sky and covering the earth.

"It's useless! Such little tricks are useless to me!" Zhang Qing just glanced at the flying garbage construction materials lightly, and let them go back the same way.

Accelerator's "vector operation" may be very strong and incomprehensible in the eyes of ordinary people, but it is only in the eyes of ordinary people. In fact, after this ability is seen through, it is just that.

As long as you don't play close combat with the opponent and don't be touched by the opponent, in fact, with Accelerator's ability, his attack is not enough at all. His reflection must first have the object to be reflected, such as electric shock, without electricity, He can only figure out a way to make it himself.

Of course, if he is so unbearable, he can't become the number one. His real strength lies in his defense. Yes, it's unbelievable, but this is the fact. Fang Accelerator can really become the number one because he can reflect all defenses.

Without this almost invincible defense, he and Misaka Mikoto would almost end in a tie as long as he didn't get close to him. Of course, in terms of speed, Misaka Mikoto couldn't avoid the opponent, so he lost.

If Zhang Qing had other abilities, he would have thought a little bit about how to deal with Fang Accelerator. Unfortunately, he is a space system. There is no vector in space. Zhang Qing can kill Fang Accelerator, but Fang Accelerator has nothing against him at all. How to defeat him even if Accelerator can't even get close to him! ?

The truly invincible defense is space. All other attacks are meaningless to empty space.

"How about giving me some face, just quit this boring experiment obediently!" Zhang Qing didn't want to kill the other party. Kill Misaka sister, but even if Accelerator refuses, those scumbags will only be killed by someone else, and Misaka sister's fate may not be better because of this.

From the very beginning, Accelerator kept talking and saying nasty words, but he didn't directly kill Misaka sister. It can be seen that Accelerator wanted to awaken these dolls through words, but failed again and again. These Misaka sisters came to die voluntarily, and he didn't even have a heart of fear, so he gave up on himself.

Otherwise, if Misaka's younger sister showed such a trace of fear and resistance at the beginning, he might turn around and refuse to cooperate with the experiment.

There is a difference between killing and killing puppets!

"How dare you say it!" Fang Accelerator became even more angry when he heard the words, as if he had been irritated.

"Oh~! Why bother, I'm still in a hurry to send some people to hell to repent, do you know I'm busy!?" Zhang Qing looked helplessly at this time like an ignorant child He simply turned himself into a cannonball rushing towards Accelerator.

"Let's go to sleep, good night!"

As he spoke, Zhang Qing stretched out his hand to point at Accelerator, and his palm was facing Accelerator. In an instant, Accelerator could only stare wide-eyed at himself sunk in the wall. By the time he reacted, he could already feel the heart-wrenching pain .


Accelerator bit his lower lip and looked at Zhang Qing in confusion, why he wasn't reflected! ? Why didn't his abilities work! ?

"Ah, it's because, it's a fact, your contact with the wall at a negative distance is not a sport, but a fact, but I didn't expect there to be a place where someone can hide!" Zhang Qing spread out his hands and analyzed. road.

Unlike other space system ability users, Zhang Qing's ability is not to move or transfer, but to reset the distance, just like if he wants to make the distance between the sun and the earth infinitely far away, it is also possible, but the theoretical mountain can , but Zhang Qing's strength is not enough to support him to do so.

In a sense, Zhang Qing's ability is truly invincible, but he was Lv3 before, and he could not do much, and it was not enough to support him to do too much.

Just like if he wanted to adjust the distance between his hands, feet and body, he only needed to lengthen it by one centimeter, and he was afraid that Accelerator would separate his hands and feet in an instant and become a human pig.

"Let's go, I've already called the ambulance, you just stay here!"

Zhang Qing glanced at the surveillance camera over there, showing a very kind smile, "It's your turn..."

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