"Laugh, how can you still laugh!?"

Sometimes I really have to exaggerate, the time-traveling women are very efficient in doing things, it doesn’t take a few days, all the princesses who have reached the basic age are packaged and given away by the emperor, to the effect: to reward those foreign countries who surrendered Dependent country.

No, Xiao Ba and the other princesses who haven't had time to find their husbands and get rid of this tragic fate are crying like dead parents!?

Other emperors might find other members of the clan, or find a commoner to make a princess to deal with, but this Daqing Dynasty sent the real princess to marry, perhaps in the eyes of people including the emperor, no one could compare Is my own daughter more trustworthy, as long as I give birth to children at that time, won't this state and country return to them!?

Hehe, I also know where these people have such big faces, and I feel that a woman who was sent to "hell" by them will be grateful to them in the future.

"Am I laughing!?" Zhang Qing touched his small mouth, and looked innocently at Zhang Fu, the eighth princess who was closest to her age.

Seeing that the other party didn't agree with her at all, Zhang Qing shrugged, "Well, I'm just laughing!"

The eighth princess was dumbfounded, and she admitted it directly, and at this time, what's so funny!? Kissing "Six Two Three", is this a good thing!? There are several princesses in the past who can survive! ?Basically, the fragrance disappeared within two years.

Didn't you see them all crying to the point of death!?

The twin sisters, Xiao Shi and Xiao Shi, pulled Sister Bahuang at this time, and then asked Zhang Qing in a low voice expectantly, "Ninth Sister, do you have a solution!?"

The other princesses also looked over at this time, and they couldn't care less about feeling sorry for themselves.

The sixth princess even made a gesture of cutting her throat, asking if she was planning to rebel, counting her as one, she wanted to be a filial daughter now, she was obviously about to get married, but now she was divorced and dragged away Marriage, now she doesn't care even if she ends up with that faint king.

Fortunately, the emperor had self-knowledge, perhaps he never thought of going to see these daughters, so the eunuchs had to deliver the decree, otherwise there was no guarantee that these daughters would step forward and die together with each other in a flash of brain.

The Seventh Queen also clenched her fists, which obviously meant the same thing, as long as you give an order to the old nine, their sisters will rush forward and kill the stupid king.

The other princesses were also gearing up, looking ready to move.

Obviously these are big filial daughters.

The corners of Zhang Qing's eyes twitched, then he shook his head and said, "No, what I mean is that you go back and pack up and get ready to get married. This is a good thing, don't be sad, trust me."

I listened to you when I was crazy, and went to assassinate the emperor. Does she need to be assassinated!? With an order, the guards and eunuchs around the emperor will immediately kill the emperor, but is this useful!?

It would be better to keep these people to convey information to her in the future!

Daqing doesn't want her! Whoever likes this junk will take it, she has no time to fight with these people.

Ninth Sister—!" Xiao Shi and Xiao Eleven immediately held Zhang Qing's arm, acting coquettishly and cutely.

They didn't believe that this enchanting Ninth Emperor Sister would obediently accept her fate and do nothing.

Why are they suspicious all day long, thinking that the people around them belong to this imperial lady? It is because this guy is an old silver coin, the kind that can't be overstated with the greatest malicious guesses, but after observing and observing, they can't They found that the people around them seemed to be okay, so they gave up.

In fact, the people you sent to observe are all Zhang Qing's people, but they don't know it.

But the more they can't find the other person, the more flustered these princes and princesses will be, so this is why they are so afraid of each other.

Why do these princesses suspect that there is someone next to them!? Because the nine princesses know their every move, do you think it’s okay!? When I was young, I wanted to take revenge on the other party, but I was almost killed by the other party If there are too many times, any fool will know that there is a problem.

A person who had this kind of self when he was very young, how could he be so bad now!? So although they are afraid of each other, these princesses worship each other very blindly. Didn't he suspect that the emperor also has someone from the other party by his side.

Zhang Qing still enjoyed the coquettish behavior of the delicate and soft twin sisters, and after letting the two hold her arms for a while, he said, "Just bring your valuables with you, and wait for the kiss with peace of mind." That day."

Although Zhang Qing believed that his sisters would not rebel easily, he still had no intention of explaining the matter clearly.

These princesses, because of their naivety, are sometimes stupid enough, so the less they know, the better.

Princess Yuhuan, the Eighth Emperor's Daughter, was a little disappointed. Couldn't even Xiaosheng and Xiaoyi, the other party's favorites, do anything about it!? Could it be that Jiumei really accepted her fate!?

Can't help but feel a little sad.

The seventh princess rolled her eyes at this moment, bumped into Xiao Ba, and cursed, "Why are you so dumb, you see, even Xiao Twelve understands."

Isn't that right? Xiao Twelve, who was only ten years old, also showed a smile at this time, and only the eighth princess was lamenting.

I don't know why the difference in IQ is so much even though they are about the same age and born at about the same time, definitely less than a year. Could it be that Xiao Jiu has taken all his wisdom away!?

"This..." Zhang Fu, who was a little angry after being bumped into, looked at Xiao Twelve, who had been standing silently on the outside, this is the youngest princess among the princesses who are currently married, and she laughed when she saw her With the eyebrows open, he couldn't help being stunned for a moment, then looked at the other people, and saw everyone's relaxed look, which made him even more confused.

What's going on here!? Do you really think that getting married is a good thing!?

On the other side, after the princes did this for the woman they loved deeply, they all laughed and brows opened, thinking that this would definitely make the goddess value them more. Let's see if the sons of genius doctors and wealthy businessmen can compare with them princes !?

However, after the beauty left, when these princes returned to their mansion, their minds became clearer, and they were suddenly a little uneasy. They were not afraid of other princesses. Anyway, women in this day and age are just goods. Let the man dominate at will.

But these princes also know that there is something different among these princesses. If those princesses are afraid of each other, in fact, these princes are not like this.

So now that this brain returns, I can't help being afraid and break out in a cold sweat.

Those servants looked at them one more time, afraid that these servants might be that evil person, and wanted to kill them, not all of them turned pale, and their backs were wet a lot.

There is only one thought in my heart: Oh no, how could I forget this stubble!?

You said they were thinking too much!? But think about the deposed second prince, that is, the original prince, and think about the one who dared not fart. Now if it weren’t for the queen who knew she was still alive and kept a low profile, she would know the other party Is it really that scary..0

The second prince scolded the other party at the beginning, "Little bitch, lose money, I will give you to XXX in the future", and he became a commoner. Now I heard that he has become a beggar. Do you think she didn't do it!? How can there be anything in the world? What a coincidence!?

The queen planned to vent her anger on the other party, but within two days, she was almost thrown into limbo.

If it weren't for knowing that the current emperor doesn't dote on his children at all, he would almost wonder if this is a favored princess.

Now when they regained their senses, several people realized that they had committed a terrible death, and they felt sorry for each other.

The courage to go through fire and water for the goddess has long been lost.

The Fifth Prince was even thinking, if he now takes the blame and pleads guilty, will he be fine!?

It’s not that these princes have never thought of sending killers to kill this evildoer, but every time they have this idea, the dead man they raise in captivity will die inexplicably the next moment, and if they really dare to continue, they will die, so now No one dared to touch this idea at all, and even dared not tell the emperor about it, because it was a capital offense to raise dead soldiers in captivity.

Not to mention, before the whistleblower, it was also a problem for him to survive.

So it's okay, these princes don't dare to go to the old princess, because they are afraid that they will inadvertently make the other party angry, and they will be knocked off. The prince and princess are tearing things apart!? It's because they dare not go against the grain.

If it wasn't for the fact that the other party has never wanted to be an emperor, these people would have dared not have any thoughts. It would not be an exaggeration to say that the other party is the actual emperor secretly.

After thinking about it, these princes immediately pissed off and went home without caring about themselves, and hurried to the palace again. It was similar to the way their parents died just now.

Beauty deceives people!

Father, I hope your decree will not be issued so quickly, I beg you, I beg you, don't be efficient at this time!

All the adult princes can only count on their unreliable dead ghost 2.0 emperor father, as always, procrastinating, otherwise it will be really fatal, and they dare not sleep at night, okay!?

However, after these princes entered the palace, they found out that the emperor's actions were really efficient this time. The eunuchs who delivered the decree had already returned, and all of them burst into tears

The old emperor, who had just finished a good deed, didn't understand what his stupid sons were doing. Somewhat impatiently, he asked people to throw out these idiot sons who were crying like women.

As for what good thing!? Of course it was a marriage, and the reasons for blaming these princes were so good that the emperor really felt that this was a deal that would make no money. It is more and more, anyway, I have been raising it and spending money, so I might as well throw it to those foreign dependent countries, won’t this save me a lot of money every year!?

He has finally made a great achievement, and then the emperors will have nothing to say, maybe in the future he will be able to stand shoulder to shoulder with the three emperors and five emperors!

Haha, only a few daughters are needed to solve the eternal problem, what is he if he is not the emperor of the ages!?

[The author has something to say: the cold is not cured, alas...].

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