Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

319 Emperor Shunzhao: I Have Realized It, I Have Completely Realized It!

The emperor of the Daqing Dynasty in the Central Plains suddenly wanted to make a marriage, and he still sent the real princess here. At first, those foreign dependent countries were confused, because they usually took the initiative to beg and deceive them. Good things are delivered.

Of course, the good things here are of course not the marriage with the princess. Although beautiful women are good, they cannot stand the weak. Every time the princesses who marry each other, only a small number of them actually reach the foreign countries, and most of them die of illness on the way.

And even if they managed to reach it, they wouldn't last a few years.

It mainly starts with the dowry, ceramic jewelry and the like. Those books contain the most advanced technology in the Central Plains, and even the servants of the dowry are very familiar with the situation of the Central Plains Dynasty. Is there any better intelligence personnel than this!?

Therefore, the reason why these foreign dependent countries in the past dynasties became stronger and stronger, and then they attacked the Celestial Kingdom in the Central Plains, was because they were raised by some fools to become ambitious.

To sum it up in one sentence, "Why are you rebelling, Your Majesty!?"

So after the obsession, those Fanbang Guo who got the princess and the princess were overjoyed immediately, eagerly waiting for the "gift" to get their hands, while those affiliated countries of the Fanbang who did not get the princess were not happy, and they jointly signed a letter to sell miserably. Pig's Daqing Huangdi also gave them a princess.

But Emperor Shunzhao of Daqing couldn't do anything about it. He even sent the ten-year-old Xiao Twelve to be married, and the remaining daughters were only a few years old, and some were even babies. This kind of thing, if you really do it, it will definitely leave a bad reputation in history, but tell those foreign countries: How about you wait a few more years, wait until my princess grows up!?

These wolfish and ambitious foreign dependent countries are also willing to comply, and they expressed their unity that they want 20 now. You are the emperor of the heavenly kingdom, and you cannot treat one more favorably than another.

Now Emperor Shunzhao had a headache, and the eunuch next to him suggested, "Your Majesty, you don't have a princess anymore, but you can be named a princess!"

Emperor Shunzhao was overjoyed when he heard the words, then he frowned and shook his head, "That's not okay, those are not my species, so you can't trust them."

The eunuch said again, "But it is such an honor to be named a princess. They and their family members will also be grateful to His Majesty, and their family members are all in front of Your Majesty, bathing in Your Majesty's grace every day. They How could it be possible not to thank Your Majesty for your kindness!?"

In a word, there are hostages, so what are you afraid of!?

However, Emperor Shunzhao still didn't immediately agree. The reason why he suddenly wanted his daughter to marry him was not because he really had no brains, but because those princes and ministers persuaded him that he had already given up on being the first son of the ages. God's heart.

That's right, as long as my daughter becomes the queen of this foreign dependent country and gives birth to the future prince, then it is equivalent to holding these foreign dependent countries in his own hands without fighting. It is even more powerful than the first emperor's unification of the six countries, and the land area is also the largest in history.

Who dares to say that Emperor Shunzhao is not an emperor through the ages!?

But making someone else's daughter a princess and sending her to be married, isn't that against my original intention!? Then who will be the subject of the state!?

At this time, those princes who were uneasy because they offended a certain nine princesses were once again stimulated by the other licking dogs around the goddess in their minds, and ran to be lobbyists in front of Emperor Shunzhao , but this time there are no ministers who are Confucian students as companions.

After all, those ministers just wanted to fool the emperor, play him as a fool, and strengthen themselves. Now they go to cut their own flesh and send their daughters to death!? Although they are the cancer of the dynasty, they are not really fools!? Mainly They didn't get any benefit from sending their daughters like this, they might as well marry other powerful people.

And the set of arguments given to Emperor Shunzhao before, such as showing the demeanor of a great country, saying that this dynasty is a state of etiquette, and should take the initiative to release goodwill and other nonsense, are basically nonsense, and even the princess Heqin can indirectly control the subsidiary country of Fanbang The same is true for coinage.

Hehe, whether people can really arrive alive is another matter, and after receiving this kind of treatment, they can still feel grateful to you”? Could it be that Xiaofeng was a masochist before he was born!? Otherwise, normal people can do it without resentment It can be said that you have a broad mind!?

A dog can jump over a wall if you are in a hurry, let alone a human!? If they don’t kill you, it’s not bad, but if you want them to treat you as a dog obediently, why are you so big!?

So these ministers pretended to be deaf and dumb one by one.

However, those students who had been brainwashed by Confucianism were neither deaf nor blind. Under the impetus of caring people, they launched a parade, and even knelt in front of the palace gate, begging the emperor to punish these Confucian traitors.

Yes, these representatives of Confucianism in the past have now become defectors who everyone shouts and beat, because their actions do not conform to the purpose of Confucianism.

This is exactly what the saying "Water can carry a boat can also overturn it"!

Chaos, a word chaos. At this moment, the Daqing Dynasty, especially the imperial city is in a mess, and there is no so-called order at all.

"Father, all officials are your subjects, just like your sons and daughters. Since they are sons, their daughters and granddaughters are also your blood relatives. They are no different from younger sisters, sons and daughters. I implore the father and emperor to show mercy and fulfill the patriotic and loyal heart of the courtiers.

"I implore my father to be merciful!" X4

Immediately, the four princes who didn't know whether their IQs were online or not knelt in front of Emperor Shunzhao, begging him to fulfill the noble heart of those ministers who were loyal to the emperor and served the country.

Emperor Shunzhao hesitated, but he still said the same thing. Although these ministers all claimed to be his subjects, there was a difference between his own son and adopted son. After all, Emperor Shunzhao was still worried.

But with so many lobbyists, Emperor Shunzhao was also shaken.

Seeing this, the third prince Zhang Hao slapped his head and came up with an idea, "Father, in fact, you can become the real father of these 'princesses'.

The other three princes were taken aback when they heard the words, and looked at this smart youngest with some confusion. There is no reason for the buddies to be familiar with the Four Books and Five Classics. Those who know the world can't think of a better way, so they can only plead. The stinky third son of surgery has a way!?

There was a strange look on his face, and what the hell is it to be the real father of the other party!?

Emperor Shunzhao was also a little dazed, staring blankly at his third son.

After a long time, he said, "Tell me about it."

The third prince was overjoyed immediately, and proudly glanced at the three younger brothers who had been dominating him all the time, then bowed and said, "Father, you can let the minister's wife be honored by your long favor!? Then you will be the others." Princesses' father."

Fourth Prince, Fifth Prince and Sixth Prince:

What the hell, what kind of bad idea can a beast come up with!?

Those ministers can promise to be a ghost!? When the Daqing Dynasty became an official, could it be that the official hat is green and shiny!?

Is this youngest out of his mind!? How can he say this kind of heartless words, and don't forget, they all agreed that everyone is the emperor's courtiers before, and if they treat those ministers like this today, they will be theirs tomorrow children.

The three sane princes immediately turned their heads to look at Emperor Shunzhao, wanting him to reprimand this fool.

However, to the shock of the three princes, Emperor Shunzhao's face showed a frenzied look, and the other party wanted to imitate Duke Cao!?



Emperor Shunzhao patted the armrest of the dragon chair, stood up excitedly, looked at the third prince and said, "It's a good thing for my good emperor, this method is wonderful, the whole world is my people, that's right, I always thought that This is just empty talk and fooling people. Now that I think about it again, it turns out that Confucius and the others meant this. I have realized it, and now I have realized it! Hahaha...

Since the Han Dynasty, Confucianism has been respected. In order to consolidate the imperial power, many distorted explanations have been born, and some even have been forced to pretend to be saints. There is nothing wrong with it. What the disciples of Confucius said was not taught by him!? Who made the scholars in the world all be disciples of Confucius!?

The fourth prince, the fifth prince and the sixth prince were dumbfounded, Erkang hand.jpg

Royal father, don't be too enlightened, my sons and ministers are afraid!

When I got excited, the rationality that I hadn't been online for a long time returned, and my face turned pale immediately, and I was covered in cold sweat. If this thing is really done like this, "I'm afraid they will have a bad reputation in history for thousands of years.

The third prince, however, was complacent. He looked at the three younger brothers with obvious contempt and disdain. He even imagined that after the goddess found out about this matter, and when he found out that it was all due to him alone, the goddess would definitely treat him. I am even more high-minded. At 907, other princes, genius doctors, sons of the richest man, and the number one killer in the world will all be on the same side. Only his third prince, Zhang Hao, will be the real dragon emperor.

In Qingyuan Palace, Ninth Princess Yushu couldn't help but let out a somewhat unceremonious laugh, laughing unsteadily.

The four personal maids, plum, orchid, bamboo and chrysanthemum, couldn't laugh so wantonly, and it was very uncomfortable to hold back at this moment.

And the person who sent the report also had a strange look on his face.

As I said before, in fact, there are many Zhang Qing's people around Emperor Shunzhao, so Zhang Bi knew what happened there and what was said at the first time.

Naturally, it includes the phrase "I realized it" said by Emperor Shunzhao.

Zhang Qing was almost dying of laughter. How did my father in this life think of such a thing? Fortunately, he is still an emperor!? The country has not been destroyed until now, but it is really blessed by the ancestors. Chongzhen could do better than him in his position.

That's why it is unreliable to say that it is unreliable to hand over the country to a family. Who knows if all the descendants will fail to become talents. If there is only one child suddenly, and he is mentally retarded, should he be allowed to go!? Will this country still exist!?

However, judging from the ancient environment, an emperor is indeed needed. If we really follow the modern way, we can finish it in minutes, because everyone is equal. In this backward age, everyone is not equal, and the common people are the bottom. They have no way to be the masters of the family, illiterate, food, etc. are all in the hands of powerful and wealthy businessmen. If you say that everyone is equal, the emperor will die the next day, and then the country will fall into the struggle of these powerful families.

Isn't everyone equal, then they can also be emperors, can't they!?

So that fool really took it for granted that modern ones must be right, so he must have died a miserable death.

Otherwise, Zhang Qing would not have found another way, trying to become the founding Yellow Emperor.

Looking at the chaos in the Daqing Dynasty now, I just want to shake my head, I'm afraid I don't have to wait for her to annex it, and the Daqing Dynasty was brought down by these clever people.

"It's really possible. My father is actually a talent for cross talk. I didn't know until now that such a talent was almost missed. Sigh..."

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