Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

324 Zhang Qing: I Am The Most Magnanimous, Don't Worry, Freedom Of Speech!

As for Bai Qingluo.

This talent is a real miracle. If you want to generalize what kind of person this is, then there is a very specific title, that is "magic stick".

This guy is always talking, and his brain may be a little abnormal, but he often has a smile on his face, and he looks relatively friendly, but not many people have discovered that this is a psychopath before.

Yes, even Zhang Qing can only think that the other party is a psychopath, one can imagine how weird this person is.

But since Zhang Qing is important, she does have her ability, that is, this guy is too eloquent. If he is a liar, he can definitely deceive many people, and it is difficult to be found cheated. A small mouth is not only eloquent, but also witty Agile, and very precise in controlling people's psychology.

Even if it wasn't for Zhang Qing's solicitation, this guy would have taken the opportunity to leave after being robbed of his fiancé by Ouyang Wan'er. A big trouble, what a nice guy.

If not, she would like to thank Ouyang Wan'er for her self-sacrifice, but she hates that guy very much.

But who let her family have a low lintel, and her father has to curry favor with the other party's family!?

It's all right now, that guy has come to retire, and she doesn't have to marry anymore, how wonderful!

Of course, if there are only these things, she is not considered crazy, it can only be said that she is a person with advanced thinking. The reason why she is said to be sick is because everything on this guy must be symmetrical, and it is the same when eating. They are put together in a pair, and she must put one on each side of the bowl, and if the bowl itself is not round enough or not symmetrical, she will ask for another one.

And it's fine if she asks herself so much. Seeing other people's asymmetry makes her feel uncomfortable and can't help but move her hands and feet.

Fortunately, No 20 didn't use a knife to make people symmetrical, otherwise Zhang Qing wouldn't dare to use this kind of insanity.

I don’t know how her parents and relatives endured this kind of psychosis for so many years without going crazy!?

With Su Yuchai and Bai Qingluo, the prefectures and counties close to Dalan in the Daqing Dynasty were eaten away very quickly. Basically, they didn't need to send troops, so they took them without anyone noticing. The soldiers were only used to deter and block news.

As for men, to be honest, Dalan really doesn't have any talents who can satisfy Zhang Qing. He originally wanted to recruit them, but these people came, but they just refused to accept the idea of ​​being equal to women, and felt that they could work together with women. Taiwan is insulting them, and no matter what they do, they are just pretending to be blind.

Zhang Qing was also not used to these people, so he simply left them aside one by one and let them play in the mud by themselves.

Anyway, she has no shortage of people, I say this three times.

A lot of people at the bottom are willing to accept new ideas. You are not willing to change. You are the one who is abandoned. Compared with the people in the world, the die-hards are only a small part. In front of the big waves, Zhang Qing doesn’t even bother to take a second look.

As for craftsmen, there are not so many problems. It is conceivable how low the status of scholars, farmers, businessmen, and craftsmen are in this era, but they are respected in Dalan. He doesn't pass on the rotten thoughts of the girl, but he will force himself to accept Da Lan's rules here, and many things can be lowered in front of survival.

Not to mention that craftsmen in Dalan can also be officials. Although they are not officials in the Department of Government Affairs, but in another department, they are still officials. Besides, there are rewards for contributions and inventions. Great contributors and even officials are rewarded. Respect, isn't this better than the Daqing Dynasty!? Only fools go back.

However, Dalan also has disadvantages, that is, the management of merchants is very strict, and merchants in Daqing do not have to pay taxes, but Dalan is heavily taxed, and there are special people to check taxes, and even intervene in the market. The merchants are miserable, but they have no choice. If they want to do business in Dalan, they have to accept these.

It is even more stringent to leave Dalan to do business, and it needs to be reviewed after layers. Now only officially recognized talents can go abroad to do business. What is recognized is the official's own people.

As long as modern people know how harmful businessmen are to profit and forget justice, Zhang Qing will certainly not let the other party get out of control, especially in the initial stage. It will become a malignant tumor inside Da Lan that cannot be eradicated.

Especially after mastering a large amount of wealth, it is difficult not to have the problem of collusion between officials and businessmen, and for the sake of profit, they can even go against the interests of the country and help foreign countries corrupt their own countries, so even if they know that commercial trade is developed and the economy circulates It is good for the country, and Zhang Qing does not intend to let them grow wildly.

There are too many things. If Zhang Qing hadn't got cheats, and she had other worlds to advise her, she would not be able to bear it even if she was strong. Lan won't die young, she won't last long before falling apart.

The main reason is that Li Hongying and the others are too capable. Zhang Qing originally thought about building a place as big as a small village from the beginning, and took his time. But he didn't expect that they would create such a large territory, and the difficulty of management would increase exponentially. For urgent matters, they had to be put on the agenda in advance, so that Zhang Qing didn't know whether to praise these three guys, or hate this bastard with no eyebrows.

This is clearly trying to exhaust her to death.

The next day, many people came to the Hall of Thousands to watch the trial of the Leng family.

The process is nothing more than reading the crime of the other party, and then the judge and jury review whether the evidence is reasonable and valid, and then make a verdict.

This point is almost the same as the modern one, and there is no need to change too much, because the modern law is already relatively complete. As for what is not good, it is something that needs to be troubled in the future, at least it is enough to deal with it now.

If there were not many things to learn from, Zhang Qing would really be bald. This matter cannot be done by one person at all. It is a pity that these men are not up to date, but those who are willing to compromise will not be like this. As for the women, Because he had already left the imperial city of Daqing, Zhang Qing didn't know if there were any capable people among the remaining people.

But thinking about it, there shouldn't be too many.

Of course Zhang Qing was also watching the court trial that day. When he heard that Leng Xiong was still dead and did not know how to repent, shouting that the law of heaven is unfair, that the hen sits in the morning, that it is against the laws of heaven, etc., Zhang Qing glanced at it indifferently. , just leave it alone.

As for whether someone would be moved by him and agree with his words, Zhang Qing didn't take it seriously at all.

People who want to die cannot be stopped. As long as she kills enough and fast enough, even if she is mentally retarded, she will not be able to keep up with her speed. Born in this world, why should she be afraid of the words of a dead person? She really thinks she is the pirate king Roger Can't do it!?

Don’t see June Feishuang either!?

And as long as Da Lan is more successful and prosperous, the words of these people will become more ridiculous.

So Zhang Qing didn't take it seriously at all, even if it got out of control, she alone was enough to subdue all dissatisfaction.

She doesn't mind being a tyrant, it's just that no one is forcing her to do so now.

When the Leng family was taken to the execution ground, many people came to watch, including those who were stubborn. Of course, Zhang Qing could not let them go, so they were equivalent to being placed under house arrest in Dalan. There is freedom, but it is difficult to leave. Unless Daqing is gone, these people will have to be imprisoned until death.

Seeing the young and old of the Leng family, even the baby was not spared, their faces turned pale, and some were angry, but most of them were powerless. Da Lan was different from everything they knew, and their schemes were small Means are useless here, and maybe just when you are planning to lobby, someone will make a small report and report you.

Leng Xiong is also stupid, he doesn't understand that in the eyes of those common people, these people are just five hundred yuan for walking, uh, I almost forgot, Dalan really uses paper money here, and there is almost no resistance, after all, the original people Even the slaves who were sold didn’t have the so-called money, and the Dalan territory recognized this kind of banknotes as currency, so naturally they wouldn’t have any objections to them. When people saw this later, they naturally didn’t doubt it, and accepted it very quickly. .

As for making counterfeit money, hehe, can the technology of this age be able to make it!? And if it is not for the convenience of carrying, Zhang Qing is not willing to make paper money. To be honest, the cost is a bit high in this era, so one yuan of paper money is also worth more than one yuan. Knowing the cost The heart aches for everyone, it's not that no one proposed to cancel it, but Zhang Qing didn't agree.

Why change!? As long as the overall technology is improved in the future, the cost will naturally be lower. The current difficulties will allow her to better control the economy of a new dynasty. Otherwise, how can those businessmen be so easy to obey!? Why don’t they leave? Without Dalan, the banknotes are worthless.

The same is true for other people. The salaries are all paper money, which also eliminates the possibility of them giving birth to treason with one heart, at least to a very low level, because if you leave Dalan, you really have nothing.

So even though the cost is high, Zhang Jing still goes her own way.

Isn't the money just for spending!? And it was the Daqing Dynasty and other foreign countries that supported them. What are you afraid of? It's not your own money.

After returning to his office, Zhang Qing put aside Leng Xiong's business with 360 and asked Xia Zhu to send someone to inform Su Yuchai and the others to slow down.

"These two guys are so good at handling things, I'm the only one busy without looking behind, what are they planning to do!?"

Zhang Qing's opinions on these two people are not so big, just now they received the good news that they conquered a city again, Zhang Qing was so busy that he vomited blood, these two guys are endless!?

"I want them to cultivate useful talents for me, and leave them to me to deal with every time!"

Zhang Qing was very upset, his sisters hadn't graduated yet, and as a result, these two guys were always making troubles, the speed of subduing them was fast, but the governance could be done so fast, and the more it erodes Daqing, the more helpless the father of the funder will be. Money supports them, don't you understand!?

The reason why she annexed Daqing in the end is because Daqing is the father of the biggest benefactor.

She can spend as much money as she wants, and she doesn't have to worry about whether the treasury is short of funds. Don't you think that the money is not her own money!? These two guys are good, let them take over one or two frontline positions, so that it will be more convenient for Dalan to monitor Daqing's every move, It turned out that the two wanted to swallow the elephant with snakes.

If Dalan had enough staff, Zhang Qing might be happier. Anyway, she just needs to leave it to the people below to deal with it, but there is no one available now. Li Hongying is good at fighting, but she is a Muggle in other aspects.

At this time, Zhang Qing hated those men who didn’t know how to adapt to the brains more than they hated Bai Qingluo.

After cursing in his heart, Zhang Qing thought of something, turned to Dongmei and asked, "How are my sisters doing now!?"

Dongmei looked weird, but she still replied, "That gentleman...the chief and the ladies are very energetic every day, but every time they read, eat or even go to the toilet, they will scold you, and the words are a bit harsh."

Zhang Qing nodded, "That's it, I'm relieved, let's give them extra meals tonight, just a glass of bitter gourd juice each, remember to let people watch them drink it all, don't waste a single drop!"

It's a joke, if you dare to scold her, how can you not punish one or two.

Dongmei's face twitched a bit, but she still complied. Sure enough, her master was still so narrow-minded, and the date hadn't changed. .

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