On a certain mountain in the Daqing Dynasty, in the courtyard of a small bamboo house.

A twelve or thirteen-year-old boy was sweeping fallen leaves in the yard with a broom, making a somewhat messy "rustling" sound. An old man with white beard and hair was reading some yellowed scriptures in his house, but his eyes Slightly empty, the line of sight did not focus on the book.

Time flies, and time flies, although he has great ambitions, it is a pity that everything in the world is based on the word "Don't force it"...

Suddenly, on the mountain path, a middle-aged man in Tsing Yi walked towards the small courtyard from a distance. He walked slowly, but also in a hurry.

The boy who was cleaning randomly in the yard sneezed suddenly, and when he wiped his mouth and nose lightly, he saw the middle-aged figure in Tsing Yi out of the corner of his eye. The too strong door closed.

The middle-aged man in Tsing Yi walked to the door and said helplessly, "What kind of hospitality are you doing? I really need to find your lord in a hurry. Why did you stop me!?"

The boy raised his head and did not answer. He just leaned against the door to prevent the other party from pushing the door in.

The middle-aged man in Tsing Yi stretched out his hand, but he had no choice but to put it down. He was a little annoyed, but also a little helpless, so he could only shout loudly from outside the door, "Mr. Chen, the student came to disturb you suddenly this time. There is really something very important. I know you don't want to see us, but now Daqing is at stake, there is a monstrous cholera king, the world is rare to be peaceful, and now it may return to chaos, Mr. Chen——!"

"What are you calling, my husband is not in good health, and it is time to rest. Last time you came here, he has been angry for a long time. Hurry up, or I will chase people away with a broom." Boy Hearing that this person had no shame at all, he started yelling outside the door, jumped up anxiously, and glared at him.

The middle-aged man didn't mind the boy's rudeness, so he just stroked his beard and continued to shout with a smile, "Mr. Chen, Daqing needs you, and the people of the world need you..."

After a long time, the door of the house was slowly opened from the inside, and the old man walked out slowly, with some cloudy eyes, he glanced at the two people, one big and one small, who were facing each other outside, with a miserable expression on his face

The hunched old man sighed for a long time, and said, "Why bother, the old man has already ignored the outside affairs, I am old, and my heart is dead......

Didn’t his heart die?! When he was reborn ten years ago, he thought that he could change everything. It was because of his great love for his heart, but he just found out that the princess was still the same princess, and there was no change at all. No matter what you say or do, you will definitely just leave everything behind in the end and go back to the mountains and forests.

Yes, the old man's name is Chen Xian, and his style name is Xingzhi. When the current Emperor Shunzhao was not yet the emperor, he was a minister of public affairs. If he hadn't taken the initiative to resign, I am afraid that the elders of the three dynasties would have his place.

It's a pity that ten years ago, Chen Xingzhi, an extremely human minister, suddenly fell ill for some reason, and then left the court on the grounds of his inability to behave. It took ten years since he left, and few people knew that he had gone Where, and did he really leave because of his old age and poor health?

It's almost become a mystery.

That is, in the past two years, Tuan was gradually discovered by others.

But every time he visits, the old man has not changed in any way. He seems to really want to bury the rest of his life in this uninhabited mountain. Like a most ordinary old man.

"Monster" and "Monster" are said to him every year. There are monsters, but are they really monsters!? He is old, and when he returns from the second generation, he is very transparent about these mundane things. The so-called monsters are also It's just people who have moved some people's interests.

These people just want him to be a knife in their hands, he understands, so he doesn't want to bother.

And if you want to talk about evildoers, the nine princesses are the real evildoers. Unfortunately, she chose to leave before she was known to the world, so no one knew that there was such a strange woman in the world, and the other party was able to let her The head of the former officials was rated as the sage king and the master.

If it was known that he would want to make a woman emperor, everyone would think he was crazy, but that was what he thought at the time, and he tried his best to teach and guide the other party

But that Princess Qiu's mind is too difficult to fathom.

Let him come to nothing in the end, and the other party walks away without a bit of reluctance, leaving behind a Daqing Dynasty that seems to be fading away.

Of course, he was unwilling to be reborn, but after seeing the six-year-old Princess Nine at that time, he suddenly understood that this person was the most stubborn stone in the world, who would not be shaken by wind and rain. A person with the appearance of a king, is it so easy to be swayed by others!?

It's a pity that God gave birth to such a person who can make the Daqing Dynasty last for a thousand years or even longer, and let the glory of the Daqing Dynasty rise again, but he didn't give him an ambition, and he was still a woman, otherwise If a man doesn't need others to do anything, he will be forced by the general trend to fight for that position.

Chen Xian, who found that he had relived his life but could do nothing at all, was sick, and he has been sick since that day.

"Chen Gong, Daqing is really coming to an end, what I said is true."

Seeing the other party appear, the middle-aged man hurriedly knelt on the ground, wept bitterly, and swore with three fingers that he did not come to coax the other party out of the mountain.

"Is Daqing almost over..." Chen Xian murmured and repeated.

He has always known that the luck of the Daqing Dynasty is dying. He has known since the time Emperor Shunzhao succeeded to the throne. It's a pity that the first emperor's heirs are weak, so he can't let others adopt one of his sons. Although the first emperor has a good temper, he can't accept that his blood can't inherit his throne.

We can only place our hopes on the descendants of Emperor Shunzhao. It is a pity that Chen Xian looked at all the princes, and none of them looked like emperors. If such a person becomes emperor, it will only exacerbate the fate of the Daqing Dynasty. Although there is no dynasty of a thousand years, it will end in just a hundred years. I am afraid that the founding emperor would crawl out of the imperial mausoleum in anger.

Chen Xian was disappointed, but he believed that man would conquer nature, so he also took up the post of prince and tutor, and wanted to teach a wise king, but unfortunately the prince let him down. "The same is true for other princes.

The second son of Emperor Shunzhao, the former crown prince, is a person who is mean and ungrateful to his family. In general, he is a villain. This basically means that he has everything that a generation of tyrannical emperors can have. This kind of person can become an emperor without waiting for the future. After he came to power, within a few years, someone rose up in Daqing.

What made Chen Xian even more disappointed was that the crown prince also hated him because of his accusation, and even wanted to kill him, which was simply insane.

While the other princes only cared about jokes, and even made trouble, none of the princes of this generation was a candidate for Mingjun, which made Chen Xian despair.

But at this moment, he noticed a strange thing, all the princes (except the prince) including the princess, were in awe of a certain little guy, even though the expressions on their faces were well hidden, but Chen Xian still found out that whenever the very young princess appeared, the princes and princesses were all stiff. They were obviously just a little girl with a pleasant smile, but it was as if they saw some scourge.

Of course, when Princess Nine asked them to lie down and serve her as horses, the princes and princesses were obviously reluctant, but they still tried their best to show that they worshiped the younger sister and obediently lay down.

Let the opponent ride on him.

After the incident, the little girl would touch her head and praise her, but the high-ranking prince and princess nodded and bowed with a very happy look. Of course, if the smile is not so distorted, it must be very happy and honored.

Of course, if that was the only case, Chen Xian would only think that this princess might have an unusual status, the daughter of a favorite concubine, or the princess favored by the mediocre Emperor Shunzhao.

But something happened later, which forced Chen Xian to pay more attention to this princess.

That is the matter that the prince was abolished.

As mentioned earlier, all the princes except the prince have a strange attitude towards the nine princesses. This is because the prince usually lives in the East Palace and is a few years older than the other princes, so basically he rarely goes in and out of the harem. Since the prince can stay in the palace, it proves that he is not yet old.

But there are always exceptions, no, did the ex-prince just meet this Ninth Princess who was only three or four years old!? Then the Eldest Young Master's temper came up, he spoke indiscriminately, even a little viciously, He even wanted to teach the other party a lesson.

In the end, he could only sulk, but this is not over yet. Just after this incident, before the crown prince planned to do anything else, he was deposed, and he was charged with many crimes, including giving the emperor Wearing a green hat is the most unbearable thing, so the opponent with almost no resistance has become a civilian.

If Emperor Shunzhao hadn't thought that the other party was his son, he might have beheaded him directly.

Chen Xian felt that he was crazy. Could a little princess who was only three or four years old influence the decision of the previous dynasty!? It was impossible, but if it wasn't the case, why was it such a coincidence!? Such a thing happened at this time , and the prince was pressed to death all at once, without even a chance to stand up, and it was useless for anyone to intercede.

In order to understand these things, Chen Xian volunteered to teach the young princes and princesses, which was regarded as the punishment for not teaching the prince well as the prince and Taifu.

Emperor Shunzhao nodded and agreed, he was a man of no opinion, plus Chen Xian's status was respected even by the late emperor, so naturally he did whatever he said, didn't he just teach the little prince and princess! ?He likes to be a kindergarten teacher, so let him do it.

In this way, Chen Xian began his life search of teaching young princes and princesses to enlightenment.

He could think of a way to get close to that unusual princess, and this is the only way, otherwise, there is no way to get close to her. The emperor's harem is not something that the courtiers can enter if they want to, and even the prince is not allowed to stay when he reaches the age, let alone Minister!?

So he faced everyone's puzzlement and went to be the enlightenment teacher. .

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