Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

326 Chen Xian: God Really Didn't Give Up On Me!

"Mr. Chen! Save the world, the people are innocent!"

Just when Chen Xian was recalling his past life, the middle-aged man in Tsing Yi begged again, interrupting Chen Xian's reminiscence, and interrupting the resentment that tormented Chen Xian for the rest of his life, yes, leave without saying goodbye, for that The resentment of the nine princesses who made him despair.

He spent all his energy to teach the other party, and the result was that the other party suddenly disappeared in front of everyone one day, and he was ready to face the confusion and malice of everyone in the world in front of him, just to make a The appearance of a female emperor that has never been seen since ancient times, but the other party has no idea about the position of emperor at all, this is something he did not expect at all.

He originally thought that everyone in the world was keen on the position of the ninth-five lord, even women were no exception, but the other party let her understand that some people simply disdain that position.

However, this is not the most disappointing thing for Chen Xian, the most disappointing thing, the Ninth Princess abandoned the common people in this world, Daqing was strong outside, but in less than a hundred years, the inside has been drilled by moths, and now the whole dynasty may fall in the sway and fall at any time. Shattered, the people of the world had to be displaced again, but the other party ignored it, which made Chen Xian very disappointed.

Could it be that God destined Daqing to be less than a hundred years old!? Will troubled times begin!?

He was asking himself this question every day, and he was also asking God, but unfortunately no one gave him the answer.

After returning from rebirth, he saw Princess Jiu again, who was still the same as when he was young, and looked at the other party's transparent eyes, eyes that seemed to have understood everything. He still resented, but he also felt powerless and desperate.

His teaching, the other party only listens to it as a story, and it is difficult for any reason to leave a deep impression on the other party's heart, because she seems to have already had her own reason.

"Tianxia, ​​Tianxia, ​​those who can save it, but give up on it, what can I, an old man, do!?" Chen Xian's body became even more stooped, and he looked at the middle-aged man in Tsing Yi with dead eyes, and he was more like an old man. An old man who is dying, and 760 looks like his time is numbered.

"But student, the only person I can think of now is you!" The middle-aged man in Tsing Yi had a sad face on his face. He didn't understand why Chen Xingzhi, who used to be an ambitious and powerful minister, would become what he is now, but now Daqing's real It's almost gone.

The middle-aged man in Tsing Yi hurriedly told all the things that had happened outside during this period of time, to prove what he said was true.

And I was also afraid that he would be driven away if he delayed any longer.

Chen Xian stroked the long beard on his chin. At first, he listened impatiently to what the other party said that was confusing, and wanted to interrupt and drive him away. When Emperor Zhao packed up almost all the princesses and sent them to be married, he was even more forgetful and unconsciously pulled off their beards.

He opened his mouth and murmured, "Emperor Shunzhao, is he crazy... But Princess Jiu shouldn't accept her fate like this..."

"She is definitely not the kind of obedient person..."

Chen Xian ran over in a hurry, pushed away the boy blocking the door, opened the door, pressed the shoulder of the middle-aged man in Tsing Yi, and asked anxiously, "Where is the princess, what happened to the ninth princess!? Tell the old man quickly."

As for other things, why there are such big changes in this life, he doesn't care whether Ouyang Wan'er is a witch or not, his obsession is the nine princesses.

"Nine...nine princesses!?" The middle-aged man in Tsing Yi was a little at a loss, his expression full of bewilderment.

What Ninth Princess!? He is talking about the safety of Daqing here, but the other party just asks Ninth Princess, a mere princess, is it more important than Jiangshan Sheji!?

"Should have already gone to make a kiss!?"

Although he didn't understand, the middle-aged man in Tsing Yi still answered, but he didn't know whether he could reach it safely. After all, it is very difficult to travel long distances in this age. Girls are delicate and weak, and it is very possible that they may die of illness halfway. Yes, so the middle-aged man in Tsing Yi can't be sure whether the other party has reached his destination safely in such a long time.

And why does he, a big man, care about a concubine princess!?

"Impossible, it is impossible for the ninth princess to make a kiss." Chen Xian let go of the other party, muttering in his mouth, but looked outside, at the boundless sky, at the desolate and small scenery below the mountain.

The boy hurried over to support the other party, fearing that the other party might make a mistake, and he was also very worried, because anyone could see that something was wrong with Chen Xian now.

"No! I have to go and see, I have to go and see...."

Chen Xian's eyes suddenly sparkled, as if they were shining brightly, and his whole body's energy and spirit changed dramatically, as if he was more than ten years younger all of a sudden, and his body became straighter.

Even like crazy, he suddenly burst out laughing.

"It's changed, everything has changed, hahaha, princess, princess, it seems that God can't see it, this chess game, you lost, you lost, hahaha

Zhang Qing, who was far away in Dalan, suddenly sneezed inexplicably, and explored her body a little confusedly, can she still catch a cold now!?

A question mark.

And Chen Xian continued, "It's a blessing, it's a blessing! It's a blessing or a curse, I understand, I understand, hahaha..."

The middle-aged man in Tsing Yi and the boy looked at each other, both a little confused, and they were also worried whether the stimulation was too much, the old man was really crazy.

The middle-aged man in Tsing Yi was extremely worried, because if this was the case, he would have committed a serious crime. After all, he should have poured out all the things that should have been told slowly.

It would be crazy to change anyone.

This in itself is a huge problem, otherwise the middle-aged man in Tsing Yi would not have come here.

But now seeing the most hopeful person to solve this problem going crazy, the middle-aged man in Tsing Yi is also very desperate.

After laughing, Chen Xian, who was excited and excited, turned around and found the strange eyes of the boy and the middle-aged man in Tsing Yi. Regardless of what these two people thought, Chen Xian directly told the boy:

"Xin Tong pack up, we're going down the mountain, I'm going to find an old friend!"

Only then did the middle-aged man in Tsing Yi realize that the boy was not a boy, but a girl dressed as a man. No wonder there are so many daughters.

"This.....I understand." The virgin hesitated, but seeing Chen Xian's urging eyes, she had no choice but to go into the house to pack her luggage.

The middle-aged man in Tsing Yi watched the virgin leave, and asked in a low voice with some hesitation, "Mr. Chen, you are planning to travel far away, are you going to the Dynasty!?"

Chen Xian glanced at the other party and snorted, "What are you doing there, old man!?"

The first half was already troubled enough there, did you make yourself uncomfortable in the past!?

These guys will count on the old man, can't they (cabh) be self-reliant enough!? After reading so many holy books, have they all read into the stomach of a dog!?

"But..." The middle-aged man in Tsing Yi was dumbfounded, didn't you come out of the mountain to fight the fire!?

You have to know how the disaster is going on in the imperial city now, people are panic, there is a sign that the storm is about to come, and Emperor Shunzhao is becoming more and more incompetent, doing too many unreasonable things, and the princes are getting worse and worse. It was an obvious fight, the fire was a bit too violent, and it came too fast, too inexplicable, so when they recovered, many people had a headache, otherwise they wouldn't have sent him here to invite Chen Tu out of the mountain.

Now Chen Xian was planning to go out of the mountains, but he didn't go to the imperial city to fight the fire. The middle-aged man in Tsing Yi wanted to cry.

"Come on, what can my old man do!? You think too much, what is my ability, can I not understand!?" Chen Xian interrupted the other party's hesitation, and became a little impatient. After getting the matter of Tianjia, these people are also crazy.

However, Chen Xian didn't intend to explain more to these people, because if he told them that he went to find a princess to save the scene, he might be really thought crazy by these people.

And if this matter is revealed, these people may feel that there is another witch in Daqing, a monster who will harm the common people.

"Go back, tell those people, I can't control this matter, let them apply for Gaoming...


After the virgin packed her bags and came out, she saw that Chen Xian was the only one left outside, and asked curiously, "Master, has that weird man left!?"

Chen Xian looked at his adopted daughter or granddaughter, touched his beard with a smile, nodded and said, "Let's go!"

Xin Tong curled her lips, "I've never seen such a strange person, who can't even wear clothes, and also has very weird eyes."

Chen Xian recalled it for a while, and found that the other party's dress and behavior were indeed a bit weird. How should I put it, it gave people a very symmetrical feeling, as if there was an invisible center line in the middle.

"By the way, what's that person's name!?"

Chen Xian suddenly asked with some interest.

After thinking about it for a while, Xin Tong said, "I remember the person who came with him last time and called him Bai or something. I'm sorry, I forgot..."

"Forget it, anyway, I may not see you in the future, so I'll just ask casually." Chen Xian waved his hand and said.

After Xin Tong let out an "oh", she asked a little puzzled, "Sir, are we really going down the mountain!?"

Chen Xian nodded, "Actually, you can call me grandpa, I've always treated you like a granddaughter..."

As he spoke, he touched the little head of the virgin girl, and said kindly.

Xin Tong shook her head, "No! I am the servant you bought back."

Chen Xian sighed, this world is really......

"Okay, let's go down the mountain, I have to inquire about the news.

The cunning nine princesses are hard to find, but the other princesses should be able to be found.

The former princesses of Daqing who were missed by a certain veteran are now almost resigned to their fate, except for habitually scolding their unreliable relatives every day when they have nothing to do.

They didn't even know how long they should be locked in this study room before being released.

Then on the day when the Leng family was executed, they could only watch from a distance on the top floor of the library. Apart from reading, they ate, drank and slept every day. effort.

But if they don't work hard, they will be imprisoned to death.

What is even more frightening is that the content of these books is too esoteric and difficult to pronounce, it is like a heavenly book. In order to understand the knowledge inside, they have to search for more shallow content, saying that they are allowed to choose the content they are interested in at will, but The princesses found that if they didn't know anything, they might not be able to understand even one category of knowledge.

The most important thing is that you can only learn independently, and no one will teach you.

The guy also said that he would ask her if he didn't understand, but since he left them here, he never showed up again. Naturally, these princesses were full of resentment.

Of course, I hate those worthless men for their inaction, because every time those maids who deliver food come over, they will say, if those men were not useless, leaving Her Majesty with no one available, how could they be so busy, how could they be forgotten!?

In short, it has been said for a long time, and these princesses have also remembered it. Naturally, over time, they will become dissatisfied with those men who do not act, and it is not wrong to say that they are angry.

It also gave birth to the extreme idea that relying on men is not as good as relying on oneself.

I can't wait to go out as soon as possible, and let those men who look down on women see who is the useless trash!?

It's a pity that there is a long way to go.

[The author has something to say: I am very busy, I am dizzy, and I am doing nucleic acid again, which is annoying...].

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