After Jiang Ruonan's announcement, many people on the sidelines naturally saw business opportunities, so many people followed Jiang Ruonan's example and approached Zhang Qing to discuss business.

It's a pity that most of them were rejected by Zhang Qing. In the final analysis, they are all whimsical. It is ridiculous to try to persuade her for pure money interests. If she wants money, why doesn't she engage in a monopoly and let you do business independently!?

Could these people be worse than Jiang Ruonan, an immature girl in her teens!? No, these people just don’t want to give up part of their interests and lose that part of their interests. If they really have a position in business, they will favor the country Limin, then as a businessman, it must be impossible to make huge profits, so these people are pretending to be stupid and want to get away with it.

So all these people were rejected by her, since she didn't want to compromise, there was nothing to talk about.

It was because she rejected many people, and those people behind also knew that it would be impossible to get away with it, so they didn't come to kill them again, so that Zhang Qing finally didn't have to spend time dealing with these people.

And just as Da Lan was slowly living his own little life, becoming stronger and more powerful little by little, the Daqing Dynasty, which handed over to Da Lan, was full of mourning, people's resentment,

The struggle of several adult princes has gradually affected the common people below. At the same time, because of the large number of vacancies for officials, the struggle is very fierce. To improve, collusion between government and businessmen is a common thing, and now there are signs of getting out of control.

Many civilians even emptied their homes and couldn't afford rice noodles, which further affected the living space of small vendors.

At the same time, because of the chaos in the center of the imperial court, the rich and powerful landlords in many places outside began to annex the fields unscrupulously, turning farmers into tenant farmers and even refugees.

The ridiculous thing is that none of the high-ranking Emperor Shunzhao and his sons saw these problems, they only saw the scene of peace that was intentionally whitewashed, and even Emperor Shunzhao still thought it was a time of singing and dancing. In the peaceful and prosperous age, he was dreaming of becoming an emperor through the ages and did not want to wake up.

He even thought that after a period of time, he would have people hunt down those rebellious officials and thieves who had run away, and throw them all into prison.

Of course, it's not like no one like to break through this veil and expose the bloody truth, but they are weak and weak, either they were dismissed from office, or they died suddenly, and various accidents continued. In the end, no one dared to tell the truth up.

Chen Xian was sitting at a certain tea stand in Yancheng. While drinking tea, he could not help shaking his head while listening to the merchants talk about the situation in the capital. Sure enough, everything was not as he expected, so he knew will evolve into this situation.

Looking at Yancheng in this borderland, perhaps because the center of the vortex is too far away, so the influence is not big, but along the way, Chen Xian still saw that many places are already very depressed, and when the surplus food in the pockets of the people is gone. If it's all eaten up, the Daqing Dynasty will be completely chaotic by then.

Chen Xian can already imagine the chaos at that time, but he has no way to stop it, because the root of the disease lies in the royal family, in those aristocratic families, and even more in Confucianism

Although he doesn't want to say that, Chen Xian is also known as a master of Confucianism, but he still knows very well that most of the Confucianism disciples today are just using Confucianism as a tool, and few of them are really studying it, just for personal gain Twist the words of the saint.

From Chen Xian's point of view, these people are not Confucian scholars at all, but just a bunch of villains who seek profit.

It's a pity that now everyone recognizes these people, and all the scholars agree with what these people say. Chen Xian sometimes wonders whether it would be better for Confucianism to be completely silenced, so as not to become a tool to harm the world .

"Master, you are sighing again..." Xin Tong frowned and reminded.

Along the way, Chen Xian sighed from time to time, which made Xin Tong feel worried, "Why don't we go back, in fact, the mountain is also very good, at least there are not so many things that bother the master."

Chen Xian glanced at the little girl amusedly, and shook his head after a long time, "I'm just lamenting that this dynasty is still these innocent people. I think that the Taizu managed to get out of this piece of pure land from the troubled times. Thinking that he would be defeated by his descendants, and he has not persisted for a hundred years......"

I am afraid that he will have to go through another troubled time in the near future. He has not personally experienced the troubled times before, but this time he will have to go through it. It is a pity that he is a scholar and has no strength to follow the example of Emperor Taizu Make a bright future again.

Ninth Princess, where are you!? Did you really go to make a kiss!? Or are you still sneaking away like last time!?

Chen Xian looked into the distance, beyond the city wall, the outside was no longer Daqing's territory.

Xin Tong pursed her lips tightly, looked at Chen Xian and looked into the distance again, she couldn't help feeling a little depressed, she didn't know who Chen Xian wanted to find, and she didn't know why she had to go to him, Xin Tong was just a little bit of Xin Tong herself My master, at such an advanced age, he still has to run around and work hard.

"Let's go, let's pay a visit to the head of Yifang City first. The old man was negligent before. There is a problem here, a big problem..." I don't know how long it took, but Chen Xian has already withdrawn and looked into the distance. His eyes fell on this thriving border city, he stroked his beard and laughed.

"Princess, princess, is the old man's eyes okay!?"

Chen Xian's eyes were shining brightly, as if he had discovered something, he was as happy as a detective who had solved the eternal mystery after sweeping away the previous depression and sentimentality.

Seeing that Chen Xian stood up suddenly and was about to leave, Xin Tong hurriedly dropped the tea money, shouted for the check, and trotted after him.

"Slow down, sir, slow down..."

Xin Tong is very nervous, her master is almost seventy years old, walking so fast, isn't it too long to live!?

Chen Xian waved his hand, "My body is strong! Before I realize the ambition in my heart, I will not die easily, God will not accept me.

Seeing Chen Xian who was talking crazy again, Xin Tong sighed silently.

I don't know my master, why I always keep my mouth shut and say God, as if I know the other person very well, is this confusing!?

"No, I can't just go up like this, I have to take a look first. Just when Xin Tong was catching up, Chen Xian stopped suddenly, muttering something, the little girl almost couldn't stop. Hit it.

"Master..." Xin Tong stared at Chen Xian sadly.

Chen Xian came back to his senses, patted the sullen little girl's head and said with a smile, "No hurry, no hurry, let me take a good look at what she wants in her mind, and what kind of place she wants this place to be.

Cheng. "

Xin Tong is speechless, is she saying that!?

And she can't understand what you're doing at all!? Riddlers are the worst.

"You finally think of us!?"

In the big library, several former princesses of the Daqing Dynasty looked at Zhang Qing who came here with a look of sadness that dared not speak out. Their good sister (sister), but they have left them here for almost half a year "It's really praying to God and worshiping Buddha that I finally remembered to come and visit them ten times..0

"What are you talking about, how could I have forgotten you!?" Zhang Qing said with a smile.

She didn't expect that there would be such a shortage of manpower, so some things deviated from the plan.

"Hehe..." The princesses curled their lips.

"Okay, I'm here this time to give you a test. If you pass the test, you can leave here." After coughing, Zhang Qing simply pretended that he couldn't see their resentful little expressions. , straight to the point of business.

She is really short of manpower, otherwise it would be impossible to think of these sisters so quickly.

She has to be able to get out of her busy work so that she can have the time and effort to deal with those stubborn men. Of course, I am not talking about ordinary people here. Even among the low-level people, there are some men who still maintain machismo, but Under the power, I still bowed my head and accepted it, especially after the initial work-point system, it has also been accepted for women to work together and receive wages as well.

I don't even have objections to my daughter's going to school, and even slowly began to accept this change.

However, there are still some people who would rather die than submit, and deliberately make small moves to gather more like-minded people to cause trouble. Naturally, Zhang Qing has to deal with these people when he has time. They are indeed talented, so they will not kill them, but It won't make them feel better, brainwashing, she is familiar with it, doesn't she understand the MLM routines!?

After those guys shed a layer of skin, they will all imitate Mr. Good.

"Let's take the exam." The princesses didn't panic either. They also wanted to end this kind of life a long time ago. It's really not a human life.

As for whether they can pass the level!? Just a joke, do you know how hard and hard they are!?

If it is not necessary to sleep and rest, I am afraid that I would like to study and study 24 hours a day, God is pitiful, this bastard will send people to bring bitter gourd juice to torment them every now and then, reminding them to eat hard to be the best, 4.7 Simply not human.

"Papa!" Zhang Qing was not polite, and clapped his hands, signaling Mei Lanzhuju and the others to present the test papers they had prepared a long time ago, and hand them over to each of them.

"There is no time limit. Except that you can't turn the pages of the book, you can hand in the paper as you like. It's useless to whisper to each other. Everyone has different test papers."

Zhang Qing said with a smile, but it is a pity that the current technology is not good enough to make pencils and ballpoint pens, so we can only use brushes temporarily, so there are not many questions on the test papers, which is also helpless, but if later With the advent of technology, children of this era can feel her "love" well.

Several princesses turned over the test papers and looked at it, and suddenly shuddered for some unknown reason.

But after seeing the content above, I was relieved.

I was somewhat worried before, but this is the end!?

Fortunately, these princesses don't know that this is Zhang Qing's intentional release of water, just to catch some strong people to work, otherwise she will definitely want to cry, and when she has time to make hard pens, I'm afraid she will know how terrible the exam is .

And when they left this library, they just changed to another place and closed it. That place was called "Government Affairs Building", and the work was piled up like a mountain, which was enough for them to regret stepping out of the library hall.


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