"Chen Xiang!?"

When he was thinking about how to deal with those scholars who thought he was noble, Su Yuchai from the Daqing Dynasty sent someone to report the success. Chen Gong and Chen Xingzhi, the elders of the two dynasties, came to visit, and wanted to come and visit him, and asked if he agreed!?

Zhang Qing was a little stunned, why did this old man come here!?

Zhang Fu and the other former princesses also didn't understand this matter. This old man had only been their first teacher for three years before he suddenly resigned and retired. The young princess may have never heard of it. other side.

So it stands to reason that there is no friendship, and as a princess, before she is married, it is impossible to have too much contact with a foreigner, even if the other party is an old man in his tens of years.

The other party's sudden visit made everyone a little confused, and the other party had already confirmed that his princesses were here and guessed what they did, which made people even more embarrassing and curious. generally.

After Zhang Qing thought about it for a while, he still agreed to meet the old man and see what kind of medicine he bought in the gourd.

At this point, Daqing has already been unable to recover. If it hadn't been for the sake of playing steadily, not letting the victory come too easily, and making Dalan's system more stable, the progress of the erosion of the Daqing Dynasty would not be called by her. Stop, so Zhang Qing is actually not worried about being exposed.

Of course, if it is possible, the sooner it is exposed, the better, so that the loss can be minimized. Although the Daqing Dynasty is an enemy, once Da Lan annexes it, then everything in Daqing belongs to Da Lan, so The so-called "loss" is bound to exist, no matter which party it is.

And in the final analysis, this is internal friction, which is not a good thing, so if possible, it is best to try to avoid bloodshed as much as possible. At the same time, because Dalan is forced to implement the unified currency of paper currency, it also causes that if you are too impatient, it will eat away at Daqing. The movement of the territory was too fast, and it was difficult for the people of the original Daqing Dynasty to adapt to the new atmosphere of Dalan, but their original copper coins and silver were enough to become a big problem.

If outsiders enter with a large amount of funds, it will damage the original gradually stable economic chain. One bad thing is the financial crisis, which is a very special financial crisis. Think about it, if you work hard, you finally have a considerable savings, you are happy, but suddenly a bunch of millionaires move in from the village, and you will be crushed to scum, and you will become a poor family Become a poor family, would you like to!?

Moreover, they still have a large amount of principal, which will also have an impact on the market.

This in itself is because many people in Dalan came from the bottom of the original Daqing, and many of them were people who were bought and sold. It can be said that they developed from nothing to the present, which means that they did not have primitive accumulation at the beginning. Yes, so it was very easy for Dalan to implement the paper currency instead of the original currency, and the resistance was so small that it could be ignored, but success and failure were also the same.

The barbarians in other surrounding areas can be ignored, but whether the property in the hands of the people in the Daqing Dynasty is still valid is a question that has to be carefully considered. Originally, according to the normal process, these problems are not big problems, because in any case, it will be two or three years before the attack on the Daqing Dynasty. At that time, Dalan has matured and stabilized in all aspects. Not a problem.

The problem is that Da Lan has been established for too short a time. If Zhang Qing hadn't braked in time to stop Li Hongying and the others from moving forward, Da Lan would have been in a mess by now.

The strides are too big, Zhang Qing can't cope with this coercion, and Dalan's popular education has not yet cultivated successors, and there are too many vacancies in government affairs, so these things that shouldn't have happened question.

"You want to see him!?" The original seventh princess Zhang Yin looked at her sister in surprise, don't you hate those Confucian scholars!?"

This Chen Xian is the biggest leader of Confucian scholars, does he want to trick people into killing him!?

The other princesses couldn't understand either.

Zhang Qing shrugged, "See, why don't you see me? This old man is a talented person. As the elder of the two dynasties, he has worked hard. If he hadn't left the Daqing court early, I am afraid that the Daqing dynasty would not have become what it is today. ."

If this kind of senior minister of the former court is still there, would Emperor Shunzhao dare to act so recklessly and arbitrarily!? Isn’t it true that no one can control him!? This also caused some people who are interested can easily coax Emperor Shunzhao to do something Something absurd is coming.

Therefore, Emperor Shunzhao was like a brat without parents on his head, and it was not surprising that he would set his house on fire.

"I just hope that he won't be like those Confucian scholars, then I will be disappointed."

Those people, after all, are just a few words, without any practicality at all. If they really governed the country according to these idiots' words, the country would have died a long time ago, and they still have the face to say that they don't listen to them. It's just an ignorant woman and child, who laughs to death.

However, Chen Xingzhi's upcoming visit also made Zhang Qing postpone the action of tossing those nerds. He planned to wait to see the old man Chen Xingzhi. , basically went to serve as a soldier, because you don't need to use your brain too much.

But this is not what Zhang Qing wants. Her Dalan is not equal to men and women. It is not a patriarchal society, nor is it a feminist society.

If things go on like this, one day military power will become a man's thing, and internal affairs will become a woman's property. Then Da Lan may fall apart because of a little bit of conflict between men and women.

The most likely thing is that the men who have mastered the army will drive women out of power, and then restore the patriarchal social structure, and vigorously crack down on the development of women, such as foot binding and not going out, etc. may be used again by them, and will Blame all the mistakes of Dalan's disintegration on the women.

Therefore, the best way is to maintain a balance between men and women in the military and government. In this way, it will only take a hundred years for people to get used to it, and then there will be no big problems due to bias towards one side.

Of course there must be conflicts, and the best balance is a three-legged situation, but there are only men and women in this world, there is no third gender, you say eunuch!? But the eunuch is also a man, with Da Lan's law, It is also against the law to castrate men without authorization. This is to cause serious physical injury and disability to others.

So since there is no way to achieve a better balance, then maintain a benign competitive relationship.

If hundreds of years later, the land of China is invaded and has to be changed, then these problems do not exist. Unfortunately, if we want to promote this process peacefully now, there will be many more problems. This is why many things cannot be copied. A little bit of reason to make modifications.

"You want to open up shipping!?" The Eighth Princess Zhang Fu looked at the documents on the construction of the navy in her hand and frowned, "Are you in a hurry!?"

The Daqing Dynasty, like many dynasties in history, implemented a sea ban. In addition, the navigation technology of this era was backward, and the risk of going to sea was too great. Moreover, the emperor basically did not know how rich overseas was. China, I feel that this is the most developed and resource-rich country in the world, so naturally I can't see everything overseas.

Coupled with the concealment of the people below, almost all the emperors have determined that overseas is a desolate place, and there are Japanese pirates working as pirates in the coastal areas, so in order to keep the wealth of their dynasty from leaking out, these emperors will decree to ban the sea. People seem to be stupid and cute, but from the emperor's point of view, it is reasonable and reasonable. They never imagined that hundreds of years later, because they were derailed from the world, they only cared about fighting among themselves, and in the end, catastrophe would come because of backwardness, and they would become sinners of.

The princesses have all stayed in that library for a long time, so they naturally know how vast the outside world is, and how insignificant Daqing Chao and Da Lan are in the whole world, but precisely because they know this, they feel It should be better to play steadily.

Zhang Qing shook his head, "I'm a little anxious, but there's nothing I can do about it. Internal problems have turned into external problems. This is the simplest and crudest solution to temporarily solve Dalan's domestic problems. We can't always rely on Daqing and The surrounding barbarians feed so many people."

The main reason is that Dalan needs to develop in all aspects, and there is a financial crisis, and because she strictly restrains the merchants, most of the merchants can only trade within Dalan's territory, which makes Dalan's development somewhat abnormal now, and the interior is already fast. Saturation, if you don't do anything else to make the stagnant water flow, I'm afraid Da Lan will have big problems because of the stopped pace.

Moreover, in this era, foreigners from overseas have already come to the Asian continent, but there are relatively few of them.

The age of great voyages should be coming soon. If we don’t develop sea power now, I’m afraid it will be too late. Besides, those little devils and pirates are annoying enough. You must know that most of Dalan’s territory is close to the coast. I don’t dare to go ashore, but I’ve been peeping there, which is also annoying. Many salt fields in Dalan are also by the sea, and seafood is also an important marine resource. These Japanese pirates have been wandering there, making it impossible for fishermen to go out to sea How about fishing!?

As the current leader of Dalan's military, Li Hongying naturally mentioned the establishment of a navy, but because the government affairs department has been short of manpower, Zhang Qing suppressed this matter, because she is really too busy, and the establishment of a navy also requires Many things, ordinary ships are simply not feasible, and it takes a lot of time and energy to cultivate a navy that can adapt to sea battles. Li Hongying alone is not enough, she has to manage the current army.

Fortunately, it is not to engage in the air force, otherwise Zhang Guan will be paralyzed.

Iron boats are definitely impossible, power alone is a big problem, and the management of iron and salt is too strict in this era, most of the mines are not in the territory of Dalan, it is not easy to get so much iron, these are all necessary solved in the future.

And in this day and age, iron ships are not actually needed.

But it doesn’t mean that it’s easy. Wooden boats also need technology, and it’s not that Zhang Qing has technical materials. It depends on whether the craftsmen can do it. At that time, no one had experience in building seagoing ships at all, and this had to be explored slowly.

Now that the arrival of the princesses has left Zhang Qing a lot of free time, naturally these things that have been suppressed for a long time have to be resolved. After such a long time, the craftsmen should have 220 results. Naturally, the navy has to raise It's on the agenda.

The Daqing Dynasty intends to take it slowly, but for the barbarians who are not Han people, there is not so much to consider. Violent solutions will be over. Only fools will do it with benevolence, righteousness and etiquette. Dalan is also very short of slaves now, because they are not regarded as human beings, so no slave owners are willing to spend too much to treat sick slaves. If they are sick, they can only wait to die.

It is very difficult to get rid of the status of a slave and be promoted to a Dalan person, but it is actually very simple. Basically, as long as the value created is enough, you can become a third-class citizen. Therefore, although the slave owner will not pay wages, there are still people who work. The invisible wages are there, as long as there is no trouble during the working period, after a period of time, you can actually be promoted to a third-class citizen and get out of slavery.


Besides, the slaves do not really belong to other slave owners, they are also the property of Dalan, so not everyone can kill them, why do you think there are still people who die of illness!? Hehe,

Medical technology is like that in this day and age, don’t medicines cost money!?

If you are obedient and obedient at ordinary times, the supervisor will not really refuse to save you, but if you are always a stabbing head, you will die if you die.

Do easy work, and those who are disobedient will be sent to mining, etc., the death rate will naturally be high.

So those overseas barbarians are undoubtedly pillows delivered to your door. There are really not many thorns now. Every slave is about to become a third-class citizen, although he is not yet a regular citizen.

They can't enjoy the treatment of the people of Dalan, but they are also out of slavery, and they will be able to receive wages at that time. Although they are lower than the people of Dalan, they still need to be paid, which causes

increased costs.

If you want to completely abolish slaves, you need the entire Dalan to enter full-scale industrialization, at least you need the steam engine to appear, so now there are more slaves brought back from overseas expeditions.


The only thing I don't understand is why the original slaves should be given the opportunity to be promoted. Most people think that it is best for these barbarians to be slaves all the time, so that they can have free labor

But because of Zhang Qing's strength, everyone can only obey.

Now that there is a new source of slaves, naturally no one will jump out to oppose it. Of course, it is not that no one opposes it, but those Confucian students. It is a pity that no one listens to their words.

In other words, I said I am not lonely.

[The author has something to say: the first two chapters have been unbanned, just refresh the invisible ones, and I won’t say more about the reasons. 】.

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