Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

330 The Widowed Old Man Has No Friends!

Poor and rich in martial arts, if the food problem is not solved, there is really no way to support the army. It is still the kind of people who have learned the world of martial arts and practice martial arts. Basically, every soldier is a big eater.

This also made Zhang Qing have to ask people to study food that can give these big eaters enough energy, otherwise, the time spent on eating each day would be enough for such an army to become waste.

The problem is that among so many worlds, none of the worlds need this kind of food, so there is no convenience for copying and borrowing. It’s not that there is really no such thing, otherwise, with the strength of the people in those worlds, ordinary food can basically maintain The problem is that the food in those worlds is not comparable to the crops in Zhang Qing's world. Although the name is the same and the appearance is similar, the energy in an ordinary rice can support Zhang Qing's life. The people of the world.

This is why it is so difficult for Zhang Qing to practice martial arts secrets in the world of martial arts.

As for this problem, the people in Zhang Qing's world will definitely not be able to solve it in a short period of time. Not to mention that there are no talents in this field, but the backward technology makes it difficult to research and manufacture.

So it all depends on the self in other worlds, especially the self in the dog blood world. As a relatively ordinary world, although there are dragon kings and the like in the dog blood world, it is still a relatively low-end one in essence. The ordinary world, coupled with the fact that it has entered the stage of modern society, has sufficient conditions for research and development.

So Zhang Qing can only hand over the problem to the other party. Of course, other Zhang Qing can also provide a little help. Most of them live in a relatively advanced world. Even if they are not in scientific research, they can also hire other people to do things for them. .

I believe that after a while, I will be able to have a high-energy formula that can be synthesized even at the current level of Zhang Qing's world.

Time passed day by day, and on the fifth day, Chen Xian finally came to the hinterland of Dalan, which was originally the area of ​​Guangdong.

After a long journey, Zhang Qing wanted to let him rest for a day, but the old man insisted on coming to see Zhang Qing as soon as he arrived here. His face was full of red, and he didn't look like an old man who was dying at all.

Although he didn't quite understand why the other party was so eager to see him, Zhang Qing agreed because it would be good to meet him as soon as possible.

But if Chen Xian pointed out what she did, and persuaded him to obey Confucianism and govern the country with Confucianism, she would throw him out without hesitation.

However, the result surprised Zhang Qing.

The other party not only had no objection to her actions that were not in line with this era, but also supported her very much, and even agreed with her current actions to suppress Confucianism, which surprised Zhang Qing very much.

Moreover, the other party seems to know her very well, which makes Zhang Qing very strange. After all, she has only been the other party's student for more than two years, and she just took the enlightenment class to learn some superficial knowledge. become illiterate.

When you are older, the prince will be sent to receive a higher level of education, and the princess will basically graduate, and you can learn anything you want. Generally, what you can learn is piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, and no one can learn it or not. I don't care, it all depends on self-awareness, anyway, I will marry in the future, and this era does not require women to be talented, and lack of talent is virtue, so naturally they don't expect to really learn something, anyway, the more useless they are.

As a princess, she basically lives in the harem, so she has very little contact with people outside, especially men. It is impossible for Zhang Qing to be too familiar with the other party, so she is very surprised by the other party's behavior.

After observing for a while, I found that what the other party said was from the bottom of my heart. Zhang Qing didn't bother to probe into the strangeness of the other party, so he accepted the other party directly and put him in an important position. A male official, and one with a very high reputation.

Obviously, as soon as this news came out, those diehards were happy, but at the same time they didn't understand.

And soon it was hopeless, because Chen Xian was not on the same front as them at all, he was a complete traitor, which also made these people who originally respected each other and were their teachers very angry.

Chen Xian has even been put on the first place of their hatred, and Zhang Qing, the empress, has become the second place.

Zhang Qing also jokingly said, "Mr. Chen, you have to be careful about being assassinated. Now many people want to eat you alive.||."

Chen Xian stroked his beard and said with a smile, "It's okay, I'm just some idiots who don't know how to read, I'm not afraid. When I was young, I also wanted to kill foreign enemies with a sword, so don't look at me as a Confucian master, in fact The old man is still very good at fighting."

As for those weak scholars who are powerless and only rely on their parents to support them, Chen Xian really has nothing to fear. Could it be possible to hire killers in Dalan? He doesn't believe that Zhang and the others can allow such things to happen, so those An idiot can only enjoy his mouthful.

"However, we still have to deal with these people properly. Just leaving them alone is always a cause of uneasiness. Your Majesty should solve them this morning."

Zhang Qing glanced at the other party and nodded, "It is indeed necessary to deal with it. I planned to deal with it before, but because you are coming, I want to see your opinion. Now it seems that I have underestimated you. , if you have no opinion, I will not hesitate to write it down."

Zhang Qing's eyes were a bit cold. She had endured enough of those people long ago. She was so stubborn. Did she really dare to do anything to them!? She had the ability to bring Kong Shengren back to life and kill her with a slap, otherwise Don't keep your mouth shut and bury the sage's words, it will be annoying to listen to.

Chen Xian shook his head and sighed, "Just do it, Your Majesty, I won't have any opinions."

"It just so happens that the navy also needs actual combat training. Let these people go together and see if their sage words can influence those Japanese pirates. If it can be done, I don't mind satisfying them. Confucianism will continue to shine."

Zhang Qing put away his cold eyes and said with a gentle smile on his face.

It can't be seen that she was still murderous just a moment ago, but she looks like a mild-tempered person.

Chen Xian shook his head amusedly. He is very familiar with this princess, because he has been with her for many years in his previous life, so he knows that the more gentle the other party smiles, the more miserable the person she is targeting will be. Was tossed to death.

Moreover, if they wanted to use words to influence the enemy, the political strategists in the Warring States period did not dare to do so. At that time, the language was still generally intelligible to each other.

But the Japanese pirates, that croaking, who knows what the other party is talking about!?

Isn't this just a job for pastime? I'm afraid that if those people really dare to go up, they will be chopped down with a knife.

In addition, life at sea is not an easy thing. I am afraid that seasickness will make these people uncomfortable. After the calculation, if you don’t admit defeat this time, there will be more opportunities to go to sea in the future. Japanese pirates are rampant around here, and the number is very large.

"Your Majesty, are you in a hurry? I'm afraid the soldiers haven't adapted to fighting at sea..." Chen Xian said worriedly.

The reason why the Daqing Dynasty directly banned the sea was because the soldiers of the Daqing Dynasty could not adapt to sea warfare at all. Fighting the Japanese pirates at sea lost more than they won, and there was no benefit. It would only waste manpower and material resources in vain. But no one is going to fight the reason, the loss outweighs the gain.

Zhang Qing shook his head, "If you go and take a look, you will understand the combat effectiveness of those soldiers.

It is true that they haven't adapted yet, but even if this kind of little superman's combat power at sea is greatly reduced, it is not comparable to those Japanese pirates. .

Although practicing martial arts also pays attention to innate talent, but it is not as important as cultivating immortals. Basically, as long as there is enough food to replenish qi and blood, you can continue to become stronger, and it can't make people live longer, which saves a lot of trouble.

As long as the court controls the food with sufficient energy in the future, it will naturally not be afraid of the situation where chivalrous use of martial arts is banned, and it is impossible for the rivers and lakes to be separated from the court.

Chen Xian was a little surprised that Zhang Qing would say that. From his point of view, no matter how hard he exercised, it was just the same thing. After all, he was also a veteran of two dynasties, and now he is a veteran of three dynasties. Those generals are just stronger, if three or five people besiege them, they will still be easily defeated.

So Chen Xian couldn't understand Zhang Qing's words.

If it wasn't for knowing that the original Ninth Princess was not that kind of reckless person, I'm afraid she would have to bluntly tell her to think twice.

Of course, if Zhang Qing's unreliable father said this, Chen Xian would have jumped up and slapped him on the head, telling him not to take the soldier's life as a joke, but it was Zhang Qing who said it. Even if Chen Xian still had doubts, he would not object casually until he had seen the real situation.

"Okay, you can go and see for yourself later, I will inform Hongying to let you go, you will understand why I am so confident after you have seen enough." Seeing the other party's expression, Zhang Qing knew that he was not I didn't fully believe it, let's not talk about Chen Xian. In fact, those soldiers didn't believe it before they accepted martial arts training.

It is precisely because they have become little supermen one by one now, so these soldiers are very warlike, and they are also very dissatisfied with Zhang Qing's order that they should not harass the surrounding countries any more. How depressing it is to practice hard.

It’s all right now. When I heard that a navy is going to be established and they can go to sea to fight, everyone has signed up. If Zhang Qing hadn’t limited the number of people, I’m afraid the army would be gone, and all of them would become the navy. This is not the world of One Piece, there is really only the navy , wouldn't it be a joke!?

So now, in order to fight for a spot, there are all contestants competing for the spot. Chen Xian only needs to take a look, and his jaw will drop to the ground in shock. With this kind of force, after the battle, it is basically one-sided Massacre, unless the Japanese pirates have artillery, it is impossible to defeat the Dalan Navy.

Not to mention, the weapon is still a steel sword, just like the tattered samurai sword of the Japanese pirates, which breaks as soon as it hits it, so why resist!?

Seeing Zhang Qing's swearing, Chen Xian didn't say much, and planned to go there later to see how powerful a soldier who can make this cautious and insidious Ninth Princess so confident.

It seems that the old man still has a lot of ignorance about Da Lan. "Chen Xian said with a smile, and at the same time, he also planned to get to know Dalan well. The situation in Yancheng before was quite different from here.

"This is not urgent. If you still have any like-minded old friends, I hope you can let them come too. I am short of manpower here. You have also seen that my sisters are already resentful because of too much work. That's a lot." If it wasn't for the fact that the old man was too old, Zhang Qing also planned to squeeze the other party, because he was afraid that the other party would die suddenly, so he reduced the workload. Zhang Fu and the others would be very envious (good Zhao Hao).

Chen Xian smiled wryly when he heard the words, "I don't have any like-minded friends, people like me may have been rejected by the Daqing court long ago, I can only be counted as an exception, if not for my farewell earlier, I am afraid that I have already entered the coffin. "

Chen Xian knew his own family affairs, he knew very well that he was a different kind, the late emperor valued him only because of his talent, and Chen Xian even

The principle of keeping a low profile did not let other people see that he was an outlier in Confucianism, otherwise he would not be able to stay at all, and the first emperor was still a monarch who wanted to do something, although there was nothing wrong with him.

He is not so talented, but at least he is sensible and dares to employ people.

But Emperor Shunzhao may not be. I am afraid that if Chen Xian continues to stay, he will definitely die badly. That's why Chen Xian took the opportunity to leave the center of the court's vortex in his previous life. After all, the elders of the two dynasties

With his status and prestige, I am afraid that Emperor Shunzhao will regard him as a thorn in his flesh.

Others don't know how to be low-key at all, and think that they are truly for the country and the people, so they speak out and are not afraid. This courage is good, but once they express their position, they already have a position.

Naturally, there was no good result, so by the time Chen Xian became an extremely human minister, there were no more like-minded people behind him.

In that rotten court, a person like him couldn't survive at all.

At that time, Chen Xian, who thought he could do something at that height, was also disappointed in his development. He couldn't see anyone who supported him, and he couldn't do anything at all.

Especially the emperor may not always be on his side, this is the saddest thing.

Zhang Qing sighed, "Isn't there even one worth it! Light?"

Why are you so autistic and introverted without any friends!?

Chen Xian also sighed, "I have no friends."

He is just a lonely old man. .

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