Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

331 Influence The Japanese Pirates With Love!

What kind of country is the foot pot chicken country? In fact, you can imagine it without any in-depth understanding. First of all, the land area is not large, and it is an island country surrounded by the sea. It is not a country rich in resources no matter in terms of geography or climate.

Therefore, it is doomed that before the emergence of the world village, the people of these foot-pot chicken countries would go to sea to become pirates if they wanted to support themselves. However, their country's resources are too short, and there is no advanced technology, so they can't do it at all. What kind of ocean-going ship.

If it weren't for two or three close neighbors, I'm afraid I wouldn't even be able to become a pirate.

Of course, these pirates like the people of the Daqing Dynasty the most, oh, no, they should be the people of the Celestial Kingdom of the past dynasties, because it is very interesting that these people, no matter how they offend, attack and plunder them, they will not kill them all. Sometimes There will also be a few who secretly collude with them to kill their own people to make a fortune, which is simply a lucrative business.

What's more interesting is that the people from the Central Plains fight against each other from time to time, and they don't even care about the land of their little chicken country. As long as they verbally express their submission, they will send them technical gifts. There is nothing more important than this. Good neighbors, they love these idiots the most.

Haha, some time ago, I heard that the emperor of Daqing sent princesses to several foreign countries in the surrounding area. No, the foot basin chicken country is not far behind, and immediately sent envoys to ask Emperor Shunzhao to let a princess and They got married. It was not their turn to do such a good thing before, but now it might be possible to make trouble together. When the time comes, advanced technology, treasures and excellent genes will enter their country. How wonderful!

However, the envoy went, but there was no way to bring back any princesses. It wasn't that Emperor Shunzhao didn't want to. In the previous time, one by one got married, even if 860 was originally booked for several years, they all got married immediately, regardless of whether they were in time or not.

Emperor Shunzhao really has no choice, like the envoy of the foot basin chicken country, he doesn't care whether it is really a princess, he wants to imply that it is okay for Emperor Shunzhao to make a commoner girl a princess at will, but Emperor Shunzhao's original intention is to use his own The bloodline controls the surrounding countries, commoner women are not related to him, and he is not stupid, how could he make these outsiders princesses, his princesses are precious.

Of course, another reason is that the old mother of a commoner girl is really not good-looking, and he really can't bear to be a Cao thief, and it's not a two-dimensional world. Women from powerful families are able to take care of them, but ordinary people don't have this condition , Naturally aging quickly, coupled with the need to do rough work, it is absolutely impossible to look satisfactory.

So Emperor Shunzhao told the envoys from various countries that after a few years he would give birth to a few more daughters, and he would send them to marry the princess when he was older. In these countries, of course, Emperor Shunzhao did not agree with the word "send". He thought it was a reward, a charity.

Although each of these countries failed to achieve their goals, the fool emperor still gave them benefits, and naturally they were all very happy.

It's just that these people couldn't laugh anymore, because a group of red-clothed robbers came out of nowhere and robbed them halfway, not only money, but also someone, so they waited for a long time. The rulers of these countries who came back with their envoys are afraid that they will not be able to wait until the day they die.

But the people in the foot pot chicken country have not realized this, and there is a bad news waiting for them at this time, that is, their pirate business has suddenly shrunk, except for the area belonging to the Daqing Dynasty, which is the area of ​​modern Shanghai Besides, the further south they went, the harder it was for them to "do business" (cadh).

As soon as they landed and logged in, they would be surrounded by a gang of killing gods. If not everyone had gone ashore, no one would have survived to tell the Nanman kingdoms that the coast had changed.

Looking at the coastal area, there are soldiers stationed 24 hours a day. These Japanese pirates can only sulk. They are afraid of people because they are not afraid of death and fierce. But now they can’t beat others. Seeing the excitement of a lamb waiting to be slaughtered is simply amazing.

(PS: Zhang Qing didn't want to take slaves from the Chicken Kingdom, especially men, so the soldiers killed them all.)

Now the Japanese pirates are worried about getting too close to the coastline, so they can only watch from a distance, wanting to see if there is an opportunity to take advantage of it.

As for the Daqing Dynasty, the Daqing Dynasty was the most powerful(?) in the current era. The area is desolate, and no one lives at all. Even the metropolis, Demon City, is very desolate during this period, because it is near the sea.

After the Japanese pirates landed, they couldn’t grab anything except sand, stones and trees, and some of them were guarded by soldiers from the Qing Dynasty. After landing on land, they played city defense wars with others. What they did was to harass the surrounding small villages (fishing villages) and do business with the traitors of the Daqing Dynasty.

Why do you still plunder some coastal areas!? Ha, the Daqing Dynasty didn’t plan to spend money on the military at all, and the military spending was shortened every year, so except for a few prosperous towns, most areas still have nothing to protect themselves Those officials were the first to pack up their belongings and run away when they saw the news of the Japanese pirates coming ashore. Could it be that the people in the yamen couldn't resist, they usually bully and bully the common people? .

In fact, Japanese pirates are not terrible. Both weapons and ships are very vulnerable. They don't have the resources to forge swords, and their skills are not good enough. If those samurai swords collide with Daqing's sabers, they will break after two or three hits. This is especially true for ships. These are all caused by the lack of resources in their country, but they have become a disaster. These are all related to the inaction of the imperial court in this era.

As long as you make up your mind to deal with the Japanese pirates, there won't be so many troubles.

This day, a group of Japanese pirates were taking their broken boat to observe the coast of Dalan, to see if there are still soldiers stationed there. They don’t believe that there will be changes in the Central Plains, no matter which dynasty will end up with military expenses. The cost is too high, especially on the border defense of the coastline, just to resist the Japanese pirates, it is a bit too wasteful, so in the end they will cancel the withdrawal of troops, and the Japanese pirates are waiting for this opportunity.

However, there was always an opportunity to wait for this day. There was no soldier stationed on the coastline, but there were several huge three-sail ships. Compared with these warships, their wrecked ships were pitifully small.

But the Japanese pirates were very happy, because everyone knew that people in the Central Plains were not good at fighting at sea, and there were no cannons and guns these days, and bows and arrows at sea were not easy to use, so these books could only be used to fight with knives at close quarters.

These Japanese pirates looked at these big and beautiful three-sail warships, each of them was full of greed, as long as they killed the people on board, these ships would all belong to them, and they were all gearing up, waiting for these big ships to approach. Planning to climb up.

However, what these Japanese pirates didn't know was that a group of white-robed soldiers on the boat were waiting for them to come up with their arms folded. They didn't come over to fight them right away, just because in front of these white-robed soldiers, there were dozens of frail scholars with trembling lips. , his face was pale, and he was pushed to the front in some despair.

"Come on! Masters, use your sage words to influence these pirates, hee hee..."

"That's right, didn't you suggest that Your Majesty follow the sage's words, saying that fighting, killing and killing is vulgar and stupid. At this time, it is time to show the demeanor of a great country and surrender without fighting!? Go! We are all waiting for how you subdue others Where are the soldiers!?"

"Yes, we are big bastards, but we don't have your skills. Hurry up, weapons!? What weapons!? What are you doing with weapons!? A gentleman uses his mouth but not his hands, isn't that what you said!?"

"Unreasonable!? Oh, why is it unreasonable? You all said these things before, and we just let you demonstrate. Didn't you say that your majesty is wrong to use military force!? As long as you can do what you say , we took the initiative to resign from His Majesty, and went back to be farmers. "Can't you do it!?"

A group of big-headed soldiers were laughing and laughing one by one, you and I said these things before the scholars whose eyes were above their heads and looked at people with their nostrils were speechless, and the sailors all looked at these trembling legs with mocking eyes Saint disciple.

Completely ignoring the Japanese pirates who were climbing the hull and getting closer to the upper deck.

To be honest, these sea soldiers did not expect that these Japanese pirates would really come up on their own initiative. They had already made plans to chase them at sea.

Chen Xian was standing by the sea. At this time, his mortal eyes could no longer see their ships. He said worriedly, "It's still too urgent. These soldiers are not very proficient in how to drive these three-sail warships. I'm afraid it will be difficult to catch up with those Japanese pirates fleeing so fast at sea."

Chen Xian himself wanted to go with the fleet, but unfortunately he was too old, no one would let him go with him.

This made Chen Xian work hard to learn how to drive these three-sail boats these days, but it was all useless. He was a little puzzled. When he was studying, no one said anything, but when he set off, he told him that you can't go together. Chen Xian doesn't need it. Everyone knows that this must be Zhang Qing's ghost idea, this princess has such a bad personality.


Xin Tong was a little speechless, "Master, don't make trouble for everyone."

"You girl, how long have you been here in Dalan? Why do you keep talking for the people here? Am I making trouble for you, old man!? I am familiar with military books, old man. "You can be a Confucian general even on the battlefield. "

Seeing Chen Xian's very angry look, Xin Tong rolled her eyes, "Yes, yes."

She has also seen how powerful those big-headed soldiers are. The old bone of her master was not a mess in the past, and...

"If you don't go back, you will have to stay up late at work today, and I can't help you.

"Ah......" Chen Xian also had a headache when he heard about the work. He used to think that he was hardworking enough, but he didn't expect that when he was in the Daqing court, it was pediatrics. The iron man has to fall apart, and those princesses don't know how to respect the elderly, they always secretly give him work, thinking he doesn't know!

"Don't look at me, I'm stupid, I really can't help you, you know that!" Seeing her master looking at her again, Xin Tong hurriedly took over.

She is not material for studying, let alone dealing with government affairs, and she is dizzy looking at the content above.

"Emwood head!" Chen Xian looked at his "raised" granddaughter speechlessly, and every time he taught her to read, he would shirk, "Forget it, let's go back, or His Majesty will have to send someone to invite the old man back.".

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