Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

333 The Fantastic Thoughts Of An Eastern Madman!


The huge explosion woke up the sleeping people, the house shook amid the roar, and the windows slammed.

Residents of Yunhai City, the temporary national center of Dalan, and its surrounding cities got up from their beds one after another. In a panic, they didn't even put on their clothes, and went out. mess around.

Fortunately, the guards were still working normally at night, and they quickly calmed down the people, so that the panic did not spread further.

As the leader of Dalan, Zhang Qing had to get out of the bed, put on his clothes, and ordered someone to find out what happened. The sound really wanted to explode, but now there is no natural gas at all, although the army had it before. Explosives have been used, but they are not very powerful, that is, they are stronger than fireworks.

It's not that Zhang Qing doesn't like hot weapons, but that in the overall backward era, the cost of manufacturing hot weapons is very high, and even the probability of musket explosions is astonishingly high. You must know that in the original history, guns were born from It is only available in the late period of the dynasty, and there are very few dresses. One can imagine how unrealistic it is to engage in hot weapons in advance at this time.

And there is another problem.

It is the appearance of hot weapons that has shortened the distance between ordinary people and Lianjiazi. That is to say, even if ordinary people get it, they will pose a threat to soldiers. good thing.

It’s not that ordinary people are necessarily bad, but that some people are inherently bad. Can you imagine that a rich businessman would not want to build his own private army!? In the past, he would be afraid of the imperial army, but the "840" is With hot weapons, is it difficult for them to secretly make their own armed forces!?

The country still needs to spend most of its funds on various constructions, but capital does not do this. What's more, capital can easily attract ordinary people to join them in pirate ships. Why!? Because you work for him , rather than working for the country, this is the fundamental problem.

If it is the modern environment that Dalan is in, then it is fine, but it happens to be in a backward era, there is no telephone, no internet, and it is impossible to supervise the whole country in time, so the emergence of thermal weapons is very important for a country, especially an emerging country. , absolutely devastating.

It can be developed, but definitely not now, at least Dalan must be stable in all aspects, and the overall technology has also come up.

Soon, the people sent out came back to report the situation.

The place where the explosion occurred was the scientific research institute on the outskirts of Yunhai City. Yes, Zhang Qing set up a scientific research institute for those who are engaged in technology to study there. As for what to study, it is actually nothing, just how to improve the production efficiency of various industries , Even the improvement of tools has dedicated people to study.

Simply relying on cattle is absolutely not feasible, and farmers cannot afford too many cattle.

.." Zhang Qing was a little speechless. She remembered that she didn't order anyone to study any dangerous things!? How could she make such a big noise? The sound is probably no worse than a small missile.

"Is everyone okay, no, it's night, why are there still people there!?"

Zhang Qing originally wanted to ask about casualties, but as soon as she asked, she realized that it was late at night, and the time was around three o'clock in the night. There should be no one there, but the perimeter is heavily guarded to prevent outsiders from entering.

The female guard who was questioned froze for a moment, nodded and said, "It's evening, but Mr. Dongfang, he didn't get off work today. According to him, he still has the final work to finish, so

Oriental Huaian!?

As soon as Zhang Qing heard Mr. Dongfang mentioned by the female soldier, he knew who it was. After all, the surname Dongfang is still rare. In Dalan, he is still working in the research institute, that is, Dongfang Huai'an who is obsessed with researching secret black family mechanism techniques. up.

"Is the person dead!?" Zhang Qing wanted to scold someone, she remembered that the other party was specialized in mechanical techniques, and logically speaking, it had nothing to do with explosives and the like, how could such a thing happen!?

When the female soldier saw Zhang Qing's expression of "I'm not dead, I'll kill him now", she immediately wiped off the sweat for Dongfang Huai'an. Her Majesty the Empress seemed really angry.

"It's not dead, but a factory building was blown up to the sky, and other surrounding factories were also affected..." The more the female soldier said, the more cold sweat shed, because Zhang Qing's gaze was so terrifying.

"Where are people!?" Zhang Qing gritted his teeth, what kind of plane!? Fortunately, there were no people around at night, otherwise all the scientific research talents Da Lan recruited with great difficulty would be destroyed, but now the economic loss is also very large , You know, the scientific research institute is not really just building a greenhouse casually. If it is rebuilt now, it will cost a lot.

Not to mention, I don't know if the research materials and results inside have been wiped out.

"Sent to the hospital..." The female soldier swallowed and said.

"But he's still in a coma..."

"Your Majesty!" Li Hongying also rushed over at this time, and was relieved to see that Zhang Qing was fine.

"Okay, I'm fine here, let people strengthen the patrol, if something like this happens, someone might want to take the opportunity to make trouble, let the soldiers keep an eye on it."


After Li Hongying left with the people, Zhang Qing said to the female guard again, "When that guy wakes up, let him come to see me, even if he is disabled, and now don't let him go to the Institute of Humanity, Wait for dawn before sending someone to clean it up."

To be honest, Zhang Qing was also a little confused. He worked hard on mechanism research, why did it explode!? Now he was afraid that it would explode again, so he tried not to let people get close.

So this kind of overtime maniac is the most annoying, why don't you go home and sleep well!?

"Yes!" After the female guard saluted, she planned to leave and gave Zhang Qing's order.

"Wait! How's that guy hurt!?" Zhang Qing was about to go back to sleep, but at this moment his anger probably subsided, and he remembered to care about Dongfang Huai'an's health. He turned around and called out to the girl who was about to leave. guard.

"Except for the unexplained coma, there is no trauma!" The female guard was not angry, and directly answered the question Zhang Qing wanted to know.

"Huh!?" Zhang Qing frowned, that guy had practiced the golden bell before, but in this world's situation, he couldn't even practice martial arts!?

Probably seeing Zhang Qing's doubts, the female guard simply explained, "Mr. Dongfang was very far away from the explosion site when he was discovered. Maybe he realized something was wrong and escaped early, but he didn't escape completely. It was still affected by the aftermath."

Regarding explosives, these soldiers are still very clear. Although they have been transferred to the Security Department and do not need to go to the battlefield, but because they have been in direct contact with them and witnessed the explosion with their own eyes, they can probably deduce the situation at that time.

"En." Zhang Qing also agreed with the female guard's words very much, because Zhang Qing knew that Dongfang Huai'an was a scientific researcher, and it was impossible for him to have practiced martial arts, and those martial arts were not accessible to just anyone. For this Zhang Bi It looks very authentic.

So Dongfang Huai'an was not injured much and it was explained.

"It's okay, let's go back.


The next day, in Zhang Qing's office, Zhang Qing finally met Dongfang Huai'an. At this time, the other party was smiling awkwardly, rubbing his hands with some anxiety, and looking at him with a flattering face, his face slightly swollen. .

This guy is still wearing tattered clothes, he probably hasn't gone home to change and wash, and some places are still dark, looking sloppy, like a beggar, especially now that his hair and beard are messy, giving people a sense of shame. The impression was even worse.

No wonder before he came to Dalan, his neighbors called him an oriental lunatic.

Very much like a madman indeed.

Along the way, in the government building, all the officials, men and women, deliberately avoided this guy when they passed by. One can imagine how bad he is now.

Zhang Qing doesn't know how to scold this person anymore, he is an adult in his thirties anyway, why does he act like a child? Is it because Shi Song is single!?

"Xiaoxiaoxiao, you are still embarrassed to laugh, do you know what happened to you!? That is, there was no one there last night, otherwise you will be sent to the prison to wait for the death penalty. I didn't warn you before ,Did you say that projects with dangerous missions must be reported in advance!?"

Zhang Qing was thinking about whether to add a condition in the future, that he must already have a family, why everyone is like a brat, and the house will be set on fire without looking at it.. 0

"Well, I won't laugh, I won't laugh..." Dongfang Huai'an coughed, and Dong was there even more embarrassed.

"Explain, what are you doing? I remember that your application is for vehicles!" Zhang Qing rubbed her brows and asked tiredly. She thought this guy was planning to get a bicycle before. Kind of, I didn't expect it to explode, what kind of thing is this!?

Don't underestimate bicycles. In this era, there is no rubber and most of the technologies are not up to standard. It is very difficult to realize, so it is not that Zhang Qing does not want to manufacture, but it is almost impossible to manufacture successfully. After all, many parts of bicycles are also very difficult. Fine, it is very difficult to manufacture in this era, let alone mass-produced.

So what Zhang Qing means is to let these people diverge their thinking and come up with a means of transportation that can be mass-produced in this era. The original wooden carriages and the like are actually too backward and poor. Often the cost of many commodities is On this backward transport.

"Haha, this one, I'm really researching cars..." Dongfang Huai'an was a little aggrieved when asked about this, but soon he explained his thinking to Zhang Qing enthusiastically, "I think using The horse is too passive to pull the cart. This time, it is subject to the strengths and weaknesses of the horse, and the horse will get sick and tired. No matter how I improve the cart, I can’t achieve the expected effect at all. So I wonder if it is possible to manufacture What about a car that doesn’t need a horse to move!?”

"My original idea was to combine mechanism techniques to create a human-driven vehicle, but later I found that such a vehicle could not carry too many heavy things at all, and it was tiring to work hard by myself, so I I thought it would be great if I could move by myself without manpower, horsepower, or any external force.”

Zhang Qing was dumbfounded, does this guy want to go to heaven!?

"Then do you think of a solution!?"

"Of course!" Dongfang Huai'an was even excited, "I was worried and didn't know what to do, but one day I saw the fireworks blooming in the night sky, and I had an inspiration. I could get a jet behind the car Ah, with the impetus of fireworks...."

Hearing the opening and closing of this lunatic Barabara's mouth, Zhang Qing's excitement at the beginning was gone, and he stared at him indifferently. This guy should really be sent to a mental hospital and locked up. Hehe, he installed fireworks in the back of the car to launch device!?

And you still think that the power is not big enough, and you can make a more powerful explosion!? Why don’t you get a cannon in the back and push it by firing shells!? No big explosion will happen, and the lunatic should be killed in it.

She also thought that the other party would come up with something similar to a steam engine at 0.5!? Really

Think too much.

You ask why Zhang Qing didn't make a steam engine by himself!? Hehe, if it can be done, she also thinks, the problem is that everything is lacking in this age, and Zhang Qing also wants these people to make it themselves.

development, rather than relying on her to overwhelm the growth, because that would not be good for future development.

But the other party dared to think about it, but he wanted to use the car as a rocket.

If this is not a rare talent, Zhang Jing really wants to put him in death row, so as not to continue to harm the world.

After Dongfang Huai'an's excitement slowly subsided, he also noticed that Zhang Qing was looking at him very unkindly, so he stopped talking immediately, and looked down at his toes.

"Say it, why don't you continue talking, you can really do it, Mr. Dongfang, why don't you go to heaven!? Next time you dare to use explosives or make explosives without permission, I will tie you to the smoke

Let's go to heaven together. "Zhang Qing said angrily.

"Then... can I continue to study!?" Dongfang Huai'an is worried about this now. If Zhang Qing doesn't let him continue to study, he may feel worse than death.

Da Lan is great, he doesn't have to worry about other issues, he just needs to concentrate on studying the things he is interested in, and no one makes irresponsible remarks, he doesn't want to lose this


"Changing the direction, the previous disallowance is no longer allowed. It is impossible for me to allow this kind of car that will explode to appear in Dalan, and it is impossible for the common people to accept this kind of car that will blow themselves up at any time.

Do you understand the car in the sky!?" At the end, Zhang Qing said almost word for word.

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