After Dongfang Huai'an came out, Zhang Qing also strengthened the supervision of these scientific research lunatics. She was afraid that her little heart might not be able to bear it anytime she was given a "surprise".

On the contrary, the Academy of Agricultural Sciences is more secure, because they have the notes of Yuan Gong's hybrid rice, so now the people there are very keen on how to cultivate better crops with higher yields. Apart from rice, other crops are also used by these people. Think about it.

Unless something like the pea shooter in the plant zombie is produced, there is no possibility of any accidents at all. It is Da Lan's most responsible department to reassure Zhang Qing. After all, what can an honest agronomist do! ?

However, what Zhang Qing didn't know was that these guys were also secretly making troubles. Although this world is an ordinary world, because of Zhang Qing's relationship, there are still some extraordinary things, such as internal strength, yes, these guys It is no longer satisfied with ordinary crossbreeding, and has moved its attention from plants to animals and humans.

Especially the soldiers of Dalan, all of them are small supermen, in the eyes of ordinary people, they are magical species, which are very worthy of study, these are all ignored by Zhang Qing, there is no way, she is not in the In that position, it is difficult to understand the thoughts of ordinary people in this era, especially Da Lan.

Zhang Qing's concept of ordinary people probably still rests on ordinary people in the past life, so it's not surprising that he was negligent.

And she would never have thought that someone would have such a forward and bold thinking in this era.

The only good thing is that no one dared to conduct human experiments to dissect soldiers, and no one was so crazy as to make people hybridize with 20 plants. It was probably to let soldiers send internal force to the plants to see if the situation could cause mutations.

Of course, Zhang Qing still doesn't know about this.

Unknowingly, it has been a year since she came here with a few sisters, and Daqing has probably begun to realize the problem. After all, no matter how she hides it, there will always be a show. One finds something amiss.

Especially those foreign countries around Daqing have almost been included in Dalan's territory now, and the masters have changed, so fools can't see the problem, although in Zhang Qing's view, the biological father and those brothers in her life It is indeed no different from a fool, but other courtiers are not stupid, and people from those aristocratic families are not stupid.

Zhang Qing now has the information delivered by the intelligence personnel from Daqing on his desktop. It has been several days since Emperor Shunzhao and a large group of ministers have been discussing this matter. There is no need to worry too much about any weird situation. Most people think that these small countries still dare not have any thoughts about Daqing.

In fact, this is indeed the case. If it is true that these small countries are trying to do some small tricks behind the scenes, Daqing is powerful and advanced, and they are not afraid. It is a pity that these people have no idea that there are no small countries anymore, and they have all merged into one. established a powerful empire --- Dalan.

But Daqing has not yet realized that beside him is not a little chicken, but a huge beast, ready to attack him at any time.

Regarding this matter, Zhang Qing summoned all the important officials of Dalan and opened a memory to discuss the plan for Daqing.

Naturally, the military commander doesn't say much, just type a word by himself.

On the other hand, the civil servant knew what Zhang Qing was thinking, and wanted to devour Daqing without bleeding as much as possible.

Chen Xian said with some regret, "It's okay to hide it for a while, even if it only takes half a year. Now, once a war breaks out, casualties are inevitable. It's impossible for Daqing to do nothing and wait for death."

Bai Qingluo frowned, "Mr. Chen, you have an extra hair on your left side."

The corner of Chen Xian's mouth twitched, and he ignored the girl. At the same time, he looked at the other party's father, the middle-aged Bai Luo in Tsing Yi who invited him out of the mountain before, meaning, take care of your daughter!

Bai Luo smiled dotingly, and didn't care about Chen Sheng at all.

Zhang Qing didn't see anything, anyway, he didn't expect these unreliable people to have any good suggestions. He looked at Su Yuchai. The other party has been in charge of managing the towns that secretly surrendered to Daqing, so he should be present. The person who knows best.

Su Yuchai smiled and said, "Actually, I think everyone thinks things are too complicated. The situation of Dalan and Daqing is clear at a glance. Let's find someone on the road and ask him if he is willing to leave Dalan and live in Daqing, and the answer is no." Yes, so we actually only need to tell the people of Daqing about Dalan’s good news, and the

The life of the people in Daqing is also not easy. After comparing the two sides, people will make a choice. We just need to accept the population. As for whether Daqing will be ranked and suppressed!?"

Having said that, Su Yuchai paused for a moment, and seeing that everyone was listening to her seriously, she continued with a smile, "I don't think there should be any soldiers in Daqing who are from the families of officials or rich merchants!? It's impossible Born without parents, they just jumped out of the rocks!? Then why didn’t they bring their own family to Dalan, but worked hard for Daqing? In the end, their family still lived their lives without being bullied. life!?"

Many people present nodded their heads when they heard the words. Indeed, after getting used to the life in Dalan's side, they seemed to have really forgotten that it was not the case in Daqing's side, but ignored it.

"But it might not be so easy, right!?" Zhang Nan, the former seventh princess, frowned and said, she admitted that Su Yuchai's words made sense, but they were too idealistic. If it was really so easy to mutiny, the Daqing Dynasty would have ended long ago. However, there are very few examples of collective mutiny by soldiers in the past dynasties, and each time it was easily suppressed.

The other princesses also think so. Although they hate Emperor Shunzhao very much, and the brothers who almost ruined them, they were princesses before anyway, and naturally they don't want others to look down on their former family. s home.

And what Zhang Nan said is also very reasonable. It is impossible for Daqing to let the people lose. Since the aristocratic family can become the existence that the emperors of all dynasties have headaches and want to eliminate but cannot be eliminated, they naturally have their confidence. Change, but the family is not necessarily.

"And if a large number of people enter Dalan, our side will also fall into chaos." The twin sisters, Xiao Shi and Xiao Eleven, added at this time, how difficult it is to manage the foreign population. During this time, they deeply understand understand.

Once a large number of people enter suddenly, it is bound to have an impact on the original order, and the price of food and so on will also rise, which is likely to cause dissatisfaction among the original Dalan people.

The others nodded, and looked at these original princesses differently. Sure enough, those who can stay here are no idiots.

Su Yuchai was not angry either, and explained with a smile, "So we don't need to make a scene to everyone. Presumably, His Majesty has not announced the establishment of Dalan in the international arena, and he has not proclaimed himself emperor because of this consideration."

In these days, to declare yourself an emperor and establish a country, you need to notify other surrounding countries, which probably means to tell your neighbors that you have already established a country on your side, and you will be your neighbors in the future.

This is an unspoken rule established by convention. If you don't do this, you won't be recognized. Probably no one in this era would have thought that there can be such a strange thing as Da Lan, who has the ability to silently eat so many small countries, and No news has been revealed, and what's even more strange is that they are already so huge that they haven't issued a statement announcing their existence.

"Go ahead." Zhang Qing said with some interest.

This Su Yuchai is indeed an interesting person.

Su Yuchai smiled at Zhang Qing, and was not polite, and continued, "I heard His Majesty mention pyramid schemes and some cult sects before, and I think we can borrow a little bit of their methods, and we don't even need to let The people of Daqing traveled long distances to come to Dalan, and we can gradually make them our people, faith is sometimes a very good thing, isn’t it!?”

"For example, every time a person is recruited into the group, some benefits will be given, and we also have property 487 in Daqing. It is not difficult to win people's hearts, but the difficulty is how to keep people hanging.

After Su Yuchai said her thoughts one by one, many people present looked at this smiling girl with a little awe, like the little girl next door. They had to say that the other party was really scary. Come up with such a way.

Foolish people, what is foolish people, those people in ancient times who could not read and write at all and could only work hard were foolish people. In order to consolidate their power, the upper class, of course, tried their best to prevent these bottom-level people from turning over, because foolish people are the most Easily fooled and guided, they have no mind of their own.

And Su Yuchai is taking advantage of this. In this day and age, I am afraid that if you give a piece of sugar, adults can follow you. You say it is terrible, so if you do pyramid schemes in ancient times, there is absolutely no difficulty. The ignorant people are too easy to deceive. No one taught them how to be sensible.

It was also at this time that everyone, including Zhang Fu, the original princesses of Daqing, understood why Zhang Qing resisted all opinions at the beginning, even though he was burning money every month, he must popularize education, at least everyone Can read.

The people are ignorant, and they often do stupid things. Isn't Su Yuchai's plan now proving the consequences of keeping the people ignorant?

Moreover, people have a herd mentality. At the beginning, only the common people were brainwashed, and even those cultural people could not help but follow. This is the horror of pyramid schemes. Blindly following the crowd, because of the large number of people, has become a special closed The environment, people accept the rules inside unconsciously, and support it to maintain it.

In fact, the imperial examination is not like this, forcing people to study hard for ten years, and those who are forced to delve into the four books and five classics, but how many of them are useful for me to become an official in the future!? I am afraid that there are very few.

And those parents who support a scholar at home no matter how hard they work, is this different from those who were cheated into pyramid schemes!? No.

That's why everyone sighed how clear Zhang Qing's decree on mandatory universal education was. .

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