Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

352 Ethan: The Cellmate Suddenly Went Crazy, What Should I Do, Wait Online!

As Black Cat said, the world most of the group members live in is an ordinary world, not as good as the world Tony lives in. As far as technology is concerned, even if it is not an ordinary everyday world, the group members are ordinary people, such as Tomoyo Daidoji.

The Clow card can easily solve Tony's current problems, but unfortunately, this cute little member is not the protagonist of the story, Honokono Sakura, and even if it is, it is useless, because according to Tomoyo, the current Clow card It has not been unblocked, and the plot has not yet begun.

As for the game world where Asuna is located, the skills given by the game are too old. Without the combination of skills and game mechanics, it is useless to give Tony a sword. In the event of a bullet-dodging tap dance!

So, in the end, Tony still focused on a few group members in the non-daily world.

Forget about Uncle Jiu, Tony doesn’t think he can deal with terrorists with a talisman or something, otherwise Uncle Jiu wouldn’t be afraid of those warlords. Taoist priests in the end-of-the-dharma era are just better than ordinary people. How about a martial artist who flies over the roof and walks on the wall!

The world where the white tyrant Takamachi Nanoha lives, especially the magic device technology that combines technology and magic, makes Tony very interested, and this may be a new way of thinking, maybe he will be able to make magic armor in the future up.

It's a pity that Nanye Takamachi is just a primary school student at present, and she hasn't even got the heart of the rising sun, so she can't count on it.

So after watching for a round, Tony could only cast his eyes on the two reincarnated monsters.

After understanding the situation of the world the two of them live in, I have to say that this kind of semi-gaming world is really amazing to Tony, especially the world where Shamat is. No wonder the system said that it is very suitable for the members of the current group to go to Well, not only is it relatively peaceful, but also in the Novice Village in the Novice Village, the only monsters are slimes, which are monsters that can be killed by individuals, and there are also various magical potions~ and props.

As for the spiders, they are indeed full of monsters, but the monsters on the spiders are more helpful to Tony than the current ones on the Shamat side. The only worry is...

【Strike while the iron is hot: @转成火狼, Spider, can I call you that, can I ask what monsters you can deal with now!? Can the earth dragon!?】

【Reincarnation into a spider:...】

[Reincarnation into a spider: Yes, but don’t think about it, I can defeat it, but I can’t capture it alive. Dragons are very proud, even earth dragons!]

Spider wiped his sweat, of course she knew Tony's intentions, in fact, Spider also wanted to be a dragon knight, but unfortunately he couldn't do it at all, the only possibility was that "classmate" who reincarnated as an earth dragon, unfortunately Spider The choice is to hand over the other party to humans.

There is no way, in this underground palace, it is not easy for her to live alone, and she has to bring the weakest earth dragon baby in history dominated by human consciousness. Urushihara Meili will definitely become her burden, although it is not true to say so Great, but that's the reality.

So the spider left it to humans. It is better for two people to suffer together and let each other live a better life in this monster-ridden underground palace. Moreover, the earth dragon is not like a spider monster, and it is more popular in human society. Like spiders, humans will definitely attack directly at the first time, this is the importance of appearance.

Although the spider thinks that he must be the most beautiful spider, it's a pity that humans can't understand it.

[Ganwumei: Uncle Tony, don’t embarrass the spider, it can’t be done, and the earth dragon belongs to the dragon species anyway, and there is a manager, Qiu Lidistiers, who is always paying attention. Excuse me, Spider doesn't want to get in touch with him so soon. 】

In fact, as long as you don't want to get in touch with Wakaba Jise too early, it's too bad. Spider thinks it's better to keep the original plot as much as possible and not go berserk. Although she will not live very comfortably for a long time, the only chance to change is left It will be more beneficial to her to give to the future.

Otherwise, once there is a big change now, a certain willful god may have to let the plot go berserk. At that time, the spider will really have no advantage at all. This is obviously not a smart way, unless the spider now has Invincible strength, otherwise it is better to be careful and take the road of plot.

This is also one of the reasons why the spider didn't keep his classmate Dilong.

[Strike while the iron is hot: Well, I'm too greedy, then Ello, if you give me more, I may have a way to escape from here. 】

Originally, Tony wanted spiders. After all, there are a lot of spiders. If they go together, these terrorists will definitely not be able to survive. Unfortunately, there are many issues that have to be considered, that is, the spider is above the devil, which will bring trouble to the spiders. Yes, if there are spider monsters alive, I am afraid that the earth where Tony is located will be an extraordinary disaster, especially when spiders are very good at digging holes to hide.

Tony didn't want his world to turn into an alien horror movie at all.

So those frogs are still cuter, at least it will be easier for the military to deal with later.

[Reincarnation into a spider: Yes, yes, those frogs are very weak to me, but Tony, are you sure you want it!? This will attack you as soon as it comes out, and it can also spray acid, which is generally afraid of metal doors. I can't resist a few times. 】

Spider thought that if Tony wanted one, he might be able to survive, but if there were too many of them, he might end up with a dead end, so he had to remind him not to underestimate these little monsters.

[Strike while the iron is hot: Don't worry, although my steel armor is not finished, it is still possible to simply make an iron can that does not have offensive capabilities overnight to protect myself. Once the army is released, just turn around and close the door. 】

Of course Tony is not an idiot. How could he not know that those monsters are indistinguishable from each other? To be honest, he was just joking when he said that he wanted an earth dragon. If the spider really sent an earth dragon, Tony would not dare to take it. Will it be buried under the ground!?

The reason why Tony wants the frog monsters is of course his decision after thinking about them, and the acid and poison arrows of these frog monsters are very important, and they are also very suitable for fighting in caves. Although modern wooden warehouse weapons are powerful, but want to kill these monsters, It's still a little difficult, especially when the overall quality of terrorists is absolutely inferior to that of soldiers. If there are too many terrorists, the frog monsters will really be a nightmare.

Especially when the general armor may not be able to withstand the opponent's attack.

The only thing Tony needs to do is to drop a big bomb by the way when he is escaping, and blow up the place to nothing. Of course, he will not keep the armor blueprint. He has read the plot anyway. This kind of mistake is not Will do it again.

0 looking for flowers......

[Reincarnated Spider: Well, I hope you really think it through, I'm going to catch some frog monsters. 】

【Master Mori: Can the frog monster fight against modern wooden warehouse equipment!?】

Mori Xia asked with some concern, if a shuttle of bullets hits, the frog monsters will really be fine!? Even if there are a lot of them, it’s useless!?

[Strike while the iron is hot: Don't worry, I, Tony Stark, never fight uncertain battles. I will cause a blackout in this ghost base tonight. Of course, Ethan and I have to wear armor

At that time, the surroundings will be pitch black, and these frog monsters will be the nightmare of those people. 】

Of course, Tony was also worried that the Gitrog was easier to kill than modern weapons, so he also planned to short-circuit the base early in the morning and cause a major power outage. Blame it if you want, those terrorists, electrify his cage!

I hope these people don't pee their pants because they are too scared!

He didn't want to walk on soil full of urine.

【Master Mori: So that’s the case. Let me tell you, since you can think of these words, why don’t you use them in the plot? Maybe Dr. Fossen doesn’t have to sacrifice. 】


【Strike while the iron is hot: How do I know what I think in the plot!?】

Tony was also a little embarrassed. He didn't expect himself to be so brave in the plot, so he rushed out like this (voice of mystery: the director doesn't want it, stupid!) and also killed Ethan because of it.

After having an idea, Tony was also full of energy. After greeting Ethan, he said, "Come on! Let's continue. This time I changed the plan. We can build two sets of armor that can protect the whole body. There is no need to think about it." Weapons or something."

Ethan looked at Tony, who was the same for a while, and didn't understand why the richest man, who was still depressed before, suddenly regained his energy, "If not, he must have schizophrenia.

Ethan tentatively asked, "Are you......Tony Stark!?"

Tony rolled his eyes, "Okay, buddy, let's work quickly, the time is urgent, don't you know if I am Tony Stark!? You won't get amnesia at this age, right? After going out, I I’m afraid I have to find the best doctor for you.”

With his venomous tongue as always, Ethan smiled wryly, "There is no need to seek a doctor, I am healthy..."

"But are you sure we can do it overnight!?"

"Of course, who do you think I am!?" Tony said confidently, but he still added, "This time it's not the thing before, it's really armor, so it's not so complicated, it only needs simple welding. gone."

Only then did Ethan understand that Tony really wanted to make armor, not other high-tech black weapons.

I suddenly felt that Tony was getting sicker. Tony didn't think that he could defeat those terrorists after wearing armor, right? This is not the Middle Ages,

Tony saw Ethan's doubts, but he didn't intend to explain too much, he just said: "Listen to my Ethan, I naturally have my own reasons for doing this, I won't use my life as a joke!"

"I hope so..." Ethan nodded in agreement, although he was not confident, he still gave Tony a shot.

"You won't be disappointed on!".

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