Thick clouds covered the bright moon in the sky, and the stars in the night were even more sparse.

There was only the light of the burning fire on the ground, and several vigilant terrorists gathered around the fire in disgrace, chatting some nasty jokes and laughing obscenely from time to time.

Suddenly, the light of the base in the mountain behind went out, and there were a lot of angry curses from many people.

The few people watching the night outside looked at each other. Although they were a little surprised that their base suddenly had a power outage, they didn't have the slightest intention to help.

After all, they are not electricians. They know how to use this thing, but they don’t know how to repair it. In fact, in this backward and chaotic area, even if it is in the hands of terrorists, it is not advanced, and it is impossible to have advanced weapons. Even the weapons are like this, so the living facilities are even more unbearable. Maybe at some point, these junk things will suddenly go on strike

Now it's just ahead of time, there's no need to make a fuss, they just need to be responsible for the security outside.

However, soon the people outside couldn't calm down, because in the cave, there were screams from colleagues, the screams were filled with fear, and there was the sound of high-speed shooting from the wooden warehouse.

"What's going on here!?"

However, before the people outside could react, they saw two somewhat tall figures emerging from the dark cave. The black paint "843" made it impossible to see their faces clearly, but their muscles seemed too strong And why is his head still like a bucket!?

After Tony and Ethan escaped in the dark wearing some bulky armor, they were both out of breath. To be honest, the bullets fired by the terrorists in a panic also caused them a lot of trouble. Hit on it, leaving only a single hole, not completely penetrated.

"Tony, this thing is too heavy, my God, it's been a long time since I walked, and I feel that my body is going weak..." Ethan panted heavily, smiling.

Obviously, being able to escape from birth made this old man who even planned to leave this world with his dead family members feel a little excited.

Perhaps this is the survival instinct of a human being!

Tony is also uncomfortable, he is a playboy, and he has been intemper these years, his body has been almost hollowed out, so he is naturally very tired at this time.

"Leave quickly, we don't have much time, and the time bomb won't let me go just because I am its maker, Ethan."

"You lunatic!" Ethan couldn't help but rolled his eyes after hearing Tony's words, why didn't he calculate whether he had the physical strength to leave here enough to choose!?

As far as the two of them are injured and old, they haven't reported a meal in this period of time, how could they stay away from here in such a short time!?

At first, Ethan thought that Tony wanted to die with the terrorists, but he did not expect that the two actually escaped, which made Ethan very speechless. Although he didn't know what Tony did, it was obvious that Tony did it early. There are predictions and plans, and they are not random, but in this matter, they have lost the chain.

Now that he escaped, he ended up dying in the hands of the big bomb he made. He is afraid that after going to hell, he will be ridiculed by the devil to death.

"Don't be like this, friend! We can leave..." Tony's face in the iron bucket was also a little embarrassed. He did overestimate his physique, but can this be said!? Men can't Say you can't do it.

After the two walked out of the cave and breathed a little easier, Tony looked at the few terrorists who were stunned outside, and sighed, "And we haven't completely escaped yet, Ethan said to those guys over there, just say the leader Look for them again, the leader is very angry now, let them hurry up."

Ethan looked at the heavy iron bumps on his body, and couldn't help being taken aback, "Are you sure, they will believe us after seeing it clearly!?"

Tony shrugged: "When they get close, we can knock them down with one punch, believe me!"

Just kidding, if such a heavy armor is hit on the human body, it may be disabled even if you don't die. Tony is really not afraid of the civil warehouse in the hands of the terrorists, and only after dealing with these people outside can they take off the armor. With a heavy burden on his back, leave this ghost place quickly, Tony doesn't want to be bombed to the sky.

Otherwise, those guys in the chat group will die laughing.

If those monsters could be tamed and used as mounts, there would be no need for such trouble, but it is a pity that it cannot be done at present.

"I don't have confidence in my fighting skills." Ethan shrugged.

Tony rolled his eyes and said, "Don't worry, there is an electric shock function on it, but here I can't make a battery that can store power for a long time, so basically there is only one shot, you can figure it out!"

Ethan sighed, "Well, I'll try not to make them suspicious."

Speaking of which, Ethan used the local language to deceive the terrorists who were guarding outside according to what Tony said just now.

The terrorists became anxious when they heard that the leader was very angry. Although Tony and Tony were very suspicious, they still had no intention of delaying, and hurried to the cave. Some wonder why the two brothers put themselves in a very ugly tin can.

But I didn't plan to ask, because the leader's matter is more important, and besides our own people, there are outsiders in this base!? You said Tony and Ethan, hehe, they are weak chickens who are not regarded by them That's all, not to mention that the two of them are still locked up, how can they get out!?

Seeing that these terrorists didn't seem to have any doubts about their attire, Ethan was a little surprised. His raised fist also stopped in mid-air, not knowing whether to swing it down at these cute and clumsy terrorists.

Seeing that the group of people really entered the cave, Tony threw a few frog monsters into the cave, then pushed Ethan who was still in a daze, and urged, "I'm not leaving yet, I really plan to stay and wait." Can't be bombed to the sky!?"

Only then did Ethan realize, "Yes, we have to go."

"Take off your armor first and throw it at the entrance of the cave, otherwise we won't be able to run far!" Tony reminded.

"you sure!

"Sure, don't worry, they can't come out! Even if they can come out, it won't be so fast, enough for us to escape far away." Tony said confidently.

"Anyway, your life is your own." Ethan didn't say much, and took off the iron can on his body in two or three strokes. In fact, the armor is just an iron bucket with a person in it, and it's not difficult to take off. .

Throwing the two sets of armor from here really blocked half of the hole, and I'm afraid it can also play a blocking role.

Tony pulled Ethan and ran outside, no matter which direction, just ran out with his head buried, and didn't dare to stop at all. You must know that the terrorists asked him to make intercontinental missiles, so it is impossible not to provide explosives.

So once the equivalent of this explosive explodes, it's not a joke. Tony is a munitions leader, so he naturally knows the explosive power of an intercontinental missile, so of course he ran away desperately.

I don't know how long I ran, how far I ran, suddenly there was a huge explosion sound behind me, and a small mushroom cloud rose into the sky, making it harder for the light in the sky to illuminate the earth..0

The huge aftermath still blew Tony and Ethan two unlucky guys away for more than ten meters. Fortunately, there is yellow sand here, so they didn't suffer too much injury, but it was still uncomfortable

The two felt that every organ in the body might be displaced, which was very uncomfortable and painful.

Ears are still ringing.

Fortunately, the two of them ran far enough, otherwise they might really die in the big bomb they made.

The two of them, who had no strength, simply lay on the sand, breathing heavily, then coughed, and finally put on the smiles of the rest of their lives, "Hahaha

We survived, we really survived..."

【Strike while the iron is hot: Haha, I survived, can you give me a hamburger!? I really want to eat this now. 】

【Fallen Saint Black Cat: It's late at night, don't say silly things!】

[Girl Girl: Uncle Tony, disturbing a girl's sleep will make the girl laugh. 】

[Uncle Jiu: Hamburger, I don’t sell that thing here. 】

【Master Mori: Don't talk, it's late at night, if you keep making noise, you will be killed!!! Angry】

【Strike while the iron is hot: I'm sorry, I forgot that it's night over there too!】

Tony smiled wryly. These guys are obviously so dangerous here, but they are all heartless and sleepy. They really don't worry about him at all.

Forget it, I’m not too hungry now anyway, it’s fine if I don’t have hamburgers, when I get back to NY, I’ll buy a hamburger restaurant and eat more than a dozen!

"What now, Tony!?" Ethan asked after resting for a while, turning around.

Tony thought for a while and then said, "Wait a minute, the military must have noticed such a big commotion, and they should send someone over soon. By the way, Ethan, do you have any plans for the future!? If not If you want to go somewhere, come back to NY with me, I plan to change Stark Industries, I need your help!"

Tony is very serious at the moment, he still intends to stop Stark Industries' weapons department, and he does not intend to make any changes on this point, because he thinks so, although this approach is actually useless at all, and the beautiful country does not lack history. Tucker Industries is an arms dealer, Stark Industries does not do it, there is Hanmo Industry, and other industries, most of them are competitors.

However, Tony still insisted on doing so in 4.9, because he could not accept the weapons he made, and became a tool for the bad guys to slaughter civilians, bully innocent people, and start disputes.

"Me......" Ethan looked up at the gray sky, feeling a little confused,

He really wanted to die and go down to accompany his family, but let him die like this, but he was a little unwilling. He was unwilling to die meaninglessly like this. He wanted to do something for this place, change this place, at least War and chaos drove the land.

To be honest, if he hadn't been sensible enough, Ethan would also hate Stark who provided weapons to terrorists. It can be said that Ethan's family died on the weapons made by Stark Industries in a sense, but this can Blame the guy who makes the knives!?

Obviously the real thing to do is the person who wields the knife.

"What are you going to do?" Ethan asked.

Tony said flatly, "I plan to shut down the weapons department, and go back to investigate who is secretly providing weapons to these terrorists.

"You..." Ethan didn't expect Tony to say such words, "Are you crazy!?"

Tony smiled frivolously, "I've always been a lunatic, I thought you all knew that."

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