After roughly reading the works of other group members in the world, Yakumo Zi also has some understanding of these people, the only thing she doesn’t understand is the slime in the group, but he is a reincarnator, but he is not the protagonist , which is also impossible.

Precisely because of this honest, disrespectful and frank approach, Yakumo Zi has gained a little favor.

But Yakumo Zi didn't really trust the other party because of this slight sympathy, she was still very cautious, and also adopted the same approach as in the villain chat group, that is, to respond with silence.

In short, it is that sentence, as long as I do nothing and say nothing, you will have nothing to do with me.

However, Yakumo Zi still paid attention to the tasks in the mouths of these group members, and then found the task bar, and saw that there was only one task, and it was still emitting black light. Basically, the above explanation means that if there is an abnormality in the world of the group members , it will emit red light. The brighter and redder the red light is, the closer and more dangerous the abnormal distance is. When the red light turns black, it is almost a negative distance.

Yakumo Zi thinks about it, the abnormality in the mouth of this task should be the "villain chat group", isn't this a negative distance!?

Abnormal, similar to the abnormal name of Gensokyo.

After Yakumo Zi clicked on the introduction about "abnormality", she also had a more comprehensive understanding of the so-called "abnormality". The routine included the "chat group"

I don't know what this Heavens and Worlds chat group is thinking, even saying that I am also a part of it.

But abnormality will have a bad impact on your own world, and even cause the world to perish~!?

Yakumo Zixin still sank because of this, if it was really because of the villain's chat group that there were problems in her own world, then the Fantasy Township she created would not be able to escape.

The question now is whether this Chat Group of Heavens and Ten Thousand Realms is trustworthy. If you kill the other because the two are chat groups and there is a competitive relationship, then you are undoubtedly being used as a wooden warehouse, and maybe because of Without competitors, it is possible that the chat group of the Heavens and Myriad Realms will show the ugly face of a capitalist.

However, the longer the anomaly exists, the more dangerous his own world might be, and Zi Yakumo dare not bet on it.

This made Yakumo Zi's expression very solemn at the moment, and she, who was always strategizing, became a little hesitant.

On the other side, Reimu and Zhang Qing, who had tied two goblins back to the Hakurei Shrine, saw a "regular customer" in their shrine, and Reimu's face was a bit ugly.

The main reason is that Marisa was dressed a little too coolly. Seeing Zhang Qing staring at him, Reimu just kicked him away with a kick, and then ignored the two fairies. After throwing it on the ground, he pulled Marisa returned to her room with a bewildered face.

"Why do you come out dressed like this!" Reimu taught, "You're a girl after all, aren't you shy!?"

Marisa scratched her head and explained with an embarrassed smile, "I'm not anxious, I forgot that there is still a man in the shrine."

Yes, Marisa did forgot the existence of the man Zhang Qing for a while, mainly because Reimu had been there before.

"Really, come on, put on my clothes first, I only have maiden clothes here, so let's just make it!" Reimu took a look at this guy angrily, and took out a red and white maiden suit from the closet. The clothes were thrown to Marisa who was grinning smirkly.

"Haha, it's okay, I don't mind, in fact, I've wanted to wear it for a long time." Marisa said with a smile after catching the clothes.

"By the way, why did you come to me? If you come to play, you can go back. The weather is too hot, and I'm not in the mood at all." Reimu folded her hands and waited for Marisa to get dressed, and at the same time expressed My own attitude, I don't want to be too noisy today.

Marisa was in a hurry to put on the priestess costume, and explained, "No, I don't want to move either, I didn't realize that this might be a mutation, so I came to you to see if I can help you! ?"

The main reason is to solve it quickly, and Marisa feels that she can't hold on for much longer.

"Changes!?" Lingmeng froze for a moment, and asked again in disbelief, "Are you sure!?"

After Marisa took her long hair out of her collar, she said, "When I passed by Renjianzai, I found that many people passed out from the heat, so don't delay Reimu, otherwise ordinary people may not last long. "

Reimu didn't expect it to be like this, "But, I don't feel that hot yet!?"

Marisa was speechless, "But I'm dying of heat, really, can I still lie to you!"

Reimu slapped his head, "Okay, then do you have any clues? This is a sudden change that can make the whole of Gensokyo envious. Is there any suspicious target!?"

"No, Reimu is the Hakurei Miko, right? If you don't know, how can I, an ordinary magician, know!?" Marisa was also dumbfounded. As a Hakurei Miko, it stands to reason that Reimu is better than anyone else in Gensokyo. It's all clear.

Lingmeng curled her lips, "What do I know, those monsters won't come to report to me, the old woman should have come to provide clues at this time, but you have come, and the old woman hasn't come yet, otherwise I would have known it was a stranger It has changed, maybe now it is on the way to solve the problem.”

After complaining, Reimu shouted to the outside, "Hey! Old woman, you heard that, come out quickly!"

Sure enough, as soon as Reimu finished speaking, a folding fan slammed on Reimu's head, "I never remembered raising you to be such an impolite child, Reimu!"

Yakumo Zi poked her head out from the gap, with a gentle smile on her face.

Marisa hurriedly hid behind Reimu, she was still not very close to Yakumo Zi, this monster gave people a very dangerous feeling.

Lingmeng rubbed her aching head, glared at Yakumo Zi and said, "What's wrong, you still want to tell me that you are my mother!?"

She always said that she was raised with shit and urine, but Lingmeng remembered that she had been raised by digging wild vegetables, and she was full of resentment.

Yakumo Zi spread her hands, "Of course, if you want Reimu, it's also possible. In this way, you will have parents. I didn't expect Reimu to be such a child who lacks love!"

Reimu's expression turned even worse, "Did you come here to fight with me!?"

Yakumo Zi smiled, "Okay, okay, I won't tease you anymore, she was very cute when she was young......"

After the conversation changed, Yakumo Zi's face became serious, "There is indeed a change, but I have to tell you a bad news, that is, even I didn't find out what the problem was, that's why I didn't look for you earlier The reason, because I am also looking for it."

"How come!? Is there a place in Gensokyo where I can hide from your eyes!?" Reimu looked at Yakumo Zi in disbelief.

"Ara, although I'm very happy to be praised so much by Reimu, it's a pity that there are many places in my body that I can't peek at, such as the demon world, or..."

"I don't believe it!" Lingmeng curled her lips, if she couldn't spy on it, how would the previous mutation be explained!?

Yakumo Zi closed the folding fan in her hand and said, "Really, otherwise I would think too much about my mother, Reimu..."

"Don't be like that guy anymore, you're not my mother, you're a filthy old woman!" Reimu was furious, and each of them wanted to take advantage of her, really "Is she really easy to bully Reimu.

Yakumo Zi smiled and admired Reimu's jumping, and felt that it was really fun, and immediately felt better, and said, "Really, I didn't lie to you when I was a child, but you forgot That's all..."

When Marisa heard this, she looked at Reimu in disbelief, as if asking "Is this true!?"

Reimu folded her hands on her chest, "Do you believe what this monster said!?"

"Okay, you should be a little suspicious.

Yakumo Zi folded the fan on her lips, thought for a while and then said, "There are suspects, but it's a pity that they are not them, and it seems that they are not made by people in Gensokyo.

Lingmeng frowned, "Don't you doubt Zhang Qing, it can't be his!"

"What are you in a hurry for? Did I tell you it was him!?" Yakumo Zi looked at the nervous Reimu jokingly, sighing in her heart that the girl was not allowed to stay, and she turned towards the other party after a while.

Lingmeng blushed immediately, and forced herself to say, "Then who else do you think!?"

Yakumo Zi was silent for a while, and said, "I'm also investigating this, maybe someone is coming in, but I don't know, that's what I'm most worried about...

"......." Reimu couldn't help but also fell silent. If someone really could get in without Yakumo Zi's perception, then it would be really troublesome, and the other party would let Fantasia The town has turned into a hot hell, and it is not a good bird at first sight.

"Then what should I do now!?" Reimu asked.

Yakumo Zi also has nothing to do. If she doesn't do something, the weak monsters and ordinary people may not be able to endure it. Didn't you see that Qi Lunuo, an ice-type elf, turned into a dead dog? Ordinary people must be more It's unbearable.

"Let's think of a way to have a snowfall, it should bring the temperature down......"

To be honest, this method is not good, because it will mess up the seasonal changes of Gensokyo. A snowman is alive, but the crops in the field will suffer. Although it is so hot now, the crops are dying. But after a snowfall, there is absolutely no way to survive.

At that time, it will be a headache again, but fortunately, there is a foreigner who claims to be the reincarnation of "Shen Nong" in the Hakuli Shrine. It should, probably, maybe...…………………… It’s okay!?

Yakumo Zi is not sure, and Yakumo Zi doesn't really want to expose Zhang Qing's ability, it's best to keep it a secret.

The reason why she didn't doubt what Zhang Qing did was not because Yakumo Zi trusted Zhang Qing more, but because she had a bigger object of suspicion.

Lingmeng sighed, "Okay, I'll think of a way to do this, but you have to do it as soon as possible, I guess this way won't work well."

"Don't worry, Reimupei."

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