"Everyone is gone, what are you looking for!?"

When Reimu came out with Marisa, seeing Zhang Qing staring at the place where Yakumozi disappeared, he felt very uncomfortable, and his mind was still echoing what Yakumozi had joked before, that these two guys wouldn't really be working together , want to be her parents!?

After Zhang Qing was awakened, she looked towards Lingmeng and saw her angry look, a little puzzled.

"I just feel that Yakumo Zi seems to be hiding something. Seeing what you said, can I still be fascinated by her, and I'm not a vixen!?"

Zhang Qing is indeed a little curious, because this is probably the first time he has had contact with another self in the misty space in his own world. Yes, when Yakumozi joined the chat group of the heavens and the world, Zhang Qing I found out through Shamat's mouth, but I'm not sure if it's Yakumo Zi in her world.

After all, if it is Iron Man alone, Luo Tianyi has one in the world.

That's why Zhang Qing observed Yakumo Zi carefully when he arrived, hoping to find some clues.

It's a pity that this cunning old monster has done a good job on the surface, and he didn't see any abnormalities at all. The only doubtful point is that there is no reason for the current "abnormal" in Gensokyo.

In the chat group, I heard what Shamat said, Yakumo Zi is also silent, it seems that he is very cautious, but this is also a normal thing, as long as he is not knocked dizzy by the pie in the sky, it is impossible It's too easy to accept, because often the free ones are the most expensive. I don't believe that a big monster like Yakumo Zi, who has a wealth of experience in monster life, would not understand this.

"Hmph! She's not a vixen, but she's the owner of a vixen!" Reimu muttered softly, and then greeted Marisa, who seemed a little shy beside her, "Now we need to let Gensokyo have a heavy snowfall. How can you do that?" look!?"

Marisa didn't expect that the Miko costume of the Reimu family would show so much sideways. After walking through a few copies, the spring breeze suddenly appeared, and she immediately turned red. It's not that she really doesn't know how to be shy, although she has a boyish personality , but it's not a real boy, and her parents didn't treat her as a boy, otherwise there wouldn't be that dog stove blind date.

It’s okay if there are only her and Reimu here, they are both girls, it doesn’t matter what they wear, but there is also a man here, it will be very embarrassing, don’t look at Marisa who joked with Zhang Qing before, if Zhang Qing gave her every day It's not that you can't like each other when you cook, but that's really a joke.

Just like what she told her father, she really doesn't have that kind of thought at the moment.

Zhang Qing glanced at Marisa, who was shy, and wondered what was wrong with her. Could it be that Reimu did something to her in it just now!? Hiss——! So fast!? Then who is Gong, Who is affected!? Curious.jpg.

But soon Zhang Qing withdrew his curious eyes, because this little girl Lingmeng showed signs of anger again for some reason, this is a wife protector!?

"Isn't there something ready-made here!?" Coughing, Zhang Qing pointed to Qi Lunuo and said.

Ling dreamed that this guy Zhang Qing stopped staring at Marisa, snorted coldly, and then looked at the idiot blue goblin lying on the ground like a dead dog, "She!? No, let's not talk about this guy now It's like this, I can't move at all, and she doesn't have the ability, don't you believe it if you don't tell me that she is the strongest in Gensokyo!?"

Zhang Qing is also a little confused why Lingmeng is always angry, but now is obviously not the time to explore the girl's heart, Zhang Qing nodded and said, "Of course I don't believe it, but if you want to snow, it's better to find someone else." I simply collected materials locally, after all, it is very troublesome to go back and forth, and others may not be obedient."

"Wait, Zhang Qing, Reimu is right, this idiot goblin has no strength to make the entire Gensokyo snowfall, you can't do it even if you squeeze her dry." At this time, I checked myself and found that the underwear was well covered Marisa from those places breathed a sigh of relief and began to persuade.

She felt that Zhang Qing must have been in Gensokyo for too short a time, so she felt that elves are a very powerful race, but according to the consensus of Gensokyo, ordinary fairies can't even defeat humans, if they have humans or not. If it has the ability, I am afraid that it is really a race below human beings.

As for Cirno, she can indeed be regarded as the strongest among the elves, but she definitely doesn't have the power to change the weather in Gensokyo.

Reimu also nodded and said, "Just like what Marisa said, let's hurry up and find someone else, damn it, the old lady Zi didn't tell me that anyone can do it

As soon as Lingmeng's words came out, she realized that she didn't know who to ask for help, and she immediately looked very bad.

Zhang Qing spread his hands, "Look, don't you have no one to choose!?"

"Don't worry, of course I know that this little fairy can't do it anymore, but as long as someone provides her with enough energy, it will be fine, she just needs to act as a ruthless transformation machine, what do you think!?"

Reimu and Marisa looked at each other in dismay, is it okay!?

But thinking about it, it can really be done. The reason why Qi Lunuo is so weak is simply because her strength is not enough. If it is connected to the power supply, it might be really feasible.

"But how to do it!? We have no experience in this kind of thing......"

Although Reimu and Marisa think it is feasible, there is a problem in front of them, that is, how to transfer the energy in their own bodies to the past. No one in Gensokyo would do this, because since they have the power, they can solve things by themselves. It’s alright, why do you want to hand over your power to others!? Isn’t this superfluous!?

But even if there is no such precedent, Reimu and Marisa still know that the energy in different people is different. There are many kinds of spiritual power, magic power, and fairy power. In addition, everyone is different. If she really sent her own energy directly, Qi Lunuo might not be far from death.

"Don't worry, I can say that, I'm sure, it won't do any harm to the little goblin." Zhang Qing said confidently.

Although it would be fine to absorb the heat if he used the Earth Defender World's own abilities, but if he did this, Yakumo Zi might really suspect that he did it by himself, and Zhang Qing didn't want to cause a commotion in the end.

In fact, Zhang Qing also had some guesses about the "mutation" this time.

Like Yakumo Zi, Zhang Qing also suspected that it was caused by the "abnormality" on Yakumo Zi. Although he didn't know what it was, but if this Yakumo Zi really joined the chat group of the heavens and worlds, then Maybe it really has something to do with it..0

It's a pity that he knows too little at the moment, and he can't deduce anything. This is also the shortcoming of lacking a strong perception ability. No matter how closely he tries to observe, he can only use the naked eye, deeper and hidden places, and can't detect it at all.

Otherwise, he wouldn't be thinking about whether this Yakumo Zi was the one who joined the chat group.

To be honest, if it is true, Zhang Qing has also thought about whether it is possible to obtain that chat group through Yakumo Zi. This is a transit point that can enter and leave other worlds, and it is very worthwhile for Zhang Qing to try to obtain it.

Unfortunately, he didn't see anything at all.

On the other hand, Shamat, who is in the highland witch world, also knows that one of him is in the world of Gensokyo, so he is also thinking about how to make the new member of the group explode

Better to give a little bit of useful information to determine if it's the same world.

To be honest, this was the first time that there were two people so close to each other, and there was a possibility of meeting each other in the real world, which made Shama's heart itch.

It's a pity that Yakumo Zi was a little too cautious. She was obviously a big monster, but she was more cautious than ordinary people. She just didn't speak, and kept diving silently to spy on the screen.

Maybe it's just a habit.

Just when Shamat was thinking about how to lure the other party out, he suddenly saw the black cat @ him, and he was taken aback for a moment, and then he looked over to find that the black cat was also worrying about Yakumo Zi 0

【Falling Heaven Holy Black Cat: @Reincarnation Slime, what do you say, nothing really happened!?】

[Fallen Saint Black Cat: The system also said that it is generally not difficult to deal with. As a result, the first mission appeared, and there was an anomaly that could kill a big monster. I mean [Are we really okay!? 】

Obviously, the black cat was a little frightened. After all, it was the first time, there was no precedent, and he was somewhat worried and uneasy about the unknown. In addition, Yakumo Zi hadn't appeared for such a long time, and he seemed to be confused by that "abnormal" 0.7 The appearance of not even being able to speak made Hei Mao, girls who were just ordinary people, a little restless.

【Master Mori: Yes, if Yakumo Zi can't solve it by herself, probably you are the only one among us who has the ability. Even if the spider becomes a god, he is not as strong as Yakumo Zi, let alone now. ....]

Mori Xia has also seen the works of Zhuzizi. After Zhuzizi became a god, he was actually very hip-stretching.

On the other hand, Gensokyo is full of barrage, and the ability settings of various characters are very awesome.

Mori Xia doesn't think anyone in the group can solve the problem at present, even if Yakumo Zi really activates the time-traveling function, it's useless.

The only one who might be able to help is probably Shamat, a slime who brags that she is awesome, but I haven't really seen him make a move, and everyone is not sure. The only thing I have seen is Shama molested The Hundred Tricks of the Highland Witch.

It's more like a sand sculpture, without the force of a strong man at all, it's just that everyone doesn't have much confidence all of a sudden.

Shamat: "...

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