Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

368 System: You Scolded The Chat Group For Shutting Down The System! ?

Yakumo Zi's complexion changed drastically, and only then did she understand what connected the members of the villains, which was the branches of the tentacles, or the roots of the tree roots.

What shocked Yakumo Zi even more was that just looking at this part of the tentacles, she felt a splitting headache and looked sluggish, as if some terrible horror was born from her body and was about to replace her existence .

However, no matter how she attacked, she couldn't break the tentacles, let alone pull them out.

"what to do!?"

Yakumo Zi thought a little helplessly, although the world consciousness has not done anything to her now, but this tentacle is entangled with her, which makes her very uneasy!

"System, this is what you said, are you okay!? Why do I feel that something has happened to me!?"

In order to clearly express her current situation, Yakumo Zi even turned on the live broadcast function, so that everyone in the chat group of the heavens and the world can see clearly.

Yes, there has always been a live broadcast function, but no one is willing to use it, because firstly, there is nothing to broadcast, secondly, some of their privacy will be exposed, and thirdly, when live broadcasting, they will have to talk to themselves and will be surrounded by their own world People in the group are considered crazy, so everyone in the group didn't use it much. Anyway, it's not like "three six seven" rewards for opening it. It's troublesome to use, so just throw it aside.

The charm of the chat group lies in the text chat, and the live broadcast is a crooked way. Of course, this is also because the current group members are relatively small, and they have read comic novels for a long time, and there is nothing interesting, so this is the case.

Of course, the most important thing is that there is no reward function when the live broadcast is enabled. If there is no benefit, who would want to live broadcast!?

"Hiss! Sister Zi's current situation seems to be quite bad, but will it hurt!?" Tomoyo quickly noticed the situation on Zi Yakumo, and the ferocious tentacles pierced the whole body from the chest to the body. Afterwards, it's pretty bad no matter how you look at it.

Tomoyo was taken aback.

Sen Xia trembled a little, because she found that the live broadcast function was poisonous, why didn't she watch it through the screen, but projected her consciousness to be there!?

Now she is in the air, there is nothing under her feet, suspended there, Dan Shenggu Senxia suddenly found that she seemed to be afraid of heights, and her whole face turned pale.

Naiye supported Senxia, ​​a little helpless, "It's all fake, don't be afraid, sister Senxia..."

The black cat in a gothic suit crossed his arms and looked down at the huge tentacle below, in amazement, "I don't see anything wrong with it, it's not as scary as you said, you won't feel wrong 18!?"

Yakumo Zi covered her chest, took a deep breath and said, "Don't look directly, the tentacles are weird..."

After finishing speaking, seeing that the black cat and the others were fine, they couldn't help frowning, "You don't feel uncomfortable!?"

At this time, Shamate said, "Probably because this is just a projection of consciousness, plus the protection of the chat group..."

The spider glanced at Shamat, and suddenly envy, jealousy and hatred welled up, and said sourly, "That's great, I want to become a human too........."

Looking at his own spider legs, and then at Shamate's long legs, he felt even more sore.

Xiaobu also looked at Samata curiously, "This... don't all slime avatars look like girls!?"

Shamate rolled her eyes, "You ask me who I ask!? Just remember that I'm a man."

Uncle Jiu was lamenting that the modern environment is really different from his time, much better.

Tony looked at the situation here with great interest, not knowing what he was thinking.

Yakumo Zi asked: "What should I do now? Although I am not completely locked, I feel that I cannot leave for the time being. In addition, if this tentacle is not resolved, I will not let go."

Yakumo Zi really can't calm down, as expected, there will be no pies falling from the sky, isn't this a super big trouble!? It's uncomfortable!

Others have no idea, Yakumo Zi is the first time, don't they!? How can they have any experience!?

At this time, an electronic female voice sounded, "Don't do anything, just wait, the world consciousness will solve it, just now the mechanism is running automatically, now that existence is exposed, the world consciousness has been awakened, we can be regarded as helping each other , There will be rewards later, don't worry.

"System!?" Black Cat asked hesitantly.

"Yes, this system, dear!" The system also admitted.

Xiao Bu asked curiously, "You don't have a body!?"

The system paused, and said with some disappointment, "Yes, but the level of the chat group is too low now, and we have to wait for a while..."

In fact, it’s not that they don’t exist now, it’s just that the system doesn’t want the images of cats and dogs. Why do you have to be a dog if you can be a human? It’s also a system with dreams!

Yakumo Zi saw that this group of people was about to go upside down again, and she was tired and hurriedly asked, "Then can you deal with this tentacle on my body first, so that it has been sticking strange and infiltrating people."

As long as she feels uncomfortable, although there is no real harm, it is uncomfortable!

Fortunately, this scene was not seen by Reimu and Youxiang, otherwise her glorious image of the majestic monster sage Yakumo Zi would be gone.

She still needs face.

The group system replied, "If this is the case, the current strength of the chat group is not enough to solve it, dear! But rest assured that after the world consciousness eliminates the main body of the tentacles over there, these tentacles will naturally become rootless duckweed, and will soon What falls off will become the nourishment of the world at that time, but it is a great tonic, but the current level of the chat group is too low to be digested, so it can only be left to the world consciousness."

The system seems to be very distressed.

Asuna asked curiously, "Where's the main body of the tentacles over there!?"

The system shook his head(?), and replied, "Although it is one, there is some will of a certain existence over there, which is polluted and cannot be used directly. If you want to purify, you will consume more than you can get. It is better to destroy it directly." , you see, the world consciousness has already started!"

Sure enough, as soon as the system finished speaking, a terrifyingly huge eye appeared in the center of the huge vortex in the sky, staring indifferently at the huge tentacles below, and then a huge hand made of thunder protruded from it, directly pinching the fleeing tentacle.

Make a "sizzling" sound.

It seemed that there was still a cry of pain and sorrow ringing in everyone's ears, if there was something there, it was a little unreal.

The big hand clenched violently, and the huge tentacle instantly annihilated and turned into nothingness. It was obvious that Yakumo Zi's state power just now could not do anything with this tentacle. As a result, the big hand was annihilated as soon as he clenched a fist. I have to say that there is no comparison. No harm, Yakumo Zi clearly realized how big the gap between herself and the world consciousness was.

At the moment when the tentacles died, the tentacles that were piercing Yakumo Zi's body suddenly fell off, and Yakumo Zi clearly felt that the foreign object that had been entangled with her before was moving away from her..0

Yakumo Zi wanted to pick it up, because the system seemed to be very precious as the system said just now.

But before she could move, she heard the sound of swallowing saliva, which was so loud that Yakumo Zi didn't dare to make a move. It was obvious that this was the consciousness of the world. In addition, that gaze also looked over. No matter how dull Yun Zi was, she knew who the gaze was coming from.

Fuck (a plant)!

Have you been busy all your life and got nothing!?

The group system also said at this time, "Okay, the world consciousness has paid us, it looks like 500 points, let me calculate, your previous consultation fee is 150, I will count you 100, and you will also be counted as comforting your soul." 100, smuggling will give you a guarantee, count you 200, well, the remaining 100 is your reward."

Everyone was speechless, what a black-hearted system.

Yakumo Zi gritted her teeth and said, "Thank you so much for your generosity!"

The system rolled its eyes, the value of the tentacles is more than this amount, the big head took the world consciousness, and ended up giving them a tip, who do you think is more black-hearted, this system is already very generous, okay!?

There is no way for the system, group members can still sign in to earn points, if it is, it can only get kickbacks, if it does not get greedy from here, its body will always be in trouble, and it is also suffering.

"Okay, now I'm going back!" Seeing that the previous passage had disappeared, Yakumo Zi lightly "hummed" and said.

"This is no problem! Let's go!"

Speaking of Yakumo Zi, it felt like being thrown into a front-loading washing machine, and after a while of spinning, I returned to Gensokyo.

"...*R%E$#n**(TVB........." Yakumo Zi, who crawled out of the soil and spit out the soil in her mouth, felt a little nauseous, now only The guy who wanted to kill the system was too inhuman.

Because the live broadcast was not turned off, the other members of the group watched it all the time, and all of them suddenly looked unhappy.

2.1 "We won't be like this in the future, right!?" Black Cat asked a little uneasy.

The others also looked at each other in blank dismay.

"It's okay, it's because of smuggling. Under normal circumstances, the world consciousness will not kick people by itself!" The group system comforted its leeks at this time.

"So this matter was kicked back!?" The little face twitched and said.

The group system is silent,..."

Senxia was speechless, "Then what's the use of your chat group, your uncle, it feels like we have been rejected by others, aren't you awesome!?"

The system simply pretended to be dead, don't ask it, it is also a baby!

"Let's go, let's go, let's go, this chat group..." Spider is quite speechless, he thought he was a member of the awesome organization of the heavens and the world, but it turned out that A mercenary, still the kind that is disliked by others, let alone forceful, there has never been such a thing.

Why not stay in your own world and be an indigenous god!

The system didn't speak anymore, as long as I can't hear it, it can't hurt me!

Scold it, scold it! You scold the chat group, what's the matter with this system!?.

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