[Ding———! Monster idler has closed the live broadcast room! 】

Yakumo Zi got up from the ground with a dark face. The scene just now has become her black history, and she was also seen by all the other members of the chat group. If possible, Yakumo Zi would not mind killing people to silence her. of.

It's a pity, it can't be done, let's not talk about traveling to other worlds, one world needs 500 points, she only has 100 points after tossing for so long, and she can't do anything she wants.


"Purple old woman, what's wrong with you!?" Reimu, who was wearing a priestess costume, was startled by the sudden movement. When she ran over to take a look, she saw Yakumo Zi falling from the sky, and her whole body fell into the ground, and she immediately gloated. .

I even thought that it would be great if the dog reporter Shemeimaruwen was there, and tomorrow the whole Gensokyo would be able to see the news of Zi Yakumo's embarrassment.

As for whether Shemeimaruwen will be hunted to the ends of the earth because of this, this is not what Reimu should worry about.

When Reimu comes, of course Marisa and Zhang Qing will also come to watch.

When Yakumo Zi realized that she was thrown near the Hakurei Shrine, she had already expected this kind of result, but when Reimu and the others really came, Yakumo Zi's expression was still quite bad.

How about physical amnesia!?

The world consciousness of the damned world is too inhuman. I obviously helped the other party, but in the end I treated her like this, which made her mad.

In Yakumo Zi's small notebook, I wrote down this sentence with extreme force: A certain year, a certain month, a certain day, a certain world world consciousness, the future will last forever.

Seeing Yakumo Zihei's expressionless face, Reimu put away the schadenfreude on his face and looked up at the sky. At this moment, the air-conditioning was lost, "It's all right now!?"

Yakumo Zi said "hmm" 20, and immediately left.

Lingmeng shrugged his shoulders, looked at Marisa and the others and said, "If that's the case, let that idiot goblin go back, really, now we have to deal with the cold air left..."

A snowfall in midsummer really caused a heavy loss to the entire Gensokyo, especially the crops, which are relatively delicate and need human beings to take care of them all the time. As a result, under the cross attack of heat and cold, I am afraid that not many can survive. If you miss the season, you are afraid that there will be a famine.

Of course, this is not a big problem. After all, in addition to monsters, there are also gods in Gensokyo. Although most of the gods are extremely weak because they can’t get faith, gods are gods. Humans think it’s a problem. In fact, it is not a big problem in front of the gods, but the attitude of most gods towards human beings is to ask for it.

But Gensokyo's God of Harvest, Akirako, is a god who is very friendly to humans, and often haunts the world and the fields. Even if Reimu doesn't ask her to ask her, she will solve this matter.

The only problem is that there are too few human beings in the world. Even if everyone believes in each other, the god Qiu Rangzi will not become very powerful, not to mention that gods like her can be seen everywhere, and there are not many people at all. Believe it.

More importantly, her ability only works on things that mature in autumn, and she tries her best to make the crops mature one by one, so the scope of her ability is also limited.

This is also the reason why it was not restricted by Yakumo Zi, because it was too weak and limited in ability.

But after all, it won't let humans starve to death. With the food stored in previous years, they can still survive this year. Of course, some monsters will sell food, so they will only live a little harder, but they can still survive.

Of course, all of these have to be based on the fact that this winter doesn't last long, otherwise if it lasts too long, I'm afraid it will really be over.

So Lingmeng hurriedly asked Zhang Qing to catch Qi Lunuo's crazy, stupid goblin back.

"Is this guy so brave!?" When the three found Qi Lunuo and the others, they found that the other party was hanged by the tyrant of flowers in the sun flower field, and the big goblin was crying.

The corner of Marisa's mouth twitched, admiring Cirno's courage.

"I'm afraid this idiot thinks that with powerful energy in his body, he can defeat other people..." Reimu also covered her face, but you are not as good as those old monsters in terms of combat experience and wisdom. What is it? Confidence makes you so brave!?

Kazami Yuka is notoriously bad tempered.

"Are you the one who gave this little guy strength!?" Kazami Yuka saw Reimu's arrival. She didn't want to pay attention to it at first, but after sensing the same source of power in Zhang Qing's body and Qi Lunuo's body, she suddenly became interested. Woke up.

"Boy, do you want to have a fight? If you win, you can take the two goblins with you!"

"No, I'll leave it to you if you want it!" Zhang said generously after glancing at the two goblins over there.

Immediately the big goblin cried even more vigorously, but Qi Lunuo pouted, feeling that she had been betrayed.

Kazami Yuka is also depressed, why doesn't this person play cards according to common sense!? But it doesn't matter, as long as Kazami Yuka has itchy hands and shows a mad smile, "It's not up to you."

As he spoke, the person instantly moved to Zhang Qing, and punched directly at Zhang Qing's face.

It is common sense to hit someone in the face first!

Zhang Qing yawned, and lazily turned his head to the side, just avoiding Kazami Youxiang's powder fist, a gust of fragrant wind rushed towards his face, Zhang Qing's nose moved softly and he wanted to sneeze.

"Huh!?" Fengjian Youxiang couldn't help being a little surprised to see Zhang Qing dodging her fist with ease, but it soon turned into excitement.

However, he also withdrew his hand and didn't attack immediately.

"Boy, do you have a spell card!?"

Although I really want to have a fight with the opponent, but the destructive power of the battle at this level is too great, and once you make a move, you will definitely not be able to let it go, so there is a spell card battle

Zhang Qing shook his head when he heard the words, "I haven't been in Gensokyo for a long time, and I haven't had time to do it yet!"

Feng Jianyouxiang frowned upon hearing the words, a little less interested. But he quickly returned to indifference, "Forget it, you can take away the two goblins over there today, but after you have a spell card, you have to come and fight with me."

Kazami Yuka didn't let Zhang Qing choose or refuse, she directly concluded the matter, unilaterally.

Zhang Qing has black lines all over his head, but he still agreed to the opponent's invitation to fight, as long as he doesn't agree, it doesn't matter, Kazami Yuka is not all you want to dove.

Lingmeng was also a little speechless, so she didn't want to come here!

Immediately, he glared at the two goblins over there with a bit of hatred, really, it’s not good to mess with anyone, messing with this guy, don’t you know that this is a super big trouble!?

Seeing Zhang Qing agree, Kazami Yuka seldom smiles, as long as the life in Gensokyo is too boring, if you want to find someone to fight, everyone avoids her, especially the monster Yakumo Zi, who will not fight with her at all. She was fighting head-on, which made Kazami Youxiang quite upset.

I have to say that Kazami Yuka is a great beauty, and she looks very pretty when she smiles.

It's a pity about the character......

Zhang Qing shook his head, "Then we'll be leaving, goodbye!"

As he spoke, he exchanged glances with Lingmeng, and they left immediately after mentioning Qi Lunuo.

Marisa breathed a sigh of relief after leaving the sun flower field for a while, "Really, I was scared to death, why did you run to tease that guy!?"

Marisa looked at Cirno and the big goblin complaining, wondering why these two goblins are so brave!?

The big goblin didn't move even being held by Zhang Qing, she was obviously frightened and didn't want to say anything now.

As for Cirno, she raised her chin, "As Gensokyo's strongest, of course I should prove it!"

After finishing speaking, she looked dissatisfied at Zhang Qing who was holding the rope without letting her loose, "If it wasn't for the sudden loss of blue, I wouldn't have lost at all!"

Lingmeng raised her eyebrows, feeling that there was something wrong with this idiot goblin, why didn't she have the silly feeling before!?

"What are you looking at!?" Qi Lunuo was dissatisfied with Reimu's scrutinizing eyes, and snorted coldly.

Now even Marisa noticed something was wrong, and turned to look at Reimu, "Reimu, do you feel that there is something wrong with this guy now, it feels like a different person...

Lingmeng also frowned, and of course she noticed that if Cirno had been a child before, she would be a queen now, and she couldn't match the original bear child in terms of momentum or demeanor.

It's so obvious that it's hard not to notice it.

However, there is no such thing as being taken away by fairies, because they are aggregates of natural elements and do not have a body at all, so they cannot be killed. Otherwise, Reimu would have to wonder if they were taken away by another species up.

"Could it be that Youxiang's brain was broken! Reimu couldn't help but think so.

She couldn't think of any other possibility.

Because goblins are not like human beings, even if there are some strange monsters who want to control each other, but as long as the goblin loses its own consciousness, the body will naturally dissipate and then reunite in other places, so it is impossible to do it unless you spend a lot of effort. Otherwise, it cannot be done at all, and even if it can be done, the effect will not be very good.

Zhang Qing also looked at these blue goblins with some surprise, and he said why he always felt something was wrong from before, so it was like this!?

The big goblin also sobbed softly at this time and said, "Since gaining power, Cirno has become very strange..."

He glanced at Zhang Qing as he spoke, and it was obvious that the power that the big goblin mentioned was the power that Zhang Qing transmitted to Qi Lunuo's body.

Zhang Qing looked at Marisa and Reimu looking at him with strange eyes, and was a little speechless. He didn't remember sending the Honkai over there!?

"You look like my spiritual power is poisonous, what's going on!?"

Reimu and Marisa took half a step back, and said, "I didn't expect you to be such a person, to poison your spiritual energy..."

"I'm a damn poison!?" Zhang Qing didn't bother to talk to these two guys, but he still had to find a way to see how to restore Qi Lunuo to normal, otherwise judging from the current situation of this guy, it would only be a waste if he was released. cause more trouble.

Fortunately, I didn't see any golden eyes, so it shouldn't be a Herrscher.

Really, why are there so many things!?

Zhang Qing felt tired, he obviously came to live in retirement.

[The author has something to say: I have caught a cold again. It’s true that Guangdong has to experience the four seasons of the year in a month. The changes are too fast. Whether to blow the fan or the air conditioner at night is a problem.

It’s hot and cold, it’s so uncomfortable!].

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